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Name___________________________________Period________Date_________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Stress-inoculation therapy is one type of ________ therapy.
2) Showing a client how his or her irrational and self-defeating beliefs are causing problems is MOST characteristic of ________ therapy.
3) Jean seeks psychological help for her intense feelings of worthlessness. Her therapist confronts and challenges her feelings, arguing that it is a self-defeating way to think and is based onerroneous information about herself. Her therapist is probably a ________.
4) Psychotherapies that emphasize changing clients' perceptions of their life situation as a way of modifying their behavior are called ________ therapy.
5) Beck and Ellis are both known for their work in developing ________ therapies.
6) Beck's cognitive therapy is particularly effective in the treatment of ________.
7) Practitioners of Beck's cognitive therapy are much ________ challenging and much ________ confrontational than practitioners of rational-emotive therapy.
8) The therapist most closely associated with the development of “cognitive therapy” is ________.
9) Beck's cognitive therapy is MOST similar to ________.
10) Family therapy is a form of ________ therapy.
11) When problems exist between parents and children, their problems are usually BEST handled
12) A primary goal of family therapy is to ________.
A) identify and treat the person in the family who is the source of the majority of the family's B) teach family members to remain neutral on sensitive issues D) change the needs of individual family members 13) A type of psychotherapy in which clients meet regularly to help one another achieve insight into their feelings and behavior is ________ therapy.
14) Each of the following is a type of group therapy EXCEPT ________. p. 436-7
15) An estimated ________ million Americans suffer some kind of psychological problem.
16) Research has found that most members of self-help groups express ________ their groups.
17) Most couple therapists concentrate on ________.
A) improving the couple's patterns of communications and mutual expectations B) exploring the marital partners' childhoods to understand the source of the current C) desensitization techniques to help the marital partners become more tolerant of each other D) changing the behavior of the person in the marriage who is the source of the couple's 18) A technique in which each member of a couple is taught to share inner feelings and to listen and understand the partner's feelings before responding to them is called ________.
19) Research on the outcome of couple therapy indicates that it ________.
A) has the same success rate as when the wife goes to individual therapy and the husband B) is generally more successful than if the partners go to therapy separately C) is less successful than if both partners go to therapy separately D) has the same success rate as when both partners go to therapy separately 20) According to the most recent research, which of the following is true? A) Psychotherapy is more effective than receiving no therapy at all.
B) Individual psychotherapy is no more effective against neurotic disorders than no therapy C) Behavior therapy is more effective than insight therapy in treating anxiety and personality D) Group therapy is more effective than individual therapy in treating a wide range of 21) Research indicates that psychotherapy is ________.
A) not effective for either mild or severe disorders B) highly and equally effective for both mild and severe disorders C) more effective for severe disorders than for mild disorders D) more effective for mild disorders than for severe disorders 22) Each of the following is true EXCEPT ________.
A) there is greater improvement among those who have undergone long-term therapy, than those who have received short-term treatments B) insight-oriented therapies have the most effective for most psychological problems C) psychotherapy seems to provide the greatest benefits for people who really want to D) psychotherapy works best for relatively mild psychological problems 23) A Consumer Reports survey of over 180,00 subscribers found each of the following EXCEPT
A) marriage counselors were seen as less effective than psychiatrists, psychologists, and B) longer term therapy was no more effective than shorter term therapy C) there were no differences in improvement between those who received therapy alone as opposed to those who received therapy combined with medication D) no differences in effectiveness were reported among the various forms of psychotherapy 24) People with a specific behavioral problem would be BEST served by ________ therapy.
25) Allen gets extremely anxious whenever he takes a test. He would be best served by ________ 26) Allen has a drug abuse problem. He is MOST likely to be successfully treated by ________. (p.440)
27) Each of the following is provided by all major types of psychotherapy EXCEPT ________.
B) engaging clients in a therapeutic alliance C) offering clients an explanation for their problems 28) Allen is troubled by some aspects of his personality and would like to explore his entire personal development in an effort to gain deeper self-understanding. He would be best servedby ________ therapy.
29) The trend in psychotherapy is toward ________.
30) The psychotherapeutic approach that recognizes the value of a broad treatment package over a rigid commitment to one particular form of therapy is ________.
31) Allen is suffering from depression. He is MOST likely to successfully treat his depression with
32) Which of the following types of treatment is NOT a biological treatment method?
33) Medication, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery are all types of ________.
34) Biological treatments are preferred when the patient is ________.
