Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2009)18:131–135 DOI 10.1007/s00787-007-0634-z
A randomized controlled clinical trial of
Citalopram versus Fluoxetine in childrenand adolescents with obsessive-compulsivedisorder (OCD)
Accepted: 16 January 2007Published online: 3 February 2009
severity was measured by Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive
Iran University of Medical SciencesTehran, Iran
reducing obsessive-compulsive symptom severity inchildren and adolescents , ], but there are no
Accumulating clinical and epidemiological data indi-
controlled trial to support the use of Citalopram in
cate that OCD is more common than previously rec-
children and adolescents with OCD. Citalopram is re-
ognized in both children and adults; recent estimates of
ported to be effective in early-onset Depression
prevalence range from 0.5% to 3.0% [Children and
The purpose of this study was to compare the
adolescents evaluated in clinical settings often have
efficacy and side effects profile of these two drugs
symptoms of severity to warrant treatment , ],
in children and adolescents with OCD. Assessment
which may include behavioral therapy [] and/or
included severity ratings of obsessive-compulsive ECAP
medication particularly SSRIs ]. Controlled clinical
symptoms, functional impairment, presence of com- 634
trials with Fluoxetine indicate that it is effective in
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2009) Vol. 18, No. 3Ó Steinkopff Verlag 2009
Once deemed eligible for the study, an overall clini-cian rating of obsessive-compulsive symptoms CGI-S
From May 1999 through September 2002, 29 children
and functional impairment Children’s Global Assess-
and adolescents were evaluated in the child and ado-
lescent psychiatry outpatient clinic at Roozbeh hospi-tal, Tehran. To be included in the study, subjects had to
meet DSM-IV criteria for OCD made by an experiencedchild psychiatrist (JA or MS), be between the ages of
The children’s Yale–Brown obsessive-compulsive
8 years and 17 years, have at least moderate symptoms
Scale (CYBOCS) is a clinician-rated instrument for the
of OCD as measured on the Clinical Global Impression
Severity Scale (CGI-S), and have written informed
severity in children with demonstrated reliability and
parental consent and assent in children old enough to
validity (18). Obsessions and compulsions are on 5
understand the purpose of the study.
separate scales yielding three summary scores;
Children with date table organic brain disorder;
Obsessive (0–20), Compulsions (0–20) and a Total
those with a significant medical condition or those
score (0–40). The CYBOCS was administrated by an
currently receiving SSRI for OCD were excluded from
experienced clinician (MS) repeated at weeks 3 and 6.
(CGI-I) compares current severity to baseline. Ascore 1 or 2 corresponds with Very Much Improved
and Much Improved; 3 denotes minimal change and4 represents no change. Scores above 4 are used to
After initial clinical evaluation, consenting subjects
indicate deterioration such that 5 equals Minimally
were randomly assigned to start with either Fluoxe-
Worse and 6 or 7 correspond with Much Worse or
tine 20 mg/day or Citalopram 20 mg/day. The double-
Very Much Worse. The CGI-I rated by the same
blind treatment period lasted for 6 weeks with out-
clinician who administered the CYBOCS, was re-
come and safety assessments done every 3 weeks.
peated at weeks 3 and 6. Side effects ratings: all
Compliance was monitored by pill counts. A 3-
positive Findings elicited during the interview were
week supply of medication was provided at each visit,
and parents were instructed to return all unusedmedication at each scheduled visit. No additionalpsychoactive medications were administered during
the study. No subjects were receiving special educa-tional programs or behavioral treatments. Interviewer
Student’s t-test was used to compare Fluoxetine and
conducted a semi structural interview and adminis-
Citalopram groups at baseline on all clinical symp-
tered the symptom severity ratings, functional
toms as well as demographic and medical variables.
impairment and side effects instruments (Table ).
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test
for change on each clinical measure between baselineand 3-week scores within each treatment group and
then between 3-week scores and 6-week scores withineach treatment group.
Baseline versus six weeks change scores for each
In the screening visit, subjects received a thorough
subject was then compared across treatment groups
psychiatric, medical and neurological examination by
for each clinical variable using student’s t-test. All t-
an experienced child psychiatrist (JA or MS). This
included a structured diagnostic interview, DICA ], to evaluate for exclusionary comorbid conditions.
During the study period, 29 children (17 boys and 12girls) who met criteria for OCD were evaluated and
entered the study. None of them had received previ-
ous treatment for OCD. There were 15 subjects in the
Fluoxetine treatment group and 14 subjects in the
Citalopram group. Twenty-four of the 29 subjects
completed the 6 weeks trial. Four subjects dropped
out after 3 weeks of treatment. The other patient was
Table 2 Overall clinical response to fluoxetine treatment
CGI score
Fig. 2 CY-BOCS changes during the first 6 weeks of treatment
Fig. 1 CGI changes during the 6 weeks of treatment
At sixth week of treatment, obsessive-compulsive
excluded because of occurring hypomanic episode.
symptom severity for both groups decreased equally,
Data from 24 to 29 subjects who began the study were
as measured by CY-BOCS total scores. On the CY-
BOCS, scores decreased for both obsessions and
For all analyses we used the primary outcome
compulsions (p < 0.01). CGI score didn’t change
measures, the CY-BOCS total score and CGI-OCD
significantly from baseline in both groups (p = NS).
