Hans Wilsdorf Laboratory, Inflammation and Allergy Research Group, Division of Immunology and Allergy, HUG, 4 rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil, CH-1211 Genève 14. Tel. +41 22 372 9376 ; Fax: +41 22 372 3384; Email:
Home address: 4, rue de la Faïencerie, CH-1227 Carouge Web site:
Education: 1973
Maturité scientifique, College of Geneva, Sciences
Ph.D. University of Geneva, Biochemistry
Radioprotection expert, Institute of Applied Radiophysics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Positions: 1978-1983
Ph.D student, Biochemistry Department, University of Geneva. Pr. E.A. Stein and Dr. J.A. Cox. Thesis title: Etude des interactions entre le calcium, la calmoduline et la phosphorylase kinase (i.e., Studies of the interactions between calcium, calmodulin and phosphorylase kinase).
Postdoctoral fellow, Rheumatology Division, University Hospital, Geneva, Dr. M. Schapira.
Chemist C (project leader), University Hospital, (CHUV), Lausanne.
Chemist B (group leader), University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne.
Maître d’enseignement et de recherche (MER) suppléante (project leader), research laboratory, Clinical Immunology Unit, University Hospital, Geneva.
Biologiste 2 (group leader), Hans Wilsdorf Laboratory, Clinical Immunology Unit, University Hospital, Geneva
Biologiste 2 and Privat-Docent (P.D.) - Medical Faculty -. Research Group Leader, Hans Wilsdorf Laboratory, Clinical Immunology Unit, University Hospital, Geneva
Master of Teaching and Research (MER) and Privat-Docent (P.D.) - Medical Faculty -. Research Group Leader, Hans Wilsdorf Laboratory, Inflammation and Allergy Research Group, Division of Immunology and Allergy, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University Hospital and Medical Faculty, University of Geneva, Geneva
Teaching: 1988-1991
3ème cycle romand de psychiatrie: "Chapitres choisis de neurologie" (2h/year).
Cours de Biochimie II, Biochemistry Department, University of Geneva: Chapter: "Les glycoprotéines" (i.e., The Glycoproteins) (4h/year).
APP, “Défense et immunité”, and “Inflammation course” School of Medicine, University of Geneva.
Biochemistry I, Biochemistry Department, University of Geneva. Basic Biochemistry for students in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacy (25h)
Ph.D. Students: Nevila Hyka, 1997-2001; Nicolas Molnarfi, 2001-2005; Karim Brandt, 2006-2010. Cintia M.S. Students (biochemistry): Pierre Maechler (1986); Lionel Pidoux (1991); Carla Félix (2004) M.S. Students (Biology): Viviane Déage (1996); Florence Brunner (1999); Noèlia Begué Pastor (2000;
Erasmus, University of Barcelona); Elisabeth Dieterle (2002); Yvon Reimers (2006); Nicolas Bulliard (2010); Vincenzo Marchese (2011).
M.S. Students (Medicine): Haig Nigolian (2010-2012) D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -2- Memberships in Professional Societies:
Swiss Society for Biochemistry (secretary of the board, 1998-2002; vice-president of the
board, 2002-2005; president of the board, 2005-2008)
Friedrich-Miescher Award for Biochemistry, member of the scientific committee (1998- 2005), president of the scientific committee (2005-2008). Swiss Society for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences American Association of Immunologists Swiss Society for Immunology and Allergy European Cytokine Society International Cytokine Society Biochemical Society UK Society for Leukocyte Biology Editorial board Member of the Editorial Board of the Biochemical Journal since May 2010. Grants: 1. Swiss National Research Foundation: 2012-2015 (# 310030_141071); applicant. CHF 418,000. 2. Swiss Society for Multiple Sclerosis. Since April 1995. Applicant. Between CHF 30'000 and 50'000 a year
3. De Reuter Foundation (2010) CHF 20,000. 4. Hans Wilsdorf Foundation (2009-2011) CHF 50,000/year. 5. The Internal Medicine Department provides support for new research equipments every year. In 2008, I
received CHF 46,000.-- in complement of CHF 43,115.-- allotted to her by the "Société Academique" of Geneva University for the acquisition of an infrared imager Odyssey (Licor). In 2009, I received CHF 14,741.-- for a Red Personal Imager System (Nucleic acid detection (agarose gels).
