A one page non-confidential disclosure is available for each technology. Please cite theMDA reference number (located to the right of the technology’s name) when requestinginformation. The technologies are arranged in the following categories: Therapeutics,Drug Delivery, Preventives, Diagnostics, Devices, Research Tools/Reagents/CellLines, and Imaging and Other. Technology Reference Codes -
Denotes that an issued patent is available for that invention
§ Highly Potent Anthracycline-based Anti-Tumor Agents
Anthracyclines are one of the most active classes of anti-neoplasticagents. These drugs are DNA intercalating agents and generally exerttheir cytotoxic effects by inhibiting DNA synthesis through inhibition oftopoisomerase II. Two well known members of this class of drugs aredoxorubicin and daunorubicin. Significant side effects of this class ofdrugs include myelosuppression and cumulative dose-relatedcardiotoxicity, thus limiting their effectiveness over time. In addition,higher toxicities have been recently seen when these drugs are combinedwith other chemotherapeutics for the treatment of tumors. A series ofdoxorubicin and daunorubicin analogs have been synthesized that haveunique structures and biological activity significantly above that of theparental compounds. In vitro testing of these analogs in several differentcell lines have revealed potencies of greater than 500 fold that of theparental compounds and it is believed that this high activity is due tocovalent crosslinking of the DNA. Thus the potential advantages of thesenew compounds include an increased overall therapeutic index throughthe use of lower doses for longer periods of time while achieving clinicallyrelevant effects and limiting dose-related toxicity. The use of specializeddrug delivery vehicles such as lipid-based vectors could further enhancedrug targeting and delivery thereby further increasing the therapeuticindex of these drugs. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 1 of 14
§ A Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene
A gene with novel tumor suppressing activity has been identified. It is apreviously identified gene that encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein and isknown to interact with several cell cycle, signal transduction anddifferentiation regulatory molecules such as Rb, E2F-1, and a p53 bindingprotein. These interactions may be responsible for the subsequenttranscriptional inhibition of the genes whose transcriptional activationdepends on these molecules. Constituitive expression of the gene innormal growth arrested fibroblasts has been shown to prevent entry intothe cell cycle when the cells were stimulated to proliferate. The inventorshave now discovered that this gene is associated with anti-transformationactivity and anti-tumor activity on human prostate, breast and ovariancancer cells both in vitro and in vivo .Additional preclinical animal data iscurrently being generated. The discovery of the tumor suppressor activityof this gene makes it an attractive candidate for use as a genetherapeutic.
§ Synthetic Coactivators of Hormone – Mediated Transcription
Nuclear receptors are hormone-dependent transcription factors thatregulate cell growth, development, differentiation and homeostasis. Binding of a hormone to its receptor causes a conformational change inthe receptor increasing the affinity of it for DNA, thus enabling it to bindtightly to specific nucleotide sequences in the gene that the hormoneregulates, resulting in transactivation domain-mediated activation orsuppression of transcription of the gene. Coactivator molecules assist inthis transactivation process. Artificial coactivators have been developedwhich can strongly enhance hormone receptor transactivity This activityis hormone-dependent and receptor-specific. This discovery provides theopportunity to direct any protein into the DNA-bound hormone receptorcomplex to modulate transcriptional activity and gene expression ofhormone regulated genes.
____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 2 of 14
§ Development of an Adenovirus Vector With Tetracycline-regulatable Human TNF-α Gene Expression
The modified multiple-plasmid tetracycline repressor/operator-basedmammalian gene expression system warrants lower constitutiveexpression of the tetracycline-responsive transactivator (tTA), resulting ina system with no squelching effect on host cells. The novel system iscontained within a single plasmid and is readily convertible totetracycline-responsive adenoviral and other viral vectors. It would bepossible to turn off the therapeutic gene expression before the adenovirusvectors or adenovirally transduced effector cells reach the tumor deposits. The advantages of regulatable gene delivery are: 1) greatly reduce thesystemic toxicity of high-dose therapeutic gene products during the periodwhen the vectors or genetically modified effector cells have beenadministered to patients but the majority of them are still in the bloodcirculation; 2) minimize the impact of therapeutic gene expression on thesurvival, specificity or distribution (homing pattern) of the effector cells invivo.
