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Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
General operations & agents in chemistry
. Social aspects of chemistry, chemistry & society
. General operations & agents in chemistry
. . . Trace analysis (general), impurities analysis
. . Practical chemistry, laboratory practice
. . . Equipment & materials (together)
. . . . Anion identification. Cation identification
. . . . . Instruments & instrumentation in chemistry
. Kinds of analysis by physical properties measured
. . . . . Catalysts. Acids. Organic reagents
. . . Investigative techniques in chemistry
. . . . Weight titration. Phase titration.
. . . . . Microtechniques, microchemical techniques
. . . . . Ultramicroprocedures, nanotechniques
. . . . Alkalinity titration, acid-base titration. Redox
. . . . . Semimicrotechniques, submicroprocedures
. . Thermal chemical analysis, thermoanalysis
. . . . . Mechanical techniques .Thermal techniques
. . Electroanalytical chemistry, electroanalysis,
. . . . Techniques by action on phenomenon
. . . . . Sampling . Detection . Measurement
. . Spectrum analysis, spectroscopic analysis
. . . . Continuous spectrum. Line spectrum. Band
. . . . . Emission spectrum. Absorption spectrum.
. . . . Containing, storing. Weighing. Separation
. . . Spectrum analysis by wavelength, frequency
. . . . . . Fractional. Vacuum. Steam distillation
. . . Preparative chemistry by reaction concerned
. . . . Decomposition. Ion exchange. Oxidation-
. . . . . . Colorimetric analysis, colorimetry
. . . . Atomic spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy
. . . . . . Evaporation. Boiling. Superheating
. Kinds of analysis by separation of components in
. . . . . Sublimation. Liquefaction.Melting
. . Chromatography (analysis), adsorption analysis
. . . Kinds of chromatography. . . . By process involved, separation mechanism
. . . . . Partition chromatography (general)
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
General operations & agents in chemistry
. . Kinds of analysis by separation of components in mixture
. . . . . By process involved, separation mechanism
. . . . . . Ion exchange chromatography C9Q F
. . Processes CAG T. . . Localization CAH L
. . . . . By other physical processes. . . . . . By physical state of mobile phase
. . Kinds of analysis by primary purpose
. . . Quantitative analysis, estimation (analysis)
. . . . Coordinate bonds, dative bonds, semipolar
. . . . Localized bonds, two-centred bonds.
. Properties/processes in physical chemistry
. . . . . . Double bonds. Triple bonds. Quadruple
. . . Ionic bonds, electrovalent bonds, electrovalency
. Molecular structure, structural chemistry
. . . Electrical properties. Conduction. Insulation
. . . . Open chain. Straight chain. Branched chain
. . . . Closed chain, ring structure, cyclic structure
. . . . Arrangement (molecular structure),
. . . Nucleons in chemistry.Protons. Neutrons
. . Chemical formulae. Empirical. Structural.
Add to CB numbers & letters 9/Q following B; eg
. . Thermodynamics of reactions, chemical energetics
. . Energy levels, electron energy states
. . . Orbitals, orbits, electronic configuration
. . Chemical bonds, bonding, valence bonds
. . . . Valency, valence. Oxidation state, oxidation
. . . . Kinetics of reactions, rate of reaction
. . . . Bond geometry, molecular geometry
. Properties/processes special to reactions
. . . . Localization (bonding), delocalization
. . Inductive effect (reactions), induction
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Properties/processes special to reactions CBS
. . . Degradation. Dissociation. Elimination CCV N
. Rearrangement reactions, disproportionation
. . Kinds of catalysis & catalysts
. . . . Fixed catalysts. Mobile catalysts
. . . Double replacement. Double decomposition,
. . . . Homogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneous
. . Kinds of polysubtitution by position
. . By specific number substituted
. . . . Physical catalysts. Chemical catalysts
. Redox reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions
. . . . . Retardation, retarders, inhibition, inhibitors
. Isomerization
By reaction product
. . Reversible reactions. Irreversible reactions
. By direction & energy of reaction
. . Neutralization. Acidification. Basification
. . Hydration. Carbonization. Nitrogenation
Reactions by change in energy system
. . Endogenic reactions. Exogenic reactions
. . Thermal processes & properties
. . . Nucleophilic reactions. Electrophilic reactions
. . Hydrogen bond broken. Carbon bond broken.
