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ABOUT DATAMONITOR HEALTHCARE About the Cardiovascular and Metabolic pharmaceutical 2 analysis team CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Strategic scoping and focus Datamonitor insight into the disease market Related reports CHAPTER 2 MARKET DEFINITION AND OVERVIEW Definition of drug classes Current seven major market assessment
The antidiabetics market segmented by class
Rest of World snapshot Future seven major market assessment CHAPTER 3 BRAND DYNAMICS Overview of competitive landscape
Avandia franchise (rosiglitazone; GlaxoSmithKline)
Humalog Mix (insulin lispro + insulin lispro protamine; Eli Lilly)
Januvia franchise (sitagliptin; Merck & Co)
Lantus (insulin glargine; Sanofi-Aventis)
NovoRapid (insulin aspart + insulin aspart protamine; Novo 62
BIBLIOGRAPHY Journal papers Websites APPENDIX - MARKET ASSUMPTION New product launches Patent expiries Data definitions, limitations and assumptions
Derivation of Sales Forecasts and Pricing Trends
Forecast methodology About Datamonitor Datamonitor Healthcare's therapy area capabilities Disclaimer List of Tables
Table 1: Antidiabetic sales in the seven major markets by class, 2006-07
Table 2: Comparison of leading branded drug sales ($m) for osteoarthritis 20
in the 7MM and the Rest of World (ROW), 2007 Table 3: Sales forecasts in diabetes in the 7MM ($m), 2007-2017
Table 4: Leading branded drug sales ($m) for diabetes, 2007-2017
Table 8: Sales forecast ($m) for the Actos franchise for diabetes in the 31
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Table 9: Impacting factors on the revenues of the Actos franchise, 2007-17 33 Table 10: Avandia: key facts
Table 13: Sales forecast ($m) for the Avandia franchise for diabetes in the 38
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Table 14: Impacting factors on the revenues of the Avandia franchise, 40
Table 16: Sales forecast ($m) for Byetta for diabetes in the seven major 42
markets, 2007-2017 Table 17: Impacting factors on the revenues of Byetta, 2007-17
Table 19: Sales forecast ($m) for Humalog for diabetes in the seven major 45
markets, 2007-2017 Table 20: Impacting factors on the revenues of Humalog, 2007-17
Table 22: Sales forecast ($m) for Humalog Mix for diabetes in the seven 48
major markets, 2007-2017 Table 23: Impacting factors on the revenues of Humalog, 2007-17
Table 26: Sales forecast ($m) for the Januvia franchise for diabetes in the 53
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Table 27: Impacting factors on the revenues of the Januvia franchise, 55
Table 29: Sales forecast ($m) for Lantus for diabetes in the seven major 57
markets, 2007-2017 Table 30: Impacting factors on the revenues of Lantus, 2007-17
Table 32: Sales forecast ($m) for Novomix for diabetes in the seven major 60
markets, 2007-2017 Table 33: Impacting factors on the revenues of Novomix, 2007-17
Table 35: Sales forecast ($m) for NovoRapid for diabetes in the seven 63
major markets, 2007-2017 Table 36: Impacting factors on the revenues of NovoRapid, 2007-17
Table 37: Datamonitor's launch dates for diabetes products in the 7MM, 66
List of Figures
Figure 1: Diabetes sales in the US, 5EU and Japan, ($ billion), 2004-07
Figure 2: Diabetes market sales by class in the 7MM, 2004-07
Figure 3: Sales performance of the US, 5EU and Japanese diabetes 15
markets, 2006-07 Figure 4: Key events impacting the diabetes market 2005-2008
Figure 5: Annual global sales in the diabetes market, ($m), 2004-07
Figure 6: ROW vs. 7MM sales ($m) split in the diabetes market, 2007
Figure 7: Diabetes sales by class in the 7MM, 2007-2017
Figure 8: Market share of drug classes for diabetes, 2007 vs. 2017
Figure 9: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for the Actos franchise in the 32
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Figure 10: Glitazone market split in the 7MM - Actos vs Avandia (2004- 37
2010) Figure 11: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for the Avandia franchise in the 39
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Figure 12: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for Byetta in the seven major 43
markets, 2007-2017 Figure 13: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for Humalog in the seven major 46
markets, 2007-2017 Figure 14: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for Humalog mix in the seven 49
major markets, 2007-2017 Figure 15: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for the Januvia franchise in the 54
seven major markets, 2007-2017 Figure 16: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for Lantus in the seven major 58
markets, 2007-2017 Figure 17: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for Novomix in the seven major 61
markets, 2007-2017 Figure 18: Antidiabetic sales ($m) forecast for NovoRapid in the seven 64
major markets, 2007-2017 Figure 19: Patent expiry dates used in forecasting antidiabetic drugs in the 66
The Twenty First Days of Neuropsychopharmacology Ustron-Jaszowiec, June 10-13, 2012 POLISH PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Silesian BranchChairperson Monika Rykaczewska-CzerwinskaEva Korössy-MrukPiotr OlesMichal OlesJaroslaw SobisWladyslaw LasonPrzemyslaw NowakEwa ObuchowiczAndrzej PlechRyszard Szkilnik SCI ENTI FI C PROGRAM Ch a i r : Kr z y s z t o f WEDZONY KRZYSZTOF LABUZEK: THE
Regolamento Federale Antidoping - Appendice A ELENCO DELLE CLASSI DI SOSTANZE VIETATE E DEI METODI PROIBITI (in vigore dal 1 settembre 2001) 1. CLASSI DI SOSTANZE VIETATE A. Stimolanti Le sostanze vietate della classe A includono i seguenti esempi: amineptina, amifenazolo, amfetamina, bromantan, caffeina (*), carfedon, cocaina, efedrina (**), formoterolo ***, fencamfamina, m