Lilly/bdpa scholarship application 2013


The purpose of the Eli Lilly and Company/Black Data Processing Associates
(Lilly/BDPA) Scholarship is to recognize outstanding minority students, with an interest
in information technology, who make significant contributions to society. Applicants
must excel academically, show exceptional leadership potential, and make an impact on
their communities through service to others.
Lilly/BDPA Scholars will be awarded a one-time $2,500 scholarship that may be used to
pursue an information technology focused degree at an accredited four-year college or
university of their choice. The Lilly/BDPA scholarship may be used to supplement
benefits from the college or university a student plans to attend and fellowships from
other foundations or organizations. Students may use the scholarship to cover the cost of
tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other college-related expenses.
Scholarship winners will be selected based on the application, essay, and letters of

To be eligible for Lilly/BDPA National Scholarship, each applicant must:
o Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States o Be a graduating high school senior or current college student in good standing at o Be a member of BDPA (if required, referenfor membership o Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum GPA of 3.0) o Applicant should be pursuing a degree in information systems, computer science, computer engineering, or a computer science related discipline o Exhibit leadership ability through academic or civic involvement and participate o Complete application packet, which must include the following: ▫ One 500 word essay on “Why Information Technology is Important” To be eligible for Lilly/BDPA Local Scholarship, each applicant must: o Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States o Be a graduating high school senior or current college student in good standing at o Be a member of BDPA (if required, referenfor membership information) and a participant in BDPA Indianapolis Chapter SITES (Student
Information Technology Education and Scholarship Programs)
o Demonstrate academic achievement (minimum GPA of 3.0) o Applicant should be pursuing a degree in information systems, computer science, computer engineering, or a computer science related discipline o Exhibit leadership ability through academic or civic involvement and participate o Complete application packet, which must include the following: ▫ One 500 word essay on “Why Information Technology is Important” Scholarships will be awarded only to students who fully meet the scholarship requirements. Only one scholarship will be awarded for the Lilly/BDPA National Scholarship and only one scholarship for the Lilly/BDPA Local Scholarship. APPLICATION DEADLINES:
The Lilly/BDPA Scholarship Program deadline is July 1, 2013. ° Applications and supporting materials must be in one packet and sent directly to ° All application materials must be “Received by” July 1, 2013.
° E-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered. ° Each applicant will be notified of the outcome: ▫ Non-winners will be sent a letter of appreciation from the Lilly/BDPA ▫ Winners will be announced during the Student Luncheon at the 2013 National BDPA Technology Conference. Winners’ names will also be posted on the BDPA website. ▫ Awards will be distributed with confirmation of enrollment in an accredited four-year college or university MAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE TO:

Eli Lilly and Company
Attn: Levora-Angel G. Henry
Lilly Corporate Center (LLC)
Drop Code 2211
Indianapolis, IN 46285
For questions:

Name:______________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Email Address:_______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (____)_______________Cellular Phone: (____)_________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ High School Attended:__________________________________________________________ ACT ______ SAT ______ Class Rank ____ Class Size ____ Cumulative GPA _________ College Planning to Attend/Attending______________________________________________________________ Planned Area of Study:_________________________________________________________ 1. List your school activities including dates of involvement and your role (officer, member, volunteer, 2. List all awards & honors that you have received. Provide the name or the award or honor, and the date 3. List your involvement in community service activities including name of the activity or event, location – city, & state, dates of activity, and your role. List each activity separately. 5. If you are a BDPA member, are you a participant in the BDPA Indianapolis Chapter SITES program? 6. Are you participating in the 2013 BDPA High National Technology Conference? Application Form School Transcript One 500 word essay on “Why Information Technology is Important” I hereby certify that I have provided true and accurate information on this application. I understand that the my grade point average, academic honors, extracurricular activities, and other related records will be reviewed by the Lilly/BDPA Scholarship Program committee for scholarship consideration. I hereby authorize and consent to that review. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Mail Completed Application Package to:
Eli Lilly and Company
Attn: Levora-Angel G. Henry
Lilly Corporate Center (LCC)
Drop Code 2211
Indianapolis, IN 46285
For questions:

*All application materials must be received by July 1, 2013


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