International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences INT.J.PH.SCI.,SEP-DEC, 2010;2(3):680-686 ISSN 0975-4725 Original Research Manuscript Date of Submission: 29-06-2010 Date of Acceptance: 20-09-2010 Evaluation of iridoid glycosides from leave of Barleria Prionitis as an Anti-diarrhoeal Activity: an Ethnopharmacological study Sunil K. Jaiswal3*, Mukesh K. Dubey2, Ajay K. Verma3, Sanjib Das2, M. Vijaykumar1, Chandana V. Rao1
1 Pharmacognosy & Ethnopharmacology Div., National Botanical Research Institute (CSIR), Rana Pratap Marg, P.O. Box 436, Lucknow 226001, Uttar Pradesh, India. 2 Dept. of Pharmaceutical sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam, India. 3 Rameshwaram Institutes of Technology & Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Barleria prionitis L. (Family Acanthaceae; commonly known as Vajradanti), is an annual shrub, 1–3 feet high, found throughout tropical
Asia and in South Africa. In indigenous system of medicine in India, the aerial parts are used in gastrointestinal disorders. The present
study was undertaken in order to evaluate the antidiarrhoeal activity of chromatographic fractions B of butanol extract of leave of
B.prionitis using several experimental models in Wistar albino mice/Rats. Leaves of B.prionitis were subjected to fractionate in several
non polar solvent in which butnol fraction of B.prionitis Linn. led us to the identification of active fraction (iridoid glycoside). The bio
active fraction has been prove that it contain three major iridoid glycosides namely acetyl barlerin (6, 8-di-o-acetylshanzhiside methyl
ester), barlein (8-o-acetylshanzhiside methyl ester) and shanshiside methyl ester. These iridoids glycoside was subjected to anti diarrhoeal
activity against validated experimental models like Castor oil induced diarrhea, gastrointestinal motility tests & PGE2-induced
enteropooling. The extract inhibited castor oil induced diarrhoea and PGE2 induced enteropooling in rats; it also reduced gastrointestinal
motility after charcoal meal administration. The obtained data demonstrated the excellent anti-diarrhoeal activity of B.prionitis and thus
have great potential as a source for natural health products.
Keywords: anti-diarrhoeal activity; castor oil; Barleria prionitis; Gastrointestinal motility. INTRODUCTION
movement, wet stool and abdominal pain [2]. It is a
Diarrhoea is a public health problem in developing
leading cause of malnutrition and death among children
countries. Acute diarrhoea is the leading cause of
in the developing countries of the world today [3]. Many
morbidity and mortality amongst children in developing
governments and international organizations are trying
countries [1]. Many rural dwellers in the world depend
to control this disease but the rate of incidence is still
largely on medicinal herbs for the treatment of
high, about 7.1 million per year [4]. Many synthetic
diarrhoeal conditions because these herbs are readily
chemicals like diphenoxylate, loperamide and antibiotics
are available for the treatment of diarrhoea but they have
component of traditional medicine practice. Diarrhoea is
some side effects. The natural drugs are used as
characterized by increased frequency of bowel
antidiarrhoeal drugs, which are not always free from
adverse effects [5]. Therefore, the search for safe and
The freshly collected leaves (5 kg) dried under the
more effective agents has continued to be an important
control conditions and powdered materials was
area of active research. Since ancient times, diarrhoea
percolated with petroleum ether for 3 days to remove
has been treated orally with several medicinal plants or
fatty substances, the marc was further exhaustively
their extracts based on folklore medicine
extracted with of 50% ethanol for 4 days (3 X 5L). The
Barleria prionitis L. (Family Acanthaceae; commonly
extract was separated by filtration and concentrated on
known as Vajradanti), is an annual shrub, 1–3 feet high,
rotavapour (Buchi, USA) and then freeze-dried
found throughout tropical Asia and in South Africa. In
(Freezone® 4.5, Labconco, USA) at high vacuum (133 x
indigenous system of medicine in India, the aerial parts
10-3 m Bar) and low temperature (–40 ± 2 ºC) to obtain
are used in fever, toothache, inflammation &
gastrointestinal disorders; bark in whooping cough as an
Fractionation of B.prionitis leaves with different
expectorant; the whole plant and especially the roots are
used as tonic and diuretic [6-7]. Leaves, stem and root of
The extract was fractionated successively with n-hexane,
B. prionitis possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
chloroform and n-butanol with the help of separating
activities [8-9]. The flower of Barleria prionitis possess
funnel for 4 times each, to obtain n-hexane fraction,
anti-inflammatory and anti nociceptive activity [10].