6. Swiss National Research Foundation: 2007-2010 (# 3200-068286); applicant. CHF 227,000; pending
7. 6th PCRD EU, 2006-2008, Pathogenic role of Microparticles in Cerebral Malaria, Partner for Geneva
University (UniGE), Euros 62'400 for 2 years.
8. Swiss National Research Foundation: 1997-2002 (# 31-50930-97) et 2002-2007 (#3200-068286.02) ; co-
applicant; applicant: J.M. Dayer, CHF 1'000'000.00 and CHF 773'056.00, respectively.
9. Hans Wilsdorf Foundation (2000-2002). The HDL complex as a multifunctional modulator of the
inflammatory response: its relevance to the atherosclerotic process. In collaboration with Drs. R.W. James (Diabetologie, HCUGE) and C.A. Meier (Endocrinologie, HCUGE), around CHF 90'000 for each partner, acquisition of a real-time PCR device.
10. Swiss Cancer League: Proteases and cytokines in pathological inflammatory processes: direct cell-cell
contact as a model for therapeutical intervention., Marsh 1994-Marsh 1997; co-applicant; applicant: J.M. Dayer.
11. Biomed 2 (share cost grant from EU). Immunoregulatory aspect of T cell autoimmunity in multiple
sclerosis (1996-1998), applicant, Swiss partner.
12. De Reuter Foundation, 1998, subsides for a Rotofor®. 13. Swiss National Research Foundation: 1992-1995 (#3100-032306); co-applicant; applicant: A. Steck.
Grant reviewing: Italian MS Society (FISM), Swiss National Science Foundation, MS Society of Canada, Israel Science Foundation, Broad Medical Research Program (BMRP) for inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Participation in institutional structures In charge of radioprotection for the Division of Immunology and Allergy. Miscellaneous In charge of the organization of data-sessions (every Monday, since 2005) for research groups interested in immunology in the hospital, including in addition to research groups of the Dicision of Immunology and Allergy, neuroimmunology, tumor immunology, hematology, immunopathology, etc … Member of the ethic committee for animal experimentation (3 years, i.e. until its suppression). D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -3- DANIELLE BURGER Publication list (h index: 33): Papers in peer-reviewed journals: 1. Burger D., Cox J.A., Fischer E.H., and Stein E.A. The activation of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase
kinase requires the binding of 3 Ca2+ per δ-subunit. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 105, 632-638 (1982).
2. Burger D., Stein E.A., and Cox J.A. Free energy coupling in the interactions between Ca2+, calmodulin and
phosphorylase kinase, J. Biol. Chem. 258, 14733-14739 (1983).
3. Burger D., Comte M., Stein E.A., and Cox J.A. Sequential conformational changes in calmodulin upon
binding of calcium. Biochemistry 23, 1966-1971 (1984).
4. Colman R.W., Wachtfogel Y.T., Kucich U., Weinbaum G., Hahn S., Pixley R.A., Scott C.F., de Agostini A., Burger D., and Schapira M. Effect of cleavage of the heavy chain of plasma kallikrein on its functional properties. Blood 65, 311-318 (1985).
5. Burger D., Ramus M.-A., and Schapira M. Antibodies to human plasma prekallikrein from egg yolk of an
immunized hen: preparation and characterization. Thromb. Res. 40, 283-288 (1985).
6. Burger D., Schleuning W.-D., and Schapira M. Human plasma prekallikrein. Immunoaffinity purification
and activation to α- and ß-kallikrein. J. Biol. Chem. 261, 324-327 (1986).
7. Heumann D., Burger D., Vischer T., de Colmenares M., Bouvier J., and Bordier C. Molecular interactions
of Leishmania promastigote surface protease with human α2-macroglobulin. Molec. Biochem. Parasitol. 33, 67-72 (1989)
8. Burger D., Maeschler P., and Schapira M. Studies on the human plasma kallikrein-kinin system: α-
kallikrein does not directly activate blood neutrophils. Thromb. Res. 55, 109-119 (1989).
9. Schluep M., Page N., Burger D., and Steck A.J. A syngeneic monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody against
HNK-1: characterization and cytotoxic activity in vitro. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 75, 301-305 (1989).
