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Microsoft word - 2014-01-22-mn draft
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The Cass County Board of Supervisors met at 8:30 a.m. with all members
present: Frank Waters, chair; Duane McFadden, Charles Rieken, Gaylord Schelling and Mark Wedemeyer. Agenda upon motion by Schelling, 2nd by McFadden was approved. Minutes of January 15, 2014 upon motion by Wedemeyer, 2nd by Rieken were approved. County Engineer reviewed current road projects. Motion by Schelling, 2nd by Wedemeyer: to approve a transfer of position for Secondary Roads employee Cory Feltner from Shop Foreman to Operator II effective 1/28/2014 (union scale-$18.01/hr). Carried unanimously. MH/DD/GR Coordinator Teresa Kanning reviewed departmental activity. County Engineer reviewed current road projects. A request has been filed with the Cass County Engineer asking that action be taken to vacate a portion of Galt Lane lying in section 5, Lincoln Township. Motion by Wedemeyer, 2nd by Schelling: to adopt RESOLUTION FOR ROAD VACATION PUBLIC HEARING, Resolution No. 2014-003 RESOLVED, that a hearing on the proposed vacation will be held in the Board Room, Cass County Courthouse, Atlantic, Iowa, 50022, at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 306. Carried unanimously. Requests have been filed with the Cass County Engineer asking that action be taken to vacate: 1. portion of 740th St. lying between sections 4 & 5, Lincoln Township 2. portion of Liberty Lane lying in section 34, Washington Township 3. portion of 756th Lane lying in section 3, Grant Township 4. portion of Quebec Lane lying in section 27, Massena Township 5. portion of 540th Lane lying between section 30-76-37, Cass County and section 25-76-38, Pottawattamie County. Motion by McFadden, 2nd by Wedemeyer: to adopt RESOLUTIONS FOR ROAD VACATION PUBLIC HEARING, Resolution No. 2014-004 thru 008 RESOLVED, that a hearing on the proposed vacations will be held in the Board Room, Cass County Courthouse, Atlantic, Iowa, 50022, at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 306. Carried unanimously. County Attorney Daniel Feistner reviewed current legal activity. The following claims were approved and the auditor authorized to issue checks for same: General Basic Fund Alliant Energy Utilities 518.58 Am San LLC Custodial Supplies 509.33 Anita Printing Services, Inc Office Supplies 191.25 Anita Tribune Co Inc Publishing 378.20 ATC Associates Inc Professional Services 875.00 Atlantic Medical Center Coroner Calls 400.00 Atlantic Motor Supply Maintenance Supplies 4.79 Atlantic Municipal Util Utilities 1810.15 Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 674.18 Berg Electric LLC Repairs 50.87 Brown Electric Company Inc Electrical Repairs 136.81 Camblin Plumbing & Heat, Inc. Heating Repairs 282.50 Cambridge Law Firm Substance Abuse 186.00 Capital Sanitary Supply Co Inc Custodial Supplies 132.24 Cappels Supplies 114.43 Cass Co Fair & 4H Contribution 29000.00 Cass Co Meals on Wheels Meals 650.00 Cass County Public Health Unit Contribution 37580.00 Cass/Atlantic Development Corp Sponsorship 7500.00 CenturyLink System Maintenance Contract 2098.00 Cintas First Aid & Safety D89 First-Aid Supplies 143.94 Cook Sanitation Sanitary Disposal 50.00
Cott Systems, Inc Maintenance/License 375.00 Counsel Office & Documents Copier Contract 228.44 Culligan Soft Water Serv Machine Rental 87.50 Dept of Natural Resources Well Fee 25.00 Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Office Supplies 259.75 Digital Business Solutions Tech Support 272.58 Duhn Funeral Homes Inc Transfer of Remains 449.15 Doug Eckles Rent 425.00 Farmers Elect Cooperative Utilities 37.53 First Bankcard Center Misc Expenses 19.95 Griswold American Publishing 226.61 Guthrie Co Health Dept Quarterly Fee 8819.67 Hepler Curbside Recycling Inc Sanitation Expense 40.00 Hockenberry Family Care Inc Indigent Burial 3000.00 Mitch Holmes Mileage 187.73 HR Systems Inc Training 325.00 IACCVSO Decatur Co Vet Affairs Registration 60.00 IMAGETek, Inc Tech Support 40.00 ISAC Registration 415.00 KJAN Advertisement 40.00 Sherri Lebeck Custodial Services 60.00 City of Lewis Utilities 107.16 LexisNexis Information Charges 69.00 M & M Sales Company Copier Contract 16.11 Mediacom Cable 47.49 Medivac Corp Ambulance 2800.00 Nishnabotna Valley R E C Utilities 166.38 Office Stop Office Supplies 54.52 Olsen Fuel Supply Inc Boiler Oil 939.75 Postmaster Postage 463.00 Purchase Power Postage 100.00 Iowa County