Area (2003) 35.4, 357–370 The political ecology of Prunus africana in Cameroon
Department of Geography, University College London, London WC1H 0AP
Revised manuscript received 16 August 2003
This paper provides an analysis of some current trends in political ecology and thenillustrates the intermingling of politics and ecology using a case study of the exploitationand conservation of Prunus africana in Cameroon. It argues that political ecology is stilla lively field, but that some recent attempts to chart a way forward for this perspectiverisk shifting it away from its liminal position in relation to natural and social science bybeing disinclined to engage with ecological processes. The case study draws attention tothe strengths and shortcomings in existing attempts to weave political and economicanalysis into environmental debates over the sustainable management of this tree species,which has been incorporated into phytomedical markets in Europe. The fortunes of thetree reflect its botany and ecology as well as the trajectories of the local economy,intercontinental markets for alternative health products, the policies and practices of theCameroonian state and the politics of international aid.Key words: Cameroon, political ecology, Prunus africana, pygeum, conservation
And I looked and saw a whirling banner which ran so
The label ‘political ecology’ has now reached a point
fast that it seemed as if it could never make a stand,
where it seems to be applied to more and more
and behind it came so long a train of people that I
empirical material in the social sciences, covering
should never have believed death had undone so
studies of urbanism, gender and the West as well as
rural social movements in the non-West. Indeed,some analysts suggest that ‘political ecology has in
a sense almost dissolved itself’ (Watts 2000).
This paper argues that, despite the loss of focus
In recent years, many of the ideas in human geo-
that inevitably accompanies an increase in popular-
graphy about the relationship between environment
ity in any academic label, political ecology remains
and development in the Third World have been
lively and useful. By using a case study of Prunus
organized under the whirling banner of ‘political
africana in Cameroon, the aim is to show how the
ecology’. This is the latest in a long series of prefixes
addition of this perspective can augment the existing
that have been attached to the term ecology and,
work of policy-oriented conservationists doing re-
despite its popularity in the social sciences, the new
search in Africa (Laird and Lisinge 1998; Cunningham
hybrid seems to be much less well known amongst
and Cunningham 2000). If political ecologists in
ecologists. Whilst this concept has been used since
human geography have any interest in engaging
the late 1960s (Russett 1967), it is only in the last
with ecologists, then they need to show that they
decade that it has both effloresced and, to a degree,
have something distinctive, interesting and acces-
coalesced around a set of particular propositions.
sible to offer to debates about conservation. Two
ISSN 0004-0894 Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) 2003
different recent attempts to define a research agenda
resources (an argument adopted by many ecologists),
for political ecology (Swyngedouw et al. 2002;
but that further, the discipline of ecology actively
Forsyth 2003) are outlined here, though others
denied its own political character by using the ideo-
could have been chosen (Adger et al. 2001; Peluso
logy of science as a shield. In particular, he drew
and Watts 2001; Berkhout et al. 2003). The two
attention to the hidden class character of the debates
agendas described here present exciting, albeit con-
in ecology about population and environment that
trasting, prospects for social scientists, but neither
were current at the time. His account reflects its
invite any collaborative engagement with ecologists,
context in its exuberant confidence in the power of
Marxist theory to unmask this duplicity. When used
The first section of the paper quickly summarizes
in this way then, ‘political ecology’ was a dero-
existing genealogies of political ecology (Bryant and
gatory term more or less synonymous with the way
Bailey 1996, 10 – 15; Peet and Watts 1996, 1 – 45;
other Marxists used the label ‘neo-Malthusianism’
Stott and Sullivan 2000, 2 – 6; Forsyth 2003, 1 – 23).
(Harvey 1974). It seems ironic, therefore, that when
This is intended to provide an introduction for those
the term reappears two decades later, it was being
who have not previously encountered this field. It
used approvingly by Marxists (Swyngedouw 1997;
then looks at current attempts to chart the way for-
Lipietz 2000). However, this is less quirky than it
ward for political ecological research. The second
initially seems and there is actually continuity with
section of the paper describes the conservation of
the earlier Marxist analysis, since the current approach
Prunus africana in Cameroon and aims to make a case
sets out to replace the ideology of ecology (which
for the contribution that a political-ecology perspec-
presented the accumulation of scientific knowledge
tive can bring to debates on the African environ-
as independent of its social context) with a focus
ment. The case study material is largely drawn from
on Marxist theorizations of the real nature–society
secondary sources. However, there have been sev-
relationship. This new political ecology emerged both
eral new developments since the most well known
from the renewed general interest among Marxist
report on this topic (Cunningham and Cunningham
thinkers about nature (Smith 1984; Harvey 1993;
2000), which I learned about during fieldwork in
Castree 1995; Benton 1996; O’Connor 1998; Keil
2000) and more specifically from a number of textsthat had successfully deployed Marxist frameworksin the empirical analysis of inter-related social and
A history and two possible futures for
environmental debates on the capitalist periphery
political ecology
(Wisner et al. 1982; Watts 1983). In this tradition,
There are five main senses in which the term
then, contemporary political ecology is a political-
‘political ecology’ has been commonly used in the
economic analysis of the relationship between
past; the first two are fairly trivial and will be dealt
society and nature under capitalism.