10. Heumann D., Burger D., and Vischer T. Human α2-macroglobulin as an inhibitor of insoluble trypsin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 165, 14-19 (1989).
11. Burger D., Simon M., Perruisseau G., and Steck A.J. The epitope(s) recognized by HNK-1 antibody and
IgM paraprotein in neuropathy is present on several N-linked oligosaccharide structures on human P0 and
myelin-associated glycoprotein. J. Neurochem. 54, 1569-1575 (1990).
12. Adams D., Kuntzer T., Burger D., Chofflon M., Magistris M.R., Regli F., and Steck A.J. Predictive value of
anti-GM1 ganglioside antibodies in neuromuscular diseases: a study of 180 sera. J. Neuroimmunol. 32, 223-230 (1991).
13. Burger D., Perruisseau G., and Steck A.J. Antibody titers in patients with anti-MAG M-IgM gammopathy
and polyneuropathy: usefulnes of a simplified method for the preparation of glycolipid antigens. J. Immunol. Meth. 140, 31-36 (1991).
14. Burger D., Perruisseau G., Simon M., and Steck A.J. Comparison of the N-linked oligosaccharide structures
of the two major human myelin glycoproteins: MAG and P0. Assessment and relative occurrence of oligosaccharide structures by serial lectin affinity chromatography of [14C]-glycopeptides. J. Neurochem. 58, 845-853 (1992).
15. Burger D., Perruisseau G., Simon M., and Steck A.J. Comparison of the N-linked oligosaccharide structures
of the two major human myelin glycoproteins: MAG and P0. Assessment of the structures bearing the epitope for HNK-1 and human monoclonal IgM found in demyelinating neuropathy. J. Neurochem. 58, 854-861 (1992).
16. Ben Jelloun-Dellagi S., Dellagi K., Burger D., Ben Younes-Chennoufi A., Hentati F., Steck A.J., and Ben
Hamida M. Childhood peripheral neuropathy with autoantibodies to the myelin glycoprotein P0. Ann. Neurol. 32, 700-702 (1992).
17. Badache A., Burger D., Villarroya H., Robert Y., Kuchler S., Steck A.J., and Zanetta J.-P. Carbohydrate
moieties of myelin-associated glycoprotein, major glycoprotein of the peripheral nervous system myelin and other myelin glycoproteins potentially involved in cell adhesion. Dev. Neurosci. 14, 342-350 (1992).
18. Zhang Y., Burger D., Saruhan G., and Steck A.J. T lymphocyte response against myelin-associated
glycoprotein in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 43, 403-407 (1993).
19. Lövblad K.-O., Boucraut J., Bourdenet S., Burger D., Bernard D., Regli F., and Steck A.J. Sensory
neuropathy and small cell lung cancer: antineuronal antibody reacting with neuroblastoma cells. J. Neurol. 240, 327-332 (1993).
D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -4-
20. Burger D., Steck A.J., Bernard C.C.A., and Kerlero de Rosbo N. Human myelin/oligodendrocyte
glycoprotein: a new member of the L2/HNK-1 family. J. Neurochem. 61,1822-1827 (1993).
21. Kerlero de Rosbo N., Milo R., Lees M.B., Burger D., Bernard C.C.A., and Ben-Nun A. Reactivity to myelin
antigens in multiple sclerosis: peripheral blood lymphocytes respond predominantly to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). J. Clin. Invest. 92, 2602-2608 (1993).
22. Burger D., Pidoux L., and Steck A.J. Identification of the glycosylated sequons of human myelin-associated
glycoprotein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 197, 457-464 (1993).
23. Li J.-M, Isler P., Dayer J.-M., and Burger D. Contact-dependent stimulation of monocytic cells and
neutrophils by stimulated human T cell clones. Immunology 84, 571-576 (1995).24. Burger D., Chicheportiche R., Giri J.G., and Dayer J.-M. The inhibitory activity of human interleukin-1
receptor antagonist is enhanced by type II interleukin-1 soluble receptor and hindered by type I interleukin-1 soluble receptor. J. Clin. Invest. 96, 38-41 (1995).25. Shattock R.J., Burger D., Dayer J.-M., and Griffin G.E. Enhanced HIV replication in monocytic cells
following engagement of adjesion molecules and contact with stimulated T cells. Res. Virol. 147, 171-179 (1996).
