'I've never ever let anyone hold the kids while they've got ciggies': Moral tales of maternal
relationships, natural functions of organs and
smoking practices.
awareness of bodily functions. Bupropion SR (n =
Holdsworth C; Robinson JE. Sociology of Health &
413) was increased to 150 mg twice daily over 1 week
Illness 30(7): 1086-1100, 2008. (42 refs.)
and given over a 8-week period. Twelve-month
Smoking in the home is, potentially, the next frontier
continuous abstinence confirmed by exhaled carbon
in tobacco control in the developed world. As smoking
monoxide (CO) of 9 parts per million (p.p.m.) or less
regulations in public space are extended, attention is
at all interviews conducted at 3, 6 and 12 months.
turning to private spaces and the contribution of
Intention-to-treat analysis revealed Russell standard
parental, particularly maternal, smoking to children's
12-month continuous abstinence rates of 39.1% in the
health and socio-economic inequalities in family
psychotherapy group versus 12.3% in the bupropion
health. Yet relatively little is known about mothers'
SR group (P < 0.001) with a relative benefit (RB) of
smoking practices within the home and the social
3.16 (2.38-4.26). Completer analysis revealed 12-
meanings of smoking that are constructed by these
month continuous abstinence rates of 39.9% in the
practices. In this paper we explore how mothers who
psychotherapy group versus 22.5% in the bupropion
smoke construct moralities of their smoking
group [P < 0.001; RB 1.78 (1.35-2.34)]. Of note,
behaviour, particularly in relation to where and with
bupropion abstinence rates were comparable to
whom they smoke. Drawing on in-depth Biographic
previous medications/placebo-only comparisons in
Narrative Interpretative Method, in interviews with 12
geographically different samples. The 1.5-day
smoking mothers, and their partners, we consider how
these moral tales involve comparisons with other
presenting an alternative to pharmacological smoking
cessation aids, especially for smokers who reject drugs
endorsement of smoking practices, particularly around
to treat their substance dependence, at a similar cost
children. We also consider the role of children in the
(350) as the bupropion treatment (355). Copyright 2008,
home and how children are actively involved in the
Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs.
regulation of smoking behaviours. Finally, we
consider the implications of these moral tales for
Advance and retreat: Tobacco control policy in the
interventions around smoke-free homes. Copyright 2008,
US military.
Arvey SR; Malone RE. Military Medicine 173(10):
A randomized trial of short psychotherapy versus
This archival study explored why military tobacco
sustained-release bupropion for smoking cessation.
control initiatives have thus far largely failed to meet
Zernig G; Wallner R; Grohs U; Kriechbaum N;
their goals. We analyzed more than 5,000 previously
Kemmler G; Saria A. Addiction 103(12): 2024-2031,
undisclosed internal tobacco industry documents made
public via an online database and additional
To compare the efficacy and safety of a novel
documents obtained from the U.S. military. In four
psychological intervention for smoking cessation
case studies, we illustrate how pressures exerted by
called psychodynamic model (PDM) training to an
multiple political actors resulted in weakening or
rescinding military tobacco control policy initiatives.
bupropion. Randomized controlled clinical trial with
Our findings suggest that lowering military smoking
allocation concealment. Private psychiatric practice.
rates will require health policymakers to better
Seven hundred and seventy-nine adult smokers
anticipate and counter political opponents. The
recruited by advertising. PDM training (n = 366
findings also suggest that effective tobacco control
participants) consisted of a very brief (1.5 days)
policies may require strong, explicit implementation
psychoeducation and a supervised training in
instructions and high-level Department of Defense
autosuggestion techniques (guided imageries) aimed at
Support. Finally, policy designers should also consider
ways to reduce or eliminate existing perverse
incentives to increase tobacco consumption, such as
model provides an enormous theoretical and empirical
allowing exchange store tobacco sales to fund
variability of tailoring. However, tailoring for a major
recreation, and welfare programs. Copyright 2008,
subgroup of smokers, i.e. those who do not intend to
quit, needs improvement. Conceptual ideas for
Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by addictions professionals: Historical reflections and suggested guidelines. Effect of household children on adult ED smokers'
White WL. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 26(4):
motivation to quit.
