Clinical tests main (page 1)

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v i a N u t r i t i o n a l T h e r a p i s t S a l l y W h i t m a n
ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome andother Chronic Conditions A IMPORTANT NOTES
If you are considering looking into functional tests, please note the following ឣ Choosing a particular test should ideally be done in consultation with a properly ឣ A nutritional therapist cannot diagnose a medical condition, and it is always advisable to keep your doctor infor med of any steps you are taking to improve yourhealth, as well as any positive test results ឣ An individual test cannot provide a comprehensive health assessment, and may not identify all the factors involved in your health pr oblems ឣ A positive test result does not guarantee that your health problems will be completely resolved by following the recommendations that are made DIGESTION
Microbiology (stool)
Low levels of friendly gut bacteria can underpin many health pr oblems, including poordigestion (bloating, wind, IBS, constipation and/or diar rhoea), low immunity and over weight.
This test also measures overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria. Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (stool)
Designed to identify the underlying functional causes of deep-seated digestive pr oblems, thisver y comprehensive test measures digestion, protein and fat absorption, bacterial balance,yeast overgrowth, pathogenic bacteria, shor t chain fatty acids, PH and inflammation. It isfrequently used where medical investigations have drawn a blank.
Comprehensive Parasitology (stool)
A surprising number of people in the Western world are contaminated with parasites, whichcan cause a wide range of health problems. Can be combined with the digestive test above.
Included are sensitivity tests on any unwelcome guests found, to identify what should be usedto get rid of them.
Intestinal Permeability or Leaky Gut (urine)
If the gut wall becomes too porous or ‘leaky’, this allows undigested food proteins and othersubstances to cross over into the bloodstream, setting off an immune response. This can leadto multiple food and chemical intolerances and unr elieved nasal congestion/sinus infections.
Candida Antibody Profile (saliva)
Used to detect an active immune reaction to the candida yeast, rather than simply itspresence in the gut, which can be inconclusive. Linked to a wide range of digestive,immune, skin, hormonal, energy and respirator y symptoms, and becoming more common inmen as well as women.
Helicobacter Pylori (breath)
Measures level of the only bacterium which can sur vive in the stomach, which causes 90% ofulcers. Associations include acid stomach, hear tburn and indigestion.
Lactose Intolerance (breath)
Lactose is the main sugar in milk and dair y products (excluding yoghour t). Inability to digestlactose is one of the most widespread digestive disorders, and is becoming more common,because of widespread low levels of good bacteria and the use of antibiotics. Symptoms caninclude intestinal pain, bloating, wind, and constipation or diar rhoea.
Adrenal Stress Index (saliva)
Measures levels of the stress hormones cor tisol and DHEA, which can be severely disruptedby ongoing high levels of stress, leading to fluctuating energy levels, more frequentinfections, IBS and sleep and emotional problems – amongst others! Comprehensive Adrenal Stress Index (saliva)
As above, but also measures levels of Secretor y IgA (sIgA), which protects against virusesand bacteria, and is commonly reduced by adrenal stress. Low levels often result in frequentinfections which are ver y slow to clear.
Total Thyroid Screen (blood)
Many people show ongoing symptoms of low thyroid function despite ‘normal’ medicalthyroid tests. This is a more detailed and sensitive test of ‘sub-clinical’ low thyr oid function,and includes T4, T3, TSH and thyroid antibodies. For people who feel their energy isconstantly under par, especially in the morning, and may have other signs of loweredmetabolism, such as low mood and stubbor n weight retention.
Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment (blood)
This test goes beyond the usual measures of TSH and free T4, to measure the ability of theliver to conver t the thyroid hormone T4 into the useable for m T3, and whether conversioninstead to Reverse T3 may be blocking proper thyroid function. Or ganic Acids (urine)
A useful and frequently chosen diagnostic test, especially for depleted ener gy and chronicconditions. The test can assess the efficiency of a wide range of metabolic functionsaffecting energy, such as cellular energy production, carbohydrate and fatty acidmetabolism, neurotransmitter metabolism, detoxification status and bacterial balance. Raisedlevels of cer tain organic acids in the urine highlight blockages in par ticular metabolicpathways and missing nutrients, which can then for m the focus of a nutritional suppor tprogramme.
