Interactive Metronome Fall Risk Reduction Program Designing an Exercise Program, Module 3
Patient Name: _________________________________________________ Da
Treating Diagnosis: ___________________________________________________________________
Balance Deficits, Decreased Cognition, Frequent Falls
Multifactorial Risk Assessment Focused History
3 Falls in the last 2 months; 1st fall with change of surface; 2nd fall while walking to mailbox and wasn’t paying attention; 3rd fall
Detailed description of fall (circumstances, in a parking lot and was distracted by another person
Describes his falls as “stupid” and “exasperating” Was participating in regular exercise program until back problems worsened. Lives alone in 2 story home with 4 steps to enter and 14 steps inside home.
Plavix; Lopressor; Nitroglycerin; Vasotec; Lipitor; Celexa; Xanax
Medical history that could be correlated
L2-5 Laminectomy and fusion (July 2011); CABG x 4 (2010) with documented
anoxic event during surgery; pt. and family report cognitive changes after CABG; pt. self reports he is still “not quite right”. Physical Exam
Equal step length and weight bearing. Initial contact is flat footed, lacking heel
strike secondary to short step length. Slightly forward flexed posture, forward head. Decreased arm swing (secondary to slow walking speed).
balance with eyes open and eyes closed – TUG Manual
Ross Information Processing Assessment (RIPA)
Predominantly uses hip and stepping strategy, even for small balance
perturbations. Minimal use of ankle strategy, and only requires a small
stepping strategy? Is reaction appropriate balance perturbation to take a step forward or backwards.
Intact. No sensory or reflex impairments noted.
Light touch, deep pressure, proprioception intact
is involved in falling (heart rate, blood
pressure, postural pulse, diastolic blood
Within normal limits as reported by patient. Does wear prescription
glasses and has seen physician in last year.
Does not report vertigo Unable to perform horizontal or vertical head turns with gait – results in significant loss of balance requiring
moderate assistance to correct Visual saccades where inconsistent – had difficulty tracking object. Reported mild nausea with this activity.
Exam feet and footwear (range of motion Dorsiflexion limited to neutral (0 degrees). Typically wears athletic
of feet, evidence of neuropathy, appropri- shoes or lace up shoes that fit well. Not an area of concern.
Range of Motion Strength (list manual muscle test results) Functional Assessment
Light housekeeping (dishes, making beds, laundry) Gets in his own
What ADL’s is the patient having difficulty mail Managing medications once caregiver fills pill box
Pt. verbalizes a significant fear of falling and has begun to self-limit
activity due to this fear. Family substantiates this behavior. Pt. is now beginning to limit his “outings” with the family by saying he doesn’t feel well, but family feels that his fear of falling is restricting his activity level. Environmental Assessment
Has not had falls inside home. Reports this environment is “under
control”. May benefit from home evaluation to determine if home safety could be increased.
Create a patient problem list and assign problems to a system of balance. Each problem may belong to multiple
Musculoskeletal Proprioceptive Oculomotor Vestibular Cognition
Poor visual saccades/weak vestibular system
Decreased motor planning with dual tasking
perturbation/excess hip and strepping strategy
Delayed problem solving/mental processing
Using the exercise guide located on the materials page, identify exercises that target problem areas. Exercise Name Check Exercises to Put in Treatment Plan Exercise Name Check Exercises to Put in Treatment Plan
Head Movements in SittingHead Turns with Reaching Across
Using the In-Motion TriggersSeated, Reaching Across and Behind
In Module 4, intensity and frequency of treatment and exercise modification will be discussed.
Keep this information as it will be used in the next module.
Questions? Please email
Color of transparent liquids like varnishes, lacquers, shellacs, dry-ing oils, fatty acids and resin solutions has been evaluated visual y since the late 1800s. A change in color can indicate contamination or impurities in the raw materials, process variations caused by heating and oxidation, or degradation of products exposed to For simplicity, one dimensional scales for yellowness were es
FOLLETO DE INFORMACION AL PACIENTE HALDOL® Lea cuidadosamente este folleto antes de la administración de este medicamento. Contiene información importante acerca de su tratamiento. Si tiene cualquier duda o no está seguro de algo, pregunte a su médico o farmacéutico. Guarde este folleto puede necesitar leerlo nuevamente. COMPOSICIÓN: HALDOL® 0,5 mg de haloperidol por compri