Practice Parameter: Pharmacologic treatment of spasticity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (an evidence-based review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
M. R. Delgado, D. Hirtz, M. Aisen, S. Ashwal, D. L. Fehlings, J. McLaughlin, L. A.
Morrison, M. W. Shrader, A. Tilton and J. Vargus-Adams
This information is current as of April 28, 2010
The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously
Neurologysince 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright 2010 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.
Practice Parameter: Pharmacologic treatment ofspasticity in children and adolescents withcerebral palsy (an evidence-based review)Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy ofNeurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate published evidence of efficacy and safety of pharmacologic treatments for
childhood spasticity due to cerebral palsy. Methods: A multidisciplinary panel systematically reviewed relevant literature from 1966 to July Results: For localized/segmental spasticity, botulinum toxin type A is established as an effective
treatment to reduce spasticity in the upper and lower extremities. There is conflicting evidence
regarding functional improvement. Botulinum toxin type A was found to be generally safe in chil-
dren with cerebral palsy; however, the Food and Drug Administration is presently investigating
isolated cases of generalized weakness resulting in poor outcomes. No studies that met criteria
are available on the use of phenol, alcohol, or botulinum toxin type B injections. For generalized
spasticity, diazepam is probably effective in reducing spasticity, but there are insufficient data on
its effect on motor function and its side-effect profile. Tizanidine is possibly effective, but there
are insufficient data on its effect on function and its side-effect profile. There were insufficient
data on the use of dantrolene, oral baclofen, and intrathecal baclofen, and toxicity was frequently
Academy of Neurology, 1080Montreal Avenue, St. Paul, MN
Recommendations: For localized/segmental spasticity that warrants treatment, botulinum toxin
type A should be offered as an effective and generally safe treatment (Level A). There are insuffi-
cient data to support or refute the use of phenol, alcohol, or botulinum toxin type B (Level U). For
generalized spasticity that warrants treatment, diazepam should be considered for short-term
treatment (Level B), and tizanidine may be considered (Level C). There are insufficient data to
support or refute use of dantrolene, oral baclofen, or continuous intrathecal baclofen (Level U). Neurology® 2010;74:336 –343 GLOSSARY AAN ϭ American Academy of Neurology; AE ϭ adverse event; AS ϭ Ashworth scale; BoNT-A ϭ botulinum toxin type A; BoNT-B ϭ botulinum toxin type B; CP ϭ cerebral palsy; FDA ϭ Food and Drug Administration; GAS ϭ Goal Attainment Scale; GMFM ϭ Gross Motor Function Measure; ITB ϭ intrathecal baclofen; MAS ϭ Modified Ashworth scale; OT ϭ occupational therapy; PT ϭ physiotherapy; QUEST ϭ Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test; TS ϭ Tardieu scale.
The prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) was recently
The Taskforce on Childhood Motor Disorders defines
reported to be 3.6 cases per 1,000 in 8-year-old chil-
spasticity as “hypertonia in which one or both of the
dren,1 with very little variation among Western na-
following signs are present: 1) resistance to externally
tions.2 More than 10,000 babies born in the United
imposed movement increases with increasing speed of
States each year will be affected by CP.3 CP is the
stretch and varies with the direction of joint movement;
most common cause of spasticity in children, and the
2) resistance to externally imposed movement rises rap-
majority of children with CP are affected by spasticity.4
idly above a threshold speed of joint angle.”5
Supplemental data at
From the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (M.R.D.), Dallas; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (D.H.),Bethesda, MD; United Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation (M.A.); Loma Linda University (S.A.), Loma Linda, CA; Bloorview Kids Rehab (D.L.F.),Toronto, Canada; University of Washington (J.M.), Seattle; University of New Mexico (L.A.M.), Albuquerque; The Core Institute (M.W.S.), SunCity West, AZ; Louisiana State University (A.T.), New Orleans; and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (J.V.-A.), Cincinnati, OH.
