Microsoft word - tender-uploading-kannad.doc

Life Insurance Corporation of India intends to hire premises which are ready to occupy condition from Individuals / Firms only under Two Bid system as per details given below Railway Station / Bus Stops etc. The premises offered should be in ready to occupation condition and suitable for use as office premises. Free Hold / Lease Hold with clear marketable Title. Commercial or Commercial cum Residential or Multi – Use Plots . ( Score out whatever not required). The prospective bidders meeting the above requirements are requested to collect the tender documents on payment of Rs. 100/- ( Rupees one hundred only) from the office at the above address. The tender documents will be issued from 20.06.2012 to 03.07.2012 between 11.00 AM and 3.00 PM on week days and between 11 AM and 1.00 PM on Saturdays ( excluding Holidays and Sundays) . The last date for submission of filled in offers is 04.07.2012 upto 12.30 PM. The “Technical Bids” will be opened on the same day at 03.30 PM in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who may wish to be present. For complete details and bid documents please log on to and go to tenders and click on the link “ Advertisement for Requirement of office premises at KANNAD on lease LIC of India reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers in full / part without Tender for Hiring of Office Premises in / at KANNAD . From 20.06.2012 to 03.07.2012 between 11.00 AM and 3.00 PM on week days and between 11 AM and 1.00 PM on Saturdays ( excluding Holidays and Sundays) from the above office on payment of non refundable tender cost by Demand Draft / Pay Order in favour of “ Life Insurance Corporation of India” payable at Aurangabad-. As mentioned in the terms and conditions 03 ( Three) months from the date of opening of Technical Bid. The tender forms will be available from 20.06.2012--to 03.07.2012 between 11.00 AM and 3.00 PM on week days and between 11.00 AM and 1.00 PM on Saturdays ( excluding The last date for submission of filled in tenders ( both technical and financial bids) is 04.07.2012 upto 12.30 PM. The offers received after the last date and time mentioned The filled in tenders should be submitted to the address given below : The technical bid will be opened on the same day i.e. 04.07.2012 at 03.30 PM in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who may like to be present. After preliminary scrutiny of the technical bids, verification of credentials , site inspection of the shortlisted premises offered by them, assessment of the offers, the financial bids of only those bidders, whose offers are found suitable to the Corporation, will be opened at a later date. The date of opening of financial bids will be intimated in writing to those bidders whose 5. The tender form consists of the following documents. i.e., i) Instructions to bidders and Terms & Conditions. The offers are to be submitted in Two Bid system i.e., Technical Bid and Financial Bid. The Technical Bid consists of all the required information called for in the questionnaire and shall contain, inter alia, the details regarding the property viz., name of the properties, location, area of the plot, copy of sanctioned plan with completion / occupation certificate , floor area of portion to be leased, specification of internal finishes , amenities sanctioned electrical power load , usages of the property , title reports to confirm ownership and clear marketability, and other terms and conditions relevant to the hiring of premises (other than the price). The TB shall be submitted in sealed cover ( Marked Envelope – I ) superscribing as “Technical Bid for Hiring of Office Premises in / at KANNAD.” . The envelope shall contain the addressee’s details and details of the bidder also. The price bid shall contain only financial details i.e., rate / rent per sft. on carpet area basis and other financial implications. The Financial Bids will be placed in the Envelope - II and superscribed with addressee and bidders details. All the three envelopes ( envelope – III containing EMD amount and Cost of tender fee) will be placed in a fourth envelope ( Envelope – IV) and sealed and submitted to the Sr.Divisional Manager at the address given above. The envelope must be superscribed with “ Bids for Hiring of Office Premises at KANNAD and the last date for submission 04.07.2012 (12.30pm)-and to be opened on EMD as per the details given below in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order in favour of “ Life Insurance Corporation of India” payable at Aurangabad and the cost of tender fee ( Non refundable) of Rs. 100/- ( Rupees One hundred only ), the Miscellaneous Receipt of the tender fee deposited or D.D or Pay Order shall be submitted in sealed cover Marked Envelope – III) superscribing as “Earnest Money Deposit” for Hiring of Office Premises” in / at KANNAD alongwith the “Technical and Financial Bid ”. L/S amount of ` 2000/- ( Rupees Two thousand only) for SSO Please note that no interest is allowed or accrue on the EMDs. 8. In case the tender form is downloaded from the corporation’s web site, the non refundable tender fee of RS . 