Strength and endurance training lead to different post exercise glucose profiles in diabetic participants using a continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system
European Journal of Clinical Investigation (2005) 35, 745–751 Strength and endurance training lead to different post exercise glucose profiles in diabetic participants using a continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system E. Cauza*, U. Hanusch-Enserer*, B. Strasser†, K. Kostner‡, A. Dunky* and P. Haber† *Wilhelminenspital, †Medical University, Vienna, Austria, ‡Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia Abstract Background Although both strength training (ST) and endurance training (ET) seem to be beneficial in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), little is known about post-exercise glucose profiles. The objective of the study was to report changes in blood glucose (BG) values after a 4-month ET and ST programme now that a device for continuous glucose monitoring has become available. Materials and methods Fifteen participants, comprising four men age 56·5 ± 0·9 years and 11
± 0·9 years with T2D, were monitored with the MiniMed
(Northridge, CA, USA) continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) for 48 h beforeand after 4 months of ET or ST. The ST consisted of three sets at the beginning, increasingto six sets per week at the end of the training period, including all major muscle groups andET performed with an intensity of maximal oxygen uptake of 60% and a volume beginningat 15 min and advancing to a maximum of 30 min three times a week. Results A total of 17 549 single BG measurements pretraining (619·7 ± 39·8) and post- training (550·3 ± 30·1) were recorded, correlating to an average of 585 ± 25·3 potential measurements per participant at the beginning and at the end of the study. The change in BG-value between the beginning (132 mg dL−1) and the end (118 mg dL−1) for all participants was significant (P = 0·028). The improvement in BG-value for the ST programme was significant (P = 0·02) but for the ET no significant change was measured (P = 0·48). Glycaemic control improved in the ST group and the mean BG was reduced by 15·6% (Cl 3–25%). Conclusion In conclusion, the CGMS may be a useful tool in monitoring improvements in glycaemic control after different exercise programmes. Additionally, the CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia after training programmes. Keywords Continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring system, strength and endurance training, type 2 diabetes mellitus. Eur J Clin Invest 2005; 35 ( 12): 745–751 Introduction
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) is a serious chronic diseaseassociated with hyperglycaemia, obesity and the metabolic
Department of Internal Medicine V, Department of Diabetes and Rheumatology, Wilhelminenspital, (E. Cauza,
syndrome [1,2]. The effectiveness of physical exercise has
U. Hanusch-Enserer, A. Dunky); Department of Internal
long been recognized for the treatment of T2D [3,4]. Endur-
Medicine IV, Division of Sports Medicine, Medical University
ance training (ET) has been advocated as the most suitable
(B. Strasser, P. Haber), Vienna, Austria; Department of Medicine,
form of exercise mode [5,6] with many positive metabolic
University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane,
effects, such as decreased blood glucose (BG) levels and
reduced body fat (BF), but also undetected hypoglycaemic
Correspondence to: Edmund Cauza, MD, Wilhelminenspital,
episodes during and after training. In comparison, only
Department of Internal Medicine V, Montleartstr. 37, A-1160
limited information on the effect of strength training (ST)
Vienna, Austria. Tel.: 01-49150-2508; fax: 01-49150-2509;
on T2D is available [7–10]. Measurement of HbA1C is the
standard test for assessment of glycaemic control in diabetic
Received 18 May 2005; accepted 26 September 2005
subjects. As glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) reflects an
average of all blood glucose values for a duration of 3 months
recommendations to maintain their energy intake unchanged
and HbA1C is negatively influenced by hypoglycaemic
episodes, it therefore does not give good information on
The study was approved by a local Ethics Committee.
The purpose, nature and potential risks of the study were
Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) has
explained in detail to the participants before obtaining their
now been added to the repertoire of technological devices
useful in the management of patients with diabetes. Specif-ically, such monitoring enables clinicians to detect occulthypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia not otherwise discernable
Training programme and study design
with intermittent testing of blood glucose. Therefore, CGMSmay provide us with new and important information on
glucose profiles over a longer period of time which will givea more accurate picture of daily blood glucose excursions
The study tried to define comparable training units for both
than can be determined by HbA1C or finger-stick methods
groups. A unit was defined as an organizational unit for both
and allow identification of the glycaemic effect after training.
training groups where training occurred. This was facilitated
The main aim of the present study was to investigate
by taking comparable training units of top athletes of each
continuous blood glucose profiles over 48 h at the beginning
training group. A top weight-lift body-builder for example
and at the end of a 4-month ET and ST programme.