Progesterone/oestrogen Balance (saliva)
Par ticularly useful for assessing hor mone balance during peri-menopause and menopause asa means of addressing menopausal symptoms.
Female Hormone Profile (saliva)
Measures levels of oestrogen and progesterone throughout the monthly cycle to identifypatterns of imbalance which can lead to PMS, fluid retention, infer tility, menstrualirregularities, cysts and low libido. Includes testoster one levels.
Comprehensive Female Hormone Profile (saliva)
As above, but also measures the adrenal hormones because inappropriate levels of stress canhave a profoundly negative effect upon the female hormones. Also includes the hor monemelatonin which is involved in sleep patter ns and the body’s biorhythms.
Menopause Profile (urine and saliva)
A useful test for those suffering menopausal discomfor t and/or concerned about the risk ofosteoporosis or oestrogen sensitive cancers. Measures progesterone and oestrogenhormones, markers of bone loss, and levels of pro-and anti-carcinogenic oestrogenmetabolites, to assist with targeting of treatment plans and disease prevention. 2/16 Hydroxyoestrogen Ratio (urine)
Measures the balance of the pro-and anti-carcinogenic oestrogen metabolites, which canaffect the risk of oestrogen sensitive cancers. If the balance is unfavourable, the use offoods and supplements can alter this.
PCOS (PolycysticOvarian Syndrome) Profile (blood and saliva)
A common hormonal disturbance linked to problems with blood sugar management which canincrease the risk of diabetes and/or hear t disease if not addressed. Presenting symptomscan include cysts, acne, weight problems, excess hair growth, irregular cycles and infer tility.
Testosterone (saliva)
Levels of the principal male stress hormone can be reduced by stress and/or the malemenopause. Symptoms may include low sex drive, reduced vitality and rapid ageing.
Male Hormone Profile (saliva)
Is useful for ensuring optimum male hor mone balance by identifying how levels of theadrenal stress hormones and melatonin may be adversely affecting testosterone levels. Maypresent as stress, fatigue, low sex drive, reduced vitality and rapid ageing.
Acute Food Aller gy (blood)
Tests for IgE antibodies involved in immediate aller gic reactions such as hives/ur ticaria,hayfever, rhinitis, asthma, eczema, excess mucus, swollen thr oat/gums/lips.
Inhalant Aller gy Screen (blood)
As above for an extensive range of inhalant substances.
Food Intolerance Cellular Test (blood)
Using a direct cellular assay, this can detect sensitivity to any of 233 food substances,involving reactions such as IBS, fatigue, weight problems, muscle and joint aches,headaches/migraines, palpitations, hyperactivity and skin ir ritations.
Comprehensive Food Aller gy Profile (blood)
Tests for acute food allergy, food intolerance and untreated coeliac disease Dair y and Grains Profile (blood)
Tests for the most common food intolerances, including wheat and other grains, cow’s,sheep’s and goat’s products, eggs, soya and yeast.
Food Intolerances (bloodspot)
Tests either 30 or 90 common food substances for possible intolerance, and enables anassessment of gut permeability (which can trigger or contribute to food r eactions).
Gluten Antibodies (blood)
Tests for both coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity; can be used to pr event fur ther damageto the gut wall and avoid malnutrition.
Secretor y Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) (saliva)
Measures Secretor y IgA, good levels of which protect against viruses and bacteria, and alsoreduce the incidence of food reactions. Associated conditions include foodintolerances/allergies, asthma, candidiasis, chronic infections, coeliac disease, inflammator ybowel disease and autism.
a means of addressing menopausal symptoms.
Liver Detoxification Profile (saliva and urine)
Many health problems arise from the inability of the liver to function properly in clearing outchemical toxins such as additives, pesticides, excess hor mones and the by-products ofdisturbed digestion. The test measures the two separate phases of liver detoxification, andprovides guidance if necessar y for bringing liver function back to nor mal.
