1.Trust requires medicines of the above said BRANDS only. Other BRANDS will not be considered. 2. Tenderers are required to quote under “TWO COVER SYSTEM “. Kindly go through the enclosed special conditions carefully. 3. BREAK–UP DETAILS FOR RATE QUOTED SUCH AS BASIC PRICE + ED AS APPLICABLE + VAT AS APPLICABLE + P&F CHARGES, IF ANY SHALL BE STATED IN COVER – II WITHOUT FAIL.
6. The rates of Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Other charges and all terms and conditions shall be mentioned clearly. The Ch. P. T. is not eligible for concessional rates of Sales Tax against ‘C’ or ‘D’ Forms. 7. Suppliers who offer for credit payment of 30 days from the date of supply only will be considered. 8. We expect free delivery at our premises. SPECIAL CONDITIONS UNDER TWO COVER SYSTEM (For purchase of medicines under brand names) Enquiry No. EMSA/5001/10/MM, DUE ON 23/04/2010. RATE SHALL NOT BE QUOTED IN COVER-I 1) Pre-Qualification Criteria:
i). Manufacturer or Authorised Distributor/Stockist shall only quote for the
ii). Distributor/Stockist shall furnish a NOTARIZED copy of the valid latest
Authorised Distributor/Stockist Certificate for the quoted brands or latest Authorisation letter from the concerned Manufacturer IN ORIGINAL to quote on their behalf. Otherwise offers will not be considered.
Tenders must be sent in separate sealed cover with duly marking as Cover-I and
Cover-II and these Two covers shall be enclosed in another main cover and sealed.
i). The document /information indicated in pre-qualification criteria shall be
ii). Complete Technical specification of Drugs with Brand name and commercial
terms of the Tender except price.
iii). Tenderers name and address should be stamped in each cover including the
iv). All the Taxes, Duties and charges etc., applicable shall be indicated. The
vague expression that ‘Sales Taxes/VAT extra’ and ‘actual forwarding charges extra’ shall be avoided. The actual rate of Tax/VAT, Duties and other charges either on percentages basis or on lumpsum basis shall indicated clearly without fail.
i). The Cover-II shall contain nothing but price of Drugs offered. ii). The name and address of the Tenderer should appear at the bottom
Both sealed covers mentioned above i.e., COVER – I and COVER - II
SHALL be finally put in another main cover which shall be sealed and superscribed “COMPLETE QUOTATION” duly filled in with the Special Limited Tender No., and the Due Date of the Tender. The COMPLETE QUOTATION shall be addressed to The Controller of Stores, Chennai Port Trust, Chennai-1. THE COMPLETE
The rate quoted should be for a unit and given specification. The Tenderer
is not permitted to change/alter specification or unit size.
The Tenderers shall specifically note that if the prices are furnished in
cover-I or the Tenderer are not submitted in accordance with the conditions stated, such Tenders will be summarily rejected.
The Telegraphic / Telex / Fax / E-Mail offers will be treated as defective,
invalid and rejected. Only detailed complete offers received prior to closing time and date of Tenders will be taken as valid.
After finalisation of Tender, Rate Contract will be issued for a period of
Two years and rates quoted shall be kept firm for two years from the date of issue of Rate Contract.
On the basis of rate contract, purchase order will be placed by CMO once
in three months or as and when required for the quantity required by them.
The Tenderer is requested to supply the Drugs within 30 days from the
The Tenderer should remain valid for at least 120 days from the due date
During the Rate Contract any downward variation in Taxes/Duties/Levis
such MODVAT, VAT etc., will have to be passed on to Chennai Port Trust.
The Chennai Port Trust reserves the right to order plus or minus 25% of
The Port Trust reserves the right to inspect the Drugs on receipt at the
Ch.PT premises and to reject them if found defective.
As a rule, Drugs should be supplied to the Hospital giving maximum shelf
All disputes are subject to Chennai jurisdiction only.
for Chief Mechanical Engineer.
GUIDANCE TO THE TENDERERS 1. The firms are expected to send the quotations in the prescribed form sent along with the tender. However, if any tenderer, wishes to quote in their own quotation form/letter head, all the important details as per the quotation/form should be furnished without fail. 2. SPECIFICATION: Even if the offer is as per Trust's enquiry, the entire specification shall be repeated in the offer. If it is a counter offer, declare so (i.e.) "Counter Offer" and then provide the full description of your offer. 3. TERMS OF DELIVERY: 1) Free Delivery, 2) F.O.R. Destination, 3)Ex.Godown Chennai. (Firms are expected to quote only for "Free Delivery at Trust's Stores". However, in case if the offer is for other than free delivery, all the charges up to Trust's Store will be worked out approximately at our end and added to the value, which may be borne in mind before quoting). 3(a) PRICES: The Price should be firm till completion of the supply in the event of an order. 4. TAXES AND DUTIES: The Trust is not eligible for 'C' or 'D' form. Therefore, Tenderer shall quote full tax applicable. 5. TERMS OF PAYMENT: The standard term of payment of Chennai Port Trust is within 30 days from the date of acceptance of supplies. The Tenderer shall confirm the above payment terms in their quotation. To make payment through ECS, furnish MICR number, Name of the bank and branch details, account number and type of account. 6. VALIDITY: The offer must be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening of the quotation. 7. INSPECTION: All supplies are subject to inspection and approval before acceptance. 8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CLAUSE/LATE DELIVERY CLAUSE: This clause is applicable where value of purchase order exceeds Rs.1 Lakh. a) Where the delivery period is less than 4 weeks. If the supplier fails to complete the supply in all respects within the period specified or within such extended period as may be allowed by Controller of Stores, the supplier shall pay or allow the Board a sum equivalent to 1% of the value of the unfulfilled portion of the purchase order price per day, subject to a maximum of 10% of the value of the unfulfilled portion of the purchase order as Liquidated Damages/Late Delivery Charges. b) Where the delivery period is more than 4 weeks. If the supplier fails to complete the supply in all respected within the period specified or within such extended period as may be allowed by Controller of Stores, the supplier shall pay or allow the Board a sum equivalent to 1/2% of the value of the unfulfilled portion of the purchase order price per week (7 days) or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 5% of the value of the unfulfilled portion of the purchase order as Liquidated Damages / Late Delivery Charges. C) In case of part supply, the calculation of Liquidated Damages will be restricted to the incomplete / undelivered value of supply order subject to the amount of maximum percentage prescribed in the Liquidated Damages / Late Delivery Charges of the total value of the order.
