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Arkansas plant disease control products guide - mp154 - ornamental diseases - commercial

Steve Vann
Active Ingredient
Drench soil with 2 pts solution per sq ft as needed. Apply 1 pt solution per sq ft. Use low rate on Pothos at 3 month intervals due to potential injury. Use higher rates on Azaleas at 1 - 2 month intervals. See label. See label for drench rates for seedlings, potting, etc. Must be tank-mixed with another labeled fungicide for resistance management. Apply 1 pt per sq ft. See label for precautions. May be applied as a spray, soil drench or through irrigation systems. Group 21 fungicide. Crown rots and damping off. 14 - 28 day interval. Mix with 1 cu yd potting soil just prior to potting. Mix with 1 cu yd potting soil just prior to potting. Dip roots into solution prior to transplanting. 10 - 14 day schedule. See label restrictions. Begin application at first evidence of disease activity. Coverage essential. Same as above. Do not use Heritage on crabapple. Non-residential landscape, outdoor nurseries, greenhouses. 7 day spray intervals. See label for specific diseases. Use preventively. Begin at first symptom development. See label. For powdery mildew. See label. Can be used for organic production. See label information. Contact fungicide. Can be used for organic production. Apply at first evidence of disease. Apply 7 - 21 day intervals. See label. Foliar spray and drench applications. See label. Apply at first evidence of disease, then at 7 - 10 day interval. See label. See label. Various leaf spots, powdery mildew and various rusts. See label. For powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust and aerial Phytophthora. See label. Can be used as a foliar spray, dip or drench. ORNAMENTAL DISEASES (Commercial) – continued Active Ingredient
Commercial greenhouse and nursery use only. See label information. Apply at first evidence of disease activity. Apply at first sign of disease and repeat every 14 days as needed. Good coverage is essential. Some products can be used as a soil or potting mix Foliar spray, drench or dip applications. Foliar spray, drench or dip applications beginning at first evidence of disease. Apply prior to flowering and again as needed on a 14 day schedule. Apply to foliage at first sign of disease and repeat in 14 days. Rotate with Apply weekly as needed. Good coverage is essential. Use preventively. Begin at first sign of disease. Greenhouse use only. Systemic. Aerosol smoke. 24 hr REI. Not for residential use. Can be applied as a soil drench. Apply at early bloom and repeat 4 times at 10 day intervals. Apply at first sign of disease on a 14 - 21 day schedule. Rotate with other fungicides in alternate applications. First application when shoots 1/2 inch, then follow label information. Apply at first sign of disease, then 7 - 10 day interval. See label. Apply at 21 day intervals. Begin before disease development. * Banner MAXX is not registered for greenhouse use. Check mancozeb formulations for specific uses – many formulations exist. Check all labels for approved uses as some plants may be ** See publication FSA7562 for additional materials.
This information was current as of October 1, 2010, and applies only to Arkansas and may not be appropriate for other states or locations. The listing of any product in this
publication does not imply endorsement of that product or discrimination against any other product by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. Every effort was made to
ensure accuracy, but the user of any crop protection product must read and follow the most current label on the product – The Label is the Law. For further assistance, contact the
local Cooperative Extension Service office.



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