§ Water Soluble Raloxifene Analogs
Because raloxifene is not very soluble in water, a ligand has beensynthesized that is more hydrophilic. This conjugate can be chelated withtechnetium or indium for SPECT evaluation of ER(+) lesions. By attachingthe conjugate raloxifene to a water-soluble polymer that can be used as adrug carrier, it can be sustained released through the intravenousinjection route. This offers the advantage of reducing systemic toxicity. Because the raloxifene conjugate can be chelated with other inorganicmetals, it has the potential application in the detection of ER(+) lesions byMRI. The labeled raloxifene conjugate may non-invasively identify ER(+)recurrences without resorting to surgical procedures. Because it is morehydrophilic than raloxifene, it has less uptake in the liver and lung, whichmay interfere with the interpretation of breast cancer lesion since breastlesions are in the vicinity of the liver. In addition to the treatment ofcancer, the raloxifene conjugate can be used as a preventing agent. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 3 of 14
§ Bioactive Biodegrable Nerve Conduit
Tumor removal, traumatic injuries and congenital anomalies often result ininjuries to critical nerves. Failure to restore injured nerves can result inthe loss of muscle function. Currently, nerve repair involves autograftingnerves to the injured site and is limited by the availability of donor tissueand the morbidity related to the sacrifice of donor nerve. A nerve conduitprovides the physical and physiological structures necessary for nerveregeneration. This bioactive and biodegradable polymer nerve conduit isseeded with support cells and induction factors through a novel timeddelivery system, to reproduce all the necessary components of a nervegraft and thus avoid the morbidity of autografts.
§ Inhibition Of Bcl-2 Protein Expression
Bcl-2 is an oncogene with tumorigenic potential due to its capacity toblock programmed cell death. By blocking the production of the bcl-2protein, the tumor cells are able to regain the capacity to enterprogrammed cell death. More than 90% of follicular lymphoma patientshave a translocation of the bcl-2 gene to the immunoglobulin heavy chaingene. Therefore, the bcl-2 gene is under the influence of theimmunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer, and is consequentlyoverexpressed. Antisense oligos specific for the translation initiation siteof the human bcl-2 mRNA are incorporated into liposomes andtransported into the cellular cytoplasm. These liposomal oligos inhibitedthe proliferation of cell lines derived from human B-cell lymphomas.
§ Aerosolized Lipofection
This is a non-toxic, non-immunogenic, cationic lipid formulation that canbe used to transfect specific genes in the bronchial epithelium byaerosolization. It is intended to be used to correct genetic defects inpremalignant lesions in the bronchial epithelium of patients at risk of lungcancer, and as a result, delay or prevent lung cancer. Viruses are moreefficient than liposomes in transfecting cells but are also more toxic andimmunogenic, therefore, repeated administration is unrealistic. Liposomecomposition and size are major determinants of the transfectionefficiency. Specific liposome formulations have been identified as havinga higher transfection efficiency and, therefore, a greater potential astherapeutic agents. The invention has been successfully tested in modelsof endobronchial human lung cancer in nude mice. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 4 of 14
§ New Agents for the Prevention and Treatment of Fungal Infections
Fungi are the major cause of infection-related mortality in patients withhematologic malignancy and in patients undergoing bone marrowtransplantations. In addition, fungi utilize certain substances not only for theirgrowth, but also as fungal virulence factors. Recent laboratory studies havedemonstrated that a non-antimicrobial inhibitor of these substances hassignificant inhibitory growth activity against several pathogenic species offungi, predominantly the species causing invasive sinopulmonary fungalinfections in cancer patients. This agent showed synergistic activity whencombined with amphotericin B in inhibiting the growth of these pathogens. Athigher concentrations, the combination was sufficient to cause total inhibitionof all the pathogens tested.
§ Ceramide's Emerging Role As A Pathway Regulator
Ceramide appears to act as a potential mediator of the effects of extracellularagents on cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. In addition, the role ofthe Rb gene product in mediating ceramide effects intracellularly has beenexamined. A novel ceramide-dependent pathway of signal transduction isbeginning to emerge, and research has shown that cell-permeable ceramideswill cause cytotoxicity in a broad spectrum of human adherent tumor celllines, irrespective of their TNF sensitivity and MDR or HER-2 expression. Liposomal ceramide demonstrates cytostatic and/or cytotoxic activity againsta variety of human tumor cell lines both in vitro and in vivo.
