Journal of Biotechnology 124 (2006) 469–472
High level expression of bioactive recombinant human growth
hormone in the milk of a cloned transgenic cow
Daniel Salamone , Lino Bara˜nao , Claudio Santos , Leonardo Bussmann ,
Jorge Artuso , Carlos Werning , Aida Prync , Cesar Carbonetto , Susana Dabsys ,
Carlos Munar , Roberto Salaberry , Guillermo Berra , Ignacio Berra ,
Nahuel Fern´andez , Mariana Papouchado , Marcelo Foti , Norberto Judewicz ,
Ignacio Mujica , Luciana Mu˜noz , Silvina Fen´andez Alvarez , Eliseo Gonz´alez ,
Juan Zimmermann , Marcelo Criscuolo , Carlos Melo
a Biosidus S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
b Facultad de Agronom´ıa, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
c Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
d Instituto de Biolog´ıa y Medicina Experimental-CONICET, Argentina
e Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog´ıa Agropecuaria, Argentina
f Munar y Asociados, La Plata, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
g Centro de Diagn´ostico Molecular S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 15 September 2005; accepted 4 January 2006
Transgenic farm animals have been proposed as an alternative to current bioreactors for large scale production of biophar-
maceuticals. However, the efficiency of both methods in the production of the same protein has not yet been established. Herewe report the production of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in the milk of a cloned transgenic cow at levels ofup to 5 g l−1. The hormone is identical to that currently produced by expression in E. coli. In addition, the hematological andsomatometric parameters of the cloned transgenic cow are within the normal range for the breed and it is fertile and capable ofproducing normal offspring. These results demonstrate that transgenic cattle can be used as a cost-effective alternative for theproduction of this hormone. 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Recombinant hGH; Transgenic cloned cow; Animal biotechnology
∗ Corresponding author at: Vuelta de Obligado 2490, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel.: +54 11 4786 2564; fax: +54 11 4786 2564. E-mail address: (L. Bara˜nao).
0168-1656/$ – see front matter 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. D. Salamone et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 124 (2006) 469–472
The expression of proteins with potential thera-
Mature oocytes were denuded by vortexing for 3 min
peutic applications in the milk of livestock species
in PBS with 1 mg ml−1 bovine testis hyaluronidase.
appears to be one of the most attractive commer-
Metaphases were assessed and oocytes were enucleated
cial applications of animal transgenesis
by visualization with Hoechst 33342 (5 g ml−1) under
UV light (<6 s). Donor cells at G0/G1 stages were fused
to proteins required in large amounts that cannot be
to enucleated oocytes by an electrical pulse. After 3 h,
obtained cost-effectively in current bioreactors, such
activation was induced by incubation in TL-HEPES
with 5 M ionomycin for 4 min and 2 mM 6-DMAP
for 3 h. The oocytes were then washed with TL-HEPES
and 48 g l−1 have been reported for the production of
and cultured in SOF medium with an atmosphere of
these proteins in the milk of sheep and cows, respec-
5% CO2 + 5% O2 + 90% N2. Development to blasto-
cysts (days 7–9) was recorded. One or two blastocysts
The present study was set up to analyze the feasibil-
per recipient cow were transferred non-surgically, and
ity of using the milk of transgenic cattle as an alternative
pregnancies at 30 days or 60 days were determined by
for the commercial production of human growth hor-
Cleavage rates and blastocyst production were not
Recombinant hGH was produced in E. coli culture
significantly different between the different cell lines
following the procedure routinely used for the com-
and control fibroblasts. A total of 15 transgenic calves
mercial production of the hormone. A 650 bp cDNA
were born (4 from cell line Leo 0 and 11 form line
encoding the hGH was cloned into a pBST plasmid
Leo 2, while line Leo 1 produced no pregnancies). The
under the control of a phage RNA polymerase pro-
presence of the transgene in DNA isolated from the
moter. The expression of the gene in the resultant
transgenic calves blood was verified by PCR amplifi-
construct is inducible with IPTG. One milliliters of
cation of DNA sections comprising part of the promoter
bacterial suspension from the original culture was used
transgene and the entire coding region. Only one calf
to generate a subsequent culture in a New Brunswick
from line Leo 0 showed the complete sequence for
Scientific IF 250 bioreactor. Bacteria were grown dur-
the hGH coding region and the -casein promoter,
ing 12 h and then induced to produce hGH for 3 h.
