Guidance for Clinical Trials for Children and Adolescents
ÃStefan Wirth, yDeirdre Kelly, zEtienne Sokal, Socha, jjGiorgina Mieli-Vergani,
jjAnil Dhawan, e Lacaille, Agne`s Saint Raymond, Olivier, and Taminiau
be compared with present therapy. Safety measures should include the
Most children with chronic hepatitis C are infected vertically, have a low
standard recommended laboratory investigations, growth parameters, qual-
natural seroconversion rate, and carry a lifetime risk of cirrhosis and cancer.
ity-of-life or psychological measures, and a requirement for long-term
Affected children are usually asymptomatic, and histological findings are
mild with a low risk of progression, although 5% develop significant liverdisease in childhood. The use of combination treatment with pegylated
Key Words: children and adolescents, chronic hepatitis C, clinical trials,
interferon-a and ribavirin has changed the outcome and prognosis for this
disease, with approximately 60% of children achieving sustained viralclearance. Combination therapy is not ideal for children because pegylated
interferon is administered subcutaneously, impairs growth velocity, and bothinterferon and ribavirin have significant adverse effects that affect com-pliance. In addition, approximately 50% of children infected with genotype
1 do not respond to therapy. Thus, additional treatment options are requiredincluding improvement in dosing, reduction in the length of treatment, andevaluation of new drugs, such as protease inhibitors, which could be more
In adults, treatment guidelines for chronic hepatitis C virus
(HCV) infection are based on a large number of published
effective for patients infected with genotype 1. The primary goal of
natural history studies and randomized controlled trials. There
treatment is to eradicate the infection. The future clinical trial design should
are fewer data available regarding the epidemiology, spontaneous
ensure that any new drugs demonstrate noninferiority to the present standard
course, and treatment of chronic hepatitis C in children and
regimen in both children and adults. The measure for documenting sub-
adolescents. Initially, most guidelines recommended children to
stantial improvement above present therapy should be increased viral
be managed and treated in a similar way as adults, although recent
clearance rate or the same clearance rate, with a shorter duration of treatment
data suggest that this may no longer be appropriate. Some experts
and/or fewer adverse effects. We do not believe there is any need for a
recommend postponing treatment until adulthood because children
placebo arm because approved therapy is available and new treatments can
are asymptomatic and have mild liver disease. Recently, severalpublished open-label treatment trials have demonstrated significantefficacy and safety of HCV infection therapy in children and
Received May 22, 2010; accepted July 20, 2010.
adolescents using either interferon-a 2b or peginterferon-a 2b in
From the ÃClinic for Children and Adolescence, HELIOS Klinikum
Wuppertal, Witten-Herdecke-University, Germany, yThe Liver Unit,
combination with ribavirin, which resulted in official approval of
Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK, the
this treatment regimen by the US Food and Drug Administration
zService de He´patologie Pe´diatrique, Cliniques Universitaires St Luc,
(FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) In
the §Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Immunology,
addition, there is now considerable experience with peginter-
The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland, the jjKing’s
feron-a 2a in combination with ribavirin in children As in
College London School at King’s College Hospital, London, UK, the
adults, sustained viral response (SVR) depends on genotype.
ôHoˆpital Necker-Enfants Malades Service de Gastroente´rologie Pe´dia-
Patients infected with genotype 2 and 3 respond significantly
trique, Paris, France, and the #European Medicines Agency, London,
better than those with genotype 1 or 4 who only have response
rates of 50% Therefore, half of the treated patients remain
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof Dr Stefan Wirth,
Clinic for Children and Adolescence, HELIOS Klinikum Wuppertal,
chronic virus carriers with a risk of progressive liver disease
Witten-Herdecke-University, Heusnerstr. 40, D-42283 Wuppertal,
so there are compelling reasons to improve the present treatment
The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the authors and
should not be understood or quoted as being made on behalf of or
reflecting the position of the EMA or one of its committees or workingparties.
