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Supplement to Gastroenterology 2008;134(4 suppl1):A629 (W1079)

Curcumin Vs Domperidon in Functional Dyspepsia: Better the Prokinetic or An Agonist
of Vanilloid Receptor?
Antonio Nouvenne1, Andrea Maini1, Lucas Giovanni Cavallaro6, Roberta Merli1,
Loredana Guida1, Ester Morana1, Margherita Curlo1, Andrea Iori1, Laura Martelli3,
Mario Martelli3, Giulia Martina Cavestro1, Iva Pelosini5, Carmelo Scarpignato4, Angelo
Franzè2, Francesco Di Mario1

1. Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, 2.
Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital of Parma, Parma, Italy, 3. Department of Chemistry,
University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 4. Department of Anatomy, Pharmacology and
Forensic Sciences, School of Medicine and Dentistry-Laboratory of Clinical
Pharmacology, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, 5. Institute of Pharmacology, School
of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, 6. Gastroenterology Unit,
S.Martino Hospital, Belluno, Belluno, Italy
INTRODUCTION: Functional dyspepsia is an very frequent disease. Up to now many
treatments are been proposed with conflicting results. Curcumin, the main element of
turmeric powder extract from Curcuma Longa, shows both antinflammatory and
antioxidant properties. Infact it is an agonist of vanilloid receptor(TRPV1)which plays a
critical role in thermal nociception and inflammatory hyperalgesia. Domperidon is a
dopamine antagonist currently used for treatment of dyspepsia. AIMS: To evaluate if a
two months therapy schedule based on Curcumin or Domperidon is effective
on:1)symptoms relief.2) gastric inflammation assessed by means of serum pepsinogen II
in functional dyspepsia. MATERIALS AND METHODS:48 consecutive H.pylori
negative patients (17 M, mean age 47,7±13 years, range 20-72) with functional
dyspepsia, according with Rome III Criteria, were enrolled from January to December
2006. Patients after informed consent were randomized in two groups to take t.i.d. for 2
months: a tablet, containing curcumin 30 mg, Zn++-acetate 15 mg, bovine lactoferrin 100
mg (LF-500, Dicofarm, Rome, Italy) (Group A, 27 pts)or Domperidon 10 mg (Group B,
21 pts). Upper GI symptoms were assessed and scored by administering a validated
questionnaire (Veldhuyzen S. APT.2006;23:521-9) at baseline (T0) and after two
months(T1). Gastro-oesophageal mucosal integrity and H.pylori status were assessed by
upper endoscopy with histology (five biopsies histologically classified according with the
Sydney System) and a blood sample for serum pepsinogens (sPGI,sPGII), gastrin-17(G-
17) and anti-Helicobacter IgG (IgG-Hp) (EIA,Biohit,Helsinki,Finland). RESULTS:
There was a significant decrease in the global overall symptoms both in Group A and in
Group B (Group A: T0: 17.6±4.6, T1: 10.77±3.44, p< 0.001; Group B: T0 17.19±4.49,
T1 12.79±3.44 p<0.001). sPGII levels decreased in Group A in a statistically significant
manner (T0: 14.7±5.7; T1: 10.13±2.15, p=0.003)but not in Group B. sPGI,IgG and G-17
values did not significantly decrease after two months. CONCLUSION: Curcumin as
well Domperidon is effective on improving dyspeptic symptoms. Curcumin but not
Domperidon seems to reduce gastric inflammation assessed by serological marker
according with its properties in improving the TNF cascade events. Further studies are
necessary to confirm this results.


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