100/- ( Rupees One hundred only) may be remitted in the form of Demand draft / Pay order drawn in favour of “ Life Insurance Corporation of India” 9. Refund of EMD :- EMD shall be refunded as under : (i) EMD of all unsuccessful Vendors / bidders shall be refunded within one month’s time after scrutiny and submission of Technical Assessment Report by DPC to the (ii) EMD of other bidders (except lowest bidder) shall be refunded within one month’s time EMD of lowest bidder shall be refunded separately or adjusted alongwith the payment In case the lowest vendor / bidder refused to offer premises after issue of allotment letter, a notice shall be served to them by giving 30 ( thirty ) days time failing which their EMD amount lying / retained with us shall be forfeited without any further correspondence. Sr. Divisional Manager is the competent authority to refund / forfeit the EMD amount. 10. The following documents should be enclosed with the offers : a) A set of floor plans , sections , elevations and site plan of the premises offered showing the detailed dimensions , main approach road , road on either side if any , width of the road/s and adjacent properties etc. around the properties. b) A copy of the title investigation and search report along with copies of title deed c) Documents related to conversation of Non – agricultural land from the Competent 11. All the pages of the tender form are to be signed by the bidder. In case of joint ownership, all owners have to sign all the pages of the bids ( Technical and Price bids). Incomplete bids and bids lacking in details and with out signatures are liable to be rejected. 12. Tenderers should note that their tenders should remain open for consideration for a minimum period of 03 ( Three months) months from the date of opening of T.B’s 13. Separate tender forms are to be submitted in case more than one property is offered. 14. The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept any tender or to reject any or all tenders at his sole discretion without assigning reasons thereof. The Tender Inviting Authority does not bind to accept the lowest tender. This tender consists of two parts, viz., Technical Bid including Instructions to Bidders , Terms and conditions and Financial Bid containing expected price only. Separate Technical and Financial bids are to be submitted for each proposal. The Technical Bid , Financial Bid and the Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD) should be sealed in envelopes . The use of envelopes will be as a) Envelope marked as I : The duly completed Technical Bid be put in this envelope (b) Envelope marked as II : The duly completed Financial Bid be put in this envelope ( c ) Envelope marked as III : The DD or Bankers cheque for “ Earnest Money Deposit” and “Cost of tender document” or the M.R of the required value be put in this envelope and (d) Envelope marked as IV : All the three envelopes shall be placed in envelope marked – IV and sealed ( i.e. Envelopes marked as IV , will contain three envelopes marked as I , II & III) and submitted to LIC of India, in sealed condition “ Superscribing as “ Tender for Hiring of Office Premises in / at KANNAD to be opened on 04.07.2012 at 03.30 Hrs.” 1. The terms and conditions along with the instructions will form part of the tender to be submitted by the tenderer to LIC of India, herein termed as Corporation. 2. Tender which is received on account of any reason whatsoever including postal delay etc. after the expiry of time and date i.e 04.07.2012.@12.30 pm fixed for submission of tenders shall as ‘LATE’ tender and not to be considered. Such tender shall be returned to the concerned 3. All vendors are requested to submit the tender documents (Technical Bid and Price Bid) duly filled in with the relevant documents / information at the following address : 4. All columns of the tender documents must be duly filled in and no column should be kept blank. All the pages of the tender documents are to be signed by the authorized signatory of the tenderer. Any over writing or use of white ink is to be duly initialed by the tenderer. The Corporation reserves the right to reject the incomplete tenders or in case where information submitted / furnished is found incorrect. 