Mills AM; Rhodes KV; Follansbee CW; Shofer FS;
Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use by
Prusakowski M; Bernstein SL. American Journal of
individuals working in the addictions field has existed
Emergency Medicine 26(7): 757-762, 2008. (34 refs.)
as a complex, controversial personal and professional
Objective: We hypothesized adult parenting smokers
practice issue for more than 150 years. The central
in the emergency department (ED) have a higher
debate within this history involves the concept of
interest in quitting and may be more amenable to
nexus—the boundary that distinguishes rights to
tobacco cessation counseling than smokers without
personal privacy from professional duties and
children. Study Design: Cross-sectional survey study
obligations. Ambiguities related to this point of
of adult smokers in 8 US academic EDs. Results: One
demarcation have contributed to misjudgments related
thousand one hundred sixty-eight smokers enrolled,
to ATOD use by addictions professionals that have
441 (37.8%) with household children (total of 973
injured multiple parties. This essay reviews the history
exposed children). Compared to smokers without
of ATOD use as a professional practice issue in the
household children, smokers with children were
addictions field; discusses clinical, ethical, and legal
younger (mean age, 37.4 vs 42.8 years), more female
issues related to ATOD use by addiction service
(60.3% vs 40.3%), and nonwhite (57.5% vs 44.5%)
professionals; and offers guidance on ATOD use
(all P < .006). Groups did not differ in nicotine
decision making. Copyright 2008, Haworth Press.
addiction (median Fagerstrom score, 4 vs 4; P = .31).
Parenting smokers were more interested in quitting
Computer-generated tailored feedback letters for
(rnean Ladder of Contemplation score, 4.8 vs 5.1 [P =
smoking cessation: Theoretical and empirical
.02]), felt it more important to quit (median score, 9 vs
variability of tailoring.
8 [P = .01]), and more confident to quit (7 vs 6 [P =
Schumann A; John U; Ulbricht S; Ruge J; Bischof G;
.004]) than nonparenting smokers. Smoking inside the
Meyer C. International Journal of Medical Informatics
home was banned by 45% of smokers with children vs
30% without household children (P < .001).
Purpose: This study examines tailored feedback letters
Conclusions: Adult ED parenting smokers are
of a smoking cessation intervention that is
interested in quitting and taking steps to limit their
conceptually based on the transtheoretical model, from
children's secondhand smoke exposure. Asking adult
a content-based perspective. Methods: Data of 2
ED smokers about household children may enhance
motivation to quit. Copyright 2008, W B Saunders.
randomized controlled trials, with total N = 1044 were
used. The procedure of the intervention, the tailoring
Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
principle for the feedback letters, and the content of
among adults: A systematic review of reviews.
the intervention materials are described in detail.
Theoretical and empirical frequencies of unique
Valery L; Anke O; Inge KK; Johannes B. European
feedback letters are presented. Results: The
Journal of Cancer Prevention 17(6): 535-544, 2008.
intervention system was able to generate a total of
1040 unique letters with normative feedback only, and
The objective of this study was to identify the most
almost half a million unique letters with normative and
effective intervention strategies and policies for
ipsative feedback. Almost every single smoker in
smoking cessation among adults. The Medline and
contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance
Cochrane Library databases were searched, limited to
had an empirically unique combination of tailoring
publications since January 2000. A 'review of reviews'
variables and received a unique letter. In contrast,
approach was followed. Systematic reviews and meta-
many smokers in precontemplation shared a
analyses were included. Reviews aimed at adolescents
combination of tailoring variables and received
or specific subgroups were excluded. Two reviewers
identical letters. Conclusion: The trans theoretical
independently assessed titles and abstracts. For every
intervention strategy, only the most recent publication
complication. Results: An intention-to-treat analysis
was included. Twenty-three studies met the inclusion
showed that the overall complication rate in the
criteria. The included intervention strategies and
control group was 41%, and in the intervention group,
policies were ranked according to their effect size,
it was 21% (P = 0.03). Relative risk reduction for the
taking into account the number of original studies, the
primary outcome of any postoperative complication
proportion of studies with a positive effect and the
was 49% and number needed to treat was 5 (95% CI,
presence of a long-term effect. Evidence of
3-40). An analysis per protocol showed that abstainers
effectiveness for the following strategies was found:
had fewer complications (15%) than those who
group behavioural therapy [odds ratio (OR) 2.17,
continued to smoke or only reduced smoking (35%),
confidence interval (CI) 1.37-3.45], bupropion (OR
although this difference was not statistically
2.06, CI: 1.77-2.40), intensive physician advice (OR
2.04, CI; 1.71-2.43), nicotine replacement therapy (OR
cessation seems to be an effective tool to reduce
1.77, CI: 1.66-1.88), individual counselling (OR 1.56,
postoperative complications even if it is introduced as
CI: 1.32-1.84), telephone counselling (OR 1.56, CI:
late as 4 weeks before surgery. Copyright 2008, Lippincott,
1.38-1.77), nursing interventions (OR 1.47, CI: 1.29-
1.67) and tailored self-help interventions (OR 1.42, CI:
1.26-1.61). A 10% increase in price increased
Heart rate and blood pressure control in infants
cessation rates by 3-5%. Comprehensive clean indoor
exposed to maternal cigarette smoking
laws increased quit rates by 12-38%. These results
Viskari-Lahdeoja S; Hytinantti T; Andersson S;
show and confirm that a wide array of effective
Kirjavainen T. Acta Paediatrica 2008(97): 11, 2008.