Iridoid enriched fraction of aerial parts (leaves and
stems) was reported for hepatoprotective activity in
Preliminary phytochemical screening
various acute and chronic animal models [11]. An aerial
The BPE was analyzed for the presence of
part was reported for barlerinoside, shanzhiside methyl
phytochemicals viz. alkaloids, carbohydrate, glycosides,
protein and amino acids, flavonoids, polyphenols, resins,
saponins, steroids and triterpenoids by qualitative
methoxydiderroside and lupulinoside [12].
Despite the popular use of this species as a medicinal
Isolation procedure of compound(s) from B. prionitis
plant, there are no data about the pharmacological effect
On the basis of % yield and review on phytoconstituents,
of B. prionitis on the gastrointestinal system. The aim of
n-Butanaol fraction 50gm was subjected to silica gel
the present study was to evaluate the potential Anti
column chromatography (silica gel 0.5 kg) and eluted
diarrhoeal activity of butanolic extract of B. prionitis
with 2.5L each of 100% chloroform, 25% ethyl acetate
leaves (BPE) on different experimental models of
in chloroform, 50% ethyl acetate in chloroform, 75%
ethyl acetate in chloroform, 100% ethyl acetate, 2%
methanol in ethyl acetate, 5% methanol in ethyl acetate,
10% methanol in ethyl acetate, 20% methanol in ethyl
Plant material
acetate, 30% methanol in ethyl acetate, 40% methanol in
The B. prionitis was collected from Botanical Garden of
ethyl acetate, 50% methanol in ethyl acetate, 100%
National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow,
methanol. The fractions were checked on TLC plate and
India in the month of January. The plant material was
identified and authenticated and the voucher specimen
Preparative TLC was performed in silica gel 60 F254
number NBR-354 is deposited in the departmental
preparative TLC plates (20 × 20 cm with 4 × 20 cm
concentration zone, 0.5 mm layer thickness and
Preparation of extract
fluorescence at 254 nm) (Merck) pre-heated at 105 ± 5
ºC for 30 min for the separation of compounds from
The method reported by with modifications, has been
fraction B (436 mg). A relatively large amount of
used in the present study [15]. Rats of either sex (210–235
fraction (50 mg/ml) was applied on the plates with a
g) were fasted for 18 h; they were then divided into five
TLC sample applicator. The plates (×5) were developed
groups of five individuals. The fraction B of butanol
with the solvent ethyl acetate: Methanol (8:2).
extract of B.prionitis was administered orally at doses of
Test animals
25, 50 and 100 mg/kg by gavage as suspension to the
Sprague-Dawley rats (150-175g) were procured from the
first three groups of animals. The fourth group received
animal house of Central Drug Research Institute,
loperamide (3 mg/kg) orally as suspension (positive
Lucknow. They were kept in the departmental animal
control). The fifth group, which served as the blank, was
house at temperature 26 2 C, relative humidity 44 -
administered with aqueous acacia suspension. After 60
56%, light and dark cycles of 10 and 14 h respectively
min of treatment, the animals of each group received
for one week before and during the experiments.