26. Vey E., Burger D., and Dayer J.M. Expression and cleavage of tumor necrosis factor α and tumor necrosis
factor receptors by human monocytic cell lines upon direct contact with stimulated T cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 26, 2404-2409 (1996).
27. Lou J., Dayer J.-M., Grau G., and Burger D. Direct cell-cell contact with stimulated T lymphocytes induces
the expression of cell adhesion molecules and cytokines by human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 26, 3107-3113 (1996).
28. Chizzolini C., Chicheportiche R., Burger D., and Dayer J.M. Human Th1 cells preferentially induce IL-
1beta while Th2 cells induce IL-1 receptor antagonist production upon cell-cell-contact with monocytes. Eur. J. Immunol. 27, 171-177 (1996).
29. Lou J., Ythier A., Burger D., Zheng L., Juillard P., Lucas R., Dayer J.M., and Grau G.E. Modulation of
soluble and membrane-bound TNF-induced phenotypic and functional changes of human brain microvascular endothelial cells by recombinant TNF binding protein I. J. Neuroimmunol. 77, 107-115 (1997).
30. Lucas R.,Juillard P., Decoster,E., Redard M., Burger D., Donati, Y., Giroud C., Monso-Hinard C., De Kesel
T., Buurman W.A., Moore M.W., Dayer J.M., Fires W., Bluethmann H., and Grau G.E. Crucial role of tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 and membrane-bound tumor necrosis factor in experimental cerebral malaria. Eur. J. Immunol. 27, 1719-1725 (1997).
31. Vey E., Dayer J.M., , and Burger D. Direct contact with stimulated T cells induces the expression of Il-1β
and Il-1 receptor antagonist in human monocytes. involvement of serine/threonine phosphatases in differential regulation. Cytokines 9, 480-487 (1997).
32. Coclet-Ninin J., Dayer JM, and Burger D. Interferon-beta not only inhibits interleukin-1β and tumor
necrosis factor-α but stimulates interleukin-1 receptor antagonist production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Eur. Cytokine Net. 8, 345-349 (1997).
33. Burger D., Li J.M., Rezzonico R., Modoux C., Pierce R., Welgus H.G. and Dayer J.M. Imbalance between
interstitial collagenase (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in synoviocytes and fibroblasts upon direct contact with stimulated T lymphocytes: involvement of membrane-associated cytokines. Arthritis Rheum. 41, 1748-1759 (1998).
34. Rezzonico R., Burger D., and Dayer J.M. Direct contact between T lymphocytes and human dermal
fibroblasts or synoviocytes down-regulates types I and III collagen production via cell-associated cytokines. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 18720-18728 (1998).
35. Déage V., BurgerD. and Dayer J.M. Exposure of T lymphocytes to leflunomide but not to dexamethasone
favors the production by monocytic cells of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and the tissue-inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 over that of interleukin-1beta and metalloproteinases. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 9,663-668 (1998).
36. Chizzolini C., Rezzonico R., Ribbens C., Burger D., Wollheim F.A., and Dayer J.M. Inhibition of type I
collagen production by dermal fibroblasts upon contact with activated T cells: different sensitivity to inhibition between systemic sclerosis and control fibroblasts. Arthritis Rheum. 41,2039-2047 (1998).
37. Chizzolini, C., Rezzonico, R., De Luca, C., Burger, D., and Dayer, J.M. Th2 cell membrane factors in
association with IL-4 enhance matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) while decreasing MMP-9 production by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor- differentiated human monocytes. J. Immunol. 164,5952- 5960 (2000). Impact factor: 7.065 D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -5-
38. Hyka, N., Dayer, J.M., Modoux, C., Kohno, T., Edwards, C.K., III, Roux-Lombard, P., and Burger, D.
Apolipoprotein A-I inhibits the production of interleukin-1beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by blocking contact-mediated activation of monocytes by T lymphocytes. Blood 97,2381-2389 (2001). Impact factor: 9.273
39. Jungo, F., Dayer, J.M., Modoux, C., Hyka, N., and Burger, D. IFN-beta inhibits the ability of T
lymphocytes to induce TNF-alpha and IL-1beta production in monocytes upon direct cell-cell contact. Cytokine 14,272-282 (2001). Impact factor: 1.992