5. In case the space in the tender document is found insufficient, the vendors may attach separate 6. The offer should remain valid at least for a period of 03 months ( Three ) to be reckoned from the date of opening of “ Technical Bid”. 7. There should not be any deviation in terms and conditions as have been stipulated in the tender documents. However, in the event of imposition of any other condition, which may lead to a deviation with respect to the terms and conditions as mentioned in the tender document, the vendor is required to attach a separate sheet marking “list of deviations". 8. The Technical bids will be opened on (Date & Time) in the presence of tenderers at our above office. All tenderers are advised in their own interest to be present on that date, at the specified 9. Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any 10. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the tenderer. 11. The short-listed vendors will be informed in writing by the Corporation for arranging site 12. Income-Tax and Statutory clearances shall be obtained by the vendors at their own cost as and when required. All payments to the successful vendor shall be made by Account Payee 13. Property should be situated in good commercial area of the town / city with congenial surroundings and proximity to public amenities like bus stop, banks, markets, hospitals, Schools 14. The title report proving ownership and clear marketability is to be enclosed. 15. The financial bids will be opened only if at least two Technical Bids are found suitable. In any case single Financial Bid shall not be opened. Single valid tender or offer from State / Central / Agencies / Undertakings may however, be opened by the Zonal Purchase Committee / 16. The premises shall be preferably freehold. Alternatively, if it is leasehold, in case of such premises, details regarding lease period, copy of lease agreement , initial premium and 17. There should not be any water logging inside the premises and surrounding areas. 18. The premises should have good frontage and proper access. 19. The Lessor shall have no objection to the Lessee installing exclusive D.G. Set for the use of the lessee. If so desired by the lessee , the lessor/s shall provide suitable space for installation of Genset without any extra cost to the lessee. 20. Latest certificate from the competent authority of having paid all the updated relevant taxes indicating the details of the property offered for leasing out to LIC. 21. Offers received from Government Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / State Housing Boards 22. The particulars of amenities provided / proposed to be provided in the premises should be The Lessor shall arrange for repairs and maintenance , white washing / colour washing/ OBD painting / painting to doors , windows etc. as and when informed by the lessee. 24. The bids will be evaluated on techno commercial basis giving weight ages to the aspects in various parameters like location, distance from local railway station , amenities available , exclusivity , nearby surroundings , proneness to water logging / flood etc. quality of construction , efficacy of the internal layout of premises and layout of buildings in the 25. Tenders from intermediaries or brokers will not be entertained. 26. The premises offered should be in good and ready to occupy condition. The owners of the premises will have to hand over the possession of premises within one week after the acceptance of their offer by the department. 27. It may be noted that no negotiations will be carried out, except with the lowest tenderer and therefore most competitive rates should be offered. 28. Rate per sft. on Carpet area : The carpet area rate shall be inclusive of basic rent plus all proportionate statutory charges ( i.e. all taxes / cess present and future – House tax , Property tax, Service tax and Municipal taxes etc.) Maintenance charges and Service charges like Society charges etc. The rent will be paid from the date of taking possession of the premises. Nothing extra will be paid other than the monthly lease rent. Lease rent is payable in advance 29. Lease period : Minimum period of lease will be 15 years with 10 years lock - in period and minimum notice period of four months from either side for termination of agreement. The lease period will be extendable for mutually agreed period & escalation in rent. 30. Addition & alteration works : During the period of tenancy , if the lessee desires to carry out any addition & alterations works at its own cost as per the requirement of the Deptt., lessor permit the same on the existing terms and conditions and obtain any permission if required, from the local authority. Lessor will also provide space for display signboards without any extra 31. Lease agreement : will be with the Owner & Rent will be paid to respective owner. 