§ Increasing The Therapeutic Efficacy Of Antimycobacterial Agents
These antimicrobials, particularly clofazimine, show very good activity againstMycobacterium avium-intracellular complex (MAC) in both the free andliposomal form. Their antibacterial activity is increased after encapsulationand the lipid composition has no toxic side effects as demonstrated in otherclinical studies. They are also very effective against drug resistant strains ofMycobacterium tuberculosis.
§ Platinum complexes 099/214/294/308/369+
The platinum complexes represent a new generation of water-solubleplatinum anti-cancer compounds, which show high activity against platinumresistant cell lines.
§ Ovarian cancer: therapeutic human monoclonal antibody 216/436 +
This human monoclonal antibody is the first determined to be reactive withhuman ovarian carcinomas; both therapeutic and diagnostic applications areexpected. Radioimmunoconjugate formulation is beginning clinical trials. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 5 of 14
§ Novel stem cell inhibiting protein
This molecule causes dose-dependent reversible suppression of bonemarrow stem cells in vitro, with potential use as a stem cell protective agentduring chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
§ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Based Cancer Therapies and Vaccines
Previously, only HER2/neu has been shown to be the source of naturallyoccurring, MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-recognized peptidesin epithelial tumors. However, the investigators demonstrate that the humanhigh affinity folate binding protein (FBP) is a source of antigenic peptidesrecognized not only in ovarian cancer but also in breast cancer. Thesepeptides are efficient at amplifying the response of tumor-associatedlymphocyte (TAL) populations producing enhanced proliferation and peptide-specific IFN-γ release. Furthermore, on a per cell basis TAL stimulated withthe FBP peptides exhibit enhanced cytotoxicity not only against peptide-loaded targets but also against FBP-expressing epithelial tumors of differenthistologies suggests the exciting potential of a widely applicable FBP-basedvaccine in epithelial cancers. DRUG DELIVERY
§ Inhibition Of Bcl-2 Protein Expression
Bcl-2 is an oncogene with tumorigenic potential due to its capacity toblock programmed cell death. By blocking the production of the bcl-2protein, the tumor cells are able to regain the capacity to enterprogrammed cell death. Antisense oligos specific for the translationinitiation site of the human bcl-2 mRNA are incorporated into liposomesand transported into the cellular cytoplasm. These liposomal oligosinhibited the proliferation of cell lines derived from human B-celllymphomas.
§ Ceramide's Emerging Role As A Pathway Regulator
Ceramide appears to act as a potential mediator of the effects of extracellularagents on cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. In addition, the role ofthe Rb gene product in mediating ceramide effects intracellularly has beenexamined. A novel ceramide-dependent pathway of signal transduction isbeginning to emerge, and research has shown that cell-permeable ceramideswill cause cytotoxicity in a broad spectrum of human adherent tumor celllines, irrespective of their TNF sensitivity and MDR or HER-2 expression. Liposomal ceramide demonstrates cytostatic and/or cytotoxic activity againsta variety of human tumor cell lines both in vitro and in vivo. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 6 of 14
§ Increasing The Therapeutic Efficacy Of Antimycobacterial Agents
These antimicrobials, particularly clofazimine, show very good activity againstMycobacterium avium-intracellular complex (MAC) in both the free andliposomal form. Their antibacterial activity is increased after encapsulationand the lipid composition has no toxic side effects as demonstrated in otherclinical studies. They are also very effective against drug-resistant strains ofMycobacterium tuberculosis. PREVENTATIVES
§ Cancer-preventing compounds 114/209/266
This patented technology describes a unique class of compounds thatcan neutralize the damaging effects of carcinogens.
§ Sunscreen Adjunct
A method for preventing UV radiation-induced immunosuppression by topicalapplication of a specific, liposomally encapsulated, DNA repair enzyme tosunlight exposed skin. DIAGNOSTICS
§ Animal Tumor Marker Assay 136/340+
This technology describes a tumor marker, which appears to be a diagnosticand prognostic indicator for a number of different cancers. The marker ispresent in blood plasma and other body fluids (as well as the tumorsthemselves), regardless of the primary tumor site or type. The assay will finduse as a kit both in veterinary offices and veterinary reference laboratories forthe companion animal market and agricultural sector.