1ml of castor oil orally, by gavage, and the consistency
Animals were provided with standard rodent pellet diet
of faecal material and the frequency of defecation were
(Dayal, India) and the food was withdrawn 18-24 h
noted up to 4 h in the transparent plastic dishes placed
before the experiment though water was allowed ad libitum. All the studies were performed in accordance
Gastrointestinal motility tests
with the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory
Rats were fasted for 18 h and then placed in five cages
animals, as adopted and promulgated by the Institutional
containing five individuals in each cage. Each animal
Animal Care Committee, CPCSEA, India (Reg. No.
was administered orally with 1ml of charcoal meal (5%
deactivated charcoal in 10% aqueous tragacanth),
Acute toxicity
followed by oral administration of fraction B suspension
Different doses (25–500 mg/kg, p.o.) of BPE were
to three groups of animals in doses of 25, 50 and 100
administered to groups of rats and observed continuously
mg/kg. The fourth group received atropine (0.1 mg/kg,
for 1 h and then at half-hourly intervals for 4 h, for any
i.p.), the standard drug for comparison and the fifth
gross behavior changes further up to 72 h followed 14
group was treated with aqueous acacia suspension
(vehicle control). Thirty minutes later, each animal was
Evaluation of the effect on normal defecation
sacrificed and the intestinal distance moved by the
Five groups of six mice each were placed individually in
charcoal meal from the pylorus was cut, measured, and
separate cages with filter papers at the bottom. The doses
expressed as a percentage of the distance from the
(25, 50 and 100 mg dry extract per kg body mass) of
fraction B were administered orally to different groups.
PGE2-induced enteropooling
In this method, rats were deprived of food and water for
diphenoxylate HCl (5.0 mg/ kg, p.o.) and aqueous acacia
18 h and placed in five cages, with five animals per cage.
suspension 5 ml/kg were administered to two groups and
The first three groups were treated with 25, 50 and 100
they later served as controls [14]. The total number of
mg/kg doses of fraction B. The fourth group was treated
faecal droppings in each group was assessed every hour
with 1ml of a 5% (v/v) ethanol in normal saline (i.p.) and
for the next 4 h. Percent reduction in the total number of
then it was treated with aqueous acacia suspension,
faeces in the treated groups was obtained by comparison
which served as vehicle control. Immediately after the
extract administration PGE2 (Astra Zeneca, India) was
Castor oil-induced diarrhoea in Rats
administered orally to each rat (100ìg/kg) in the first
three groups. The fifth group was treated with PGE2
kg–1 caused a dose dependent decrease in the total
(100ìg/kg) as well as with aqueous acacia suspension
faecal matter (15.0 and 58.3%). Loperamide, a standard
and served as the PGE2 control group. After 30 min
antidiarrhoeal drug, inhibited the diarrhoea by 66.6%
following administration of PGE2, each rat was
(Table 1). The fraction B at doses of 25 and 100 mg/kg
sacrificed and the whole length of the intestine from the
decreased the propulsion of charcoal meal through the
pylorus to the caecum was dissected out, its content
gastrointestinal tract, as compared with the control group
collected in a test tube, and the volume measured [17].
(p<0.05 - p<0.001). Atropine (0.1 mg/kg) reduced the
motility of the intestine to a greater extent (p < 0.001)
(Table 2). The fraction B significantly inhibited PGE2
The values were represented as mean ± S.E.M. for six
induced enteropooling in rats in higher dose levels
rats. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was followed
compared with PGE2 treatment (p<0.001)(Table 3).