. . . . . Latent heat of reaction (thermochemistry)
. . . . . Heat loss, cooling. Heat gain, heating
. . . Temperature
. . Thermal reaction processes
. . Combination, fusion (reaction mechanism)
. . . Heat of formation, enthalpy of formation
. . . Heat of combination, heat of fusion
. . . . Degradation. Dissociation. Elimination
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Properties & processes in states of matter
Electrochemistry, electrochemical reactions
. Mixed phase chemistry, chemical systems (phases),
. . . Phase transition, formation of phases, phase
. . Materials of electrochemical equipment
. . . Electrolytes, electrolytic solutions
. Kinds of electrochemical reactions
. . . . . Surfaces, surface chemistry, surface
. . . . . . Properties & processes
. . . . . . . Lyophily. Lyophoby. Hydrophily.
. . . . . Electrochemical cells, voltaic cells, galvanic
. . . . . . . Capillary activity. Permeation.
. . . . . . Kinds of cells by electrode arrangement
. . . . . . . Bipolar cells. Membraneous cells.
. . . . . . . . . Physical adsorption. Chemisorption
. . . . . . Primary cells. Secondary cells
. . . . . . . . Surface activity. Wetting, spreading
. . . . . . . Thin films. Multi-component films
. . . . . . . Continuum films. Membranes, porous
. . . Kinds of chemical systems by assumed properties
. . Magnetic susceptibility. Magnetic purity
. . . . Invariant systems. Univariant. Bivariant.
. . . Kinds by number of components in system
. . . . Single component chemical systems, one
. Photochemistry, photochemical reactions
. . . Kinds of systems by stability of phase
. . . Incandescence. Luminescence. Fluorescence
. . . . Homogeneous chemical systems, single phase
. . Photochemical processes in relation to product
. . . Photolysis, photochemical decomposition
. . . . . . Solutions, molecular mixtures, dissolved
. . . . . . . Properties/processes
. . . . . . . . Stability. Conductivity. pH. Colour
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
. . . Properties/processes. . . . Colligative properties CFM BR
. . . . Association. Condensation. Dissociation
. . . . . Kinds by assumed properties
. . . . . . Perfect liquids. Imperfect liquids
. . . . . Kinds by number of components
. . . . . Kinds by number of phases
. . . . . Ideal solutions. Non-ideal solutions
. . . . Kinds of liquids by special states
. . . . . Dilute solutions. Normal solutions, molar
. . . . . Simple liquids. Complex liquids
. . . . . Concentrated solutions. Saturated.
. . . . . Aqueous solutions. Non-aqueous solutions
. . . . . Sublimation. Vaporization. Liquefaction
Heterogeneous chemical systems, multiple phase
. Kinds of heterogeneous systems by number of phases
. . . . Kinds of systems of solids
. . Binary chemical systems. Ternary.Quaternary
. . . . . Kinds by number of phases
. . . . . . . Small particles, powders, dusts (solids)
. . . . Disperse phase. Dispersion medium,
. . . Kinds of dispersions by particle size
. . . Colloids, colloidal systems, colloidal dispersions
. . . . . . . Amorphous solids, non-crystalline solids
. . . . . . . Crystalline state, crystal chemistry
. . . . . Formation. Dispersion. Deaggregation
. . . . . . . . Kinds of crystal by phase characteristics
. . . . . . . . Kinds by positional characteristics
. . . . . . . . . Disordered crystal systems
. . . . . . . . By relation of planes to axes
. . . . . . By attraction of solvent
. . . . . . . Lyophylic. Hydrophilic.
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Chemistry of particular chemical species and
. Kinds of radicals by special properties &
chemically defined groups of substances.