Recorders Assoc Registration 20.00 Rex Pharmacy Supplies 12.18 Charles A Rieken Lodging/Mileage 450.43 Robinson Hardware Inc Custodial Supplies 14.37 Safeguard Business Systems Office Supplies 199.18 Seneca Companies Inc Study 19943.54 Senior Citizens Cass Co Contribution 3723.00 Solutions Inc Tech Support 12259.17 Southern Iowa Rural Water Assc Utilities 33.00 Stone Office Products Office Supplies 141.75 United States Cellular Cellular Service 158.38 Nishna Valley YMCA Comm Based Strategies 4354.35 General Supplemental Fund Atlantic News Telegraph Juvenile Expenses 183.22 Cass County Sheriff Serving Notices 421.45 Crittenton Center Inc Shelter Care 1492.80 Emergency Management Fund Contribution 57705.00 Family Crisis Support Funding Request 5000.00 Quakerdale White's Iowa Instit Shelter Care 606.45 SWI Juvenile Emergency Juvenile Services 14792.80 Jodi Vanderheiden Transcripts 66.50 MH-DD Services Fund Atlantic Med Cen Pharmacy Prescription Medicine 491.45 Buena Vista Co Sheriff Sheriff Transport.Charges 210.90 Country Care Center Corp Residential Care Fac. 3888.00 Horizon Therapy LLC Outpatient / Counseling 55.00 Jennie Edmundson Hospital Corp Inpatient / Hospital 3802.00 Mental Health and Substance Ab Registrations/Schools 139.12 Mosaic-Western Iowa Residential Care Fac. 171.45 Park Place Home Comm.Based 2018.86 Partnership For Progress Inc Home Comm.Based 15670.03 Plymouth Co Sheriff Sheriff Transport.Charges 78.90 The Pride Group Inc Residential Care Fac. 2046.00 Donna Ray Employee Mileage/Fuel & S 422.50 SW IA Mental Health Cen Hired Services 19590.28 Verizon Wireless Cellular Service 51.56 Rural Services Basic Fund Brown's Shoe Fit Uniform 160.00
Carpenter Uniform Corp Uniform 30.67 Deter Motors Vehicle Maintenance 502.13 Dvorak Tire and Service Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 43.98 Galls Inc Equipment 56.48 Griswold Community Schools Meals 39.05 Hetrick Auto Body Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 270.00 McAtee Tire Service Inc Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 1234.23 MOCIC Annual Conference Regis Membership 100.00 O'Reilly Auto Parts Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 92.26 Rex Pharmacy Supplies 14.33 Robinson Hardware Inc Supplies 11.44 Sandbothe Firestone LLC Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 17.00 Taser International, Inc. Weapon 877.91 Wright Express WexBank Fuel 3812.98 Secondary Road Fund Casey's General Stores, Inc. Fuel 275.11 Dvorak Tire and Service Tires/Tire Repair 405.86 Griggs Env Strategies LLC Consultant Fees 1692.00 Gus Construction Co Inc Contract Payment 78387.14 S I R W A Water 33.00 Carlton Symonds Reimbursement 236.77 Treasurer State of Iowa Registration 100.00 Wyman's Carquest Supplies 158.14 Sheriff Investigations Cappels K-9 Supplies 30.99 I80 K9 Training Services K-9 4500.00 Attorney Local Seized Monies Brown Electric Company Inc Electrical Repairs 4168.79 Interior Touch Inc Remodeling 80.55 Geographic Info System Fund Solutions Inc Tech Support 2928.98 Local Emergency Mgmt Agency Camblin Plumbing & Heat, Inc. Thermostat 84.28 Mike Kennon Vehicle Maintenance 76.63 Mediacom Cable 36.24 Environmental Control Agn Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 32.84 Caterpillar Financial Services Dozer 4765.12 Culligan Soft Water Serv Water 65.15 Farmers Elect Cooperative Utilities 1772.76 IMWCA Work Comp 1309.00 KJAN Advertising 90.00 Marne/Elk Horn Telephone Telephone Services 3.49 Meredith Communications LLC Advertising 60.00 Office Stop Office Supplies 176.45 Orscheln's Parts 6.39 Purchase Power Postage 20.98 Requip, LLC Repairs 1947.71 Treas State of Iowa Withholding Sales Tax 23.00 Meeting adjourned. Next meeting January 31, 2014. /s/-Frank Waters, Chair Attest: /s/-Dale Sunderman, Auditor
La relation entre deux hommes issus de milieux différents : l'un, d'origine vivant en banlieue parisienne, qui vient de purger une peine de six mois de prison et l'autre, riche qui a engagé le premier commebien qu'il n'ait aucune a consacré un chapitre de son ouvrage autobiographique Le Second Souffle à sa relation avec Abdel Yasmin Sellou, sond'origine marocaine (algérienne?),
Colóquio AS CRIANÇAS E A INTERNET uso seguro, abuso e denúncia Procuradoria-Geral da República 4 de Outubro de 2013 Conclusões 1. Propósito do colóquio Foi objectivo deste colóquio debater a temática dos fenómenos de natureza criminal que vitimizam crianças, se ocorridos com utilização das redes de comunicações, com a finalidade de permitir aos p