Appendices e-1 through e-4, tables e-1 through e-3, and references e1 through e19 are available on the Neurology® Web site at
Approved by the Quality Standards Subcommittee on February 7, 2009; by the AAN Practice Committee on April 10, 2009; by the CNS PracticeCommittee on December 7, 2009; by the AAN Board of Directors on October 19, 2009; and by the CNS Board of Directors on December 11, 2009. Disclosure: Author disclosures are provided at the end of the article.
Copyright 2010 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Spasticity is one component of the multifaceted
infantile. Key text and index words for the intervention
motor disability of CP and may not be the main
included diazepam, Valium, tizanidine, Zanaflex, dan-
factor interfering with function, participation, or ac-
trolene, Dantrium, baclofen, Lioresal, intrathecal ba-
tivity.6 Alleviation of spasticity may not always be
clofen, phenol, alcohol, botulinum toxin A, Botox,
desirable; some patients may experience a decline in
Dysport, BTX-A, BoNT-A, botulinum toxin B,
function with spasticity reduction.7 The decision to
BoNT-B, BTX-B, Myobloc, and Neurobloc.
use antispasticity medications requires careful assess-
The inclusion criteria were all foreign languages
ment of the patient’s other impairments (e.g., weak-
with English abstracts, human subjects, peer re-
ness, movement disorders) and proper selection and
viewed, patients 19 years of age or younger with CP,
use of the treatment. Reasons to treat spasticity in-
and more than 9 patients studied. Citations of review
clude reducing pain and muscle spasms, facilitating
articles from 2000 to 2008 were checked for addi-
brace use, improving posture, minimizing contrac-
tures and deformity, facilitating mobility and dexter-
A total of 978 abstracts were initially found. From
ity, and improving patient ease of care as well as
these, 528 were identified as potentially pertinent
and reviewed in full. Finally, 218 articles were se-
Several tools such as the Ashworth scale (AS)9 and
lected that fulfilled the inclusion/exclusion criteria.
the Modified Ashworth scale (MAS)10 have been
Each article was reviewed, abstracted, and classi-
used in clinical trials, with the assumption that they
fied by at least 2 authors. Disagreements were re-
measure spasticity. These scales measure a broader set
solved by reaching consensus among the reviewers,
of neural and musculoskeletal factors of non-
the first author, and at least 2 other authors. The
velocity-dependent hypertonia in addition to spastic-
AANЈs 4-tiered classification scheme for therapeutic
ity itself.11 A tool that is more consistent with the
evidence was used to classify articles (appendix e-3 on
proposed definition of spasticity above is the Tardieu
the Neurology® Web site at, and
scale (TS).12 The TS accounts for the joint angle
the strength of the recommendation was linked
measure of the spastic phenomenon at different ve-
Over the last 20 years, several pharmacologic an-
ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE Treatment of localized
tispasticity treatments have been adapted for use in
or segmental spasticity. There were no publications
patients with CP. These include oral medications
on phenol, alcohol, or BoNT-B that met criteria for
like benzodiazepines, dantrolene, baclofen, and tiza-
nidine; neuromuscular blocking agents such as botu-
A total of 148 studies using BoNT-A to reduce
linum toxins A and B (BoNT-A and BoNT-B);
spasticity in children with CP met eligibility criteria.
chemical denervation using phenol and alcohol; and
Fifteen studies were Class I and 5 were Class II (table
intrathecal baclofen (ITB).13 Oral medications and
e-1). Five of these studies assessed the effect of
ITB are used when a generalized antispasticity effect
BoNT-A in the upper extremity16–20; the rest assessed
is desired. Chemical denervation agents are used to
only the lower extremity. A total of 573 children re-
treat localized (one extremity) or segmental (lower
ceived BoNT-A in the Class I and II studies. The
body, hemibody) spasticity. The mechanisms of ac-
majority of the studies included children as young as
tion and pharmacology of these drugs are described
2 years of age. Spasticity was measured using the AS
or the MAS in 13 of the 20 studies. The BoNT-A
This article reviews and evaluates published evi-
doses used are indicated in table e-1.
