Iranian J Parasitol: Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, pp. 38-42 Original Article
In Vitro Effects of Metronidazole and Albendazole on Giardia lamblia Isolated from Iranian Patients F Mohamadnezhad, *F Ghaffarifar, A Dalimi Dept. of Parasitology, Faculty of Medical Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
(Received 28 Dec 2007; Accepted 08 Mar 2008) Abstract Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of metronidazole and albendazole against clinical isolates of Giardia lamblia in vitro. Methods: From all human samples of containing cysts, 10 isolates were successfully excysted in vitro. Trophozites viability was assessed by eosine 0.1% and cultured axenically in TYI-S-33 modified medium supplemented with heat inactivated bovine serum 10%. All cultures were incubated in 37°C for 24-48 h. After this time trophozoites were exposed to different concentration (0.05, 0.1, 2, 10, 50 µg/ml) of drugs at 37º for 4 h. The IC50 estimated between 0.1 and 10µg/ml for metroni- dazole and 0.062 and 0.1 µg/ml for albendazole. Results: Eight isolates were found susceptible to the metronidazole while all isolates were found susceptible to the albenda- zole. Statistical results indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.05) in the sensitivity to metronidazole and alben- dazole in all isolates. Conclusion: The killing affects of albendazole on G.lamblia was greater than metronidazole. Keywords: Giardia lamblia, Metronidazole, Albendazole, Susceptibility, In-Vitro, Iran. Introduction
In human giardiasis, therapeutic failure is oc-
curring more and more frequently, due to low
iardia lamblia, is a protozoan parasite in
compliance with drug therapy, reinfestation or
testine that causes extensive mor-
parasite resistance to metronidazole and/or the
bidity in the worldwide. Giardiasis is an impor-
nitroimidazole-related compounds secnidazole,
tant cause of chronic diarrhea and malab-
tinidazole plus ornidazole as well as quinacrine
sorbtion. Giardia infects approximately 2% of
and furazolidone. Albendazole has been pro-
the adults and 6 to 8% of the children in devel-
posed as an alternative to metronidazole but is
Despite the recognition of clinical illness in the
G.lamblia has been reported to be highly
last 40 years, there have been few reviews of
susceptible to albendazole in vitro, but the
therapy for this infection and no definitive ef-
efficacy of drugs in clinical studies is
fective treatment protocols have been pub-
lished. In addition, only a handful of agents
There is an obvious need for alternative an-
which are available may have adverse effects or
tigiardial agents. The aim of the present study
be contraindicated in certain clinical situation.
was to assess the effects of albendazole, met-
Also, resistance may play a role in some infec-
ronidazole against G.lamblia trophozoites in in
*Corresponding author: Fax: +98-21-88013030, E-mail:
bendazole were prepared in distilled water and
Materials and Methods
dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) respectively. The
final DMSO concentration in the culture tubes
Isolation of G.lamblia cysts
was always <0.5%. Different concentrations of
G.lamblia cysts were isolated from fresh feces
each drug (0.05, 0.1, 2, 10, 50µg/ml) were pre-
of patients with giardiasis in Tehran. The sam-
ples showed no contamination to the other in-
Trophozoites were exposed to different concen-
testinal parasites and fungi. The average num-
tration (0.05, 0.1, 2, 10, 50 µg/ml) of the drugs
at 37 °C for 4 h. After chilling in ice water, tro-
G.lamblia cysts were washed, purified and
phozoites were counted by haemocytometer. In
concentrated from feces using sucrose flotation
control groups equivalent concentrations of dis-
method with a simplified sucrose gradient
tilled water and DMSO were used, in this re-
method. The cysts after being washed twice in
gard we used water as the control for metroni-
distilled water were exposed with antibiotics and
dazole group and DMSO (with the same con-
fungicide at 4°C for a maximum of 4 days prior
centration in stock solution) for albendazole
group. The antiprotozoal activities of albenda-
The excystation procedure was done using
zole were compared with metronidazole within
Bingham & Meyer technique (6). These
procedures involved two steps: the induction of
Statistical analysis
excystation performed in acid solution, and the
The percentage of growth inhibition was calcu-
culture and axenization in TYI-S-33 medium
lated by comparison of growth rate of test
supplemented with bile and heat inactivated
group control group. The 50% inhibitory con-
centration (IC50) was defined as the concentra-
In excystation procedure 1 volume of clean cysts
tion of the drug that inhibited growth by 50% as
was added to 9 volumes of HCl in pH=2 and
calculated by probit analysis. The 90% inhibitory
0.01N, and were incubated at 37 °C for 1h(5).
concentration (IC90) was similarly calculated (7).