Please note that this test is not suitable for childr en.
Hair Mineral Test (hair)
A ver y useful general test, which provides information on both mineral toxicity (lead,cadmium, aluminium or mercur y) and levels and ratios of the essential minerals, pr oviding aguide to the body’s underlying metabolism, energy and toxicity levels. This test can beespecially useful for those suffering from unexplained fatigue, ner vous system problems,cognitive dysfunction, respirator y problems and/or infer tility.
Nutrient and Toxic Elements/Metals (blood)
Measures recent or ongoing exposure to a range of toxic minerals as well as testing fordeficiency of 8 essential minerals, including selenium, potassium and magnesium.
V itamin and Mineral Screen (blood)
Used to identify deficiencies and/or excesses of impor tant nutrients. Especially useful incases of suspected malabsorption or use of long-ter m prescription drugs. Measures 9essential vitamins and 7 minerals, including levels of r ed blood cell magnesium.
Nutrient and Toxic Elements/metals (blood)
Measures recent or ongoing exposure to a range of toxic minerals as well as testing fordeficiency of 8 essential minerals, including selenium, potassium and magnesium.
Antioxidant Profile (blood)
Antioxidant nutrients protect the cells of the body against many major diseases as well ascolds, flus and respirator y infections. The test measures vitamins A, E and Beta-Carotene aswell as zinc, selenium and the hear t protector and energiser coenzyme Q10. Ver y useful forthose with a histor y or risk of cancer, hear t disease, diabetes, MS, premature ageing, poorimmunity, periodontal disease and anaemia, as well as anyone on cholester ol-lowering drugssuch as statins.
V itamin D (blood)
It is now recognized that vitamin D is involved in much more than bone health, and thatgood levels of vitamin D can assist with depression, seasonal affective disorder, rheumatoidar thritis and other auto-immune conditions, diabetes and hear t disease.
B12 and Folate (blood)
Both these B-class vitamins are involved in red blood cells and energy production.
Deficiency symptoms can include fatigue, depression, constipation/stomach pains and poorappetite.
Ferritin (blood)
As the main storage form of iron in the body, this is the most sensitive marker for iron andcan show up iron problems before changes to iron levels and red blood cells become evident. Often useful for unexplained fatigue and/or lower ed immunity.
Fatty Acids Screen (pin-prick blood)
Levels of fatty acids can have a profound effect on cognitive function, mental balance(including depression), behaviour (including ADHD and Autism), pain levels, digestion,immunity, hear t disease risk, skin conditions and hor mone balance. The test measures bothgood (essential) and bad fats.
Amino Acids (pin-prick blood)
This test measures levels of 20 essential and non-essential amino acids, the br eakdownproducts of protein. Failure to maintain adequate amino acid levels can have a pr ofoundimpact upon a wide range of physical and mental processes. MENTAL FUNCTIONING AND HEALTH
Fatty Acids Screen (pin-prick blood)
As above. This test is par ticularly useful for dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD,schizophrenia, and chronic fatigue.
Hair Mineral Test (hair)
Measures levels of toxic minerals, some of which can have a significant ef fect on mood,cognitive function and behaviour.
Histamine (blood)
Histamine is an impor tant brain chemical which can affect mental health and functioning.
Symptoms of histamine imbalance can include depression, schizophrenia, phobias,compulsions, anxiety and delusions. It can often be quickly cor rected Kr yptopyroles (urine)
This measures for a genetic condition called pyroluria, which is associated with loss of theessential nutrients zinc and B6. Symptoms can include depr ession, anxiety, addictions,nausea, stomach pain or constipation, and low immunity.
Amino Acids (pin-prick blood)
This test measures levels of 20 essential and non-essential amino acids, the br eakdownproducts of protein. Failure to maintain adequate amino acid levels can have a pr ofoundimpact upon a wide range of physical and mental processes. RISK ASSESSMENTS
Homocysteine or the H Factor (pin-prick blood)
Elevated levels of this metabolite have been associated with incr eased risk of over 50conditions, including hear t disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Yet correction of the problemthrough diet and supplements can be ver y swift. The test also provides information on Bvitamin status.