dence of the efficacy and safety of these medications
Spasticity reduction. Spasticity reduction was re-
in children and adolescents affected by spasticity due
ported in all but 3 studies.20–22 In one study, spastic-
ity was significantly reduced by electromechanicalmeasure but not by AS.23 Spasticity was reduced at 2
weeks ( p ϭ 0.0001),24 4 weeks (p Ͻ 0.001),25 and 3
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) con-
months ( p ϭ 0.01)16 after treatment.
vened a multidisciplinary author panel consisting of
One Class I study provided information regard-
5 pediatric neurologists, 2 developmental pediatricians,
ing the degree of spasticity improvement. This study
1 pediatric physiatrist, 1 pediatric orthopedist, and 1
compared the effect of BoNT-A lower extremity
adult neurologist. Literature searches of MEDLINE
treatment combined with physiotherapy (PT) vs PT
and EMBASE were conducted for relevant articles
alone and reported a mean increase in score on the
published from 1966 to July 2008 using the follow-
MAS (increased tone) after 6 months (approximately
ing key text and index words: cerebral palsy, static
half of an MAS point) in the control group, whereas
encephalopathy, spasticity, hypertonia, children, and
the BoNT-A group showed a mean decrease in MAS
score (decreased tone) 6 months after injection (ap-
trical stimulation. In another Class I study (n ϭ
proximately 1 MAS point) ( p Ͻ 0.05).26
29),17 BoNT-A was injected into upper extremity
Lower extremity functional improvement. A Class I
muscles using anatomic knowledge only to guide in-
dose-comparison parallel study found a significant
jection location. The study used the same BoNT-A
dose-effect correlation in gait kinetics and kinematics
formulation and similar doses, demonstrating an im-
using 3-dimensional gait analysis.27 The high-dose
provement in QUEST scores at 1 month ( p Ͻ 0.05)
group showed greater ankle dorsiflexion in stance
but not at 3 or 6 months after treatment. In a small
( p Ͻ 0.001) and swing (p Ͻ 0.05) at 4 weeks than at
Class II study (n ϭ 14)16 in which BoNT-A was in-
baseline; these differences were not seen in the low-
jected using anatomic knowledge only to guide injec-
dose group. The high-dose group also showed a
tion location, despite an increase in maximum active
longer effect than the low-dose group, demonstrating
elbow and thumb extension ( p ϭ 0.02 and p ϭ 0.03)
increased ankle dorsiflexion during stance at 12
and a reduction of tone in the wrist and elbow ( p ϭ
weeks compared to baseline ( p Ͻ 0.01). A Class I
0.003 and p ϭ 0.01) 2 weeks after BoNT-A treat-
study28 (n ϭ 40; spastic diparesis and hemiparesis)
ment, only a modest improvement in hand function
reported significant functional lower extremity im-
was reported by the grasp-and-release score measure
provement by the Gross Motor Function Measure
at 12 weeks ( p ϭ 0.01). However, no improvement
was noted in fine motor function, assessed by the
BoNT-A treatment in the lower extremities. Of pa-
ability to pick up coins, and in some cases this ability
tients treated with BoNT-A, 37% (7/19) (mean im-
deteriorated temporarily. A Class I study (n ϭ 80)
provement 9.7%) showed improvement compared
demonstrated a much higher functional benefit when
with 7% (1/15) in the placebo group ( p ϭ 0.04). A
BoNT-A was used in combination with OT than
Class II study that measured functional improve-
ment by the Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) reported
Adverse events. Specific adverse events (AEs) were
that 11 of 33 (33%) functional ability goals were
reported in 17 studies (table e-1). All were transient
achieved by 7 of 11 children with CP after BoNT-A
and did not require hospitalization. The most com-
treatment in the lower extremities ( p ϭ 0.001).29
mon AEs were localized pain, excessive weakness, un-
Gait improvement was reported by using the Physi-
steadiness and increased falls, and fatigue. Urinary
cian Rating Scale in a Class I study.28 The mean im-
incontinence was reported in 5 patients and dyspha-
provement change was twice as great in the treated
gia in 2 patients. No deaths were reported.