40. Burger,D., Begue-Pastor,N., Benavent,S., Gruaz,L., Kaufmann,M.T., Chicheportiche,R., and Dayer,J.M.
The active metabolite of leflunomide, A77 1726, inhibits the production of prostaglandin E(2), matrix metalloproteinase 1 and interleukin 6 in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Rheumatology (Oxford) 42:89- 96 (2003). Impact factor: 3.760
41. Juge-Aubry,C.E., Somm,E., Giusti,V., Pernin,A., Chicheportiche,R., Verdumo,C., Rohner-Jeanrenaud,F.,
Burger,D., Dayer,J.M., and Meier,C.A. Adipose Tissue Is a Major Source of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist: Upregulation in Obesity and Inflammation. Diabetes 52:1104-1110 (2003). Impact factor: 8.290
42. Molnarfi,N., Gruaz,L., Dayer,J.M., and Burger,D. Opposite effects of IFNβ on cytokine homeostasis in
LPS- and T cell contact-activated human monocytes. J.Neuroimmunol. 146:76-83 (2004). Impact factor: 2.704
43. Chenaud,C., Merlani,P.G., Roux-Lombard,P., Burger,D., Harbarth,S., Luyasu,S.,Graf,J.D., Dayer,J.M. and
Ricou,B. Low apolipoprotein A-I level at intensive care unit admission ans systemic inflammatory response syndrome exacerbation. Crit. Care Med. 32, 632-637 (2004). Impact factor: 4.182
44. Palmer,G., Burger,D., Mezin,F., Magne,D., Gabay,C., Dayer,J.M., and Guerne,P.A. The active metabolite
of leflunomide, A77 1726, increases the production of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in human synovial fibroblasts and articular chondrocytes. Arthritis Res. Ther. 6, R181-R189 (2004). Impact factor: 4.551
45. Juge-Aubry,C.E., Somm,E., Chicheportiche,R., Burger,D., Pernin, A., Cuénod-Pittet,B., Quinodoz,P.,
Giusti,V., Dayer,J.M., and Meier,C.A. Regulatory effects of interleukin-1, interferon b and IL-4 on the production of IL-1 receptor antagonist by human adipose tissue. J. Clin. Endocr. Metab. 89, 2652-2658 (2004). Impact factor: 5.778
46. Burger,D., Molnarfi,N., Gruaz,L., and Dayer,J.M. Differential induction of IL-1β and TNF by CD40 ligand
or cellular contact with stimulated T cells depends on the maturation stage of human monocytes. J.Immunol. 173:1292-1297 (2004). Impact factor: 6.486
47. Bresnihan,B., Gogarty,M., FitzGerald,O., Dayer,J.M. and Burger,D. Apolipoprotein A-I infiltration in
rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue: a control mechanism of cytokine production? Arthritis Res Ther.6:R563-R566(2004). Impact factor: 4.551