B) bothered by difficulties that are difficult to treat with psychotherapy 35) Traditionally, ________ were the only mental health professionals licensed to offer biological 36) Drugs were not widely used to treat psychological disorders until the ________. p. 441 37) In treating major depression and preventing a recurrence, ________ work(s) best.
C) letting the disorder run its course, without professional intervention D) biological treatments combined with psychotherapy 38) Antipsychotic drugs tend to relieve ________ of schizophrenia.
A) the negative symptoms more than the positive symptoms B) the positive symptoms more than the negative symptoms C) neither the positive nor negative symptoms D) both the positive and negative symptoms 39) Hallucinations are known as ________ symptoms of schizophrenia. (Careful!! p. 442) 40) Symptoms such as social withdrawal are considered to be ________ symptoms of schizophrenia.
41) The most widely prescribed antipsychotic drugs are known as ________.
42) Neuroleptics are a class of ________ drugs.
43) Virtually all antipsychotic drugs work by ________.
A) blocking dopamine receptors in the brain B) increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain C) increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain D) inhibiting the function of the hypothalamus 44) The drug ________ is used to treat depression.
45) Which of the following drugs would be the treatment of choice for schizophrenia? 46) A major antipsychotic tranquilizer is ________.
47) Drugs that combat depression work by ________.
A) inhibiting the function of the medulla and the pons B) blocking dopamine receptors in the brain C) increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain D) reducing the reuptake of serotonin in the brain 48) In 1988, the new drug ________ was put on the market as the first of a new class of 49) Prozac works by ________ the uptake of ________ in the nervous system.
50) Prozac is part of a class of antidepressant drugs known as ________.
51) Which of the following classes of antidepressant drugs has the fewest side effects? B) All three classes of anti-depressant drugs have side effects of similar severity.
52) Jean has been under a psychiatrist's care for schizophrenia. She has recently developed a motor disturbance that includes trouble controlling her facial muscles. While her original condition isimproving, she still does not function like a fully alert and normal person. Her doctor hasprobably been treating her with ________.
53) A disturbance of motor control, particularly of the facial muscles, that results from the use of 54) If you wanted to produce calm and drowsiness in a client, reduce agitation and induce sleep, you would be most successful by using a(n) ________.
55) Electroconvulsive therapy is most often used to alleviate ________.
56) ECT typically consists of ________ session(s).
57) Unilateral ECT produces ________ side effects and is ________ effective than traditional ECT.
58) Electroconvulsive therapy ________.
B) is more effective in treating schizophrenic disorders than mood disorders D) is most effective if administered several times a week for several weeks 59) Electroconvulsive therapy is ________ in treating depression.
A) the first method most psychiatrists try C) the most common method for long-term use 60) Bob has been under a physician's care for depression. Although his symptoms have completely disappeared, he has been suffering some nausea, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, and impairedsexual functioning. Bob's doctor has probably been treating him with ________.
61) Bob has been under a physician's care for bipolar disorder. Bob's doctor is MOST likely to
prescribe which of the following to treat Bob's disorder? 62) Lithium is a naturally occurring ________.
63) Lithium appears to work by affecting ________.
B) hormone levels in the endocrine system 64) Psychostimulants are used to treat ________.
D) attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 65) The assumption behind performing a prefrontal lobotomy is that the frontal lobes ________ emotional impulses from the ________.
66) Which of the following treatments is LEAST likely to be used today?
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
67) Stress-inoculation therapy is a form of cognitive therapy. p. 434 68) Cognitive therapists are much more challenging and confrontational than rational-emotive 69) Group therapies allow both the therapist and client to observe how the person interacts with 70) Couple therapy for one partner of a couple is just as effective as it is for both of them.
71) There is no difference in the effectiveness of the various psychotherapies.
72) Phenothiazines are antidepressant drugs.
74) Psychiatrists generally prefer ECT to either drugs or psychotherapy.
12) C13) B14) D15) B16) B17) A18) B19) B20) A21) D22) B23) B24) B25) A26) B27) D28) D29) A30) A31) B32) C33) B34) B35) A36) B37) D38) B39) B40) A41) C42) B43) A44) D45) A46) C47) D48) D49) D 50) D51) C52) C53) B54) C55) A56) B57) C58) A59) B60) D61) C62) A63) C64) D65) A66) A67) TRUE68) FALSE69) TRUE70) FALSE71) TRUE72) FALSE73) TRUE74) FALSE


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