. Kinds of substances by various characteristics
. . Double bonded radicals. Monofunctionlal
Use CGB/CGD only for general works embracing
elements and compounds as well as inorganic and
. . Monosubstituted radicals. Orthosubstituted
. Free radicals, free ions, polyatomic ions
. . Atomic species. Molecular species. Ionic
. Kinds of compounds by various characteristics
. Kinds by chemical combination & structure
. Kinds by variations in molecular structure
. . Kinds by bonding characteristics
The groupings for various elements below (periods,
blocks, groups, at CGE P/CGE S) are for general
. . . . Coordinate bonded compounds, dative
works only, dealing with the nature and theory of
Works on the individual elements are classed at
CGF (general), CJT/CNY (with their inorganic
. . . . Single bonded compounds, saturated
compounds) or COM T/COP Y (with their organic
. . . . Multibonded compounds, unsaturated
. . Kinds of elements by various characteristics
. . . Ionic bond compounds, electrovalent
. . . Polymorphous elements, allotropes (elements)
. . . . Linear chains, straight chains, open chains
. . . Symmetrical compounds. . . Asymmetrical compounds
. . Kinds by variations in structure
. . . . . Group 1 elements. Group 12 elements
. . . Polymorphism, allotropy, allotriomorphism
. . . Polymorphic substances, polymorphous
. . . Metalloid elements, semi-metal elements
. . . . Stable allotropes. Metastable allotropes
For completely comprehensive works dealing
with the element per se and its inorganic and
For works on radicals in general, including free
. . Binding sites (radicals), radical regions
. . . . . . Rotational isomerism. Valence
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Kinds of compounds by various characteristics
Acids & bases & salts together CGH Y
Salts of particular elements and compounds go with
. . . . . Cis-trans isomers. Cis-form isomers
. . By properties analogous to those of acids
Most of the literature deals with very large
union of simple molecules (monomers); they are
This class takes general works only.
. . Ligands, Lewis bases (ligands), donors (complex
. . Catalytic compounds. Addition compounds
Compounds by specific valency, oxidation state
. . . . Linear ligands. Tetrahedral ligands. Square
. Monovalent compounds. Octavalent compounds
. . . . Monodentate ligands. Hexadentate ligands
Compounds by number of constituent elements
Compounds of one element with others in general
Compounds by their periodic relations
. Compounds with elements of particular periods
Acids of particular inorganic compounds go with
. Kinds by bonding characteristics
. Kinds by variations in molecular structure
. . . Bronsted acids, protonic acids, proton acids
. Kinds by reaction characteristics
Inorganic compounds of particular elements or
. . . Non-polar acids. Polar acids. Dipolar acids
. Compounds with other elements in general
. Compounds with elements of particular periods
. . . Ortho-acids. Meta-acids. Polyacids,
. Metalloid compounds, semi-metal compounds
. Inorganic compounds by constituent elements
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Inorganic compounds of particular elements or groups of elements
. Inorganic compounds by constituent elements CJW
. . . Compounds of Group 1 elements CJW Y
. Group 18 compounds, inert gases, rare gases, noble
D-block compounds, transition compounds, transition
. Group 3 compounds, rare earth metals compounds
. Group 11 compounds, coinage metal compounds
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Atoms or groups of atoms, acting as a unit and
replacing a hydrogen or hydrogens in an organic
compound. Their presence imparts important
characteristic properties to the compound
. . . . Double bonded. Triple bonded.
. . . Kinds by molecular structure
. . . . Open chain functionaal groups. Ring
. . . . Kinds of substituted groups
. . . . . Kinds by position of substituents
. . . . . Meta substituted. Para substituted
. . . . . Asymmetric substituted. Symmetric
. . . . . Kinds by number of substitutions
. . . . . . Monosubstituted. Polysubstituted
. . Transuranic elements, transuranium compounds
. . Kinds by bonding characteristics
. . . Covalent compounds., Ionic, electrovalent
compounds; for ring structures, see CQ Cyclic
compounds; for organic polymers, see CTE.
. . Kinds by variations in structure
. . . Condensation compounds., Substitution
. . Kinds by specific valency, oxidation state
. . . Transactinides, post-actinides, superheavy
. . Kinds by number of constituent elements
Elements with atomic number above 103.
. . . Binary compounds., Ternary compounds
. . . Acids & bases & salts together (organic
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
. Carbonyl compounds COM F. . Ketenes COM KX
Organic compounds by their constituent elements
General works only on these, embracing works
covering both major basic structures, acyclic and
. . . Monocarboxylic acids. monobasic carboxylic
. . . . Dicarboxylic acids. Tricarboxylic.
. . . . Methane. Propane . Hexadecane.
. . Kinds of carboxyl compounds by constituent
. . . . Methylene. Ethylene . Propene.
. . . Methanoic acid. Ethanoic acid. Propenoic
. . . . Alkenes with 2 or more double bonds
. . . . . . Dienes, diolefins, alkadienes
. . . Alkynes, acetylene series compounds
. . . . Acetylene, ethyne. propyne. butyne.