§ Ovarian Cancer: Diagnostic Human Monoclonal Antibody 216/436 +
This human monoclonal antibody is the first determined to be reactive withhuman ovarian carcinomas; both therapeutic and diagnostic applications areexpected. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 7 of 14
§ Self Anchoring Coils for Vascular Occlusion 97-14, 97-20
This coil anchoring system is attached to stainless steel Gianturcomacrocoils and tested in a short-term and long-term pilot study with use ina high-flow arterial model. The anchor remained partially compressedwhen placed in a vessel with a smaller diameter than the unconstraineddevice. Consequently, the anchor leaned against the vessel at multiplepoints, resulting in a stable position. Use of the anchoring system makesit possible to achieve precise, reliable delivery of the attached occludingcoil. Deployment of the anchor is accomplished in two stages. With useof this delivery technique, precise deployment of the anchor can beachieved. Optimal positioning and arrangement of the coil preventsmigration. The anchoring coil would not only be able to extend the use ofcoils to lesions with large diameters, but it would increase the safety ofthis type of vessel occlusion. This anchoring system makes coilembolization safer by virtually eliminating the risk of migration. Theanchor itself does not require a larger delivery system for coil placementand the presence of the anchor within the lumen of the catheter does notrestrict catheter manipulation.
§ A Method to Prevent Signal-Pile up in Scintillation Detectors
When a radiation particle is detected in a scintillation detector, thedetector emits light which is then converted into electronic signal by aphoto-sensor. When incoming radiation flux is high, signal pileup mayoccur as the next radiation particle(s) arrives while the present event isstill emitting light. As a result, the particles will merge into a larger signal. Therefore, the performance of conventional scintillation detectors isgreatly inhibited as they are not capable of taking a higher count of signal. The invention relates to a novel hybrid processing method to prevent andcorrect signal pile up. A 10-12 fold improvement in count-rate capabilityover conventional detector was observed with the new method, and mostof the scintillation light is collected. Additionally, the new method allowsthe use of a 10x stronger radiation source, which enables the datacollection time to be reduced by 90%. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 8 of 14Fiber Optic Probe For Thermal Injury Detection
This fiber optic based device will detect and monitor the full extent of deeplethal thermal injury in living biological tissues during or within seconds ofheating by various sources. Up until now, the full extent of deep thermaldamage could only be detected one or more days after heat treatment byobservation of tissue necrosis using pathologic techniques on tissuesremoved from the body. The use of this device coupled to the heat source willallow control of the size and/or extent of lethal thermal damage deep in tissueduring any thermal coagulative treatments. Two visibly distinct zones developwithin seconds of heating and the boundary of lethal thermal damage isdetermined by measurements of changes and rates of change of back-reflected light intensity due to increased light absorption by hemoglobinaccumulating at the outer boundary of the red thermal damage zone.
§ Cell-cell Adhesion Quantitation System using Computer Assisted Microscopy
This novel method of characterizing and quantifying lymphocyte function andaggregate structure using video microscopy and digital image processingrepresents significant advantages over existing methods such as flowcytometry.
§ Superior Resolution, Low Cost PET Camera
This invention relates to a high resolution and low cost Positron EmissionCamera (PET) that is excellent for imaging tumors in localized areas suchas breast cancer, brain tumors, lymph nodes metastasis and others.
Equipped with radially translating detector segments and a rotationmotion to tailor detector rings to the size of the object, the camera is ableto image both large (whole body) and small objects (brain, breast andlimb) with high detection sensitivity.
Most importantly, the cost of producing a new PET is significantly lowerthan that of a standard one. It is estimated that the price of a new PETwill be less than $1 million, while a standard camera is currently sold at$2.7 million. Further saving could be realized if the camera is used with anew detector design invented by the same inventor.
§ Subcutaneous Endoscopic Dissector
The dissector is designed to allow minimally invasive surgery in anatomiclocations not amenable to the usual endoscopic techniques. For anexample, in order to operate subcutaneously, one must have surgicalinstruments that are capable of 1) retraction, 2) irrigation, 3) suction, 4)cautery for dissection and coagulating small blood vessels, and 5)visualization. To date, all these functions require separate instruments.