This Guidance is the result of a consensus meeting of a working group in
The prevalence of HCV infection in children in developed
November 2009 consisting of members and experts of the ESPGHAN
countries ranges between 0.1% and 0.4% During the last
Hepatology Committee and the EMA: Stefan Wirth, Deirdre Kelly,
10 years the predominant mode of viral hepatitis C transmission has
Etienne Sokal, Piotr Socha, Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, Anil Dhawan,
become vertical infection. In developed countries, contamination
and Florence Lacaille for ESPGHAN; Agne`s Saint Raymond, Sophie
through transfusion or health care is exceedingly rare, but it may
remain frequent in developing countries. The rate of perinatal
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
transmission from an infected mother to her child ranges from
Copyright # 2011 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric
2% to 5% and is now the nearly exclusive mode of infection in
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
Western countries In the United Kingdom the prevalence of
HCV infection in pregnant women was 0.16% In Scotland the
JPGN Volume 52, Number 2, February 2011
Copyright 2011 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN Volume 52, Number 2, February 2011
prevalence ranged between 0.29% and 0.4% depending on age
Peginterferon-a 2b (60 mg Á mÀ2 Á weekÀ1) and ribavirin
From France a 0.53% HCV infection RNA prevalence of the young
(15 mg Á kgÀ1 Á dayÀ1) were approved by the FDA (2008) and the
population was reported Seroprevalence of antibody to HCV
EMA (2009). Recommendations are that patients with genotype 1
infection in the United States was 0.4% Given a perinatal
and 4 should be treated for 48 weeks, with treatment discontinued at
transmission rate of approximately 4% in HCV infection, RNA-
6 months if there has been no viral response. Patients with genotype
positive mothers, and an annual birth rate of 4.4 million newborns in
2 and 3 should be treated for 24 weeks. The majority of treated
North America and 5 million in Europe, there could be an estimated
children and adolescents will tolerate peginterferon and ribavirin
530 to 600 new unavoidable infections annually in infants for these
well. Most adverse events were mild to moderate, although dose
industrialized regions. In cases of vertical infection, the chronicity
reductions of both drugs were required; the rates of discontinuation
rate is extremely high Spontaneous viral clearance after HCV
were low in all published trials. Severe psychiatric adverse effects
infection in children seems higher in parenterally infected individ-
were rare in prepubertal individuals, but thyroid dysfunction and
uals and may reach 35% to 45% up to adolescence
transient growth impairment were reported Follow-up studies
However, viral clearance in vertically infected children seems to
to evaluate long-term sequelae are in progress.
be dependent on the genotype and was found to range from 2.4% to
In summary, despite considerable progress in the treatment of
25% In contrast, children infected with genotype 3 had a
children with chronic hepatitis C, in approximately half of the patients
higher spontaneous clearance rate than those infected with genotype
with genotype 1, which represents the vast majority of infected
1. Beyond age 4 years spontaneous viral clearance became unlikely
individuals, treatment remains unsuccessful. The need for subcu-
taneous administration of pegylated interferon and the range ofsignificant adverse effects with both interferon and ribavirin meanthat further improvement in terms of dosing, reducing the length of
treatment, and evaluating new drugs such as protease inhibitors
It is well documented that HCV infection in children is
clinically asymptomatic. Histological findings are usually mildand the risk of severe complications is low. Nevertheless, despitethe favourable prognosis during the first and second decades of life,
approximately 4% to 6% of children have evidence of advanced
liver fibrosis or cirrhosis Large liver transplantation units
Present treatment is demanding with respect to parenteral
have reported on children who needed liver transplantation due to
administration, the range of adverse effects, and patients’ compli-
progressive HCV infection In a lifetime, the risk of developing
ance, and its efficacy against genotype 1 is suboptimal.
cirrhosis is about 20%, which is influenced by alcohol consumption,
Eradication of childhood HCV infection is desirable because
whereas the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is based on developing
children with chronic hepatitis C carry a lifetime risk of cirrhosis
cirrhosis at 2% to 5% However, these data are from adults and
and cancer. The risk is probably not linear and may be strongly
there is no valid information about the long-term course of verti-
influenced by environmental factors. However, affected children
cally infected children. A recent study in pediatric patients cured of
further expand the pool of hepatitis C carriers in the population and
malignancy with chronic hepatitis C documented liver cirrhosis in
hence participate in viral transmission. Importantly, children may
feel stigmatized by their friends and develop serious psychologicalproblems, resulting in reduced quality of life. In addition, edu-
cational problems may rise with the risk of restricting their careerchoices by the infection, especially in the health field.