48. Vuilleumier,N., Reber,G., James,R., Burger,D., de Moerloose,P., Dayer,J.M., and Roux-Lombard,P.
Presence of auto-antibodies to apolipoprotein A-1 in patients with acute coronary syndrome further links auto-immunity to cardiovascular disease. J.Autoimmun. 23:353-360 (2004). Impact factor: 1.917
49. Cettour-Rose, P., Nguyen, T.X.K., Serrander, L., Kaufmann, M.T., Dayer,J.M., Burger,D., and Roux-
Lombard,P. T cell contact-mediated activation of respiratory burst in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes is inhibited by high-density lipoproteins and involves CD18. J. Leuk. Biol. 77:52-58 (2005). Impact factor: 4.627
50. Molnarfi,N., Gruaz,L., Hyka-Nouspikel,N., Dayer,J.M., and Burger,D. Interferon β-induced production of
soluble interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in human monocytes depends on the activation of phosphoinositol- 3 kinase but not of signal transductor and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1). J. Immunol. 174:2974-2980 (2005). Impact factor: 6.387
51. Molnarfi,N., Gruaz,L., Dayer,J.M., and Burger,D. Opposite regulation of IL-1beta and secreted IL-1
receptor antagonist production by phosphatidylinositide-3 kinases in human monocytes activated by lipopolysaccharides or contact with T cells. J.Immunol. 178:446-454 (2007). Impact factor: 6.068
52. Fineschi,S., Cozzi,F., Burger,D, Dayer,J.M., Meroni,P., and Chizzolini,C. Anti-fibroblast antibodies
detected by cell-based ELISA in systemic sclerosis enhance the collagenolytic activity and matrix metalloproteinase-1 production in dermal fibroblasts. Rheumatology 46:1779-1785 (2007). Impact factor: 4.045
53. Scanu,A., Molnarfi,N., Brandt,K.J., Gruaz,L., Dayer,J.M., and Burger,D. Stimulated T cells generate
microparticles which mimic cellular contact-activation of human monocytes: differential regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production by high-density lipoproteins. J. Leukoc. Biol. 83: 921-927. (2008) Impact factor: 4.605 D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -6-
54. Molnarfi,N., Brandt,K.J., Gruaz,L., Dayer,J.M., and Burger,D. Differential regulation of cytokine
production by PI3Kδ in human monocytes upon acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. Mol. Immunol. 45: 3419-3427. (2008)Impact factor: 3.555
55. Burger,D., Molnarfi,N., Weber,M.S., Brandt,K.J., Benkhoucha,M., Gruaz,L., Chofflon,M., Zamvil,S.S., and
Lalive,P.H. Glatiramer acetate increases IL-1 receptor antagonist but decreases T cell-induced IL-1β in human monocytes and multiple sclerosis. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 106:4355-4359 (2009) Impact factor: 9.432. Biogen-Dompé Award 2009
56. Gruaz,L., Delucinge-Vivier,C., Descombes,P., Dayer, J.M., and Burger,D. Blockade of T cell contact-
activation of human monocytes by high-density lipoproteins reveals a new pattern of cytokine and inflammatory genes PLoS ONE 5:e9418 (2010) Impact factor: 4.411
57. Scanu,A., Oliviero,F., Gruaz,L., Sfriso,P., Pozzuoli,A., Frezzato,F., Agostini,C., Burger,D., and Punzi,L.
High-density lipoproteins down-regulate CCL2 production in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes stimulated by urate crystals. Arthritis Res. Ther. 12:R23 (2010)Impact factor: 4.357
58. Carpintero,R., Gruaz,L., Brandt,K.J., Scanu,A., Faille,D., Combes,V., Grau,G.E., and Burger,D. High-
Density Lipoproteins Interfere with the Binding of T Cell Microparticles to Human Monocytes to Inhibit Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Production. PLoS ONE 5 : e11869 (2010) Impact factor: 4.411
59. Brandt,K.J., Carpintero,R., Gruaz,L., Molnarfi N., and Burger,D. A novel MEK2/PI3Kδ pathway controls
the expression of IL-1 receptor antagonist in IFNβ-activated human monocytes. J. Leukoc. Biol. 88: 1191- 1200 (2010).Impact factor: 4.626
60. Carpintero,R., Brandt,K.J., Gruaz,L., Molnarfi N., Lalive, P.H., and Burger,D. Glatiramer acetate triggers
PI3Kδ/Akt and MEK/ERK pathways to induce IL-1 receptor antagonist in human monocytes. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 107: 17692-17697 (2010). Impact factor: 9.771
61. Satta, N., Kruithof,EKO., Fickentscher,C., Dunoyer-Geindre,S., Boehlen,F., Reber,G., Burger,D., and de
Moerloose,P. Role of Toll-like Receptor 2 in human endothelial cell and monocyte activation by antiphospholipid antibodies. Blood 117: 5523-5531 (2011). Impact factor: 10.558
62. Jornot,L., Cordey,S., Caruso, A., Gerber,C., Vukicevic, M., Tapparel,C., Kaiser,L., Burger,D., Roosnek,E.,
Lacroix, JS., and Rochat,T. T lymphocytes promote the antiviral and inflammatory responses of airway epithelial cells. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26293 (2011) Impact factor: 4.411
63. Frossard,CP., Asigbetse,KE., Burger,D., and Eigenmann, P.A. Gut TCRγδ+ intraepithelial lymphocytes are
selectively activated by cholera toxin to break oral tolerance in mice. Submitted.Papers in journals without peer review: 1.