with first, the other three represent more substantive
The fourth use of the term political ecology also
research traditions. The earliest use of the term
dates from the early 1970s and emerged from
political ecology took the idea of the interdepen-
economic anthropology. It was concerned with the
dence of organisms from the science of ecology and
relationships between the physical environment,
applied it to purely political questions. In other words
production, resource ownership and the distribution
‘ecology’ was used as a metaphor for understanding
of people. In this context, the agenda for political
human politics. This use of the term can still be
ecology was ‘to combine our inquiries into multiple
found (Swift 1993), but is rare. The second use of
local ecological contexts with a greater knowledge
political ecology (or political ecologist) was as one
of social and political history, the study of intergroup
of the many synonyms for the political wing of the
relations in wider structural fields’ (Wolf 1972,
environmental movement. This use of the term is
204–5). Though this tradition of political ecology came
to be defined as a field combining the concerns of
The third use of political ecology emerges in the
ecology and of political economy, it took little real
1970s (Enzenberger 1974), when it is deployed as a
interest in ecology beyond the innate materials and
means of criticizing the scientific discipline of ecol-
productivity of the environment. By the 1990s, this
ogy. Enzenberger’s argument was that not only was
tradition of political ecology provided an intellec-
ecology inevitably political because it included the
tual home for those whose interests were predomi-
analysis of the human species and its use of
nantly political or economic, but who did not adhere
The political ecology of Prunus africana
to Marxism, preferring instead the discourses of wel-
these categories continue to co-exist. The three
fare and institutional economics or liberal political
research approaches have informed each other to a
science (Greenberg and Park 1994). Indeed, some
far greater extent than is suggested by the process of
influential political ecologists explicitly have retreated
teasing out their differences; in fact, these traditions
from engaging with any analysis of contemporary
are almost completely interwoven in terms of their
research in ecology because they want to assert the
canonical texts. Yet, for all the common ground,
primacy of the political as the driving force behind
there are still differences between them. The Marxist
environmental problems in the Third World (Bryant
tradition runs the risk of becoming an abstract aca-
demic exercise of defining the relationship between
The fifth tradition is more closely associated with
nature and society, but other traditions risk per-
cultural ecology and is more explicitly concerned
petuating the idea that it is possible conceptually to
with questions of scale and biophysical processes
separate a category of events (referred to as environ-
and not purely political economy. It developed
mental problems) from the social debates that sur-
theoretically through empirical studies of specific
round them. It is not correct to assert that
environmental problems such as soil erosion anddeforestation in the developing world (Blaikie 1985;
it is widely accepted that debates concerning‘political ecology’ refer to the social and political
Hecht 1985; Blaikie and Brookfied 1987). These envir-
conditions surrounding the causes, experiences and
onmental problems were conceived as the product
management of environmental problems. (Forsyth
of the social, biological and physical context in
any one place. Where many attempts to analyseenvironmental problems rigorously policed the
because, for the Marxist tradition, this claim makes
boundary between science and politics, political
no sense since social and political conditions do not
ecology sought explicitly to cross that frontier. It
‘surround’ environmental problems; that distinction
should, however, be added that the bulk of political
is collapsed and the social and environmental are
ecologists are social scientists and only a few
melded into a unity. Put another way, there is no
have succeeded in incorporating an understanding
consensus over what counts as an environmental
of biophysical processes into their analysis (Roche-
problem. For some political ecologists, access to safe
leau and Ross 1995; Zimmerer 1996; Leach and Fair-
drinking water for the urban poor is an environ-
head 1999; Sullivan 2000; Batterbury 2001).
mental problem, but for others it is not, though its
Regardless of which tradition it comes from,
consequences might be. Debates about what con-
political ecology attempts to insert political concepts
stitutes an environmental problem are clearly informed
into environmental debates in a quite different way
by theorizations of the relationship between nature
to political science. Where political scientists are
and society, whilst reciprocally debates over the
concerned with green political theory, the impact of
relationship between nature and society become
green parties and lobby groups on the formal politi-
sterile if disconnected from any sense of relevance
cal process and the state’s role in environmental
to environmental policy. So the traditions of political
management, political ecologists are concerned with
ecology are intertwined, but distinct. The tension
a far broader notion of the political dimensions of
between them is the force that keeps political ecology
the interaction between the state and other actors
lively, as can be seen by examining two (out of
and the places where they live. It sees politics as the
many) different contemporary visions for the future
competition between humans over the division of
resources, and looks at the means by which differ-
In a paper about the sustainability of urban water
ent actors deploy whatever power they have to
supplies in Europe, Swyngedouw et al. (2002, 124–5)
achieve their ends. In addition, it seeks to set that
set out ten axioms of political ecology (Figure 1).
contest between actors into an historical context of
The first five are ontological claims about the char-
structural changes in the political economy. The aim
acter of the relationship between nature and society.
is to understand environmental problems in their
The second five are normative claims about the
future research agenda for political ecology. This
Whereas some descriptions of the history of
is very much in the Marxist tradition of political
political ecology suggest that the third category
ecology, so it is strange that these principles do not
described here was supplanted in the 1990s (Bryant
include a claim about the driving force behind the
and Bailey 1996, 13), it is suggested here that all
process of change they describe, which can be
The thing we call the ‘Environment’ is a combined social and physical construction, which is histori-
cally produced. What is generally referred to as environmental change would be better labelled socio-environmental change.
There is nothing unnatural about produced environments (such as cities, plantations or irrigation schemes).
The character of socio-environmental change is not independent of the social context in which it occurs.
