Alternative Health Empowerment, Inc. 670 Colonial Road, Suite 5 Memphis, Tennessee 38117 (901) 683-8200 / Adult Naturopathic Intake Form Personal Information
Name:__________________________________________ Age:_________ Birth Date:__________________ Sex: M □ F □ Address:_____________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________
State:______________________________ Postal Code: _______________
Telephone: (Home) _______________________ (Work) _______________________ (Cell) ________________________
Email: _________________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________ Employer: ______________________________________________
Marital Status: □Married □Single □Widowed □Divorced □Separated □Common-law
Family Physician:________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number:_________________________ Fax number: ____________________________
In case of emergency contact: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address:____________________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________________ Relationship: _________________________________________
How did you hear about the clinic? _________________________________________________________________________
Have you seen a Naturopathic Doctor before? □Yes □No
If yes, for what ailment(s)? ________________________________________________________________________
Are any other members of your family seeing a Naturopath in this clinic? □Yes □No
Current History
What health concerns brought you in to the clinic today?
1. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________
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Has anything changed recently or become worse?
Any religious affiliations or beliefs relevant to your health care and treatment?
What other therapies are you currently using? (Please check)
□ Chiropractic □ Physiotherapy □ Massage Therapy □ Osteopathy
□ Craniosacral Therapy □ Acupuncture □ Bowen Therapy □ Other________________________________
Please list all of your known allergies (medications, food, pollen, etc.): _______________________________________________
Medication and Supplement History
Please list all supplements, herbs and medications you are currently taking:
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For what condition(s):_______________________________________________________________________________________
Health History
Please indicate which of the following conditions you have had:
□Emphysema □Genital Herpes □Parasites
Other (Please List)__________________________________________________________________________________________
Any conditions which have gotten progressively worse or from which you have not completely recovered?
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Please indicate if you’ve had any hospitalizations, surgeries or serious injuries:
Operation Complications? Long-term Effects? WOMEN ONLY
Are you currently on the Birth Control Pill? □Yes □No
Brand (Alesse, Ortho-Tricyclin etc.): __________________________________________
How long have you been on the Pill? __________________________________________
Age of first period: _______________ Last Menstrual Period: __________________________
Last Pap (date): _________________________
Last Breast Exam (date) _______________________ Bone Density Testing __________________________
Age at onset of menopause (if applicable): ______________________
Number of pregnancies? __________________ Number of live births? ___________________
Do you have difficulty with maintaining or achieving an erection? □Yes □No
Last prostate exam: ______________________ PSA (blood test done) □Yes □No
Diet and Lifestyle
Have you lost any weight lately? □Yes □No If yes, how many pounds? _____________________
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How much of the following substances do you use on a daily basis?
Tobacco: _________________ Alcohol: _________________ Coffee: _________________ Soda Pop: _________________
Are there any foods or food groups that you avoid? □Yes □No
If yes, which ones and why? _________________________________________________________________________________
Food cravings: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you consume dairy products? □Yes □No
Do you choose organic food? □Yes □No What types? _____________________________________________________
Do you consume freshwater fish? □Yes □No What types? __________________________________________________
Please indicate if you use any of the following:
How often do you engage in physical activity?
Daily______ 2-3 times/week______ once a week______ less than once a week______
What type of activities? _____________________________________________________________________________________
On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night? ___________________
Do you have interrupted sleep? □Yes □No
Any dietary restrictions? (Religious or otherwise) ________________________________________________________________
How many glasses/ounces of water per day do you drink? ______________________________
What kind of water do you drink? □Distilled □Tap □Filtered tap water □Reverse Osmosis □Plastic bottled water □Glass bottled water □Ionized alkaline water
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Digestion and Elimination Digestion (check or fill in the answers)
Do you have any problems with gas, bloating or fullness after eating? □Yes □No
How often? □Often □Sometimes □Never / How severe is it? □Mild □Moderate □Severe
Any heartburn? □Yes □No How often? _________________________________________________________________
Do you have gas in the upper or lower part of the abdomen or is it both areas? __________________________________________
How long have you had this problem? __________________________________________________________________________
How often do you have bowel movements? _____________________________________________________________________
Do you ever have any blood, mucus, undigested food or black stools (movements)? □Yes □No
Do you have rectal itching? □Yes □No. Do your stools tend to be formed or loose? ________________________________
How often do you have diarrhea? _____________________________________________________________________________
Do you ever have alternating constipation and diarrhea? □Yes □No
How often do you have thin, long and narrow stools? □Often □Sometimes □Never
Do you ever have small and hard stools? □Often □Sometimes □Never
Do your stools have a strong disagreeable odor? □Often □Sometimes □Never
Have you ever fasted? □Yes □No Juice or water? ________________. How long did you fast? ____________________
How did you feel while you were fasting? _______________________________________________________________________
Have you traveled outside of the United States in the last 5 years? □Yes □No
Camping in the past 5 years? □Yes □No
Kidneys and Bladder
Have you had recurrent bladder infections? □Yes □No
How were they treated? _____________________________________________________________________________________
How many bladder infections have you had in the last 3 years? ______________________________________________________
Do you have any burning sensation during or after urination? □Yes □No In the past ____ or present ____
Is your urine; □dark yellow □bright yellow □cloudy □pale or □clear?
Does your urine have a strong odor to it? □Yes □No
Do you have difficulty starting or stopping when urinating? □Yes □No
Do you have difficulty perspiring? □Yes □No
Do you perspire when you exercise? □Slightly □Moderately □Heavily
Do you perspire at other times, other than when exercising? □Yes □No If yes, when: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
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Does your perspiration have a strong odor? □Yes □No
Does your temperature tend to run low ____ high ____ or average ____ compared to others?
Occupational and Household
How long have you lived at your present address? ________________________________________________________________
Where have you lived previously? _____________________________________________________________________________
Please describe location, if old or new building, i.e., new construction, older construction, damp or moldy, etc.
Do you have specialized air filtration at home? □Yes □No
Do you work in an office building? □Yes □No. Do the windows open? □Yes □No
Do you work in the presence of toxic fumes or chemicals? □Yes □No
Do any of your hobbies involve toxic materials? □Yes □No
Are you currently exposed to second hand smoke? □Yes □No
Do you have anything else you would like to comment on? ________________________________________________________
Family Health History
Please indicate each relevant condition for blood relatives only.
□Emphysema □Genital Herpes □Parasites
□Rheumatic Fever □Syphilis □Multiple Sclerosis
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Any other condition(s) not listed: _____________________________________________________________________________
Indicate which of the above conditions have affected your relatives:
Family Member Age (if alive) Age at death Condition
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Pfizer annonce la mise à disposition en France de Celsentri® Paris, le 27 novembre 2008 --- Pfizer met à disposition Celsentri® (maraviroc), premier représentant d’une nouvelle classe d’antirétroviraux par voie orale pour les patients prétraités, infectés par le VIH-1 à tropisme uniquement CCR5. Les patients ayant déjà fait l’expérience d’un traitement contre le VIH p