by individual comparison by Newman–Keuls test using
PGE2 induced a significant increase in the fluid volume
Prism Pad software for the determination of level of
of the rat intestine when compared with control animals,
significance. The p-values of <0.05 being considered
In the present study, the fraction B of butanol extract of
The extractive value of B.prionitis leave in n-Hexane
B.prionitis exhibited significant anti-diarrhoeal activity
(7.5%), Chloroform (15.35%) in butanol (29.2%) and in
against castor oil induced diarrhoea in rats. The fraction
aq. Portion (55.10%). The preliminary phytochemical
B had a similar activity as loperamide, when tested at 50
studies on the BPE demonstrate the presence of
and 100 mg/kg and inhibited the frequency of faecal
alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, saponins,
droppings. Castor oil releases ricinoleic acid which
steroids and triterpenoids. On chemical analysis, fraction
induces changes in mucosal fluid and electrolyte
B was found to be a mixture of iridoid glucosides, which
transport that results in a hypersecretory response and
on TLC (silica gel) gives three spots of Rf 0.44, 0.64,
diarrhoea [18-19]. The experimental studies in rats
0.69. One major spot of Compound B2 (229 mg) with Rf
demonstrated a significant increase in the portal venous
0.44 was further confirmed by Co TLC with a reference
PGE2 concentration following oral administration of
standard shanzhiside methyl ester (iridoid glucoside)
castor oil [20]. Ricinoleic acid markedly increased the
(Fig.2). Further chemical profile showed mainly three
PGE2 content in the gut lumen and also caused an
iridoid glucosides, i.e. acetyl barlerin (6, 8-di-o-
increase of the net secretion of the water and electrolytes
into the small intestine [21]. Inhibitors of prostaglandin
acetylshanzhiside methyl ester) and shanshiside methyl
biosynthesis delayed castor oil induced diarrhoea [15].
ester. In the acute toxicity study, no deaths were
The extract appears to act on all parts of the intestine.
observed during the period at the doses tested.
Thus, it reduced the intestinal propulsive movement in
In the present investigation, the fraction B of butanol
the charcoal meal treated model; at 100 mg/kg fraction B
showed activity similar to that of atropine. The fraction
antidiarrhoeal activity in various validated models in
B at different dose levels 50 and 100 mg/kg significantly
rats. Castor oil produced characteristic semisolid
inhibited the PGE2 induced intestinal fluid accumulation
diarrhoea droppings in all animals of the control group.
(enteropooling). These observations tend to suggest that
The effect of the fraction B at the dose of 25–100 mg
the fraction B at different dose levels 50 and 100 mg/kg
reduced diarrhoea by inhibiting gastrointestinal motility
The authors are thankful to the Head, Dept. of
The present results indicate that the fraction B of butanol
extract of B.prionitis possesses significant anti-
Dibrugarh and Director NBRI for providing necessary
diarrhoeal activity due to its inhibitory effect both on
gastrointestinal propulsion and fluid secretion. The
inhibitory effect of the extract justifies the use of the
plant as a non-specific antidiarrhoeal agent in folk
Table1. Effect of fraction B of butanol extract of B.prionitis on castor oil induced diarrhoea in rats Total no. of Reduction Treatment (mg kg–1) fecal droppings * Values are presented as mean values of six rats in each group. Table 2. Effect of fraction B of butanol extract of B.prionitis on charcoal-induced gut transit changes Distance traveled Treatment Inhibition (%) (mg kg–1) by charcoal meal (%) Values are expressed as mean + S.E.M. (n=6).ap<0.05, bp<0.001 compared to respective control group.
Table 3. Effect of fraction B of butanol extract of B.prionitis on PGE2-induced enteropooling Treatment Volume of intestinal fluid (ml) Inhibition (%) B.prionitis (100mg kg–1)Values are expressed as mean + S.E.M. (n=6).ap<0.001 compared with respect to ethanol in saline treatment. bp<0.05 compared with respect to ethanol in saline treatment. xp<0.001 compared with respect to PGE2 treatment.
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The Journal of Pain, Vol 8, No 5 (May), 2007: pp 373-378 Available online at Pain in Persons With Dementia: Complex, Common, andChallengingJoseph Shega, Linda Emanuel, Lisa Vargish, Stacie K. Levine, Heide Bursch, Keela Herr,Jordan F. Karp, and Debra K. Weiner Editor’s Note: This article is one in a series of “Case Her vital signs are normal, but she lost 7 poun
PRODUCT DATA SHEET BVT-0246 Ansatrienin A Handling / Storage Protect from light when in solution. Use / Stability Stable for at least 1 year after receipt when stored at -20°C. After reconstitution protect from light at -20°C. MSDS available at or upon request. Product Specifications Isolated from Streptomyces collinus . Soluble in