____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 9 of 14
§ Self-Expanding Y-Shape Stent 98-22, 98-21, 98-20
This bifurcated stent consists of a common body and two legs that aremade as a whole of one coherent element. The radially expandable andflexible tubular bodies of the stent are made of nitinol wires and utilizesnitinol’s superelastic properties. The design makes it possible to use thestent in several vascular and non-vascular territories where bifurcatedanatomical structures are present. The stent design makes it possible tochange the angles between the crossing wires, thereby creating a tightermesh and/or a tapering shape, and resulting in a controlled expansileforce. The expansile force of the stent can be increased to the point that avirtually incompressible stent can be created.
§ Nitinol Basket Occlusion Device
One of the advantages of the vascular occluding device is that it achievesa better coverage of the given segment of the vessel than the stainlesssteel coil does. Therefore, the mechanical blocking of the blockage of theblood stream along with the thrombosis induced by the entrapped bloodwithin the basket leads to quicker vascular occlusion. The strength of thenitinol wires with thermal memory and superelasticity significantlyfacilitates the self-anchoring of the occluder and greatly reduces thepossibility of migration. The occluder can be repositioned offering aprompt correction of misplacement. The guide wire compatible version ofthe design makes the deployment of the occluder safer and morecontrollable. In addition to causing a prompt and reliable ureteralocclusion, there is no need for injecting other embolic agents to completethe obstruction. This type of occluder can also be used for vascularocclusion. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 10 of 14RESEARCH TOOLS/REAGENTS/CELL LINES
§ First Inducible/Reversible Mouse Model for Osteoporosis
Bone remodeling is characterized by osteoclastic resorption of pre-existing bone followed by formation of new bone by osteoblasts. Todefine the role of bone formation in the control of bone resorption in vivo,investigators generated an inducible osteoblast ablation mouse model. This model strikingly mimics characteristics of osteoporosis as it hasreduced amount of bone mass and density. More importantly, it is notonly inducible through administering a drug which kills bone forming cells-osteoblast, but also reversible if a compound is given to arrest thefunction of the bone-resorpting osteoclast. It has great utilites for bothscientific research and pharmaceutical development. It serves as a greatmodel to study the genetic mechanism of osteoporosis and relevantgenes that may be closely associated with the disease. In addition, it is agreat animal model to screen and test anti-osteoclast drug candidates.
§ Human Prostate Cancer Cell Lines MDA Pca 2a and MDA Pca 2b 97-07
These cell lines were derived from a bone metastasis of a single patient withandrogen-independent prostatic adenocarcinoma. They were obtained fromdifferent samples of the same specimen and have different genotypes andphenotypes. They are androgen sensitive, expressing PSA, PAP, and growin vitro as minelayers and in vivo when injected into nude mice. Therefore, itmay serve as a useful model to study the biology of prostate cancer, to testsensitivity to different drugs, to develop vaccines and new therapies. Todate, the only major human prostate cancer cell lines available as a model forthe androgen-independent, androgen sensitive phenotype is LNCap. Conceivably, the use of three cell lines (MDA PCa 2a, MDA PCa 2b andLNCap) provides a more adequate model system of androgen-sensitiveprostate cancer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 11 of 14
§ Rapid Analysis of Gene Expression (RAGE)
There are currently several methods of determining changes in geneexpression. Most of them depend on selecting a small subset of thetranscribed genes, developing specific probes for each of these genesand estimating mRNA levels by either hybridization methods or RT-PCR. Among them, RAGE offers a unique approach to determine the frequencydistribution of virtually all polyadenylated mRNAs in a cell population ortissue at a selected point in time. It is best suited for determined globalchances in gene expression patterns subsequent to some stimulus, butcan also be applied to comparisons of tissue samples, e.g. tumor vs. normal tissue. In addition to providing quantitative global data, it can betailored to look at a particular subset of the transcriptome, and it can beused for gene discovery. Initial feasibility studies have been successfullyconducted in a human breast cancer cell line.
§ Long-Term Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Lines of Metastatic Origin
Nineteen human breast carcinoma cell lines have been established ascontinuous cultures and published in In Vitro, Vol. 14 No. 11, 1978. Sixteenof our lines were obtained from pleural effusions, two from brain metastases,and one from pericardial fluid. All lines have been shown to be distinctentities and are uncontaminated by HeLa cells or each other. A lq markerchromosome is present in all but one of the lines examined. They are: MDA-MB-134, 157, 175,231, 253, 309, 330, 331, 361, 390, 411, 415, 416, 431,435, 436, 453, 461, 468 and 469. A summary of their morphological,cytogenetic and biochemical characteristics is provided in the same paper.
