Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8
Allen R , Myers A R , Frederick H , et al . The relatio nship of ser2
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Puig J G , Mat eo s F , Bo un A , et al . Effect of Ep ro sartan and
Lo sartan o n uric acid met aboli sm in patient s wit h essential hyper2
tensio n[J ] . Hypertens , 1999 , 17 (7) : 1033
Edwareds RW , Triznaw , stack EJ . Interoctio n of no npeptide an2
recepto r antagonist s wit h t he urat e t ranspo rer inrat
renal brush bo rder membranes [ J ] . Pharmacol Exp Ther , 1996 ,
Preparation and i n vit ro studies on diclofenac sodium patch
YU Co ng2ho ng1 ,2 ,SON G Jin2chun1 ,2 ,WAN G Yu2guang2 ,ZEN G J un2fen2 (1. The Pepole s Hospital of Wuhan Universi2
t y , Hubei Wuhan 430060 ,China ;2 . The Pharmacy College of Wuhan U niversit y , Hubei Wuhan 430072 ,China)
To p repare t he diclofenac sodium patch and st udy it s characteristics of t ransdermal delivery. METHODS
Met hacrylic acid copolymer was employed to p repare declofenac so dium patch. Snake skin and mo dified Franz diff usio n cell s were
used in t he drug penet ratio n test s. The release test was perfo rmed using t he met hod of t he Chinese p harmacopoeia. RESUL TS
release rate of diclofenac sodium patch was 21 . 98
g cm - 2 h - 1/ 2 ,t he penet ratio n rate in vit ro was 17 . 97
g cm - 2 h - 1/ 2 . CONCL U2
The release rate and t he penet ratio n i n vit ro of diclofenac sodium patch acco rded wit h t he Higuchi equatio n. Diclofenac sodi2
KEY WORDS :diclofenac so dium ; release rate ; i n vit ro permeatio n
Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8
10 - 5 A + 0 . 059 8 , r = 0 . 999 9 ,
Release test s of DCF2T TS( g cm - 2 , n = 6)
Penet ratio n test s of DCF - T TS ( x
: M = 3 . 98 t + 169 . 90 , r = 0 . 989 3
: M = 21 . 98 t1/ 2 + 140 . 67 , r =
17 . 97 t1/ 2 - 28 . 32 , r = 0 . 999 7 ( n = 7 )
Chin Ho sp Pharm J ,2005 Aug ,Vol 25 ,No . 8
The preparation and the qual ity assessment of cetirizine gel
C H EN Teng ,L I Shi2gen , SU Xi2tan ( Guangdong Provincial Corp s Hospital , Chinese People s Armed Police Forces , Guangdo ng Guangzho u 510507 ,China )
To p repare cetirizine gel and establish a qualit y co nt rol met ho d fo r t he gel. METHODS
was used t he gel base ,t he co ntent of cetirizine was determined wit h UV2spectrop hotomet ry and t he stability test was performed. RE2
There was a good linearit y of calibratio n curve of cetirizine in range of 6216 mg L - 1 , r = 0. 996 7 ,t he average recovery was
98 . 23 %. RSD was 0 . 69 % ( n = 5) The gel was stable. CONCL USION
The design of t he gel fo rmulatio n is reaso nable. The gel can
be p repared feasibly and is stable in qualit y ,co nvenient in use. KEY WORDS :cetirizine ;gel ;p reparatio n ;qualit y assessment
:020261617201 , 61627076 , E2mail : yjk_0611 @163 . co m
750_718278_MONICOR:750_718278 11/05/09 11:16 Page 1 Monicor L.P. 60 mg Lisez attentivement l’intégralité de cette notice avant de prendre ce médicament. Elle contient des informations importantes sur votre traitement. Si vous avez d’autres questions, si vous avez un doute, demandez plus d’infor- mations à votre médecin. Ce médicament vous a été personnellement prescrit. N
US: the year in review The key moments in US pharmaceutical law this year, summarised by R Joseph Trojan , registered patent attorney and trial lawyer with Trojan Law Offices I t has been an active year for the courts in of Cipro until at least six months before the these provisions.The patent law does not issuing decisions that will have an impactpermit double counting. The Patent Office