smoking cessation intervention approaches and
policies can have a large impact on smoking cessation
Aim: Exposure to maternal cigarette smoking is a
major risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome
Copyright 2008, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
(SIDS). Foetal and postnatal smoke-exposure may
Effects of a perioperative smoking cessation
alter cardiovascular control in infants. We studied
intervention on postoperative complications: A
heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) responses in
randomized trial.
smoke-exposed infants. Methods: Eleven infants
Lindstrom D; Azodi OS; Wadis A; Tonnesen H;
exposed to maternal cigarette smoking were studied at
Linder S; Nasell H et al. Annals of Surgery 248(5):
the age of 12 +/- 2.1 (range 10-16) weeks. Twenty
healthy, age-matched infants from non-smoking
Objective: To determine whether an intervention with
families served as controls. During confirmed slow-
smoking cessation starting 4 weeks before general and
wave sleep (NREM3), 3-5 sec side motion and 45 sec
orthopedic surgery would reduce the frequency of
45 degrees head-up tilt tests were performed. Results:
postoperative complications. Summary Background
Control infants showed consistent biphasic HR and BP
Data: Complications are a major concern after elective
responses to side motion, with an initial 2-5% increase
surgery and smokers have an increased risk. There is
followed by a 2% decrease (p < 0.0001). In smoke-
insufficient evidence concerning how the duration of
exposed infants, the initial HR (p = 0.009) and BP
responses (p < 0.0001) were markedly reduced, and
postoperative complications. Methods: A randomized
the subsequent decrease in BP was more prominent
controlled trial, conducted between February 2004 and
(systolic blood pressure, SBP, p = 0.005; diastolic
December 2006 at 4 university-affiliated hospitals in
blood pressure, DBP, p = 0.03). No differences were
the Stockholm region, Sweden. The outcome
observed between the groups in tilt test results, HR
assessment was blinded. The follow-up period for the
variability or HR responses to spontaneous arousals.
primary outcome was 30 days. Eligibility criteria were
Conclusion: Maternal cigarette smoking may alter
active daily smokers, aged 18 to 79 years. Of the 238
vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control in early
patients assessed, 76 refused participating, and 117
infancy. This may contribute to increased SIDS risk.
men and women undergoing surgery for primary
hernia repair, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, or a hip
or knee prosthesis were enrolled. Intervention:
Initial nicotine sensitivity in humans as a function
Smoking cessation therapy with individual counseling
of impulsivity.
and nicotine substitution started 4 weeks before
Perkins KA; Lerman C; Coddington SB; Jetton C;
surgery and continued 4 weeks postoperatively. The
Karelitz JL; Scott JA et al. Psychopharmacology
control group received standard care. The. main
outcome measure was frequency of any postoperative
Rationale: Impulsivity is related to greater risk of
nicotine dependence, perhaps by enhancing sensitivity
genotype. Most analyses of genotype are retrospective,
to nicotine's reinforcing and rewarding effects during
resulting in small sample sizes for testing effects of the
initial smoking experiences. Objective: We examined
minor alleles for candidate genes. The purpose of this
the influence of impulsivity characteristics on acute
review is to provide an outline of the work in
sensitivity to nicotine reward, reinforcement, and other
neuroimaging, genetics, and nicotine dependence, and
effects in 131 young adult nonsmokers. Materials and
to explore the potential for increased integration of
methods: Participants engaged in four sessions: the
these approaches to improve nicotine dependence
first three to assess dose-response effects of nasal
treatment. Copyright 2008, Elsevier Science.