group as in the placebo group 12 weeks after treat-
Conclusions. For children with CP, BoNT-A is es-
tablished as an effective treatment to reduce spastic-
In contrast, 3 Class I placebo-controlled studies—
ity in the upper and lower extremities (Class I and II
(n ϭ 64),22 (n ϭ 125),30 and (n ϭ 52)31— using the
evidence), but there is conflicting evidence regarding
same BoNT-A preparation at slightly higher dose (30
functional improvement. The available evidence sug-
U/kg vs 25 U/kg) and the same outcome measure
gests that BoNT-A is generally safe in children with
(GMFM) failed to demonstrate a significant func-
CP. However, severe generalized weakness may occur.
tional improvement, despite significant improve-
ments in ankle dorsiflexion30 4 weeks after injections
1. For localized/segmental spasticity in the upper
and initial foot contact31 16 weeks after injections.
and lower extremities of children with CP that
Upper extremity functional improvement. The effect of
warrants treatment, BoNT-A should be offered as
BoNT-A treatment on upper extremity function in
an effective and generally safe treatment (Level
children with hemiplegic CP was measured using the
A). There is insufficient evidence to support or
Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test (QUEST) in
refute the use of BoNT-A to improve motor func-
4 Class I studies.17–20 One study (n ϭ 42),18 which
compared the effect of a single low-dose, high-
2. There is insufficient evidence to support or refute
concentration BoNT-A treatment plus occupational
the use of BoNT-B, phenol, and alcohol injec-
therapy (OT) to OT alone, found upper extremity
tions as a treatment for spasticity in children with
functional improvement at 1 month ( p Ͻ 0.001)
and 3 months ( p Ͻ 0.001) but not at 6 months aftertreatment. A larger proportion of treatment group
Clinical context. At the time of this writing, the Food
subjects showed more than 20% change above base-
and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved
line QUEST scores compared with the control group
BoNT-A for the treatment of spasticity in children.
at 1 month (67% vs 19%; p ϭ 0.004) and 3 months
BoNT-A is approved for the treatment of spasticity
(71% vs 33%; p ϭ 0.03) but not at 6 months. Appli-
in children and adults in Canada and several other
cation of BoNT-A in this study was guided by elec-
countries. Different formulations are not bioequiva-
lent and may have different therapeutic efficacy and
weeks after treatment included a dose-dependent re-
duction of tone ( p Ͻ 0.001 as measured by the
The AAN recently published an evidence-based
MAS), increased passive range-of-motion angles
review on the safety and efficacy of BoNT for the
( p Ͻ 0.001), and an increase in spontaneous move-
treatment of adult and childhood spasticity.34 A Level A
ments ( p Ͻ 0.001); no functional outcome measures
recommendation was given for the use of BoNT-A as a
were reported. No daytime drowsiness was noted.
treatment of spasticity in the lower extremities (equinus
One Class II studye5 compared the antispastic effect
and hip adductor spasticity) and a Level B recommen-
of diazepam at a dose as high as 12 mg a day vs
dation was given for the treatment of spasticity in the
dantrolene and placebo and found a subjective re-
upper extremities of children with CP.
duction of spasticity, which was even more notice-
It is common practice to use BoNT-A in combi-
able when diazepam and dantrolene were combined.