Steck,AJ., Burger,D., Bourdenet,S., Regli,F., Ochsner,F., Berrut,E., and Gauthier,G. Therapeutic options in multiple sclerosis: present and future. Schweiz.Arch.Neurol.Psychiatr. 142:135-136 (1991). Burger,D., Steck,A.J., Bernard,C.C., and Kerlero de Rosbo,N. Human myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein: a new member of the L2/HNK-1 family. Schweiz.Arch.Neurol.Psychiatr. 144:227-228 (1993).
Dayer JM. and Burger D. Cell-cell interactions in chronic inflammation: modulation of surrounding cells by direct contact with stimulated T lymphocytes. Rheumatology in Europe 24 (suppl. 2), 24-26 (1995) Burger D., Lou J., Dayer,JM., and Grau, G.E. Both soluble and membrane-associated TNF activate brain microvascular endothelium: relevance to multiple sclerosis. Mol. Psychiatr. 2, 113-116 (1997).
Scanu A., Oliviero F., Luisetto R., Sfriso P., Dayer JM., Burger,D., and Punzi,L. HDL inhibit cytokine production in a mouse model of urate crystal-inuced inflammation. Reumatismo 62, 266-272 (2010). Reviews: 1.
Dayer,JM. and Burger,D. Interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor and their specific inhibitors. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 5, 563-571 (1994) Burger,D. and Dayer,JM. Inhibitory cytokines and cytokine inhibitors. Neurology 45 (suppl 6), S39-S43 (1995)
Dayer,JM. and Burger,D. Cytokines and direct cell contact in synovitis: relevance to therapeutic intervention. Arthritis Res. 1,17-20 (1999). Burger,D. Cell contact-mediated signaling of monocytes by stimulated T cells: a major pathway for cytokine induction. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 11,346-353 (2000).
Dayer, J.M., Feige, U., Edwards III, C.K., and Burger,D. Anti-interleukin-1 therapy in rheumatic diseases. Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. 13,170-176 (2001). Impact factor : 3.600 in 2002 D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -7- Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. High-density lipoproteins-associated apolipoprotein A-I: the missing link between infection and chronic inflammation? Autoimmunity Rev.1,111-117 (2002). Impact factor : 3.091 in 2005 Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. Cytokines, acute-phase proteins and hormones: IL-1 and TNF-α production in contact-mediated activation of monocytes by T lymphocytes. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 966,464-473 (2002). Impact factor : 1.682 Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. The role of human T lymphocyte-monocyte contact in inflammation and tissue destruction. Arthritis Res. 4 (suppl. 3):S169-S176 (2002). Impact factor : 5.036 in 2003
Dayer,J.M. and Burger,D. Cell-cell interactions and tissue damage in rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmun.Rev. 3 Suppl 1:S14-S16 (2004). Impact factor : 3.091 in 2005
Dayer,J.M., Molnarfi, N., and Burger,D. From cellular receptors to transduction-transcription pathways for cytokines: at which level should the inhibition be targeted in inflammation? Expert Opin. Biol. Therapy 5 (Suppl. 1): S83-S96 (2005). Impact factor : 2.553 Burger, D. Dayer, J.M., Palmer, G., and Gabay, C. Is IL-1 a good therapeutic target in the treatment of arthritis? Best.Pract.Res.Clin.Rheumatol. 20: 879-896 (2006).Impact factor : 1.904
Carpintero, R., and Burger, D. IFNβ and glatiramer acetate trigger different signaling pathways to regulate the IL-1 system in multiple sclerosis. Communicative & Integrative Biology 4: 112-114(2010).
Lalive, P. H., Neuhaus, O., Benkhoucha, M., Burger, D., Hohlfeld, R., Zamvil, S.S., and Weber, M.S. Glatiramer acetate in treatment of multiple sclerosis: emerging concept on its mechanism(s) of action. CNS Drugs 25: 401-414 (2011) - Impact factor : 4.497. Book Chapters: 1. Burger D., Stein E.A., and Cox J.A. Ca-binding to calmodulin upon interaction with target enzymes. In: Calcium-binding proteins in health and disease. (E. Carafoli et al., eds) Elsevier Science Publishing, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford; p.p. 147-148 (1983).
