Nuclear medicine econsult myocardial perfusion patient handout

Nuclear Medicine Myocardial Perfusion Patient Handout
You have been scheduled for a myocardial perfusion study so your doctors can evaluate the blood flow to your heart muscle during exercise (stress) and rest. This test is usually performed in two
parts on the same day. Pictures of your heart will be taken on the gamma camera, once at “rest,” and
again after “stress.” For the stress portion of the test you will either have to walk on a treadmill for
several minutes, or you will lie on a gurney and be injected with a medication which will stress your
heart another way. The whole test can take up to 4 hours when completed in one day. The test is long
and has several parts so bring some reading material with you. Patients weighing more than 250
pounds will require the procedure to be performed on two separate days.
This is a very complex test and you will be required to follow special instructions to
prepare for the test. If you do not follow the instructions, we may not be able to
perform your test.
How to prepare:

You must have NO CAFFEINE containing compounds for 24 hours prior to the test as this can interfere with the medication that might be used to stress your heart. Avoid all sodas,
chocolate in any form, tea, coffee and even decaffeinated tea or coffee
. You may only have
milk, fruit juice or plain water. If you have caffeine your test may be cancelled.
The following medications need to be held for 24 hours before the test: ____________ ______________________________________________________________________ The following medications need to be held the day of the test: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Stop Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra for three days before the test.

Please continue all other medications unless specifically told otherwise by your Primary Care

On the day of the test do not eat or drink for the 3 hours before your appointment. If you must have breakfast make sure you have it early because your stomach MUST be empty at the time
of the stress test. [Please Note: If you are a diabetic and are on medications, please check with
Nuclear Medicine
as you will need special instructions.]
Wear loose comfortable clothing and minimal jewelry. If you are going to be walking on the treadmill, wear a comfortable pair of walking shoes or sneakers- no flip-flops!
If you are unable to keep your appointment please call to cancel at (408) 851 – 5600. Give at least
24 hours notice when possible. After your physician has ordered/scheduled your myocardial
perfusion test, you may call Nuclear Medicine if more detailed preparation(s), information,
questions, and/or instructions are needed. Nuclear Medicine is located on the first floor of the
Kaiser Santa Clara Hospital (700 Lawrence Expressway, 1st Floor, Department #120, Santa
Clara, CA 95051).


Microsoft word - 2012

Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie: Erfasste Publikationen AKTUEL NEUROL. 2012;39(8): 437-438 (Impact(2011)=0.318, Typ=Editorial Material) Schorn C, Burmeister JF, Monninghoff C, Obermann M Acad Radiol. 2012;19(11): 1424-33 (Impact(2011)=1.692, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Lauenstein TC, Umutlu L, Kloeters C, Aschoff AJ, Ladd ME, Kinner S 3)

Eine Tagesdosis von 8 Tabletten bzw. 8 Beuteln 6400 mg Magaldrat sollte nicht überschrittenDie Arzneimittel sollen während derSchwangerschaft nur kurzfristig angewendetEine Tablette enthält 0,961 g Sorbitol. BeiIm Tierversuch führte die Gabe von Alumini-bei jeder Anwendung 0,961 g Sorbitol zuge-umsalzen zu schädlichen Auswirkungen aufEin Beutel Suspension enthält 0,335 g Sorbi-tol.

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