32. Income Tax : will be deducted at source at prevailing rate. 33. Service Tax: will be borne by the Owner. 34. Registration & stamp duty charges: will be shared equally between the Lessor and the (i) LIC will pay the interest free advance rent, which should be restricted to 06 ( six) months rent. However, in no case the amount of advance should exceed ` (ii) Such advance payment of rent can be made only for hiring buildings which are complete and ready for occupation with the required internal and external services in (iii) The payment shall be made only after occupation of the premises or after the (iv) No advance should be made for a building under construction or for putting up an extension to an existing building or to construct a new building on a vacant plot of the (v) The advance rent paid to the landlord should be recovered in not more than 36 (Thirty six) months in equal monthly installments. The recovery of advance rent should be effected from the month following the date from which such advance is paid. Possession of premises : within Seven days from the date of receipt of acceptance of letter. The premises has to be painted & should be in habitable condition while taking over the 37) Water Supply : The owner should ensure and provide adequate supply of drinking water and water for W.C & Lavatory throughout the lease period at his own cost. a) The building should have sufficient electrical / power load sanctioned and made available to b) If required , additional electric power will have to be arranged by the Lessor / Offerer at his c) Electricity charges will be borne by the lessee for the area taken on lease , on actual basis based on the separate meter which would be provided by the lessor. Any additional cost on the electrical connectivity will be borne by the owner / lessor. d) At the time of taking over possession of the premises, we will note the electricity meter reading in your presence or your authorized representatives. The electrical charges will have to be born by the owner up to that point. 39) Parking : The landlord shall provide Car & Two Wheelers parking space ( Open / Covered) as per the details given below without any extra cost : Carpet area measurements : The carpet area measurements shall be as per Bureau of Indian Standards IS No. 3861 : 2002. Joint measurements will be taken in the presence of LIC official and vendor / authorized representative for finalizing the carpet area. UNDER TWO BID SYSTEM ============================================ THE ENVELOPE – II CONTAINIG FINANCIAL BID IS TO BE OPENED AFTER SCRUTINY OF TECHNICAL BIDS, INSPECTION OF THE PROPERTIES AND SHORTLISTING THE PROPERTIES. Financial bid for Hiring of Office premises to be submitted by the vendor (The rate quoted shall be excluding stamp duty and registration charges) Name of the Owner / Vendor / Firm : __________________________________ Reference No : _________________________________________________________ Sl. Vendors shall quote the rate and amount excluding registration and stamp duty charges for execution of lease agreement. Registration and Stamp Duty charges will be shared equally by The carpet area rate shall be inclusive of basic rent plus all proportionate statutory charges ( i.e. taxes / cess present and future – House tax , Property tax, Service tax and Municipal taxes etc.) Maintenance charges and Service charges like Society charges etc. The rent will be paid from the date of taking possession of the premises. Nothing extra will be paid other than the monthly rent. Lease rent is payable in advance before 7th of every month. The carpet area measurements shall be as per Bureau of Indian Standards IS No. 3861 : 2002. Joint measurements will be taken in the presence of LIC official and vendor / authorized representative for finalizing the carpet area. The offer should remain valid at least for a period of 03 months ( three ) to be reckoned from date of opening of “ Technical Bid”.


Instructions. Work through the lab, saving the output as you go. If youwork in Microsoft Word, you can easily copy any graph to Word via theclipboard. Numerical output may also be copied easily by highlighting,moving it to the clipboard, then copying into Word. However, you shouldformat R output in TrueType Courier New font so that it is monospaced. Output from this lab is to be handed in by Fri


Kräfte sind Vektoren 1 2 Physikalische Beispiele 11 Im folgenden wird ständig die Trigonometrie verwendet. Daher eignen sich viele Aufgaben auch als Übungsaufgaben 1. Kräfte sind Vektoren 1.1 Überlagerung zweier gleich großer Kräfte Diese Überschrift besagt, daß man mit Kräften rechnen kann und dabei die Regeln der Vektorrechnung zu beachten hat. WISSEN: Kräfte wer

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