Culture and count
For this experiment we needed to prepare a large
number of trophozoites. Hence the excysted
parasites were added into the culture tubes con-
From 37 human faecal samples containing G.
taining 7 ml of TYI-S-33 (borosilicae glass Screw-
lamblia cyst, 10 samples were excysted in axenic
capped vials) and were incubated at 37 °C for
24-48 h. Trophozoites were harvested by chill-
The IC50 calculated for each isolate after 4 h
ing the tubes in ice water for 10-15 min. Then
drug exposure, is shown in Table1. For met-
counted by haemocytometer (Neubauer cell-
ronidazole IC50 varied from 0.7 to 10 µg/ml
counter chamber).The optimum trophozoite
representing a range of variation of 14.28 fold
concentration used was 50, 000 cells/ml (6).
while IC90 varied from 6 to 42.5 µg/ml repre-
Evaluation of parasite viability
senting a range of variation of 7.08 fold in sus-
To assess trophozoites viability, eosine 0.1%
ceptibility. For albendazole, the range of IC50
varied from 0.062 to 0.1µg/ml representing a
Drugs assessment
range of variation of 1.61 fold while IC90 varied
Metronidazole and albendazole were prepared
from 1.5 to3µg/ml representing a range of vari-
from Daru Pakhsh Co. The chemotherapeutic
agents used were metronidazole and albenda-
The results of IC50 in Table 1 showed that the
zole. Stocks solution of metronidazole and al-
mean for albendazole was 0.08 µg/ml and for
metronidazole was 3.32 µg/ml. In this regard,
Table 2 shows the comparison of percentage of
the ratio of drug concentration was 3.32/0.08
killed trophozoites of G.lamblia following 4h
(41.5) and showed albendazole than to metroni-
exposure to different concentrations of met-
Table 1: Susceptibility of G.lamblia isolates to (metronidazole and albendazole) in vitro condition. Isolate No. Metronidazole Albendazole Metronidazole Albendazole ( µg/ml) ( µg/ml) ( µg/ml) ( µg/ml) Table 2: Comparison of percentage of killed trophozoites of G.lamblia following 4h exposure to different concentration of Drugs Drug concentrations Percentage of killed trophozoites ( µg/ml) Following exposure to the drugs Metronidazole Albendazole F Mohamadnezhad et al: In Vitro Effects of… Discussion
could be due to different strains of G.lamblia.
The heterogeneity in drug sensitivity of parent
The present study has demonstrated the supe-
G.lamblia populations may be one of the fac-
rior potency of albendazole against Giardia
tors responsible for treatment failures of human
trophozoites in vitro compared to metronida-
zole. Our finding was similar to the other re-
The results of this study are significant with
ported data. Meloni et al. (1990) found that al-
respect to prospects for a new approach to the
bendazole was 5-10 times more active than me-
tronidazole or tinidazole against G. lamblia as
appears to be an ideal anti-giardial agent. It has
judged the IC50 (8). Edlind et al. (1990) re-
ported that albendazole was 50 times more ac-
chemotherapeutic agents and is relatively
tive than metronidazole (9). Upcroft et al.
insoluble and poorly absorbed from the gut,
(1999) reported that a great deal of variation in
the antiprotozoal efficacies of the 13 com-
parasites and should not affect the intestinal
pounds tested was revealed. Only one com-
pound was less effective than metronidazole
against all three species of protozoa examined.
All other compounds were as effective or more
effective than metronidazole against some or all
This study was supported by Tarbiat Modares
organisms tested (10). According to Upcroft et
University through pecuniary aid. The authors
al. (2001) study the MIC for metronidazole
wish to thank Mr. Poorghasem, Dr Farrahi from
susceptible lines was 6.3 µM in those assays
Danesh laboratory for kind cooperation and
and that for the resistant lines was consistently
Miss Ghasemi and Mrs Jaberi for kind help-
higher (11). Majewska et al. (1991), found that
ing.The authors declare that there is no Conflict
all individual stocks were composed of parasite
populations characterized by significantly
(P<0.05) differing sensitivities to both ornida-
zole and metronidazole (12). Farbey et al.
(1995) reported that dose-response curves were
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constructed for each isolate for metronidazole,
the most common clinically used antigiardial
agent, as well as for albendazole. Less than a 9-
fold variation was found in the susceptibility of
excystation and axenization of Giardia
the isolates to albendazole, while for metroni-
lamblia:in vitro susceptibility to metroni-
dazole there was well over a 16,000 -fold varia-
dazole and albendazole. Antimicrob Agents
tion between the same groups of isolates (13).
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been reported by Wright et al., including cases
where patients failed both metronidazole and
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usefulness of the existing drugs is the most
cost-effective measure to ensure the continued
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availability of antigiardial drugs (14).
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