Cox J.A., Comte M., Malnöe A., Burger D., and Stein E.A. Mode of action of the regulatory protein calmodulin. In: Metal ions in biological systems 17 (H. Siegel, ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel; p.p. 215-273 (1984).
Steck A.J., Burger, D., Picasso S., Kuntzer T., Nardelli E., and Schluep M. Gangliosides and related glycoconjugates in myelin: relationship to peripheral neuropathies. In: Progress in brain research - Biological function of gangliosides (L. Svennerholm, A.K. Asbury, R.A. Reisfeld, K. Sandhoff, K. Suzuki, G. Tettamanti and G. Toffano, Eds.) Elsevier, Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokyo (1994). Burger, D., and Steck A.J. Neuropathies associated with anti-myelin antibodies. In: Immunology of Neuromuscular diseases, (R. Hohlfeld, Ed.) Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht/Boston/London; p.p. 7-31 (1994). Burger, D., and Dayer, J.M. Cell-cell interactions in chronic inflammation: Modulation of surrounding cells by direct contact with stimulated T lymphocytes. In: Peptides in Immunology (C.H. Schneider, Ed.) John Wiley & sons, Ltd., London. p.p. 159-164 (1996). Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. Interactions between T cell plasma membranes and monocytes. In T Cells in Arthritis. P. Miossec, van den Berg, W.B., and Firestein, G.S., editors. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland. 111-128 (1998). Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. IL-1Ra. In Cytokine Reference. J.J.Oppenheim and Feldmann,M., editors. Academic Press, New York, London. 319-336 (2000). Burger, D., and Dayer, J.M. The balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In Targeted Therapies in Rheumatology. J.S.Smolen and Lipsky,P.E., editors. Martin Dunitz, London. 329-343 (2003). Burger, D., Roux-Lombard, P., Chizzolini, C., and Dayer, J.M. Cell-cell contact in chronic inflammation: the importance to cytokine regulation in tissue destruction and repair. In Cytokines and Joint Injury. van den Berg, W.B., and P. Miossec, editors. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland. 165-188 (2004). Burger, D., Dayer, J.M., and Molnarfi, N. Cell Contact Dependence of Inflammatory Events. In Contemporary Targeted Therapies in Rheumatology. J.S.Smolen and Lipsky,P.E., editors. Taylor & Francis Books Ltd. Abingdon/UK. 85-103 (2007). Burger, D. and Dayer, J.M. Assays of T cell contact dependent monocyte-macrophage functions. In Arthritis Research: Methods and Protocols, vol. 2. A.P. Cope, editor. Humana Press, Totowa/NJ. 139-148 (2007). D. Burger, CV and Bibliography -8- Commentaries 12. Ferrari-Lacraz, S. and Burger, D. RANKing bone resorption versus inflammation: infection makes the
decision. IBMS BoneKEy 7, 156-160 (2010).
Miscellaneous 1. Burger, D. Book review. Interferon Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis, by Anthony Reder, ed. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 8: 409 (1997). Burger, D. Meeting report: Cell contact interactions in rheumatology, The Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology, London, UK, 1-2 June 2000. Arthritis Res. 2:472-476 (2000).
Chenaud,C., Merlani,P.G., Roux-Lombard,P., Burger, D., Harbarth,S., Luyasu,S., Graf,J.D., Dayer,J.M., and Ricou,B. Adrenal Insufficiency: The link between low apolipoprotein A-I levels and poor outcome in the critically ill? Crit Care Med. 32:1978-1979 (2004).
Il Fluconazolo Supplemento#20 Fluconazole revisionato da Edith Kernerman, IBCLC nel 2009 Il Fluconazolo (Diflucan™) è una molecola antimicotica sintetica che può essere utilizzata per il trattamento del a Candida Albicans e di altre infezioni da funghi. In particolare, può essere usato come primo intervento con le madri che al attano per trattare le infezioni ricorrenti dei capezzol
Fact Sheet Published by the Katharine Dexter McCormick LibraryPlanned Parenthood Federation of America 434 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001 The Difference Between the Morning-After Pill and the Abortion Pill There has been considerable public confusion about the difference between the morning-after pill and the abortion pill because of misinformation disseminated by anti-c