nation with serial casting, orthoses, and PT and
Although teachers and parents reported a subjective
OT.19 Typically, there is a 3- to 4-month clinical
improvement in activities of daily living, no stan-
response requiring repeated injections. Some experts
dardized outcome measures were used. The other
recommend using the smallest dose of BoNT-A and
Class II study37 did not evaluate the antispasticity
avoiding injecting more frequently than every 3
effects of diazepam but mentioned improved behav-
months to minimize the risk of antibody resistance.35
ior and coordination (12/16 subjects improved on
On the basis of postmarketing reports from its
Adverse Event Reporting System, the FDA released
Conclusions. Diazepam is probably effective for the
on February 8, 2008, an “early communication” de-
short-term treatment of spasticity in children with
scribing a “relative handful of systemic reactions” af-
CP (1 Class I study and 1 Class II study). None of
ter BoNT injection (A or B) for limb spasticity
the studies formally addressed whether diazepam im-
associated with CP. At the time of this writing, the
proved motor function. Ataxia and drowsiness were
FDA has not completed the review of reported seri-ous AEs related to BoNT, and has made the follow-
identified in the side-effect profile of most studies.
ing recommendations: 1) understand that potency
Recommendations. Diazepam should be considered as
determinations expressed in “Units” or “U” differ
a short-term antispasticity treatment in children with
among the BoNT products; clinical doses expressed
CP (Level B). There is insufficient evidence to sup-
in units are not comparable from one botulinum
port or refute the use of diazepam to improve motor
product to the next; 2) be alert to the potential for
function in this population (Level U).
systemic effects following administration of BoNT
Clinical context. The incidence of AEs associated with
such as dysphagia, dysphonia, weakness, dyspnea, or
diazepam, such as drowsiness, sedation, hypersalivation,
respiratory distress; 3) understand that these effects
and weakness, are important limiting factors for long-
have been reported as early as 1 day and as late as
term use. Experts caution that the prolonged use of this
several weeks after treatment; 4) provide patients and
medication can produce physical dependence and rec-
caregivers with the information they need to be able
to identify the signs and symptoms of systemic effects
Dantrolene. One Class I,40 2 Class II,e1,e2 and 2
after receiving an injection of BoNT; 5) tell patients
Class IVe3,e4 studies met the selection criteria (table
they should receive immediate medical attention if they
e-2). The Class I study and 1 of the Class IIe1 studies
have worsening or unexpected difficulty swallowing or
found conflicting results using a similar dose of 4 –12
talking, trouble breathing, or muscle weakness.
mg/kg/day. The Class I study found no spasticityimprovement, no functional gain, and strength re-
Treatment of generalized spasticity. Seventy studies using oral antispasticity medications and ITB were
duction ( p ϭ 0.013). The Class II study,e1 which
identified, and 20 met selection criteria: 4 used diaz-
used a within-subject crossover design, found spastic-
epam,36–39 5 used dantrolene,40,e1-e4 1 used both,e5 3
ity improvement (not graded) with changes in the
used oral baclofen,7,e6,e7 1 used tizanidine,e8 and 6
neurologic examination (tone, tendon reflexes, clo-
nus) ( p Ͻ 0.01). Although there was no change in
Diazepam. Regarding diazepam treatment, we
gross motor function, activities of daily living (in-
identified 1 Class I study,36 2 Class II studies,37,e5 1
cluding coordination in dressing and eating, control
Class III study,38 and 1 Class IV study39 (table e-2).
of limbs in spontaneous play, stamina, freedom of
The doses and regimens used varied from 0.5 mg a
movement, and facilitation of therapy) improved
day to 5 mg TID. The Class I study (n ϭ 180) ran-
during the treatment period compared to baseline
domized children with spastic CP weighing less than
( p Ͻ 0.02). Improvement in reflexes (p Ͻ 0.005)
15 kg to receive 1 of 2 doses of diazepam (0.5–1 mg
and reduced scissoring ( p Ͻ 0.05) were reported in
vs 1–2 mg) or placebo at bedtime. Improvements 3
the other Class II study.e2 AEs were found in 30% to
60% of the patients and included fatigue, irritability,
dren with CP. Systemic toxicity was found in
drowsiness, anorexia, and gastrointestinal symptoms
(e.g., vomiting and diarrhea). Four of 9 children who
Recommendation. There is insufficient evidence to
continued taking dantrolene after the study was com-
support or refute the use of oral baclofen for the
pleted developed or had exacerbations of seizures.e1
treatment of spasticity or to improve motor function
Conclusions. There is conflicting evidence regarding
the effectiveness of dantrolene in reducing spasticity
Clinical context. Baclofen is widely used in clinical
in children with CP. Dantrolene frequently causes
practice to treat spasticity in children with CP. Ex-
side effects such as weakness, drowsiness, and irrita-
perts recommend starting baclofen at the lowest pos-
sible dose (5–10 mg/day divided into 3 doses a day)7
Recommendation. There is insufficient evidence to
to minimize AEs like drowsiness and sedation. The
support or refute the use of dantrolene for the treat-
dose is gradually tapered until discontinuing because
ment of spasticity in children with CP (Level U).
