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WHAT: Hundreds of volunteers and representatives from local corporations
and agencies gather together to not only plant trees -- but also plant the Fact Sheet
right tree in the right place -- to beautify the University City area of Philadelphia, support neighborhood greening initiatives, and ensure proper Media Contact
vegetation around aerial electric lines for service reliability.
WHO: UC Green, Cooperative Community Greening, University City
and project partners: PECO, An Exelon Company, Fairmont Park Commission, University City Tree Tenders, University City District, Drexel University, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, University of With grant support from: PECO, An Exelon Company, PA Urban and WHERE: Demonstration Planting & Kick Off: 43rd and Chester Avenue (10
Planting Locations: 4500 block of Springfield Avenue (10:30 a.m.) and 4700 WHEN: Saturday, October 16 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
BACKGROUND: Pennsylvania grown container trees including: the Acer
Ginnala; Crataegus Crimson Cloud; Malus Spring Snow, Liset, Prairiefire and Pink Spires; and Prunus Canada Red Shubert and Royal Burgundy will be planted. These trees were selected, in part, due to their growth patterns and ability to exist successfully near PECO’s aerial power lines.
When planting trees near power lines, PECO encourages the planting of flowering trees that grow to heights less than 20 feet -- like dogwoods and crabapples, near the street. Trees that grow to more than 30 feet high should never be planted under power lines. At full height, these trees may cause a power outage or even pose a public danger. They will need to be trimmed regularly to safely coexist with the aerial power lines.
US Green is a non-profit taking the leadership role in promoting cooperative community greening in University City through volunteer efforts and partnering with neighborhood residents, community and religious organizations, local students, city agencies and other non-profits. For more information on UC Green call 215-573-4684, e-mail or Note: contact Amanda Benner, UC Green at 215-300-6217 on the day of 2002-2005 Exelon Corporation. All rights reserved


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