does 30 units per muscle group per week, whereas a top
Secondary aims were to evaluate whether it is possible to
endurance athlete trains for 10–12 h per week. This study
detect hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic episodes before
decided that 15–20% of these training units for each group
reflected an achievable workload for the study participants. Materials and methods
Systematic ET was performed on a cycle ergometer on threenonconsecutive days of the week. In the first 4 weeks, seven
Study population
ET participants trained for a duration of 15 min per sessionthree times per week. The duration of exercise was increased
The study randomized 15 patients, four men (mean age ± SE:
every 4 weeks by 5 min per session. The total exercise time
56·5 ± 0·9, range: 51–69 years) and 11 women (mean age ±
per week, excluding warm-up and cool-down, was 90 min
SE: 57·4 ± 0·9, range: 50–70 years), attending the Endo-
crinology and Metabolism Department between September
Heart rate (HR) was monitored continuously throughout
2000 and May 2002. The participants were divided into two
the training period using a Polar® continuous heart rate
groups (ST vs. ET) and none of the participants from either
monitor (Polar Electro Oy, Kempere, Finland). Based on
group was involved in organized exercise training pro-
the linear correlation between oxygen consumption (VO )
grammes. All participants fulfilled the diagnosis of T2D,
and HR the training was controlled by a HR reflecting 60%
according the WHO criteria, with a fasting glucose concen-
of VO max, which was derived from ergometry using the
tration of 7·0 mmol L−1 (126 mg dL−1). Eight participants
(mean age ± SE: 55·1 ± 1·7) undertook ST for 4 months and
HR = HRrest + (HRmax − HRrest) × 0·6 ± 5 beats min−1,
seven participants (mean age ± SE: 60·3 ± 3·1) undertookET. A physician performed a medical history and physical
where HRrest is the HR after a break of 5 min in supine
examination on each subject. The participants were excluded
if they had rapidly progressive or terminal illness, myocardialinfarction, uncontrolled arrhythmias, third-degree heart
block, elevated blood pressure (> 200/100 under therapy),valvular heart disease, nephropathy (microalbuminuria >
Eight subjects participated in a 4-month systematic ST
50 µg min−1 albumin excretion), severe peripheral or auto-
programme on three nonconsecutive days of the week. A
nomic neuropathy or diabetic proliferative retinopathy. All
brief warm-up period, which involved 10 min of moderate
participants were on antidiabetic drug treatment [Sulphony-
cycling with very low intensity, was performed before each
lureas (SU) in one case, Metformin in three cases and
training session. Instructions in correct exercise techniques
combination SU/Metformin in eight cases] and three
and supervision of the participants throughout the entire
participants were on Metformin in combination with
training period were performed by a professional instructor
insulin therapy which was commenced within 6 months
and an experienced physician. During the first 2 weeks, the
weight was kept to a minimal level in order for the participants
All participants were advised to maintain their current
to learn the exercise techniques, adapt their muscles to
medications unaltered during the entire study period and
training and prevent muscle soreness. From the third week,
no new medication was started during the exercise period.
the training aimed for hypertrophy and started with three sets
Medications (especially Sulphonylureas) were modified to
per muscle group per week. One set consisted of 10–15
avoid hypoglycaemia only. The participants received specific
repetitions, without interruption, until severe fatigue occurred
2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 35, 745–751
Continuous glucose monitoring in diabetic participants
capillary blood glucose measurements into the CGMSfor calibration.
Routine HbA1C levels were measured using standard tech-niques. Commercially available standard kits were used for allmeasurements and were performed in quality certified labs. Figure 1 Study flow chart.
Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured by an exercise stress
and completion of further repetitions was impossible. The
test. All subjects performed a cycling test to exhaustion on
training load was systematically adapted to keep the maximal
an electrically braked cycle ergometer (Ergo-metrics 900,
possible repetition per set between 10–15 repetitions. When
Ergoline, Germany). Heart rate was continuously monitored
more than 15 repetitions were successfully performed at a
via an electrocardiogram and blood pressure measured in
given weight, the weight was increased by an amount that
the final minute of each work level. The exercise was started
allowed approximately 10 repetitions to be performed. The
with a work load of 50 W and increased stepwise by 25 W
number of sets for each muscle group were systematically
increased from three, at commencement of the programme,to four, five and finally six sets per week at the end of the
programme. The ST programme consisted of exercises for allmajor muscle groups. Exercises to strengthen the upper body
Maximal strength of a muscle was determined by one re-
included bench press (pectoralis), chest cross (horizontal
petition maximum (1 RM in kgf ) using the Concept 2 Dyno®
flexion of the shoulder joint), shoulder press (trapezius and
(Concept 2 Ltd, Wilford, UK), where 1 RM is the maximal
latissimus dorsi), pull downs (back muscles), bicep curls,
strength that a muscle group is able to generate with a single
triceps extensions and exercises for abdominal muscles (sit-
contraction. A maximum of three tests were allowed to avoid
ups). Lower body exercises included leg press (quadriceps
muscle fatigue. The representative exercise for determina-
femoris), calf raises and leg extensions (biceps femoris).
tion of 1 RM, as measured by the Concept 2 Dyno,included a bench press performed in a seated position.