spray nicotine (0, 5, 10 mu g/kg) on reward, as well as
mood, physiological, and performance effects, and the
Nicotine dependence symptoms among young
fourth to assess nicotine reinforcement using a choice
never-smokers exposed to secondhand tobacco
procedure. Five impulsivity factors, derived from
factor analysis of self-report (e.g., Barratt Impulsivity
Belanger M; O'Loughlin J; Okoli CTC; McGrath JJ;
Scale, Sensation-Seeking Scale, Novelty seeking) and
Setia M; Guyon L et al. Addictive Behaviors 33(12):
computer (stop-go, delay discounting, probability
discounting) measures of impulsivity, were labeled
Background: To extend previous observations that
secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) is associated with
"extraversion", "inhibition", and "probability/delay
nicotine markers in children, we investigated if SHS
discounting". Results: The associations of novelty
exposure is associated with self-reports of nicotine
seeking with nicotine reinforcement and reward tended
dependence (ND) symptoms among young never-
to move in opposite directions by sex, generally being
smokers. Method: Data on number of persons who
directly related in men but inversely or unrelated in
smoke inside the home, number of days exposed to
women. Similarly, response disinhibition was
secondhand tobacco smoke in a motor vehicle in the
associated with reward and some mood responses to
past week, number of parents, siblings, and friends
nicotine that differed by sex. Extraversion was
who smoke, and NO symptoms, were collected from
inversely associated with nicotine reinforcement.
10-12 year-old students in self-report questionnaires.
Characteristics loading on to the other impulsivity
The association between secondhand tobacco smoke
factors had little association with nicotine sensitivity.
and ND symptoms among young never-smokers was
Conclusions: These results are preliminary, but they
assessed in logistic regression models. Results: Sixty-
suggest that characteristics broadly related to
nine of 1488 never-smokers (5%) reported one or
impulsivity, especially novelty seeking and response
more ND symptom. After controlling for sibling and
disinhibition, are associated with initial sensitivity to
peer smoking, and susceptibility to initiating smoking,
some effects of acute nicotine, including reinforcement
exposure to SHS in a motor vehicle was independently
and reward, and may do so differentially between men
associated with nicotine dependence symptoms (OR,
95% CI = 1.2,1.0-1.4). The OR for number of persons
who smoke inside the home was 1.1 (0.9-1.4).
Neuroimaging, genetics and the treatment of
Conclusion: secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in
nicotine addiction. (review).
motor vehicles may be associated with ND symptoms
Ray R; Loughead J; Wang Z; Detre J; Yang E; Gur R
among young never-smokers. If replicated, this finding
et al. Behavioural Brain Research 193(2): 159-169,
provides support for interventions that promote
nonsmoking in motor vehicles. Copyright 2008, Elsevier
Advances in neuroimaging and genomics provide an
unprecedented opportunity to accelerate medication
development for nicotine dependence and other
Relapse to smoking after 1 year of abstinence: A
addictions. Neuroimaging studies have begun to
Hughes JR; Peters EN; Naud S. Addictive Behaviors
neurochemistry underlying effects of nicotine and
nicotine abstinence. In parallel, genetic studies,
Most clinical trials use 6 months or I year follow-ups
including both candidate gene and genome-wide
as proxies for life-time smoking cessation.
Retrospective studies have estimated 2-15% of
neurobiological targets and pathways important in
smokers relapse each year after the first year of
addiction to nicotine. To date, only a few
abstinence, but these have methodological problems
neuroimaging studies have explored effects of nicotine
such as memory bias. We searched for prospective
or abstinence on brain activity as a function of
studies of adult quitters that reported the number of
participants abstinent at 1 yr follow-up and who
adequately than the other models. The Brief SCQ-A
remained abstinent at >= 2 year follow-ups. We
(BSCQ-A) scales demonstrated good internal
included studies that reported the percent which
consistency (mean coefficient =.79) and convergent
remained lapse-free, did not continue treatment after I
validity. The BSCQ-A also showed promising validity
year, and had <= 10% lost-to-follow-up. We did not
in distinguishing among current smokers and ex-
locate any population-based studies but did locate
smokers. In a separate sample of smokers, strong and
eight randomized, controlled trials, all testing nicotine
medications. After deleting one trial with outlier
corresponding pairs of the SCQ-A and BSCQ-A
results, a meta-analysis estimated the annual incidence
subscales. Copyright 2008, Taylor & Francis.