whereas partial deletions in the 3 end of the transgene
They were subsequently collected by cross-flow fil-
were observed in the other animals. This is proba-
tration (Filtron equipment) and disrupted by high-
bly a consequence of the heterogeneity of the trans-
pressure treatment (Rannie equipment). Material was
genic cell lines, since they were not subjected to clonal
centrifuged and the supernatant passed through an
immunoaffinity column (Affigel-10 Bio-Rad Laborato-
Lactation was induced in transgenic animals by
ries resin + anti-hGH monoclonal antibodies). Recom-
a biphasic treatment. The first phase of the treat-
binant hGH was eluted and fully purified by RP-HPLC
ment involved the combined sc administration of
(C4) and further molecular exclusion chromatogra-
estrogens (estradiol benzoate, Histeren®, Instituto
Rosenbusch) and progestagens (medroxyprogesterone
For the production of cloned transgenic cows, fetal
acetate, Pronal®, Aton), consisting of five successive
fibroblasts were obtained from a 75-day-old Jersey
applications of each drug, in a dose of 0.1 mg kg−1 BW
fetus and transfected with two separate plasmids, one
and 0.25 mg kg−1 BW, respectively, every 48 h (i.e.,
containing the human growth hormone gene under the
on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, assuming that the treatment
control of a bovine -casein promoter, and the other
commences on day 1). The second phase included the
bearing a neomycin resistance gene. After selection for
sc administration of dexamethasone (Decadron, Sidus)
14 days with 800 g ml−1geneticin, several colonies
and oxytocin (Orasthin®, Hoechst Marion Roussel). A
were isolated. Three cell lines were obtained from those
total amount of 20 mg of the former was injected over a
colonies: Leo 0, Leo 1 and Leo 2, which were used as
period comprising days 18–20 (one-third of total mass
being administrated each day), and three applications
Oocytes were aspirated from slaughterhouse ovaries
of 50 IU of the latter were given on days 21–23. Milking
and matured in TCM-199 + 5% FCS at 39 ◦C for 24 h. D. Salamone et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 124 (2006) 469–472
Fig. 1. Bioactive hGH levels in the milk of the transgenic clonedcow.
Bioactivity of hGH in the milk, measured by a Nb2
lymphoma cell bioassay (startedto increase from values around 2 g l−1 at the onset oflactation and rose steadily reaching values of 5.0 g l−1(A highly significant correlation was observedbetween hGH bioactivity and its immunoactivity, asdetermined with a specific antibody. Milk hGH levelsshowed three peaks (30, 60 and 80 days after induc-tion), which were associated with the onset of estrouscycles.
Fig. 2. Coomassie blue staining (panel A) and Western blot (panelB) of bacterial extracts and milk from the transgenic cow producing
Human GH was also detected in the cow serum,
hGH. Lane 1, molecular weight marker; Lane 2, bacterial extract
reaching a maximum of 3000 ng ml−1 and then lev-
before immunoaffinity chromatography; Lane 3, bacterial extract
eling at around 600 ng ml−1. Since the presence of
after immunoaffinity chromatography; Lane 4, bacterial extract after
hGH in serum was observed 3 weeks before the onset
final purification; Lane 5, whey milk before immunoaffinity chro-
of lactation, our interpretation is that rather than to
matography; Lane 6, whey milk after immunoaffinity chromatogra-phy; Lane 7, whey milk after final purification.
an ectopic expression of the transgene, the circulat-ing hGH may derive from leakage from the mam-mary gland due to a non-vectorial secretion before
comparison, in the cell extract from E. coli hGH rep-
lactogenesis II. In fact, tight junctions between adja-
resented less than 5%. shows a Western blot of
cent mammary secretory cells do not develop until
the same samples, which was carried out with a mono-
just prior to parturition, and hence, proteins that are
clonal antibody against hGH. A faint band correspond-
constitutively synthesized by the developing secretory
ing to hGH cleavage products could be observed, being
epithelial cells are secreted into the interstitial fluid,
the proportion of cleaved products similar between bac-
and ultimately find their way into serum. This mecha-
terial cell extracts and bovine milk serum. Peptidic
nism was described for the milk proteins ␣-lactalbumin
mapping of hGH from milk gave an identical result
to that of the hormone produced by bacterial culture
Analysis of the whey milk by SDS-PAGE and
In order to initiate a production herd, we have cloned
Coomassie blue staining showed a major band corre-
two calves from ear fibroblasts of the founder cow. PCR
and Southern blots analysis showed a genomic profile
represents about 10% of the total protein content. As
identical to that of the donor cow. In addition, after
D. Salamone et al. / Journal of Biotechnology 124 (2006) 469–472
standard procedures of superovulation and artificial
insemination, we have recently obtained four calvesfrom the founder cow (three males, one female), all
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