The CGMS was inserted at baseline and after the 4-monthperiod of ET, or ST, in the abdominal tissue and calibrated
Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for
over a 60-min period and operated for 48 h (Fig. 1). The
Social Sciences (SPSS 10·0). All parameters were described by
CGMS was inserted in all participants within 1 week of
mean values ± standard error of the mean (SE). A Student’s
completing their training programmes.
paired t-test was used to assess significant differences of thesame variables within the participants before and after thetraining period. Any values of P ≤ 0·05 were considered
statistically significant and 95% confidence limits (CL) werecalculated. To estimate change in BG-values between the begin-
Continuous glucose monitoring system measurements
ning and the end of the training programme, multiple regressionmodels and t-tests were applied. As dependent variable log (bz-
This is a Holter-style sensor system designed to continu-
value) was used as this resulted in approximately normally
ously monitor interstitial fluid glucose levels within a range
distributed residuals. Owing to different intervals being meas-
of 40 – 400 mg dL−1. The glucose sensor is a microelectrode
ured per participant and period (pre/post) the analysis included
that is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue and generates
‘time of day’ and ‘day-off ’ period effects into the model. The
an electronic signal proportional to the amount of glucose
final regression model included sine and cosine components
present in the surrounding interstitial fluid. Each participant
of ‘time of day’ as well as a linear ‘day-off ’ period effect to
arrived at the office before the first training unit started and
account for systematic variation in observations. Mean values
the catheter of the CGMS device was inserted horizontally
of the resulting residuals were then analyzed by t-tests.
into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue. The signal was sentto a portable monitor that recorded sensor signals every5 min and converted them into blood glucose readings. After 2 days the data were downloaded via the Com-Station
using the MiniMed Solutions Software version 2·0b(MiniMed).
A summary of the participants demographic and clinical
All participants were instructed in the use of the CGMS
characteristics at baseline and after 4 months’ strength or
device and asked to enter at least four daily self-obtained
2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 35, 745–751 Table 1 Summary of participants demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline and after 4 months of strength or endurance training
ST, strength training; ET, endurance training; HbA1C, glycosylated haemoglobin; mean BG; average of blood glucose value measured
PeakVo2 max. maximal oxygen uptake; mean ± SE; NS = not significant; BMI, body mass index; P1 value, difference in each group
before and after 4 months of strength or endurance training.
At study entry, participants who undertook ST had
Changes in medications
higher average BG baseline levels [(138 ± 13·1 vs. 124·4 ±13·5) mg% ± SE], lower body mass index (BMI) (29·9 ± 0·8
After 4 months of training, the antidiabetic medication in
vs. 36·3 ± 4·7, P = 0·03) and lower fat mass (FM) (38·9 ± 2·3
ST participants was reduced by 3·3% for SU and was
vs. 46·9 ± 4·0, P = 0·04) kg than the ET group. The HbA1C
unchanged for Metformin, and for the two ST participants
was not significantly different in either group.
receiving insulin therapy the insulin dose was unchanged.
After the ST/ ET period there were significant differences
For ET participants, SU therapy was reduced by 1·6% from
for BMI (29·9 ± 1 vs. 36·3 ± 2·6, P = 0·03), for FM (33·5 ±
baseline, and Metformin therapy and the insulin dose was
2·9 vs. 44·4 ± , P = 0·04) kg and a significant increase in
unchanged. None of these changes was statistically significant.
bench press weights (59·65 ± 6·5 vs. 31·7 ± 4·0, P ≤ 0·01)between groups.
A total of 17 549 single BG measurements comprising
pretraining (619·7 ± 39·8) and post training (550·3 ± 30·1),
corresponding to an average (585 ± 25·3) potential measure-ment per participant at the beginning and end, were evaluated.