All processes of social change are predicated on changes to the bio-physical fabric.
Changes to the bio-physical fabric invariably have both positive and negative effects for different social groups. So, socio-environmental change is never politically neutral.
Political ecology should reveal the contradictory outcomes of socio-environmental change.
Political ecology should understand the social power relations that determine the course of socio-ecological change.
Political ecology should identify who benefits and who gains from sustaining particular socio-environmental configurations. Questions of sustainability are seen as fundamentally political questions: whose interests are served by sustaining the status quo?
Political ecology should identify the way in which the relations between social groups (classes, genders, ethnicities) are forged through the processes of socio-environmental change.
10 Political ecology should enhance the democratic content of existing environmental politics by identi-
fying strategies for distributing social power more equitably and by identifying strategies for making the process of producing environments more inclusive. Ten axioms of political ecology Source: Derived from Swyngedouw et al. (2002)
assumed to be the accumulation of capital. For
future of political ecology and its contribution to the
these authors, the point of studying ecological
amelioration of environmental problems (2003, 20–2).
change is to understand social power relations, and
This builds on earlier work, which has looked at
to strategize about how best to change those rela-
the way in which the scientific language of ecology
tions in the name of equity. One of their core claims is
has been used to justify environmental policy (Stott
that the very idea of separating nature and society
and Sullivan 2000). The suggestion is that the object
serves the interests of particular groups. For example,
of political ecological study should be science (spec-
patriarchy, heterosexism, greed and inequality
ifically environmental science) and science policy.
are all portrayed as ‘natural’ and, therefore, inevita-
Forsyth takes ecology far more seriously than most
ble. But, by foregrounding the notion that the ‘idea
contemporary political ecologists, but he certainly
of nature’ is a mask which hides the real mecha-
doesn’t see the facts given by environmental science
nisms that operate in social life, there is a risk that
as a secure basis for a debate about environmental
such an analysis appears to be little more than a
problems. Rather, the central claim is that the evo-
crude process of undermining the politics of envir-
lution of environmental knowledge is part of the
onmentalism. Rather, the focus of this version of
political debate; politics and ecology are ‘co-
political ecology is on the mutually constitutive
produced’ (Forsyth 2003, 266). His strategy for re-
relations between a materialist notion of nature as
evaluating the laws of environmental science is to
biophysical fabric and the ideological notion of
combine existing political ecology with so-called
nature as a cultural representation (Gandy 2002, 7).
‘science and technology studies’ (STS examine the
This approach escapes the straightjacket of much
production of scientific disciplines and knowledge
existing environmental politics which perpetuate a
in relation to their social and technological contexts).
reactionary ‘ideology of nature’ (Smith 1984). How-
He distances himself from a radical constructivist
ever, it doesn’t really take ecology very seriously
position and instead repeatedly asserts a commitment
and pays little attention to non-human organisms.
to a ‘real’ nature, but still aims to make the focus of
It shies away from any serious engagement with
research an analysis of discourse and knowledge
production. His aim is to analyse how ecological
Ideas about scientific knowledge production are
statements about the real world have been produced,
at the centre of Tim Forsyth’s discussion of the
and what political impact such statements have had. The political ecology of Prunus africana
The proposal is that political ecology should now
Swyngedouw et al. have relatively little apparent
look to new theoretical areas (critical realism, prag-
interest in understanding biophysical processes, and
matism and post-structuralist analysis of situated dis-
frequently reassert the centrality of the politics in
course). Such a programme is justified by claiming
political ecology. Forsyth, on the other hand, specif-
that the uncritical acceptance of the products of
ically addresses biophysical processes and argues
environmental science research can produce bad
that social scientists have something substantial to
environmental policy, since it may oversimplify ‘the
offer to environmental debates. However, he is not
underlying biophysical causes of environmental
willing to dispense with a critique of positivism (to
problems [and] . . . impose unnecessary and unfair
which much of the early part of his book is dedi-
restrictions on livelihoods of marginalized people’
cated) in order to pursue this collaboration. He is
(Forsyth 2003, 11). Furthermore, when environmen-
consistently critical of the discipline ecology – that
talists rely on ‘orthodox’ science to defend their
is the exclusive network of people who claim to have
political project from the obfuscatory brownlash of
authoritative ecological knowledge. By grounding
industry, they run the risk of confusing ecology (an
his analysis in post-structuralism and science stud-
alleged accurate science) with ecologism (an ideo-
ies, he adopts a framework that (despite his best
logical statement about how the world is meant to
efforts to demonstrate a commitment to a grounded
be). It seems counter-intuitive to suggest that a book
nature and the merits of critical scientific research)
that is about science is moving political ecology away
is likely to be interpreted as antagonistic by most