(Figs. and There were no statistically significantdifferences between Fluoxetine and
groups across symptom-severity ratings, demo-graphic characteristics or psychiatric comorbidities.
The most frequently reported side effects were:
obsessive-compulsive symptom severity was moder-
Headache 1 (3.4%), Tremor 2 (6.8%), Insomnia 1
ately high with an overall mean of 26.9± for the whole
(3.4%), Hypomanic Episode 1 (3.4%) for fluoxetine.
group. The mean CGI of 51.5± showed that as a group,
Headache 1 (3.4%), Hypomanic Episode 1 (3.4%) for
these patients were substantially impaired. DICA
indicated a high degree of comorbidities. The mean
The frequency of comorbid current psychiatric diag-
CGI score indicated a lower degree of functional
noses, made by consensus of the same clinicians using
impairment in comparison with the clinically ob-
DICA , ], was as it follows: Tic disorder: 7
served obsessive-compulsive symptoms. This may
(21.28%), Oppositional Defiant Disorder: 7 (21.28%),
reflect perfectionistic traits in patients with OCD that
Mood disorder: 6 (20.4%), Phobia: 4 (13.6%), Atten-
prevents them from severe functional decline.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: 3 (10.2%), Trichotil-
lomania: 1 (3.4%). It should be noted that in 66% of cases, OCD was
After 3 weeks of treatment, obsessive-compulsive
symptom severity for both groups decreased equally,as measured by CY-BOCS total scores. On the CY-BOCS, scores decreased for both obsessions and
CGI scores didn’t change significantly from base-
The findings of this study suggest that Citalopram is
as safe and effective as Fluoxetine for short-term
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2009) Vol. 18, No. 3Ó Steinkopff Verlag 2009
Table 3 Overall clinical response to citalopram treatment
showed greater improvement, as assessed by CY-BOCS (p = 0.026).
Most of the observed side effects, such as insom-
nia, headache, and tremor, were expected, on the
basis of our earlier experience with Citalopram in
open-label trials [, Citalopram had to be dis-continued in only one subject because of occurringhypomanic episode.
treatment of OCD in children and adolescents. In line
with other studies, we also found that 73% of thepatients had comorbid disorder especially tic disor-
OCD can create emotional distress and functional
impairment. There is no controlled trial about pre-
In 66% of cases, OCD was reported in the families
scribing citalopram in children and adolescents.
as well. The medication side effects were not signifi-
Investigation into the use of Citalopram is a necessity.
cant. Citalopram had to be discontinued in one sub-
Citalopram has a shorter half-life than fluoxetine and
ject who developed manic episode. Decreases in mean
can be effective in some special cases It also has
obsessive-compulsive symptom severity; averaged
few side effects. As SSRIs have increasingly become
56.1% depending on the assessment instrument used,
the first choice treatment of OCD in children and
and were seen after six weeks of treatment. Four
adolescents, it is very important to have efficacy and
subjects dropped out of the study because of non-
safety data on as many of them as possible. This
would help us to handle the wide individual differ-
We observed lower degree of functional impair-
ences in drug metabolism. There might also be sub-
ment while high degrees of obsessive-compulsive
groups of OCD patients who respond differentially to
symptoms were rated. It might be due to perfectionist
various SSRIs. Therefore, further investigation into
traits that prevent them from severe functional
decline. This is in line with previous studies.
Taken together, these findings suggest that both
drugs are equally effective and safe. However, largernumber of children with OCD will need to be studied
The most important limitation of our study includes
in order to definitively establish efficacy and safety of
the small sample size. Also, our patients admitted at a
tertiary referral center are more likely to present with
The degree of symptomatic improvement during
psychiatric comorbidities than patients who do not
Citalopram treatment observed in this study is com-
seek treatment. The other limitation is comparing two
parable with those observed in trials of Fluoxetine in
active treatments without considering placebo group.
children and adolescents (Table ). In a 20-week,
Moreover, we have used only one OCD severity
double blind, crossover trial of Fluoxetine and pla-
measure before giving the medications.
cebo involving 14 subjects obsessive-compulsivesymptom severity decreased 44% across CGI-OCDduring Fluoxetine treatment. In a 13-week, double
j Acknowledgment The authors thankfully acknowledge the help-
blind, placebo-controlled study of Fluoxetine involv-
ful and rewarding comments made by Dr. Larry Scahill, Yale child
ing 103 subjects [], obsessive-compulsive symptom
adolescence: an epidemiological study.
Whole blood serotonin and disruptivebehaviors in juvenile obsessive-com-pulsive disorder. J Am Acad ChildAdolesc Psychiatry 34(1):28–35
sive Scale: reliability and validity. J Am
11. Riddle MA, Scahill L, King RA, Hardin
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