The Twenty First Days of
Ustron-Jaszowiec, June 10-13, 2012
POLISH PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Silesian Branch Chairperson Monika Rykaczewska-Czerwinska Eva Korössy-MrukPiotr OlesMichal OlesJaroslaw Sobis Wladyslaw LasonPrzemyslaw NowakEwa ObuchowiczAndrzej PlechRyszard Szkilnik SCI ENTI FI C PROGRAM
Ch a i r : Kr z y s z t o f WEDZONY
ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
Ch a i r : Ed mu nd PRZEGAL I NSKI
Jolanta Koni eczny, Tomasz Lenda, Anna Czarnecka, Lucyna Antki ewi cz-Mi chaluk, Malgorzata Zapala, Elzbi eta Lorenc-Koci Effect of L-DOPA in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease induced by the selective proteasome inhibitor lactacystin: behavioral and biochemical studies Anna Czarnecka, Tomasz Lenda, Jolanta Koni eczny, Elzbi eta Lorenc-Koci The importance of nitric oxide in the modulation of L-DOPA activity in the 6-OHDA Magdalena Beska, Moni ka Rykaczewska-Czerwi nska, Przemyslaw Nowak The influence of propofol on (3H)-glucose uptake in brain and chosen organs in rats. Studies in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease Tomasz Lenda, Anna Czarnecka, Kinga Kaminska, Jolanta Koni eczny, Elzbi eta Lorenc-Koci Rotational behavior and monoamine metabolism in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats treated with L-DOPA and amitriptiline Agni eszka Wasi k, Malgorzata Kajta, Irena Romanska, Lucyna Antki ewi cz-Mi chaluk The effect of 1-benzyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline on the metabolism of dopamine and molecular markers of apoptosis in rodent brain structures Bartosz Pomi erny, Boguslawa Budzi szewska Effects of ethylene glycol ethers on oxidative stress markers Malgorzata Kajta, Joanna Rzemi eni ec, Ewa Litwa, Wladyslaw Lason Neuroprotective action of daidzein: a crucial role of G-protein coupled receptor 30 Joanna Rzemi eni ec, Ewa Litwa, Wladyslaw Lason, Malgorz ta Kajta Neuroprotective potential of selective modulators of estrogen and aryl hydrocarbon receptors: the effects of raloxifene, daidzein, and 3,3’-diindolylmethane in response to hypoxia L u n c h t i m e
Ch a i r : Ry s z ar d BRUS
Ch a i r : An d r z e j PI L C
Rafal Kurczab, Andrzej J. Bojarski The searching of novel PAM of mGluR III by Virtual Scr commercial chemical databases Anna Stanki ewi cz, Ryszard Bugno, Pi otr Branski , Andrzej J. Bojarski Design and synthesis of novel metabotropic glutamate receptor allosteric modulators Pauli na Chorobi k, Pi otr Branski , Grzegorz Burnat, Barbara Chrusci cka, Tomasz Lenda, Andrzej Pi lc The quest for allosteric binding sites in mGluRs group III Grzegorz Burnat, Pauli na Chorobi k, Pi otr Branski , Barbara Chrusci cka, Andrzej Pi lc Point mutation as a strategy for development a new tool in pharmacological research for mGluR7 allosteric modulators Barbara Chrusci cka, Pi otr Branski , Grzegorz Burnat, Pauli na Chorobi k, Andrzej Pi lc Cell synchronization as a tool to optimize protein expression level of mGlu receptors in applying the inducible expression system Pi otr Branski , Anna Stanki ewi cz, Andrzej Bojarski , Grzegorz Burnat, Pauli na Chorobi k, Barbara Chrusci cka, Ryszard Bugno, Agni eszka Palucha-Poni ewi era, Andrzej Pi lc IF270750: Synthesis and pharmacology of novel mGluR4 positive allosteric modulator Chai r : Wl ady s l aw LASON
Chai r : Andr z ej PLAZNI K
Beata Bystrowska, Agata Suder, Irena Smaga, Malgorzata Fi li p Endocannabinoids level in the brain structures in coca self-administration and extinction training of rats Lucyna Pomi erny-Chami olo, Malgorzata Frankowska, Agata Si wek, Ki nga Ru Malgorzata Fi li p Cocaine-induced adaptive changes in metabotropic glutamate receptors mGlu5 in brain structures of rats underwent cocaine self-administration, extinction training and drug-induced relapse Karoli na Wydra, Agata Suder, Malgorzata Fi li p Effects of adenosine A2Areceptor ligands on cocaine self-administration and relapse in Joanna Miszki el, Malgorzta Fi li p, Edmund Przegalinski Effects of serotonin (5-HT)1B receptor ligands on amphetamine-induced reinstatement of amphetamine-seeking behavior in rats Joanna Czyzyk, Ewa Nowak, Malgorzata Fi li p Effects of adenosine (A)2A receptor ligands on locomotor responds to nicotine-repeated treatment Malgorzata Frankowska, Magdalena Bialko, Ewa Nowak, Mi chal Litki ewi cz, Edmund Przegali nski , Malgorzata Fi li p Modeling co-existance of depression and cocaine addiction in rats: the effects of imipram ine and N-acetylcysteine on cocaine-priming and discrete cues induced relapses Ewa Taracha, Adam Hamed, Pawel Krzasci k, Malgorzata lehner, Anna Skórzewska, Adam Plazni k, Stani slaw J. Chrapusta Diversity of frequency-modulated 50-kHz vocalisation response to intermittent amphetamine treatment in Sprague-Dawley rats POSTER SESSI ON:
