List of validated methods-mar-2013.xls

LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Clarithromycin / Clarithromycin 14-Hydroxy Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Antiinflamatory, Antibacterial, Antimalarial Diltiazem / Diltiazem Desacetyl / Diltiazem Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Ezetemibe (Free) / Ezetemibe Glucouronide Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Mycophenolic Acid / Mycophenolate Mofetil Anti-obesity (gastric and pancreatic lipase Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Anti-obesity (gastric and pancreatic lipase Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF DIFFICULT BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Antiinflamatory, Antibacterial, Antimalarial Mycophenolic Acid / Mycophenolate Mofetil Anti-obesity (gastric and pancreatic lipase inhibitor)Anti-obesity (gastric and pancreatic lipase Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF DIFFICULT BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS UNDER DEVELOPMENT AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Classification Facility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002.
Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900;


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