abrupt discontinuation may cause withdrawal symp-
Clinical context. On the basis of the author panel’s
toms, including increased spasticity, hallucinations,
experience, dantrolene is rarely used in clinical practice
to reduce spasticity in children with CP. This may be
due to the lack of evidence in the literature to support
controlled parallel study treated 10 children with a
its efficacy and the general concern regarding its poten-
mean age of 4.1 years (range 2–15) with tizanidine
tial frequent and/or serious AEs. Although dantrolene
0.05 mg/kg/day and 30 children with placebo for 6
has been associated with hepatotoxicity,e15 none of
months (table e-2). A reduction in spasticity ( p ϭ
the studies reviewed reported this AE in children,
0.0001) was found beginning 2 weeks after initiating
perhaps due to the small number of subjects included
treatment and was sustained throughout the trial.
Postural and reflex improvement was also reported
Baclofen (oral). Two Class II studies 7,e7 and 1 Class
( p ϭ 0.0001). No functional assessments were done.
IV studye6 met selection criteria (table e-2). The Class II
No side effects were found, and liver enzymes remained
studies showed conflicting results. A double-blind cross-
normal throughout the duration of the study.
over trial in 20 children 2–16 years old receiving a dose
Conclusions. Tizanidine is possibly effective to treat
of 10 – 60 mg/day found a reduction in spasticity by
spasticity in children with CP. No toxicity was found
means of the AS (p Ͻ 0.001).7 After 28 days of treat-
ment, 14 patients improved at least 1 level and 5 im-
Recommendations. Tizanidine may be considered for
proved more than 1 level. Only 2 patients improved
the treatment of spasticity in children with CP (Level
while taking placebo. Spasticity improvement was dem-
C). There is insufficient evidence to support or refute
onstrated by increased passive range of motion, seen in
the use of tizanidine to improve motor function in
11 patients (p Ͻ 0.001). Ten patients who were able towalk without assistance prior to treatment showed no
significant functional improvement. Furthermore, one
Clinical context. Tizanidine’s antispasticity effect has
patient who relied on the spastic “crutch” to ambulate
been demonstrated in adults with multiple sclerosis
showed walking impairment after treatment as the un-
and spinal cord injury.e16 Little information is avail-
derlying weakness was manifested. The other Class II
able to assist practitioners with the effective use of
study,e7 a double-blind placebo crossover trial (n ϭ 15)
this drug to treat spasticity in children. Because tiza-
using a similar dose and age group, was powered to de-
nidine is extensively metabolized by the liver, hepatic
tect a difference as measured by the GAS but not for
impairment may have a significant effect on its
other measures. Although improvement on the GAS
pharmacokinetics. AEs related to tizanidine use in
was reported (p ϭ 0.05), there was no improvement in
adults include hypotension, sedation, asthenia, dry
spasticity (modified TS) or functional benefit measured
mouth, dizziness, hallucinations, and hepatotoxic-
using the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory at
ity. Their incidence in pediatric patients has not
12 weeks. The first study found AEs in 25% of patients
taking the medication, and no AEs were noticed in
Intrathecal baclofen pump. One Class III studye9 and
those taking placebo. Side effects included somnolence
5 Class IV studiese10-e14 assessing ITB met inclusion
or sedation (20%) and hypotonia (15%) that resolved
criteria (table e-3). All studies reported reduced spas-
after drug discontinuation. The second study did not
find a significant difference in AEs between groups.