. . . . Propyne, allylene, methyl acetylene
. Oxygen with hydrocarbons (organic compounds)
. Organic compounds with specific elements
. . Alkoxy compounds, alkoxy radical compounds
. . Compounds with other elements in general
. . . Methoxy compounds. Ethoxy compounds
. . Compounds with elements of particular periods
. . Hydroxy compounds, hydroxyl compounds,
. . Metals (organic compounds), organometallic
. Heteroatom compounds with specific elements
. . Nitrogen organic compounds, nitrogenous
. . . . . Methyl alcohol, methanol. Ethanol.
. . . N compounds with hydrogen as a special
. . . . Kinds by bond to which the hydroxyl is
. . . . . By hydrocarbons & oxygen
. . . . Kinds of alcohols by number of OHs
. . . . . Polyhydric saturated alcohols, polyhydroxy
. . . . . Primary amines, amino compounds
. . . . . . Dihydric alcohols. Trihydric alcohols
. . . . . . . Amino acids, aminocarboxylic acids
. . . . . . Primary amines with other compounds
. . Carbonyl compounds, acyl compounds, carbonyl
. . . . . . . . Hydrazines, hydrazo compounds
. . . . Alkoxycarbonyls, carboxylates, carboxylate
. . . . . Secondary amines, imines, imino
. . . . Methanal, formaldehyde. Ethanal. Propanal
. . . Nitrogen compounds with other elements
. . . Nitrogen with carbon as special heteroatom
. . . . Cyano (CN), isocyano, cyano group,
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Organic compounds by their constituent elements
. . . . Nitrogen with carbon as special heteroatom
. . . Hydrocarbon compounds containing oxygen CPL R
. . . . . Diazo compounds, diazo group (CN2),
. . . . . . By constituent elements
. . . . . . . Methanoic acid. Ethanoic acid.
. . . . . Nitroso, nitroso group, hydroximino
. . . . . . Nitro compounds, nitro group (NO2)
. . . . . . Azoxy compounds, diazo compounds
. . . . . . . Amides, carbamoyl group, amido
. . . Acyclic compounds with heteroatoms
. . . . . . . . Primary amides. Secondary
. . . . . . Primary., Secondary., Tertiary
. . . . . Nitroso, hydroximino, oximino (Group
. . . . . . . Alkylthio group, thioesters
General works only go here. Most of the literature
refers to cyclic compounds (non-aromatic); see
. . . . Fluorine organic compounds, fluoro group
Cyclic compounds (organic), ring compounds
. . . . Chlorine organic compounds, chloro group
. Kinds of cyclic compounds by constituents C,H &
. . . Transition metals organic compounds
Kinds of organic compounds by basic structures
. Acyclic compounds, aliphatic compounds,
Nearly all the literature relates either to alicyclic
(non-aromatic) or aromatic compounds. Use this
location only for works dealing primarily with
. . Kinds of acyclics by constituent elements
the common features of both those classes.
. . . Acyclics with hydrocarbons & O in
. . . . Cyclopropyl group. Cyclohexyl group.
. . . Cycloalkenes, cyclofurene, tetrahydrobenzene
. . . . Hydrocarbon compounds containing
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Kinds of cyclic compounds by constituents C,H & O
Cyclic compounds by basic structure
. Cyclic compounds by ring structure
. . Cyclic compounds by number of rings in molecule
. . . Monocyclic compounds, mononuclear ring
Qualify this general class only if the work clearlydistinguishes it from benzenes (CR).
. . . Polycyclic compounds, polynuclear ring systems
. . . . Linkage mode in polycyclic compounds
. . . . . Rings linked by separate bonds. by
. . Kinds of benzene compounds by constituent
. . . . . Directly linked polycyclic compounds.
. . . . . Condensed cyclic systems, fused ring
. . . . . . Toluene. Xylene. Mesitylene.
. . . . Bicyclic compounds, dicyclic compounds,
. . . . Tricyclic compounds. Tetracyclic.
. . . . . Benzyl alcohol. Methylbenzyl alcohol.
. Compounds by number of members in ring, ring size
. . . . . Cinnamic alcohol, phenylallylic alcohol,
. . Three-membered rings. Four-membered.
. . Six-membered rings (other than benzene)
. . . . Phenol, carbolic acid, phenylic acid,
. . Seven-membered rings. More than 7 members
Cyclic compounds by special bond structures
. Alicyclic compounds, non-aromatic HC compounds
Carbocyclic compounds with aliphatic characteristics(ie, lacking an aromatic ring).