of relapse after 1 year to be 10%; however, the small
sample sizes resulted in a wide 95% confidence
The effect of a nicotine patch on cigarette craving
interval (5-17%) suggesting this estimate is not very
over the course of the day: Results from two
accurate. We conclude a non-significant amount of
randomized clinical trials.
relapse occurs after I year. Better quantification of this
Shiffman S; Ferguson SG. Current Medical Research
relapse rate is important to improve estimates of life-
and Opinion 24(10): 2795-2804, 2008. (31 refs.)
long abstinence and reductions in morbidity and
Objectives: The objective of this analysis was to
mortality from smoking cessation. Copyright 2008,
assess the efficacy of a 21 mg/24-h nicotine patch for
the reduction of craving throughout the waking day,
compared both to placebo, and to a 15 mg/16-h patch
Smoking cessation and serious mental illness.
differing pharmacokinetic profile over the day. The
Snyder M; McDevitt J; Painter S. Archives of
primary end-point was craving during the evening
Psychiatric Nursing 22(5): 297-304, 2008. (36 refs.)
hours, because previous research suggested that
A focus group methodology was employed to identify
smoking relapse was particularly likely at that time.
personal, social, and environmental factors that affect
Research design and methods: Data were drawn from
smoking cessation in persons with serious mental
two similar randomized clinical trials among nicotine-
illness. Four focus groups were held: two for those
dependent smokers who were quitting smoking: Study
who had attempted to quit smoking and two for those
1 compared the 21 mg/24-h patch to a placebo patch,
who had never attempted to quit. Smoking is central to
while Study 2 compared the 21 mg/24-h patch to a 15
daily survival in patients with serious mental illness.
mg/16-h nicotine patch. In both studies, subjects
Social and environmental reinforcement can both
(Study 1: n = 102; Study 2: n = 244) were prompted by
assist and hinder efforts to stop smoking. Smoke-free
an electronic diary to rate their craving multiple times
environments influence decisions to quit smoking if
per day during a 1 week baseline period, and for up to
positive social comparisons with nonsmokers occur.
2 weeks after quitting. For analysis, the day was
Peer modeling and interpersonal connections with
divided into five blocks: morning (up to 10:59 a.m.),
nonsmokers can offer links to forming supportive
mid-day (11:00 a.m.-1:59 p.m.), afternoon (2:00 p.m.-
nonsmoking relationships. Copyright 2008, WB Saunders.
4:59 p. m.), evening (5:00 p.m.-8:59 p.m.), and late
night (9:00 p.m. onwards). The individual craving
The Brief Smoking Consequences Questionnaire-
ratings were divided into three intervals based on time
Adult (BSCQ-A): Development of a short form of
since quitting: Days 1-3, 4-7, and 8-14. Results: The
the SCQ-A.
21 mg/24-h nicotine patch resulted in significantly
Rash C; Copeland A. Nicotine & Tobacco Research
lower craving during all post-quit intervals, at each
time of day, both compared to placebo (Study 1), and
A brief form of the Smoking Consequences
compared to the 15 mg/16-h nicotine patch (Study 2).
Questionnaire-Adult (SCQ-A) was developed as an
Study 2 saw a significant treatment by interval
economical alternative to the 55-item SCQ-A in
interaction: in later time intervals, the difference in
assessing smoking outcome expectancies in adult,
craving experience between 24- and 16-h patch
heavy smokers. A total of 25 items (two to three items
conditions shrunk - while remaining significantly
per each of the 10 SCQ-A scales) were administered to
different - as overall levels of craving experienced by
current smokers and ex-smokers. Confirmatory factor
subjects in the two groups dropped. Adverse events
analysis was used to determine whether the brief form
reported in both studies tended to be mild and
was better accounted for by a 4- or 10-factor model.
transient, consistent with the well characterized
Several variants of 9- and 8-factor models also were
adverse event profile of nicotine patches. Conclusions:
compared. The 10-factor model, representing the 10
Study 1 demonstrated that a 21 mg/24-h patch was
subscales of the full-length SCQ-A, fit the data more
effective in reducing craving throughout the day,
including the evening period when relapse risk is
tobacco company documents to assess industry
heightened. A further study comparing the 21 mg/24-h
consideration of the role of smoke particle size as a
patch to a 15 mg/16-h nicotine patch found that
potentially controllable influence over inhalation
craving was significantly lower at all times of day for
patterns and lung exposure. Tobacco manufacturers
smokers using the 21 mg/24-h patch. The studies were
evaluated particle size manipulation both as a means
limited in that craving was only monitored for the first
of controlling physical and sensory product attributes
2 weeks of quitting (when craving is most prominent),
and as a possible approach to reducing health hazards
and cannot elucidate the impact of patch use on
related to exposure. Industry scientists concluded that
craving outside of this time. Also, there was
the smoke aerosol particle distribution of conventional
substantial attrition of the sample over time, partly due
cigarettes, constructed within common parameters,
to relapse in all conditions. Copyright 2008,
falls within a narrow and effective inhalation range.