Initially, treatment of chronic hepatitis C in children and
Moreover, therapy may be more efficient in children due to
adolescents was based on an a-interferon monotherapy with multiple
the general absence of comorbidities or intoxications. The present
dosing regimen yielding an SVR rate from 0% to 76% Nineteen
standard of care regimens using peginterferon in combination with
studies using a-interferon have been published between 1992 and
ribavirin are long, relatively toxic, and expensive. New protocols,
2003 With increasing experience a-interferon monotherapy
either shorter or with different drugs, are thus desirable.
(injections thrice weekly) showed a rather poor response, and riba-virin was added. Six studies were published between 2000 and 2005and demonstrated an SVR from 27% to 64% Thestratification according to genotypes revealed a good response
(>80%) in patients with genotype 2 and 3 and an SVR of approxi-
mately 36% to 53% in those with genotype 1. FDA and EMA
The primary goal of treatment is to eradicate the infection
approved interferon-a 2b (3 Mio U, thrice per week) in combination
to prevent late complications. Hence, the aim is not the treatment of
with ribavirin (15 mg Á kgÀ1 Á dayÀ1).
an ongoing liver disease, but the prevention of a future one. All
Peginterferon in combination with ribavirin became the
children with chronic hepatitis C with active infection with a
standard of care for adults with chronic hepatitis C. Advantages
measurable level of HCV-RNA should be considered for treatment.
were better SVR, reduced injection frequency to once per week, and
Although neither the level of aminotransferases nor of HCV-RNA
a better adverse effect profile. Subsequently, the therapy was
predicts the long-term outcome, these criteria should be included in
evaluated in children and adolescents and the results of 6 trials
the analysis of the results because SVR may be better in individuals
have been reported SVR in patients with genotype 1
with genotype 1 who have a lower viral load
from 5 trials with >30 patients ranged from 44% to 59%. SVR in
Histology: We do not feel that liver histology is a useful entry
children with genotype 2 and 3 was >90%. Three trials used
criterion because children generally do not have severe lesions.
peginterferon-a 2b, and 2 used peginterferon-a 2a. The level of
However, because steatosis is a prognostic factor for treatment
aminotransferases or histological findings by liver biopsy did not
response in adults and is partly related to HCV infection itself as
correlate with SVR. In 1 study, 32% of children with genotype 1 and
well as to body weight, it would be desirable to perform a liver
high viral load (>600,000 U/L) and 73% with low viral load
biopsy at the beginning of a trial as a baseline and to include
measures of fibrosis/steatosis in the analysis of the results
Copyright 2011 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN Volume 52, Number 2, February 2011
Guidance for Clinical Trials for Children and Adolescents With Chronic HCV
Endpoints: The primary endpoint should be SVR, which is
TABLE 1. Recommended baseline investigations before HCV
defined as persistent HCV-RNA loss more than 6 months after
cessation of treatment, anticipating eradication of the chronic HCVinfection. A secondary endpoint should be normalization of amino-
Physical and neuropsychiatric examinationTanner pubertal stage
Evaluation of growth parameters, z scores for height and weight,
The drug to be tested should have demonstrated noninfer-
iority to the present standard treatment in adults and children
(pegylated interferon-a in combination with ribavirin). We do
Liver histology—assessed by Ishak or Metavir scores
not feel that there is a need for a placebo arm because approved
effective therapy for children and adolescents is available and new
treatments could be compared with present therapy. The test drug
Complete red and white blood cell count, reticulocytes
could be used in triple combination with pegylated interferon andribavirin or as monotherapy.
ALT, AST, g-GT, AP, bilirubin, Alb, coagulation
New treatment options should focus primarily on patients
infected with genotype 1 because of the relative lack of efficacy of
present therapy. Improved efficacy could be evaluated as an
Immunoglobulins, autoantibodies (ANA; LKM 1),
increased viral clearance rate (eg, >65%) in those patients. Alter-
natively, new treatment regimens could achieve the same viral
clearance rate, but with a shorter duration of treatment or with less
Alb ¼ albumin; ALT ¼ alanine aminotransferase; ANA ¼ anti-nuclear
antibody; AP ¼ alkaline phosphatase; AST ¼ aspartate aminotransferase;BMI ¼ body mass index; BUN ¼ blood urea nitrogen; g-GT ¼ gamma-
All of the children with chronic hepatitis C, defined as
glutamyl transferase; HCV ¼ hepatitis C virus; HOMA ¼ homeostasis
persistence of viral replication with positive HCV-RNA for more
model assessment; LKM ¼ liver-kidney microsomal antigen; TSH ¼thyroid-stimulating hormone.