from its engagement with science, but the tone of
ecologists, particularly in the intellectual context of
the engagement in this vision is unlikely to lead to
the so-called ‘science wars’. So, whilst Forsyth does
engage with the detail of contemporary scientific
Both of these approaches see the facts produced
work on, for example, soil erosion, his purpose of
by ecology as socially pragmatic rather than units
doing so is to make the case that current ecological
of information. Both try to avoid separating debates
research suggests that accepted scientific truths
over environmentalism and politics. Both have a
should be questioned and that, therefore, there is a
revelatory structure, though where one seeks to
wider project of questioning the use of existing
unmask the political functions of the idea of nature,
environmental laws in policy-making. In both of
the other seeks to unmask the hidden politics behind
these two potential futures for political ecology, the
the scientific discourse of ecology. In these senses,
relationship between natural and social science
both are different from much existing political ecol-
ogy. But they are also different from each other –
The question remains, how can those interested
where one is a critique of capitalism, the other is a
in politics convince those interested in ecology of
critique of positivist science. Indeed, at one point
the value of the social scientific contribution to
Forsyth overtly questions the essentialist link between
debates over conservation, whilst at the same time
capitalism and environmental degradation that has
continuing the critique of a discipline of ecology
been the touchstone of much Marxist political ecol-
that claims to be a privileged form of knowledge
ogy by asking ‘how the opposition to capitalism may
production? Perhaps part of the answer lies in con-
have influenced the production of environmental
ceding that if political knowledge and ecological
knowledge’ (Forsyth 2003, 7). Where both approaches
knowledge really are co-produced, then it is neces-
share a desire to make the politics of environmen-
sary for social scientists to suspend their disbelief
talism more inclusive, they differ in their confidence
and study biophysical processes in order to under-
about identifying the victims and villains in environ-
stand the production of politics. Such a move might,
mental debates. Where Swyngedouw et al. advocate
co-incidentally, go some way towards appeasing
direct involvement in political struggles around sus-
those who claim that social scientists ‘require a
tainability in the name of equity, Forsyth is more
grasp of the principles of natural science, without
circumspect and acknowledges the significance of
which their contribution is all critique and no sub-
the post-structural critique of representation and the
stance about the interactions and outcomes within
significance of context when defining social justice
the natural world’ (Blaikie 1995, 13). But the more
effective strategy must be to demonstrate the value
Neither project invites collaboration with those
of political ecology, rather than to talk about it,
ecologists who are not self-critical about the ideol-
which is what the second half of this paper aims to
ogy inherent in their research and its links to policy. Prunus africana:green gold on Mount
bark has been used internationally as a treatment
for such symptoms since the eighteenth century,
For some years, Anthony Cunningham and colleagues
when European travellers brought it back from South
at Kew Gardens in London, members of the Mount
Africa (Simons and Tchoundjeu 1998). However,
Cameroon integrated conservation and development
widescale commercial production has only been
project in Limbe / Buea and members of the Forestry
taking place since the mid-1960s, when a patent for
Department at Bangor University, have been develop-
a preparation based on the bark was first lodged by
ing policy, projects and research for the conservation
a French entrepreneur (Debat 1966). It is sold as
of Prunus africana in Cameroon. Not only has this
Tadenan (produced by Laboratoires Debat in France),
work synthesized existing botanical and ecological
Pygenil (Indena Spa in Italy), Proscar (Merck and
research on Prunus africana (O’Brien and Youde
Dohme in Germany) or as Pygeum in a range of
1999), it also shows a subtle appreciation of the
health food outlets. Placebo-controlled double-blind
complex relationships between people and plants
studies have demonstrated some medical effective-
ness, though the precise mechanism by which it
Prunus africana, a member of the Rosaceae family,
reduces swelling in the prostate is still poorly under-
is an evergreen tree species, with leathery leaves,
stood (Chatelain et al. 1999). A review of 18 different
deeply fissured bark and creamy white flowers. It is
small-scale, short, randomized studies concluded
also known by a variety of other names including
that Pygeum provided only moderate relief to some
Pygeum africanum, African cherry and red stinkwood.
of the symptoms of BPH. Mean peak urinary flow
It is a wild relative of plum trees and produces a
rate was increased by 2 millilitres per second (Ishani
cherry-like fruit, which is a favoured part of the diet
et al. 2000). A more elaborate study is currently
of many bird and animal species. Globally, there
being undertaken in the US, but is unlikely to report
are more than 200 species in the genus Prunus, but
before 2007. There is still considerable scepticism in
this is the only one found in Africa, and it is unique
orthodox medical circles about the benefits of Pygeum
to Africa. It is not rare and is found across the con-
and it competes with standard pharmaceutical
tinent at altitudes between 900 and 3000 metres.
treatments (alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase
However, because it cannot grow much below 1000
inhibitors), other herbal treatments and surgery.
