performance nutrition Performance nutrition helPs deciPher the latest research to help you optimise your training diet and supplementation BY James Collins TaURine: PeRFoRMance enhanceR oR a load oF BUll? Taurine is a sulphonic amino taurine did not affect perceived have failed to find such a performance signiFicanT MeThodology
that taurine was first extracted from distance runners, who undertook a
minimum of 45 miles of running each for maximising taurine levels in the
occasions and both times completed the possible performance benefits
Amino Acids has found that an acute contained either a 1000 mg dose intake of taurine improved 3 km
or an empty placebo capsule. Capillary blood lactate was
Main Findings
The main finding from the paper was after completion of the timetrial. that 7 of the 8 runners completed
Take-hoMe Message
expired gas or heart rate were found. exercise may improve athletic Additionally, the prior intake of
Further research is required before both caffeine and taurine, the fact
pre-exercise. There is, nevertheless, means that they can cause gastro-
Sparks SA (2012) the effect of acute taurine ingestion on 3-km running performance in trained middle-distance runners.Amino Acids. [Epub ahead of print] caFFeine: key To RedUcing The PeRcePTion oF eFFoRT? caffeine has been shown to improve part in the study, which involved a total of weight dose in the present study) can
three separate visits to the laboratory.
result in a number of side effects, such as
responsible for these effects are not yet
fully understood. The ergogenic effects of 30-minute exercise session was
Athletes should also be mindful that high
caffeine have been previously attributed
doses of caffeine could potentially mask
to adenosine antagonism (stimulating the ergometer. These trials were completed
leading to a greater risk of overtraining
either 6 mg/kg bodyweight of caffeine or
during high volumes of training. It is vital
maltodextrin (placebo). Participants were that athletes experiment with different
instructed to avoid alcohol and caffeine
analgesic (pain-relieving) effects blunting for 4 days prior to each testing session.
sessions in order to establish a dose that
perceived exertion during exercise, could Participants were well rested and
published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology has found that the
heart rate, RPE (overall), RPE (legs) and
ergogenic dose. M&F
reduce the perceived effort (or exertion) of minutes during the exercise session and a set exercise session.
RPE (session) was assessed 30 minutes after cessation of exercise. Main Findings This double-blind study found that, when Take-hoMe Message
Athletes involved in a variety of sports can
benefit from the intake of caffeine before
exertion (RPE) over a 30-minute exercise
training, due to its ability to not only
participants reported lower RPE specific
to their legs and breathing after consum-
ing caffeine. It is important to highlight,
have an analgesic effect during exercise,
Killen LG, Green JM, O’Neal EK, McIntosh
JR, Hornsby J, Coates TE (2012) effects
known side effects of caffeine (feelings of associated with this stimulant. of caffeine on session ratings of
Responses to caffeine intake are highly perceived exertion.European Journal of Applied Physiology. [Epub ahead of print]
distress), which were not present in the
individual and therefore the optimal dose
Performance Nutrition is a unique
will differ between athletes. Those habitu-
London-based consultancy, providing comprehensive support to elite and signiFicanT
ally consuming lots of caffeine (e.g. large
recreational athletes. Director, James
daily coffee consumption) will likely need
Collins, is a leading Sport and Exercise MeThodology Nutritionist, working with Great Britain
a slightly higher dose to achieve the same
Elite Sports in preparation for the Olympic
Fifteen healthy male and female individu-
ergogenic effect. Importantly, a high dose
Games and as Head Nutritionist for Arsenal FC. For further information visit
als with varying aerobic fitness levels took of caffeine (such as the 6 mg/kg body-
Explaining Recent Declines in Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: The Contribution of Abstinence and Improved Contraceptive Use| John S. Santelli, MD, MPH, Laura Duberstein Lindberg, PhD, Lawrence B. Finer, PhD, and Susheela Singh, PhDIn recent years, the United States has had the Objectives. We explored the relative contributions of declining sexual activityhighest rate of adolescent
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