However, the internal findings suggest that differences
The waterpipe: Time for action.
in smoke particle size distribution are possible through
Maziak W. Addiction 103(11): 1763-1767, 2008. (41
less conventional approaches to product design. We
propose that particle size be included among the many
The waterpipe, known in many cultures under
design features to be considered in emerging tobacco
different shapes and names (e.g. hookah, shisha,
product regulation. However, the present review does
narghile), is a centuries-old tobacco use method that is
not address whether particle size regulation would be a
witnessing a world-wide surge in popularity. This
popularity is most noticeable among youths, and is
addictiveness or harmfulness of cigarettes, and
surpassing cigarette smoking among this group in
therefore we do not propose it as a high-priority target
some societies. Many factors may have contributed to
for regulation. Copyright 2008, Taylor & Francis.
the recent waterpipe spread, including the introduction
Using alcohol to sell cigarettes to young adults: A
of sweetened/flavored waterpipe tobacco (known as
content analysis of cigarette advertisements.
Maassel), its reduced-harm perception, the thriving
Belstock SA; Connolly GN; Carpenter CM; Tucker L.
cafe culture, mass media and the internet. The passage
Journal of American College Health 56(4): 383-389,
of smoke through water on its way to the smoker
underlies much of the common misperception that
Advertising influences the health-related behaviors of
waterpipe use is less harmful than cigarettes. The
college-aged individuals. Cigarette manufacturers
health/addictive profile of waterpipe compared to
aggressively market to young adults and may exploit
cigarettes is largely unresearched and is likely to be
their affinity for alcohol when creating advertisements
influenced by the properties of smoke, duration and
designed to increase cigarettes appeal. Internal tobacco
frequency of use, type of tobacco used, volume of
industry documents reveal that cigarette manufacturers
smoke inhaled and the contribution of charcoal.
understood the popularity of alcohol among young
However, the accumulation of evidence about the
adults and sought to produce pertinent marketing
harmful and addictive potential of waterpipe use is
strategies. Methods: The authors conducted a content
outpacing the public health response to this health risk.
analysis of cigarette and alcohol advertisements in
A timely public health and policy action is needed in
young adult-oriented magazines to investigate
order to curb the emerging waterpipe smoking
portrayed associations between cigarettes and alcohol.
epidemic. Copyright 2008, Society for the Study of Addiction
Results: The content analysis revealed that 32 of 114
cigarette advertisements referenced alcohol and that
Tobacco industry research and efforts to
those advertisements were more likely than others to
manipulate smoke particle size: Implications for
portray active smoking. Conversely, 0 of 317 alcohol
product regulation.
advertisements referenced cigarettes, and alcohol
Wayne GF; Connolly GN; Henningfield JE; Farone
advertisements were only slightly more likely than
WA. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 10(4): 613-625,
cigarette advertisements feature alcohol-related
Over the past half-century of cigarette design, tobacco
detrimentally affect smoking patterns of college
manufacturers have prioritized efficiency of delivery
students. An understanding of these strategies can
alongside ease of inhalation and use. As a result, the
benefit on-campus tobacco control efforts. Copyright
modern cigarette is uniquely effective at facilitating
2008, American College Health Association.
the absorption of nicotine as well as carcinogens and other toxins. The present study draws on internal
Page 1 of 30 A. INTRODUCTION In order for a waste to be considered hazardous, it must exhibit some characteristic or characteristics of hazardous waste. If a material is classifiable as ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic or characteristic, it is considered to be hazardous (40 CFR 261 Part B). B. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to aid in the classification o
REVISITING WRONGFUL LIFE CLAIMS IN CANADA —CAN THERE BE A CAUSE OF ACTION?BOVINGDON V. HERGOTTYola S. Hamzo Ventresca* and Peter W. Kryworuk**As recent Ontario decisions demonstrate, Canadian courts,together with much of the common law world, continue to grapplewith “wrongful life” claims in an incomplete and even confusedmanner. While the courts continue to reject claims for wrongful lif