Occasional headache, vomiting, lethargy, disori-
Conclusions. There is conflicting Class II evidence
entation, agitation, irritability, and meningitis were
regarding the effectiveness of oral baclofen in re-
reported in 2 of the Class IV studies.e10,e14 CSF leaks
ducing spasticity and improving function in chil-
(17%), seromas (29%), catheter malfunction (43%),
and wound infection (39%) were reported more
5. The efficacy and safety of BoNT-B, phenol, and
alcohol chemodenervation as treatments for spas-
Conclusions. Data are inadequate concerning the use
ticity in children with CP need to be determined.
of continuous ITB as an antispasticity treatment in
6. The efficacy and safety of oral baclofen and the
children with CP. CSF leaks, seromas, catheter-
long-term continuous intrathecal pump adminis-
related complications, and wound infection occur
tration of this medication need to be determined
frequently, and other, milder complications occur
7. The few available treatments to reduce general-
Recommendation. There is insufficient evidence to
ized spasticity are associated with a high incidence
support or refute the use of continuous ITB for
of AEs and complications. There is an urgent
the treatment of spasticity in children with CP
need for studies to establish the efficacy of the
current therapies and find additional safe and
Clinical context. In 1996, ITB received FDA ap-
effective treatments to help children affected by
proval to treat spasticity of cerebral origin. A major
generalized spasticity due to CP. A first step
factor in the lack of Class I and II evidence may be
could be to investigate medications that have
the difficulty of performing a randomized control
shown antispasticity effect in adult patients (e.g.,
trial or crossover trial in subjects with ITB pumps.
Catheter-related complications, pump pocket collec-tions, and wound infections remain a concern, andongoing efforts aim to reduce their incidence. One
retrospective study of the safety of ITB in children
Dr. Delgado serves on the editorial board of Developmental Medicine andChild Neurology; has received research support from Abbott, Sciele
(n ϭ 200) found that 11% had CSF leakage, 7% had
Pharma, Inc., UCB, Allergan, Inc., the Hurst Foundation, the United
catheter-related problems, and 5.5% developed
Cerebral Palsy Research & Educational Foundation, the Linda and Don
Carter Foundation, and the Crowley Carter Foundation; and estimatesthat 50% of his clinical effort is spent on assessment and management ofmotor disorders of childhood, which includes treating children with cere-
bral palsy with oral antispasticity medications, ITB, and botulinum toxin
1. The AS has been used by most spasticity studies.
injections. Dr. Hirtz reports no disclosures. Dr. Aisen serves as MedicalDirector of Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation. Dr. Ash-
It measures muscle resistance to passive move-
wal serves on the editorial board of Pediatric Neurology; receives royalties
ment but fails to describe the velocity of the
from publishing Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice (Elsevier,
stretching movement and therefore is inadequate
2006); and receives research support from the NIH [R01 NS054001-01
to measure spasticity and distinguish it from
(PI); 1R01NS059770-01A2 (PI)]. Dr. Fehlings has received speaker hon-oraria and funding for travel from RX Media; receives research support
other types of hypertonia (e.g., dystonia). Stan-
from Allergan, Inc., the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR),
dardized and validated spasticity scales and clini-
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Services (SSHRS), the Bloor-
cally relevant measures sensitive enough to detect
view Research Institute, and Physician Services Inc.; and estimates 50% of
change should be used to qualify and quantify
her clinical effort is spent on spasticity intervention including botulinumtoxin injections and ITB. Dr. McLaughlin has received research support
spasticity according to its current definition (e.g.,
from Medtronic, Inc., the NIH [NINDS NO1-HD-3–3351 (site PI), 1
U01 AR52171-01 (site PI), 1RC 1HD063838-01 (site PI)], and United
2. None of the oral medications used to treat spas-
Cerebral Palsy Research & Education Foundation; and spends 10% of his
ticity in children has been adequately tested for
time evaluating and managing children with oral medications, baclofenpumps, and botulinum toxin. Dr. Morrison serves on the editorial boards
safety and efficacy. There are minimal or no data
of the Journal of Child Neurology and Pediatric Neurology; and estimates
regarding the pharmacokinetics or appropriate
that Ͻ1% of her clinical effort is spent on skin biopsy and Ͻ1% on
dosing parameters to treat children. These critical
lumbar puncture. Dr. Shrader has received funding for travel from
questions deserve serious research efforts.