metres, it tends to be found in island populations,
The medicinal interest in the tree has generated a
so although it is widespread, it has a discontinuous
substantial international business. The trade in dried
distribution, which has specific implications in
Prunus bark and bark extract is in the order of 3000 –
terms of maintaining intra-species genetic variation
5000 tonnes a year (Alternative Medicine Review
(Barker et al. 1994). It can grow up to 45 metres tall
2002) and the main sources are in Cameroon,
and the hard wood of the trunk is used for making
Madagascar, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Uganda and
the handles of tools (Marcelin et al. 2000), but it is
Tanzania. In Cameroon, bark is bought for about
the bark that has brought the tree to international
60 or 70 US cents a kilo, and a packet of 15 tablets
finally retails in Europe at around US$8 (Cunningham
Herbal preparations made from the bark of Prunus
and Mbenkum 1993). Today, Pygeum is the favour-
africana historically have been employed by Afri-
ite herbal remedy for BPH in France and is also widely
cans to treat chest pain, malaria, inflammation,
used in Spain, Italy and Germany (Schippmann
fever and kidney disease, as well as for producing a
2001). In the US, however, another herbal prepara-
cattle purgative (Leigh 2000). However, currently its
tion, saw palmetto, is preferred, though demand for
most important commercial use is to relieve the
Pygeum is also on the rise. The global annual trade
symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy or the
in Prunus bark is variously estimated to be worth
related condition of benign prostatic hyperstasia
between US$150 and US$220 million (Cunningham
(BPH), both of which are swellings of the prostate
and Mbenkum 1993). Given the increasing interests
that are common amongst older men (BPH affects
in ‘natural’ remedies and also that men are likely
around one-third of men over 50 in the UK). The
to live longer, the demand for Pygeum can be
prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut, which
is found only in males, surrounding the urethra. If
Cameroon was one of the major sources of Pygeum
the central part of the prostate swells, it becomes
supply from the early 1970s, when the French
increasingly difficult and painful for men to empty
company Laboratoire Debat established a factory at
their bladder. According to some sources, Prunus
Mutengene, on the lower slopes of Mount Cameroon. The political ecology of Prunus africana
Operating as Plantecam Medicam, the company
Plantecam always had to negotiate with both the
prepared bark extracts in tablet form from bark har-
institutions of the Government and local communi-
vested in the wild. By 1995, the company had a
ties. In many cases (especially in the West and
turnover of US$4 million and 250 employees. They
Northwest Provinces), Plantecam gained access for
processed 200 tons of bark in 1980, but this had
their collectors to the trees through a commercial
risen to 3100 tons a decade later (Cunningham and
arrangement with local traditional rulers who pre-
Mbenkum 1993). Plantecam’s employees were mostly
sented themselves as the leaders of local communi-
bark collectors who each brought 40 kilo bundles of
ties and, therefore, the owners of the trees. Because
bark to the factory for processing. Prunus africana
of the uncontested authority of these rulers amongst
has not, so far, been extensively cultivated and the
some ethnic groups (such as Bamiléké and Lam’nso
bark trade in Cameroon is still derived entirely from
speakers), this was an effective strategy. It had paral-
wild plants. The trade in Prunus bark also generated
lels in longstanding arrangements in which chiefly
tax revenue for the Cameroonian state, some of which
families owned all the oil-producing palms, even on
officially was earmarked for forest regeneration
land which was farmed and controlled by other
families. As such, it made sense in the new circum-
Prunus africana can survive the removal of some
stances of financial value being placed on Prunus
bark and there is the possibility, therefore, for har-
for the first time to claim that Prunus trees were
vesting bark without felling or killing the tree.
According to Plantecam, their bark collectors were
Such a local access strategy was less successful
trained to gather the bark in the least damaging way.
in large parts of the Southwest Province, where the
They were not permitted to fell the trees to collect
polities are much smaller and where many ethnic
the bark and they were expected to remove bark from
groups are acephelous. For example, amongst the
up to only 50 per cent of the circumference of the
Bakweri people, who live on the Southeast side of
tree and from opposite sides of the trunk in order to
Mount Cameroon, the basic landowning unit is the
prevent girdling, which would kill that specimen
lineage (litumba), which is a small, close, kinship
(Marcelin et al. 2000). Nor were they permitted to
group whose members are all related to a common
return to the same tree for further harvesting for five
ancestor. Whilst the single senior member of the line-
years. The claim that the collection technique
age controls the distribution of land, family mem-
described was sustainable, if properly followed, was
bers have usufruct rights over parcels during their
endorsed by the botanists and conservationists
lifetimes (Ardener 1996, 175). Various chiefly lines
working at Limbe and Buea. This elaborate harvest-
have competed for superiority over lineages ever
ing process was a product of the species’ particular
since colonial institutions made it worth asserting
paramountcy (Geschiere 1993; Ardener 1996, 47–
Bark was sourced from Mount Cameroon and other
9), but no one line has successfully asserted its
upland forest areas in the Southwest, West and
dominance. As a result, no single figure would have
Northwest Provinces. Over time, easy sources of
had the authority to claim ‘traditional’ ownership
Prunus in the West and Northwest Provinces were
of Prunus and village councils might well have
depleted and harvesting became increasingly focused
rebuked any chief who tried to gain personal finan-
on Mount Cameroon (Laird and Lisinge 1998). Prunus
cial benefits from such arrangements.
is an important part of Cameroon’s upland forest
In addition, this area was one of the first parts of
ecosystems, particularly on Mount Cameroon, where
Cameroon to be colonized and from the early
it is one of main species of the upper canopy.
twentieth century there were moves to Gazette the
Mount Cameroon is West Africa’s highest mountain
forests on the mountain as Reserves. Having experi-
and one of its key montane forests. It is a ‘hotspot’
enced considerable land loss in the late nineteenth
for biodiversity, with at least 49 endemic plant
century (when German colonists appropriated
species, three endemic primate species and several
Bakweri land for plantations) and further land loss
endangered species such as the forest elephant,
throughout the twentieth century (as the result of
immigration by other ethnic groups attracted to the
Access to, and ownership of, Prunus specimens
economic opportunities provided by the plantations),
has always been contested. Whilst de jure control of
the Bakweri were hostile to attempts to turn the
forest resources lies with the Government, de facto
mountain into a Government-controlled Reserve. So
control is often in the hands of more local institutions.