Osteoporosis Risk (urine)
Measures bone turnover, or the extent to which more bone is being broken down rather thanmade. Can identify those at high risk of osteoporosis through family histor y, smoking,under weight, menopause, chronic stress, sedentar y lifestyle or excess fizzy drinkconsumption. Can also be used to monitor improvements in bone metabolism via nutritionalsuppor t following diagnosis. Free Radical/Oxidative Stress Test (urine)
Measures levels of free radicals which determine the oxidant status of the body, and theextent to which steps need to be taken to protect cells against damage leading potentially tohear t disease, cancer and premature ageing. Par ticularly relevant for highly stressed people,athletes and those practicing spor t regularly. Breast Cancer Risk Assessment (urine)
Measures the 2/16 OH oestrogen ratio, which has been shown to be a significant marker ofrisk for oestrogen-sensitive diseases, including breast cancer. If the ratio is low, the use offoods and cer tain supplements can amend it in a more favourable direction. For those whosuffer from oestrogen dominance, have a family histor y of hormonal cancers, or simply wantto screen themselves to reduce their risk.
Insulin Resistance or Metabolic Syndrome (blood)
This syndrome is becoming more common in association with increasing levels of over weightand obesity. It provides a picture of how the body is dealing with insulin, and the ef fects ofthis on cardiovascular risk areas such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Associations includeover weight/obesity, abdominal area fat, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, dizzy spells,diabetes, fatigue and sensitivity to carbohydrates.
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (blood)
Nearly half of all cases of premature coronar y hear t disease are missed with current medical tests for cholesterol. This measures a ver y wide range of significant risk factors as well asidentifying early signs of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. This can be used as apreventative screen as many of the markers can be corrected with nutritional inter vention.
Amino Acids (pin-prick blood)
This test measures levels of 20 essential and non-essential amino acids, the br eakdownproducts of protein. Failure to maintain adequate amino acid levels can have a pr ofoundimpact upon a wide range of physical and mental processes. This test is used regularly tohelp identify metabolic blocks affecting M.E./C.F.S. sufferers.
Amino Acids (pin-prick blood)
As above, covering a wider range of 40 amino acids.
Or ganic Acids (urine)
Using a single urine sample, this test can assess the ef ficiency of a wide range of metabolicfunctions critical to M.E./C.F.S. sufferers, such as cellular energy production, carbohydrateand fatty acid metabolism, neurotransmitter metabolism, detoxification status and bacterialbalance. Raised levels of cer tain organic acids in the urine highlight blockages in par ticularmetabolic pathways and missing nutrients, which can then for m the focus of a nutritionalsuppor t programme. This test is useful for many chronic conditions, as well as mental healthproblems including autism spectrum disorder.
Chronic Fatigue Screen (urine and saliva)
This test combines the Organic Acids test and the Adrenal Stress Index. Assessment ofmetabolic function and adrenal function together can produce valuable information onunderlying factors which may be blocking progress in M.E./C.F.S.
Triad Profile (urine and pin-prick blood)
This test combines the Organic Acids and Amino Acids tests with a 90 food intolerance testand a measure of gut permeability, providing a power ful array of clinical evidence to helpthe patient and practitioner address deep seated metabolic problems. Red Blood Cell Magnesium (blood)
The mineral magnesium is central to energy production in ever y cell of the body as well asmany other body processes. Its levels in the general population ar e low, and they appear tobe par ticularly compromised in M.E. sufferers. A sizeable propor tion of sufferers benefitnoticeably from improved magnesium levels. Of par ticular relevance where symptoms includemuscle problems and/or pain.
ឣ Urine toxic metals (used in association with detoxification/chelation of heavy For fur ther details, please call Sally Whitman on 01452 502965
or email info@blackber r


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