Katarzyna Kaminska, Anna Górska, Krystyna Golembiowska, Zofi a Rogóz Effect of co-administration of fluoxetine and risperidone on the forsed swimming test and extracellular level of DA, 5-HT and NA in rat frontal cortex Katarzyna Curzytek, Weroni ka Duda, Marta Kubera, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Boguslawa Budzi szewska, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Beata Grygi er, Anna K Ewa Szczesny, Jan Detka, Wojci ech Nowak, Mi chael Maes, Wladyslaw Lason The effect of chronic pregnancy stress on depression-related behavior and immune parameters: implications for im ipramine reactivity Karoli na Pytka, Jacek Sapa, Barbara Fi li pek, Anna Partyka, Magdalena Jastrzebska-Wi esek, Anna Wesolowska Potential antidepressant and anxyolytic properties of new phenylperazine derivates Beata Grygi er, Marta Kubera, Danuta Wrona, Pi otr Gruca, Wladyslaw Lason Alterations in number and functions of lymphocytes after exposure to chronic mild stress: the effect of desipramine Ewa Szczesny, Joanna Slusarczyk, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Agni eszka Zelek-Moli k, Katarzyna Rafa-Zablocka, Katarzyna Glombi k, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Boguslawa Budziszewska, Marta Kubera, I rena Nalepa, Wladyslaw Lason The impact of lipopolysaccharide on the IGF-1 expression in frontal cortex in animal model of depression Mi chael Maes, Frank Twi sk, Marta Kubera, Karl Ri ngel, Jean-Claude Leuni s, Mi chel Geffard, Barbara Korzeniak, Katarzyna Curzytek, Weroni ka Duda, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Boguslawa Budzi szewska, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Beata Grygi er, Wladyslaw Lason Inflammation and activation of cell-mediated immunity in chronic fatigue syndrome Monika Leski ewi cz, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Joanna Kaczanowska, Magdalena Regulska, Boguslawa Budzi szewska, Marta Kubera, Joanna Slusarczyk, Ewa Szczesny, Barbara Korzeni ak, Wojci ech Nowak, Wladyslaw Lason Chloropromazine and clozapine affect glucose uptake and glucose transporter GLUT3 expression in the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line Acute changes in values of serum high-sensitive C-reactive protein levels during switching of antipsychotics to aripiprazole in patients with schizophrenia Dorota Ni eoczym, Katarzyna Socala, Jarogni ew J. Luszczki , Stani slaw J. Czuczwar, Pi otr Wlaz Influence of sildenafil on the anticonvulsant effect of vigabatrin and gabapentin in the timed pentylenetetrazole infusion test in mice Emi li a Trzaska, Magdalena Bujalska-Zadrozny, Helena Makulska-Nowak Dose-finding studies of orally-administered DHEA on the pain threshold. Attempt to explain its antinociceptive effect Dari usz Boron, Janusz Konecki , Ryszard Brus Incorporation of [3H]glycine in the brain of rats prenatally exposure to cadmium Bozena Gi erdysz-Czoków, Dari usz Boron, Ryszard Brus Abuse of psychoactive substances by school youngsters; questionnaire study Influence of mGluR7 gene knockout and behavioral changes which its causes on male mice fertility Marci n Trela, Pi otr Branski , Andrzej J. Bojarski Indole-like heterocyclic compounds as a new core structure in search of potential allosteric modulators of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors Marci n Marcini ak, Grzegorz Burnat, Pi otr Branski , Andrzej Pi lc Identification and characterization of new 5-HT7 receptor inverse agonists L u n c h t i m e
ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Neuroinflammation, brain metabolism and varia
Chai r : Ewa OBUCHOWI CZ