when reserves was established in 1939 and 1952,
control was vested in the Native Authority – the
night, so as to evade the Government’s forest guards
principal governance institution of indirect rule. The
and bribed local people into giving them permission
result was that the line between modern property
to harvest the bark (Achieng 1999). By 1995, Prunus
rights and indigenous resource tenure has always
harvesting was the major source of cash income for
been blurred and different Native Authorities, vil-
many young men in the area (Ewusi 1998). Conflicts
lages and villagers contest all claims of ownership.
developed within villages, between villages and
The historic experience of the Bakweri has meant
between the conservationists (both local and inter-
that individuals are very alert to questions of owner-
national), the Government and Plantecam.
ship (Nyamnjoh 1999, 108) and the whole question
The result of withdrawing the monopoly has been
extensive debarking and destruction of the trees
Much of Plantecam’s success in accessing sup-
in the wild to a level viewed by conservationists
plies of bark depended on the positive relationships
and the Cameroonian Government as unsustainable.
developed between those living where Prunus grew
Whilst harvesting a tree in the approved manner
and their employees who acted as bark collectors,
can yield US$10–20 dollars per tree, felling and
most of whom came from one village in the West
stripping it can instantly yield bark worth US$200
Province. As supplies in the West and Northwest
(Futureharvest 2000). According to a representative
declined, these individual bark collectors had to
of the Department of Forestry, Christian Asanga,
roam further and further in search of new sources;
‘Prunus was a common tree in Cameroon, but now
they ceased to collect from within areas they knew
it is scarce, due to unsustainable harvesting’ (Achieng
or where they were known or where they respected
1999). The loss of the tree is also of concern to
cultural mores. This undermined the trust that had
local people, who have lost access to an important
been developed in the areas where they were gather-
source of a range of traditional medicines. Further-
ing, particularly in the context of growing popular
more, in some places it is claimed that illegal har-
antagonism between residents of the Northwest and
vesters have collected bark from within culturally
Southwest, which was deliberately fostered by the
significant ‘sacred groves’, which are used as the
Government in the 1990s (Nyamnjoh 1999). This
added to the potential for disputes over regulating
A variety of ecological processes have been changed
access to Prunus on Mount Cameroon.
as a result of this loss of regulation. First, mature
Between 1972 and 1985, Plantecam had a mono-
Prunus trees produce the largest quantities of seeds,
poly of the harvesting licenses for Pygeum and as a
but they are also the specimens most favoured by
result was able (to a degree) to control exploitation
bark collectors. This may have long-term implica-
(Cunningham and Cunningham 2000). After 1985,
tions for the reproduction of the species. Second,
when Plantecam’s monopoly was revoked and 50
the shift in the forest population to harvesting trees
additional harvesting licenses were provided to
with smaller trunk diameters may change canopy-
Cameroonian entrepreneurs, the level of regulation
gap dynamics as other species move in and change
of bark harvesting declined (Ndibi and Kay 1997).
the species composition. As international demand
In 1993, export licenses for Pygeum were given to
for the bark escalates, some conservationists fear
three Cameroonian companies (Laird and Lisinge
that non-sustainable harvesting may push the spe-
1998). New institutional structures and practices
cies to the brink of extinction. Even if it does not, its
emerged as a result. Illegal harvesting of Prunus
exploitation has consequences for the balance of
became widespread. Plantecam started to process
species on Mount Cameroon, with its preciously
more bark that was brought to them by individuals
guarded biodiversity. In addition, there is a possible
other than their employees. In particular, a new
separate species, Prunus crassifolia, also used for
group of middlemen emerged, who paid individual
medicine, which is found only in Kivu, Zaire and
collectors for bark and then sold to Plantecam at a
which, if it is a separate species, is already endan-
higher price. Whilst Plantecam ensures that the bark
gered. Prunus africana was placed in appendix 2 of
gathered by its own collectors is harvested sustaina-
the Convention on International Trade in Endan-
bly, it has no obligation to check on the provenance
gered Species (CITES) in 1994. This means that
of the bark supplied to it by middlemen. The new
whilst trade is permitted, CITES permits are needed
exporters had little interest in the sustainable sourc-
to harvest or export it. It is considered a species that,
ing of Pygeum. Commentators claim that a group
if not endangered, requires close observation and
of ‘bark poachers’ emerged who went to villages at
controlled harvesting. But this has done little to stop
The political ecology of Prunus africana
illegal exporters in Cameroon from overexploiting
the Government of Cameroon to reassert control over
the tree because of the problems of implementation
harvesting and to proceed in a more ecologically
The main strategy proposed to prevent what con-
In 1997, the Mount Cameroon Project (a conser-
servationists see as negative ecological outcomes is
vation and development project funded by Cam-
domestication of the species (Dawson 1997). Culti-
eroonian, UK and German governments) negotiated
vation of Prunus africana could take two forms, either
agreements between Plantecam and a number of
through individual farmers planting seedlings amongst
villages on Mount Cameroon. In return for training
their other crops or through the establishment of
in sustainable harvesting techniques, villagers were
dedicated plantations. Since the early 1990s, Plante-
to receive a better price for bark from Plantecam
cam were obliged in the terms of their license to
(Laird and Lisinge 1998). In 1996, 1998 and 1999,
establish five hectares of Prunus plantation a year.
the Mount Cameroon Project conducted inventories
This they failed to do. However, even if this were
of the Prunus on Mount Cameroon (Ewusi 1998).