§ Method for Increased Transfection Efficiency in Cells
One of the major obstacles to successful in vivo gene therapy using first-generation, replication-defective adenovirus vectors is low transfectionefficiency. Even though transgene expression can be increased byadministration of a high dose of vectors, the accompanying severe localinflammatory response and the natural antiviral defense mechanism ofcells, which includes production of interferons, limits clinical effectiveness. Interferons are a family of multifunctional proteins with potent antiviralactivities. Macrophages that express endogenous IFN-alpha and -betaare resistant to viral infection, but this property can be compromised byantibodies against IFN-beta. Treatment of cells with exogenous IFN-alphaor IFN-inducing agents can suppress replication of DNA and RNA viruses. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 12 of 14
§ A Method to Prevent Signal-Pile up in Scintillation Detectors
When a radiation particle is detected in a scintillation detector, thedetector emits light which is then converted into electronic signal by aphoto-sensor. When incoming radiation flux is high, signal pileup mayoccur as the next radiation particle(s) arrives while the present event isstill emitting light. As a result, the particles will merge into a larger signal. Therefore, the performance of conventional scintillation detectors isgreatly inhibited as they are not capable of taking a higher count of signal. The invention relates to a novel hybrid processing method to prevent andcorrect signal pile up. A 10-12 fold improvement in count-rate capabilityover conventional detector was observed with the new method, and mostof the scintillation light is collected. Additionally, the new method allowsthe use of a 10x stronger radiation source, which enables the datacollection time to be reduced by 90%. Superior Resolution, Low Cost PET Camera
This invention relates to a high resolution and low cost Positron EmissionCamera (PET) that is excellent for imaging tumors in localized areas suchas breast cancer, brain tumors, lymph nodes metastasis and others.
Equipped with radially translating detector segments and a rotationmotion to tailor detector rings to the size of the object, the camera is ableto image both large (whole body) and small objects (brain, breast andlimb) with high detection sensitivity.
Most importantly, the cost of producing a new PET is significantly lowerthan that of a standard one. It is estimated that the price of a new PETwill be less than $1 million, while a standard camera is currently sold at$2.7 million. Further saving could be realized if the camera is used with anew detector design invented by the same inventor.
§ Ovarian Cancer: Therapeutic Human Monoclonal Antibody 216/436 +
This human monoclonal antibody is the first determined to be reactive withhuman ovarian carcinomas; both therapeutic and diagnostic applications areexpected. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 13 of 14
§ CHEQ-Cancer and Health Evaluation Questionnaire
This simple copyrighted questionnaire helps determine one's risk for cancer;it is used at MDA and in industry.
§ Chelators in Combination with Biocides
Studies have shown that chelators, when added to antibiotics andantimicrobials, improve the activity against multi-drug resistant microbialorganisms through synergistic mechanisms. Other studies have shown thatchelators alone can inhibit and suppress the growth of several multi-drugresistant bacteria. The chelators help certain antimicrobials to overcome theintrinsic resistance of organisms. They result in the dissolution of the biofilmlayer, hence exposing the organisms to the synergistic activity of thecombination of antibiotics and/or antifungals with chelators. From theindustrial perspective, all oil and gas pipelines, in addition to others carryingwater an/or other chemicals, become contaminated with bacterial and fungalmicroorganisms. The method of treatment of these gas, oil, and waterpipelines is by flushing these pipes with biocides such as chlorine orantimicrobial agents such as gentamicin. It has been shown that the additionof chelators to biocides and antimicrobial agents causes the biofilm layers todisintegrate and dissolve. This improves the activity of biocides against theembedded bacteria. ____________________________________________________________________________________________For more information, please contact: Office of Technology Development,1020 Holcombe Blvd, Suite 1405, Houston, TX, 77030Web Page: Page 14 of 14
2nd Sunday Lent B GIFT OF GOD, THE SON First Reading : Response : “I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 115) Responsorial Psalm : Psalm 115 Second Reading : In the Transfiguration, the apostles experienced Jeshua (Jesus) as the gift of God, in a special way. He is seen as the Son of God. He is present to us today as the Risen Lord, giving us