than 6 months, are eligible independent of the mode of transmissionand the level of aminotransferases before treatment. Treatment isnot indicated before age 3 years because of safety reasons and to
Surrogate markers of steatosis such as findings of ultrasono-
allow for the possibility of spontaneous viral clearance. Trial
graphy, magnetic resonance imaging, or Fibroscan are not generally
protocols should stratify patients according to genotype 1 and 4
available and are not standardized. Thus, for a more reliable
and 2 and 3, respectively. Two age groups (3–10 years and 10–18
analysis of the results it is desirable to have a liver biopsy at the
years) should be separately documented and analysed. In view of
beginning of a clinical trial. Because insulin resistance is also a
the effect on final height, treatment during rapid growth spurts or
factor associated with response to treatment in adults, determination
puberty should be avoided if possible. Additional factors influen-
of homeostatic model assessment index is useful at the beginning
cing SVR such as mode of infection; sex; aminotransferase levels;
and end of the treatment. Iron load has been related in adults to a
and histolological grading of fibrosis, inflammation, and steatosis
more severe disease Therefore, the determination of serum
should be recorded. Female adolescents should be advised
ferritin levels is a meaningful marker for the analysis of results.
Because of possible transient growth inhibition of interferons and
Children with previous treatment failure could be included 2
evaluation of growth parameters including z scores for height and
years after the end of treatment to allow for delayed seroconversion
weight, growth velocity needs to be performed regularly. Bone age
and/or the effects of the previous medication. Individuals with
in children older than 7 years at the beginning and the end of
significant comorbidities interfering with liver function, such as
treatment may be a guide to estimated final height.
co-infection with HIV, chronic hepatitis B, hepatotoxic treatments,
The recommended investigations and repeat frequency
or other liver diseases, should not be treated in clinical trials.
during treatment are shown in The decrease of HCV-
The recommended necessary baseline investigations before
RNA during 4, 8, and 12 weeks after the initiation of treatment are
treating patients with chronic hepatitis C in a clinical trial are
evaluated and included in the analysis of the results. Patients with
summarized in A baseline liver biopsy is recommended,
persistence of positive HCV-RNA at 6 months, irrespective of
although histological inflammatory activity and fibrosis are likely
genotype, should stop treatment because SVR is unlikely.
to be mild, but measures of steatosis may be useful as discussed
Five-year follow-up after cessation of treatment is recom-
above. demonstrates 2 internationally established scores
mended and includes the measurement of standard blood tests, liver
that could be used to assess fibrosis and inflammation
function tests, and quantitative HCV-RNA at 6 months and then
TABLE 2. Comparison of histological staging using Ishak and Metavir scores
Copyright 2011 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN Volume 52, Number 2, February 2011
TABLE 3. Recommended investigations during HCV treatment
Physical and neuropsychiatric examination
Evaluation of growth parameters, z score for height and weight, BMI, waist circumference
Complete red and white blood cell count, Alb, ALT, AST, g-GT, AP, bilirubin, coagulation
Reticulocytes, Alb, BUN, creatinine, immunoglobulins, autoantibodies (ANA; LKM 1),
Alb ¼ albumin; ALT ¼ alanine aminotransferase; ANA ¼ anti-nuclear antibody; AP ¼ alkaline phosphatase; AST ¼ aspartate aminotransferase; BMI ¼
body mass index; BUN ¼ blood urea nitrogen; g-GT ¼ gamma-glutamyl transferase; HCV ¼ hepatitis C virus; HOMA ¼ homeostasis model assessment;LKM ¼ liver kidney microsomal antigen; TSH ¼ thyroid-stimulating hormone.
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Florida Administrative Weekly Volume 36, Number 36, September 10, 2010 PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The rule amendment set forth in(d) Be a pregnant woman, or a parent or caretaker relativethis Notice of Proposed Rule enables low-income youth toof an unmarried dependent child under age 18, or a full timeparticipate in TANF-funded subsidized employmentstudent in a secondary school or equivale
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