This study observed significant improvements in glycaemic
The change in BG-value between the beginning (132 mg
control, as shown by reduced BG-profiles, in participants
dL−1) and the end (118 mg dL−1) for all participants was
with diabetes on ST, while the effects of ET on the respective
significant (P = 0·028). Also, the change in BG-value was
parameters were only moderate. As expected, maximum
significant for the ST programme (P = 0·02), but for the
strength (1 RM) of bench press (24·2%) increased after 4
ET programme no significant change was measured (P =
months of ST in contrast to no improvements after 4 months
0·48). Glycaemic control improved significantly in the ST
of ET. Not surprisingly, improvements were observed in peak
group where the mean BG was reduced significantly by
VO after ET (7·5%), while no such changes were seen in
15·6% (Cl 3–25%), while in ET group only a trend in mean
ST. The later findings were predictable from the specificity
BG decrease of 5·5% was measured. Two summary figures
of the training stimulus and demonstrated that the training
containing the mean values for the respective time points
was adequate in both groups, which showed that the specific
for ET and ST are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
training stimulus was sufficient for both training groups.
Asymptomatic nocturnal hypoglycaemic episodes with
Medications, especially Sulphonylureas, were reduced
glucose values 40 mg dL−1 were recorded in 1/0 participants
only to avoid hypoglycaemia. Reduction of Sulphonylureas
before and 1/1 participants after ET/ST.
was greater during ST (−3·3%) than during ET (−1·6%) even
Prolonged hyperglycaemic periods with values ≥ 300 mg
though this did not reach statistical significance. Insulin dose
dL−1 were found in 2/1 participants before and no particip-
and Metformin therapy were unchanged during ST and ET.
More importantly, the observations were made in the pre-
In one participant (NG) an interesting glucose sensor
sumed absence of dietary changes during the training period.
profile with frequent hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic
The positive change in the glycaemic profiles of the
episodes before and after ET was measured. In another
participants after training are therefore presumably owing
participant, female, (SG) an example of a prolonged un-
to the effectiveness of the training programme.
recognised hypoglycaemic period during the night after ST
The use of CGMS has opened a new window through
which it is possible to observe directly in vivo what happens to
2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 35, 745–751
Continuous glucose monitoring in diabetic participants
Figure 2 Mean glucose values of all participant before and after ST. Figure 3 Mean glucose values of all participant before and after ET.
participants with diabetes. The first noticeable observation
cells are consuming glucose rapidly. In general, differences
in our participants after strength or ET was the improvement
between plasma glucose and interstitial fluid glucose have
of the glycaemic profile (estimated from 17 549 single BG
been reported to be relatively minor with the lag time
measurements), even in the absence of significant changes
between them usually being < 10 min [11]. As the study
in the usual daily schedule (oral antidiabetic medication and
determined whole daily glucose profiles before and after the
dose of insulin and diet). This new device showed that it is
training periods and not only single glucose values this
possible to obtain exact information on glycaemic profiles
limitation of the device was compensated.
after ET or ST programmes while HbA1C values only showed
Extensive large studies have validated the agreement
trends in improvements during the same time period. It was
and accuracy of sensor readings and shown a significant
also understandable that numerous glucose elevations during
correlation between capillary glucose determinations and
the day and not a single glucose value are an important
simultaneous sensor readings [12–15].
determinant of the overall glycaemic control.
Reports on the sensitivity of detecting hypoglycemia have
The CGMS sensor measured the amount of glucose in
been controversial. In a recently published paper [16] the
the interstitial fluid and then calculated the expected
reliability and sensitivity of a CGMS in detecting hypo-
corresponding blood glucose level. During physical
glycaemia was weak and in other papers the CGMS often
exercise, the interstitial fluid glucose levels may decrease
failed in detecting hypoglycaemia [17–19]. In contrast to
more quickly than the plasma glucose level because the
these results are the outcomes of other studies [20,21].
2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 35, 745–751
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CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycaemia
in Children Network study group [16], the authors speculated
or hyperglycaemia after physical training programmes.
that the greatest value of a CGMS may be for detectingtrends and not for serving as a sentinel for single hypo-glycaemia. In this study asymptomatic nocturnal hypoglycae-mic episodes with glucose values 40 mg dL−1 were recorded
in one participant before training and two participants afterthe training programme. In these two cases after the training
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CRONACA DI DUE GIORNI DI FATICA, PASSIONE ED AMICIZIA PREMESSA Tutto cominciò due anni fa e un po’ per gioco, un po’ per curiosità, decidemmo di intraprendere questa nuova esperienza ignari di quello che ci sarebbe aspettato. VENERDI Nella tarda mattinata di Venerdì gran parte del gruppo Giovo Bike era atterrato sul ’altipiano del e Manie impossessandosi di un bel pezzo di terreno. Devo d
NEWS ALERT - Cairns gynaecologists Caroline de Costa and Michael Carrette to cease medical abortion Cairns gynaecologists Caroline de Costa and Michael Carrette write: As senior medical practitioners who for the past three years have been offering medical abortion services to women in Far North Queensland, it is with great regret that we announce that we are, at least temporarily, ceasin