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Mark D. J. Greve* Brad J. Hinz* BSc, MD, FRCSC, Matthew T.S Tennant* MD, FRCSC, ABO Chad F. Baker* BSc, MD, FRCSC Riz Somani* Research AMD Diabetes University of Alberta Clinical & Surgical Tele-ophthalmology Advanced Medical & Surgical Management of Retinal and Vitreous
4 -1801 Fax (780) 448-1809
• Amsler grid: This small grid is given to you to test once per month at
home. It should be held at approximately 12 inches (30 cm) from the face. If you wear glasses for reading, you should use them for the test. Closing one eye, look directly at the centre dot, then without moving your eye assess the rest of the grid for faded or missing areas, or loss of central vision. Once one eye has been tested, repeat the process for the other eye. If you find a problem with your vision, you should contact your ophthalmologist for an in-person examination.
• Color photography of the retina and cornea: This test is to look to see
if there has been any accumulation of medication in the cornea, or damage to the retina while maintaining a permanent record for comparison the following year.
• Visual field (10-2): This test is to identify whether or not there is any
loss of central field of vision. This test is performed at the hospital, takes less than 10 minutes per eye, and requires you to look at small flashing lights.
• D-15 colour testing: This test requires you to line up a number of
coloured circles in order. Damage from (hydroxy)chloroquine can cause loss of colour vision.
• Multifocal ERG: This test is a relatively new test, which at times can
identify changes from (hydroxy)chloroquine at a stage earlier than any of the other tests. Unfortunately other problems with vision can lead to abnormal results. For this reason, although we do use this test, it is often repeated prior to making any recommendations regarding changing or stopping (hydroxyl)chloroquine.
Other tests that are not part of the routine Edmonton (hydroxy)chloroquine testing protocol :
• Fluorescein angiography: If damage from (hydroxy)chloroquine is
suspected, an ophthalmologist may order this test to help confirm the diagnosis. This test involves injecting dye into the arm followed by photographs of the back of the eye. (Hydroxy)chloroquine damage can show up as a ring of damage around the central part of vision. If any problems are identified with testing at the hospital, you will be contacted directly by the ophthalmologist or a member of the eye care team.
If you notice a problem when self-testing with the Amsler grid, you should contact your ophthalmologist directly.
As the testing centre at the Royal Alexandra Hospital has limited spots available it is very important that you attend your testing appointment. If you cannot make your appointment please let the testing centre or your ophthalmologist’s office know as early as possible so that your testing appointment can be given to someone else.
Suite 400 10924-107 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5H 0X5
Phone (780) 448-1801 Fax (780) 448-1809
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 69:135–140 (2007)Prevention of Contrast Induced Nephropathy:Recommendations for the High Risk PatientMarc J. Schweiger,1,2* MD, Charles E. Chambers,3 MD, Charles J. Davidson,4 MD,Shaoheng Zhang,5 James Blankenship,6 MD, Narinder P. Bhalla,7 MD, Peter C. Block,8 MD,John P. Dervan,9 MD, Christine Gasperetti,10 MD, Lowell Gerber,11 MD, Neal S. K
C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Salvatore Emanuele Giuffrida Via Nuovaluce, 22 – Tremestieri Etneo (Catania) 095 7262466 ESPERIENZA PROFESSIONALE Dal 14 Settembre 2011 a tutt’oggi AZIENDA OSPEDALIERA PER L’EMERGENZA CANNIZZARO CATANIA Governo aziendale partecipando al processo di pianificazione sanitaria dell’Azienda, Direzione dei Servizi