Dani ela Kasprowska, Bozena Gabryel, Ali cja Kost, Krzys tof Labuzek Metformin has adenosine-monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK)- independent effects on rat primary microglial cultures Bozena Gabryel, Dani ela Kasprowska, Ali cja Kost, Krzys tof Labuzek AICAR increases the production of toxic molecules and the profile of cytokines release in rat primary microglial cultures Marta Nowacka, Adam Brewczynski , Moni ka Paul-Samojedny, Anna Bi elecka, Ewa Influence of tianeptine on LPS-induced BDNF expression in brain structures of Hali na Car, Slawomi r Prokopiuk, Anna Fi edorowi cz, Anna Sadowska, Malgorzata Zendzian- Streptozocin-induced diabetes increases sfingomielin hydrolysis in the brain of rats Pi otr Maci ejak, Janusz Szyndler, Danuta Turzynska, Ali cja Sobolewska, Karolina Klosowska, Kynurenic acid: an unknown mechanism of valproate action? Marta Kot, Andrzej Pi lc, Wladyslawa Anna Dani el The influence of tryptophan-deficient diet on liver cytochrome P450 Moni ka Rykaczewska-Czerwi nska, Mariola Kuczer, Pi otr Oles Mi chal Oles, Danuta Biological effect of pentapeptide Any-GS a potential antagonist of some insect Joanna M. Wi eronska, Andrzej Pi lc, Dario Doller, Pi otr Gruca, Magdalena Lason- mGlu4-dependent reversal of the MK-801-induced cognitive impartment involves 5- Ch a i r : Ma l g or z a t a FI L I P
Chai r : Ry sz ar d SZKI LNI K
Jan Detka, Anna Kurek, Katarzyna Glombi k, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Marta Kubera, Wladyslaw Lason, Boguslawa Budzi szewska Hormonal, metabolic and behavioral consequences of prenatal stress Katarzyna Glombi k, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Agni eszka Zelek-Moli k, Katarzyna Rafa-Zablocka, Ewa Szczesny, Joanna Slusarczyk, Boguslawa Budziszewska, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Marta Kubera, Wojci ech Nowak, I rena Nalepa, Wladyslaw Lason The effect of prenatal stress on the expression of ins receptor substrate family: an implication for depression Adam Bi elawski , Marta Kowalska, Katarzyna Rafa-Zablocka, Mariusz Papp, Irena Nalepa Involvement of cerebral a 1-adrenergic receptors in responsiveness to chronic mild stress and imipramine treatment Urszula Doboszewska, Bernadeta Szewczyk, Magdalena Sowa-Kucma, Gabri el Nowak Zinc deficiency as a possible model of depression – behavioral evaluation Edyta Mozdzen, Agni eszka Wasi k, Jerzy Mi chaluk, Irena anska, Lucyna Antki ewi cz-Mi chaluk 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline as the potential antidepressant compound in forced swimming test in rat Lucyna Pomi erny-Chami olo, Agata Si wek, Andrzej Pi lc, Gabri el Nowak Chronic MTEP treatment, like antidepressats, induces a changes in mGlu5receptors in the rat brain Ewa Szczesny, Agni eszka Basta-Kai m, Katarzyna Glombi k, Moni ka Leski ewi cz, Joanna Slusarczyk, Jan Detka, Marta Kubera, Boguslawa Budziszewska, Wladyslaw Lason Influence of acute peripheral administration of lipopolysaccharide on the level of Aleksandra Wi slowska-Stanek, Malgorzata Lehner, Anna Skórzewska, Adam Plazni k Corticosterone-induced changes in the expression of alpha-2 GABA-A receptor subunits and glucocorticoid receptors in the brain of selected for low and high anxiety in conditioned fear Irena Smaga, Bartosz Pomi erny, Weroni ka Krzyzanowska, ucyna Pomi erny-Chami olo, Ewa Ni edzi elska, Joanna Mi szki el, Malgorzata Fi li p Effects of repeated administration of imipramine or N-acetyl-L-cysteine on selected parameters of oxidative stress in different brain structures in animal model of depression Irena Smaga, Aneta Pi wowarczyk, Beata Bystrowska, Malgorzata Fi lip Effects of acute and repeated admini strati on of i mi pramine and N-acetylcystei ne on the level of endocannabi noi ds in di fferent rat brai n s uctures



T H E B U S I N E S S O F D I A B E T E SCombination Medications in Diabetes Care: AnSteven B. Leichter, MD, FACP, FACE, and Stephanie Thomas, CRCDuring the past few years,new improve patient adherence to treatment scription that is cheaper than the sum ofrate medications. At present, these prod-journal Diabetes Care suggests that, inareas related to diabetes: diabetes itself, Combination


hypertensive rats and human hypertensives (Liu et al.,2005; 2006). In this study, we investigatewhether TRPC3 up-regulation in aorta from SHR is associated with angiotensin II receptor Arterial and Venous Endothelin-1 Content in Humans: Interactions with (AT1R) mediate calcium influx. Methods: Blood pressure was measured using tail-cuff Other Predictors of Hypertension plethys-mography a

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