achieved, it would not be sufficient to replace the
They concluded that tough new quotas on harvest-
wild harvested trees. It is estimated that in order to
ing were needed (Whewell 2001). In addition, they
produce the existing levels of bark, between 640
encouraged the village bark harvesters to form
and 820 hectares of plantations would be required
Unions in order to ensure training to improve bark
(Akong 2000; Cunningham and Cunningham 2000).
harvesting techniques, to police poaching and also
Encouragingly, though, small-scale farmers in Cam-
to make sure that collectors received appropriate
eroon have begun cultivating Prunus africana. This
prices for their products by cutting out the interme-
is not the result of an organized development initia-
diaries (Akong 1999). In November 1999, the Gov-
tive or of the provision of incentives. Rather, farmers
ernment of Cameroon issued an arrete which asserted
have planted the trees as part of an agroforestry sys-
its desire to install a very strong system of control
tem out of their own initiative, hoping to make use
over Prunus harvesting and the Governor of the
of them for a variety of purposes. However, though
Southwest Province imposed a complete ban on
it is a relatively fast-growing species, the bark crop
harvesting Prunus (Mount Cameroon Project 1999).
is unlikely to be ready for harvest for 18 years. This
Plantecam’s licensed harvest was reduced from
agroforestry is thought to be a more promising strat-
1500 tons to 300 (Adams 2000b). In 2000, Plante-
egy for the cultivation of Prunus than establishing
cam closed down their factory and left Cameroon,
plantations in an area where suitable land is rela-
the assets were sold and the 300 staff laid off
tively scarce and always politically contested. In either
context, one of the main constraints on domestica-
Plantecam claimed that the proposed quotas that
tion is a shortage of seeds, and the short period for
followed the forest survey meant that production
which seeds can be kept viable, the majority of seeds
was no longer an economic proposition. Most of
will not germinate unless they are planted within a
their redundant workers hold the conservation lobby
few days of being collected. Research in Kenya has
responsible for the loss of jobs (Adams 2000b).
set out to find alternative methods of producing
Additional explanations suggest that the organized
economic resistance by collectors reduced profit
In the late 1990s, Prunus achieved a level of inter-
margins and opportunities for rent-seeking be-
national notoriety (Sunderland and Nkefor 1997;
haviour by middlemen and Plantecam. Production
Ackworth and Ewusi 1999; Sunderland and Tako
continues in France, from where different less well-
1999). Strident voices, particularly from the Nairobi-
publicized sources of unprocessed bark, such as
based International Centre for Research in Agrofor-
Madagascar, could be accessed (Dailey and Fernandes
estry, declared that ‘just as the panda bear serves as
2001). The unintended outcome of a conservationist
a symbol for protecting endangered animals, Prunus
success in Cameroon has been a conservation problem
africana is the icon for saving trees threatened by
in Madagascar. The Government of Cameroon is
extinction’ (Futureharvest 2000). The future of Pru-
not currently issuing harvesting permits, though
nus in Cameroon was even discussed in the British
local harvesters have ambitions to start up their own
Parliament and the Department for International
company based on sustainable practices and using
Development opted to make it a flagship issue. They
the community forestry law (Fuh 2000). Ultimately,
threatened to withdraw their funding for aid projects
though, it will be hard for them to compete in
in Southwest Cameroon unless action was taken by
global markets with suppliers that don’t face such tight
environmental regulations (Whewell 2001). Perhaps
economic terms, but also in ecological terms, as the
the most secure economic route for a Cameroonian
forest supplies those who are trying to domesticate
producer would be to pursue local (national and
the species with the diversity of genetic material
West African) markets for medicine derived from
they need. Yet the language used by conservation-
ists to justify interventions on Mount Cameroon stilldeploys images of pristine nature.
Third, the acceleration in the harvesting of PrunusConclusions
bark may result in the deterioration of the Cameroo-
Why, then, is this example intriguing, and how
nian environment, but how can that be set against
could political ecologists add to this narrative? First,
the relief that this deforestation brought to those suf-
it shows the co-determination of social and environ-
fering from BPH in France, Spain and Italy? By con-
mental change. The bark harvesters initially trained
structing a storyline around the tree and the forest in
by Plantecam came almost exclusively from one
Cameroon, the story of medical treatment in Europe
village in the West Province. Yet, they roamed widely
is neglected. This is a clear example of the import-
across all the areas where Prunus grew to harvest it.
ance of a scaled political ecology model which
They ceased to be tied to their own land and regar-
overtly links the forces operating at different scales
ded the trees as a means of earning their own
(from the world market for Prunus extract to individ-
livelihood through selling their own labour power.