d) The Liquidated Damages / Late Delivery Charges shall be deducted from any amount payable to the contractor / supplier including encashment of Bank Guarantee or any securities / guarantees, if any available with the Port Trust. e) If the supplier has delayed / not supplied after giving due notice, the supply order will be cancelled and any additional expenditure incurred by the Trust in procuring such materials will be recovered from the supplier for non performance / delay in execution of the supply from the money due or belonging to the supplier with the Board. 9. SAMPLES: Wherever quoations are called for on the basis of departmental samples / specimen, the Tenderer must inspect the departmental samples / specimen, at the Controller of Stores Office and then only they should give their quotation. Wherever samples are called for in the enquiry the Tenderer should send samples to the office of the Controller of Stores along with the tender. The samples of the Tenderers should be tagged and sealed properly duly mentioning the tenderer's name, the Trust's enquiry no. the tenderer's quotation no. etc., It must be noted by the tenderer that all the incidental charges i.e. to and fro charges to be incurred for sending and getting back the samples should be borne by the tenderer. Samples not accepted by the Trust should be arranged to be collected by the tenderer within 15 days of receipt of a communication from the Trust to that effect. Thereafter, the unaccepted samples will be lying at the risk and responsibility of the tenderer. Further, the unaccepted samples not collected within the time given, are liable to be disposed by the Trust as deemed fit and the tenderer will have no claim whatsoever on their samples thereafter. 10. GENERAL CONDITIONS: a. The envelope should be superscribed with the Trust's enquiry no. and due date without fail. b. Make / brand of the item quoted may be stated wherever applicable. c. It may be specified whether the goods offered will be supplied with ISI mark wherever applicable. d.The firm who responds to the enquiry which are displayed in the Trust web site and who are not registered with the Trust, should furnish valid Sales Tax Registration Certificate / SSI / NSIC etc along with the quotation and also furnish the documentary evidence to the effect that they are technically competent / dealing with the item quoted without fail. d.The firm who responds to the enquiry which are displayed in the Trust web site and who are not registered with the Trust, should furnish valid Sales Tax Registration Certificate / SSI / NSIC etc along with the quotation and also furnish the documentary evidence to the effect that they are technically competent / dealing with the item quoted without fail. e. Guarantee :- Manufacturer / Supplier guarantee certificate shall be provided for 18 months from the date of supply or 12 months from the date of installation / commissioning whichever is earlier, or as required, will be provided along the supply wherever applicable. f. Test Certificate: - Manufacturer's test certificate / test certificate from the Government approved laboratory shall be sent along with the supply, wherever applicable. g. All disputes are subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only. CHENNAI PORT TRUST QUOTATION FORM Cover - II (Read carefully all the instructions and the Terms and Conditions before filling up this form) FIRM’S NAME & ADDRESS. CH.P.T. VENDOR CODE………………………. TRUST’S ENQUIRY NO. & DATE……………………………………………….
DUE DATE ----------------------------- QUOTATION NO. & DATE---------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed specification of offer including the Qty. Rate make of the item offered per unit E.D. , S.T. (in forwarding charges if any extra. Specify the Discount, Trade Discount, Payment discount etc., (if any individually) Note: Break up details for the rate quoted such as Basic Price + ED as applicable + VAT as applicable + P & F Charges, if any shall be stated without fail. TERMS OF PAYMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERMS OF DELIVERY (Go through the different terms of delivery given overleaf and record your terms here.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- (If the Trust has to bear the freight and insurance, indicate the approx. weight & freight charges) DELIVERY PERIOD------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks if any regarding Guarantee/Test Certificate/Warranty/I.S.I. Certification details etc. VALIDITY OF QUOTATION: 120 Days from the date of opening of this quotation. DECLARATION: The acceptance of this quotation by the Controller of Stores shall constitute a binding contract between me/us and the Chennai Port Trust. Office Seal Of the Tenderer. Signature of the Tenderer. Telephone No. /Fax No.
JATROS Infektiologie 1I2007 Plasmodien – tödliche„Mitbringsel“ aus dem UrlaubIm tropischen Afrika, in Indien, Sri Lanka und vielen Teilen des Fernen Ostens sowie im Amazonasgebiet fin-det die Malariaübertragung ganzjährig statt – sowohl am Land als auch in den Städten. Geschützt in die-sen Hochrisikogebieten ist nur, wer sich richtig verhält und konsequente Chemoprophylaxe
SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTION/504 PLAN & MEDICATION ORDERS Birthdate: Allergy History: Skin testing indicates allergy Date of Last Reaction : Other Allergies: Student has Asthma (increased risk factor for severe reaction) Anaphylaxis (Severe allergic reaction) is an excessive reaction by the body to combat a foreign substance that has been eaten, injected, inhaled or