. . . . . . Dihydric phenols, dihydroxy benzenes
. . . . . . Trihydric phenols, trihydroxybenzenes
. . . . . . Tetrahydric phenols. . . . Ethers
. . . . . Phenyl ethers, alkoxyarenes. . . . Carbonyl compounds. . . . Aldehydes
. . . . . Benzaldehyde. Cinnamic aldehyde.
. . . . . Acetophenone, phenyl methyl ketone
. . . . . Quinone, benzoquinone, chinone,
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Kinds of benzene compounds by constituent elements
Cyclic compounds by special bond structures
. . . . . . With 5-membered rings also CRR SU
. Kinds of heterocycles by constituent atoms
. . . . Benzoic acid. Phenylethanoic acid.
. . With carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only as
. . . . Homocyclic compounds (heterocycles)
. Benzene compounds with heteroatoms (non-HC)
. . Kinds of heterocycles by heteroatoms
. . Nitrogen with benzene & particular elements
. . . Kinds by number of same heteroatoms
. . . . Polyheteroatom compounds by specific
. . . . . . Picric acid, trinitrophenol, carbazotic
. . . Kinds of heterocycles by specific
. Kinds of heterocycles by basic structure, ring
. . . Benzalchloride, benzylidene chloride,
. Kinds of heterocycles by number of rings in
Benzene compounds by number of rings in the
. Polycyclic benzenes, polyaromatic hydrocarbons,
. . Bicyclic benzene, diphenyls, biphenyls,
. . . . Separately linked., Condensed, fused
. . Tricyclic benzene, triphenyl benzenes
. . Tetracyclic benzene, tetraphenyl benzenes
Benzene compounds by size of ring, number of
. Mixed sized rings in polycyclic benzenes
. . . Seven or more heterocycles in molecule
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Kinds of organic compounds by basic structures
. . . . . . Bicyclic 6-member rings CSV QE
Kinds of heterocycles by number of rings in molecule
. . Seven or more heterocycles in molecule CSQ J
Heterocycles by number of members in ring,
. . . . . . . Nitrogen heterocycles (tricyclic
. . . . . . . . Piperidine. Pyridine.
. . . Nitrogen heterocycles (4-member rings)
. . . . . . . . Azines. Diazine, pyrazine
. . . . Azetidine.Azetidine carboxylic acid
. . . . . . . . Pyrimidine. Pyrazine.
. . . Oxygen heterocycles (4-member rings)
. . . . . . Oxygen with nitrogen heteroatoms
. . . . . . . Diketopiperazine. Cytosine.
. . . Nitrogen heterocycles (5-member rings)
. . . . . . Sulphur & nitrogen heteroatoms
. . . . . . . Sulphathiazole, aminobenzene
. . . Oxygen heterocycles (5-member rings)
. . . . More than six members in ring
. . . Sulphur heterocycles (5-member rings)
. . . . Thiophen, thuiphene, thienyl ring,
collect together all the literature on these
Organic polymers, macromolecules (organic
. . Nitrogen heteroatoms (6-member rings)
. . . . . Alpha helix. Beta-pleated sheet.
. . . . Dioxane, dioxan, diethylene dioxide,
. . . . Radical polymerization, free radical
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
. . . . Polyisoprenes. Rubber. Guttapercha
. . Condensation processes., Substitution
. . . . . Phenolaldehyde polymers, bakelite
. . . Sulphur five-membered ring heteroatoms
. . . . Tetrahydrothiophen, THT, tetramethylene
Biologically significant organic compounds
The compounds below are found primarily in
. Addition polymers. Condensation polymers.
various forms of life (microbiological, botanical orzoological). They and their attendant processes are
all to be found in Biochemistry EC in Class E.
This class takes only strictly chemical studies of
. . . Isotactic polymers. Syndiotactic. Atactic
. . . Simple lipids. Compound lipids, complex
. . Thermoplastic polymers, flexible polymers
. . Thermosetting polymers, rigid polymers
. . . . . . . Palmitic acid. Oleic acid. Stearic
. . . . . . Essential oils, volatile oils
. . . . . . . Croton oil. Sesame oil.
Kinds of polymers by constituent elements
. By groups containing H, C & O
. . . . . Mineral waxes. Paraffin wax.
. By compounds containing heteroatoms
. . . . By number & nature of substituent on
. . . . . Monoglycerides. Diglycerides.
. . Polyvinylchlorides, PVC, vinylchloride
. . . . . . Cholic acid. Lithocholic acid.