Stryker; and has received research support from Stryker, Smith and
3. The effects of both spasticity and the treatment
Nephew, Biomet, and VQ Orthocare. Dr. Tilton has served on a speakers’bureau for and received speaker honoraria and funding for travel from
of spasticity on activity and participation as de-
Medtronic, Inc.; has received research support from Allergan, Inc.; holds
fined by the International Classification of
patent rights on a non-neurologic application of botulinum toxin (under
Function, Disability and Health of the World
consideration for licensure to her institution); and estimates 8%–10% of
Health Organization need to be studied in chil-
her clinical effort is spent on botulinum toxin injections and 10%–15%on intrathecal baclofen pumps. Dr. Vargus-Adams receives research sup-
port from the NIH [K23 HD049552 (PI), NICHD-2005-13-2 (Co-I),
4. Although there is sufficient evidence to recom-
U01 AR057940-01 (Co-I)] and the Ohio Division of Emergency Medical
mend BoNT-A as an effective antispasticity treat-
Systems; her immediate family member holds financial interest in Novar-
ment in children with CP, its beneficial effects on
tis, Dermik Laboratories, Inc., and Proctor & Gamble and holds equityinterest in Proctor & Gamble, Ligand, and GlucoWatch; and estimates
function, ease of caregiving, activity, and partici-
3% of her clinical effort is spent on intrathecal baclofen test dose and
pation need to be established. More data about
management, 15% on botulinum toxin injections, and 2% on phenol
safety and long-term effects are also needed. DISCLAIMER
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This statement is provided as an educational service of the American
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Academy of Neurology. It is based on an assessment of current scientific
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ria for choosing to use a specific procedure. Neither is it intended to
Haugh AB, Pandyan AD, Johnson GR. A systematic re-
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ity. Disabil Rehabil 2006;28:899 –907.
the physician caring for the patient, based on all of the circumstances
Verrotti A, Greco R, Spalice A, Chiarelli F, Iannetti P.
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pendent, critical and truthful clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Signifi-
II: general and regional treatments. Muscle Nerve 1997;6
cant efforts are made to minimize the potential for conflicts of interest to
influence the recommendations of this CPG. To the extent possible, the
Corry IS, Cosgrove AP, Walsh EG, McClean D, Graham
AAN keeps separate those who have a financial stake in the success or
HK. Botulinum toxin A in the hemiplegic upper limb: a
failure of the products appraised in the CPGs and the developers of the
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reviewed by an oversight committee prior to project initiation. AAN lim-
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its the participation of authors with substantial conflicts of interest. TheAAN forbids commercial participation in, or funding of, guideline
botulinum-A toxin injections to improve upper extremity
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function in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. J Pedi-
committees, a network of neurologists, Neurology® peer reviewers, and
representatives from related fields. The AAN Guideline Author Conflict
Lowe K, Novak I, Cusick A. Low-dose/high-concentration
of Interest Policy can be viewed at
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M. R. Delgado, D. Hirtz, M. Aisen, S. Ashwal, D. L. Fehlings, J. McLaughlin, L. A.
Morrison, M. W. Shrader, A. Tilton and J. Vargus-Adams
This information is current as of April 28, 2010 Updated Information
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