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
. . . . . Cholic acid. Lithocholic acid. Glycocholic acid
. . . Kinds of steroids by structure
. . . . Androstanes. Androstenes. Androsterols
. . . . Cholanes. Cholestanes. Cholestenes
. . . Antibiotic glycosides. Cardiac glycosides
. . Kinds of glycosides by constituents
. Kinds of terpenes by number of isoprenes
. . . Tannic acid, tannin, gallotannic acid
. . . Flavonoids, flavonol glycosides, bioflavonoids
. . . . . Borneol. Geraniol. Menthol.
Although the following classes are taken from CS
Heterocycles they should be distinguished from the
heterocyclic compounds from which they are taken by
the fact that here they represent only the alkaloids
. . Five-member heterocycles., Six-member
. . Sesquiterpenes. Diterpenes. Triterpenes.
. Kinds of alkaloids by plant origin
. . Aconite bases. Calabar bases. Cinchona bases
. Monosaccharides, simple sugars, single sugars
. . Kinds of monosaccharides by number of C
. . Colchicine bases. Corynanthe johimbe bases,
. . . . Fructose. Levulose. Glucose. Dextrose
. . Ipecacuanha bases. Liliaceae bases. Mescal bases
. . . . Morphine. Codeine. Diamorphine, heroin
. . . . Belladonna, deadly nightshade. Atropine
. . Veratrum bases. Vinca bases. Xanthene bases
. Kinds of alkaloids by animal origin
Amino acids & peptides & proteins (together)
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
Amino acids & peptides & proteins CUC Y
Other biologically significant amine derivative CUG Y. Histamine CUG YHI
. . Alpha-amino acids, protein amino acids,
. Kinds by special protein properties
. . Beta-amino acids. Gamma-amino acids.
. Kinds by constituent elements. Kinds by basic structure
. Kinds of proteins by biological function
. . Carrier proteins, binding proteins, transport
. . Kinds by organism or part of organism concerned
. Kinds of proteins by constituents
. . . Asparagine. Glutamine. Lysine.
. . Sulphide-containing amino acids, mercapto
. . . Globulins, euglobulins, pseudoglobulins
. . . . . Alpha globulins. Beta globulins
. . . . . Gamma globulins. Immunoglobulins.
. . By number of amino acids in chain
. . . Scleroproteins, albuminoids, albumoids
. . . . . . Alanylalanine. Alanylglycine.
. . Compound proteins, conjugated proteins
Other biologically significant amine derivative, A/Z
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
. . . Proenzymes, precursors (proenzymes), zymogen
. . . . Kinds by structure & function
. . Kinds of enzymes by reaction catalyzed
. Kinds by special physiological reactions
. . . . Oxidoreductases, oxidases, reductases,
. . . . . . . Corticotrophin, adrenocorticotrophin
. . . . . . . Somatotrophin, STN, growth hormone
. . . . . . . Thyrotrophin, thyroid stimulating
. . . . . . . Gonadotrophins (pituitary),
. . . . Kinds by structure & function
. . . . . . . Vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone,
. . . . . Transfer RNA, tRNA, soluble RNA
. . . . Thyroid gland. . . . Parathyroid gland. . . . Thymus gland
Detailed outline of Class C: Chemistry
Biologically significant organic compounds CTH
Applied chemistry, chemistry-based technologies
Alternative (not recommended) to locating in Class U/V.
. . . . . Adrenal cortex hormones, corticoids,
. . . . . . . Hydroxycorticosteroids. . . . Digestive system
. . . . . Gastrointestinal hormones. . . . . Pancreas
. . . . . . . Insulin. . . . Reproductive system
. . . . . . Oestrogens, female sex hormones
. . . . Vitamin B2 complex, vitamin G, riboflavin
. . . . Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid. Vitamin B6,
. . . . Vitamin B9, vitamin B11, vitamin Bc, folic
. . . . Vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin, cobalamin,
. . . . Vitamin D2. Ergosterol. Vitamin D3
. Kinds of pigments by source & function
. . . Carotenoids. Carotenes, carotins.
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Il dott. Alberto Vannelli , si è laureato in medicina e chirurgia e specializzato in chirurgia generale a Milano con il massimo dei voti, dal maggio 2001 al novembre 2011 è stato dirigente medico presso la FondazioneIRCCS Istituto dei Tumori di Milano e dal dicembre 2011 è dirigente medico con mansione di aiuto con indirizzooncologico presso la Struttura Complessa di Chirurgia General
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