ual forest tracts) within one narrative. It would be
This social process of proletarianization has particular
reasonable to say that the future of Prunus on Mount
implications for the relationship between the har-
Cameroon is less likely to be determined by conser-
vesters, the local communities and the trees in terms
vation projects than by the relative popularity of
of questions of ownership and long-term ideas of
drugs as opposed to surgery, ‘natural’ remedies as
stewardship. This social shift changes the relationship
opposed to ‘artificial’ ones and Pygeum as opposed
between people and plants. It is a change observed
to saw palmetto in the treatment of BPH in the
by one traditional ruler, the Fon of ‘Nso, who claimed
West. One irony here is that the Pygeum tablets are
that people stopped thinking of the forest as a com-
marketed as gentler, safer and more natural than
munity asset and started to think about it as resource
standard drug treatments, yet the alternative medi-
to be exploited for personal gain’ (Cunningham
cine industry is the underlying force behind what
and Cunningham 2000, 321). However, equally the
conservationists portray as a negative change in the
ongoing incorporation of wild Prunus into a circuit
ecology of the forests of Mount Cameroon. Some
of international capital accumulation is shaped by
retailers of complementary medicine refuse to stock
the ecology of the tree. Its ability to withstand a
Pygeum tablets, because they cannot guarantee that
certain degree of bark removal, its rate of growth, its
the bark has been harvested sustainably. Another
distribution, the character of its production of seeds,
irony is the centrality of African knowledge in the
its place in the species mosaic are all factors that
marketing narrative of these medicines in Europe,
ultimately shaped the trajectory of the commercial
and the centrality of African ignorance in the con-
business of producing Pygeum tablets. In particular,
servation narrative that emerged from Cameroon in
the very long period between planting and harves-
the late 1990s. Cameroonian wisdom about Prunus
ting the bark has shaped the evolution of this
was at the heart of initial product development,
emerging business by ensuring that wild sources have
reworking a longstanding idea of African closeness
been preferred to plantations or small-scale production.
to nature. Yet environmentalists vilified Cameroon-
Second, the emerging possibilities of domesticat-
ian bark harvesters and entrepreneurs for their
ing Prunus trees in Cameroon illustrate the falsity of
irresponsible attitude towards nature and a lack of
the notion of pristine nature (the wild forest) entirely
interest in sustainability when compared to the
separate from the produced nature (the plantation or
farm). The main strategy for conserving the ‘forest’ is
Fourth, and this is where existing accounts are
to undermine the economic demand for ‘wild’ tree
most lacking, the narrative of the over-exploitation
bark by generating an alternative source of supply.
of Cameroonian Prunus is not independent of the
What is ‘natural’ about a forest when it depends
specific historical conditions and social institutions
on the growth of a plantation or agroforestry system
that accompany them at a national and regional
elsewhere for its own continued survival? The plan-
scale. Though the ethnobotanical approach is very
tation and the forest are interdependent not only in
open to anthropological contributions (Laird 1999),
The political ecology of Prunus africana
existing work by conservationists on Prunusafricana
nostalgic about that period when Plantecam operated
in Cameroon does not engage with the best political
with a monopoly. By so doing, they set themselves
analyses of contemporary Cameroon at all (Jua 1991;
up in opposition to local political-economic elites,
Mbembe 1992; Ngwane 1997; Eyoh 1998; Nyamnjoh
they demonize local entrepreneurs and appear to be
1999). Why is it that the Plantecam monopolies on
defending an unaccountable, undemocratic foreign
harvesting and export were changed in 1985 and
company, which later proved to have failed to live
1993? Because this is precisely the moment when
up to its environmental responsibilities anyway. If
the growth of the economy in Cameroon starts to
some kind of monopoly control over production is
decline for the first time since independence in 1960.
the best means of harvesting wild Prunus sustaina-
In the context of the Government’s declining reve-
bly, then the obvious institution through which that
nues and (some years later) its inability to pay its civil
monopoly should theoretically operate is the state.
service wage bill, it is coerced into making a range
However, given that the first assumption of all ana-
of concessions to international lenders. These demands
lysts of the Cameroonian state is that it is neither
reflect the dominant beliefs of those lenders at the
competent nor accountable, then should the first
time, particularly in relation to the merits of free
goal of foreign intervention in the name of conser-
markets and the problems of protectionism. In gen-
vation be not to protect trees but to promote
eral, these concessions were perceived to disadvan-
tage Cameroonian entrepreneurs, whose markets
Finally, the argument in the first part of this paper
had previously been protected through the support
claimed that it was necessary for political ecologists
of their allies in the Cameroonian political elite.
who were social scientists to take the ecological
However, in the particular context of the Prunus bark
knowledge of conservationists seriously. At the scale
trade, the reverse is true. A French-owned company
of the individual tree species, it is clear that the
operating in Cameroon held the monopoly, opening
particular character of Prunus africana has, in part,
it up to competition meant opening the market to
steered the narrative of its exploitation and conser-
local national capital. It is not hard to imagine the
vation. To tell this story, it is necessary to be able to
glee with which the Cameroonian Government would
judge the degree to which Prunus really is medici-
open up this particular business to national capital,
nally useful, which requires engagement with the
regardless of the objections of conservationists.
literature from medicine. It is necessary to be able
Why did bark exploitation accelerate so dramati-
to judge whether it really is possible to harvest the
cally in 1994 – 5? Again, the national economic and
tree sustainably by removing 50 per cent of the bark
political context took a dramatic lurch at this moment.
once every five years, which requires engagement
The currency devaluation and wage cuts at that time
with a literature from botany. It is necessary to be
must be part of the explanation (Konings 1996).
able to judge whether it really is hard to grow seed-
Whilst corruption has been endemic in the Cam-
lings and domesticate the tree, which requires
eroonian state for many years, it has ebbed and
engagement with the literature from agriculture. The
flowed. The common consensus is that there was a
specific botanical attributes of this species are cen-
dramatic deepening of corruption in 1994 – 5, not
tral to any political ecological narrative. Second, in
only in the sense that corrupt civil servants tried to
this case study it is necessary to understand the rela-
extract more in volume, but more, and more junior,
tionship between Prunus africana and the other
civil servants began to use their positions within the
plant and animal species within the montane forest
bureaucracy as an accumulation strategy (Page 2002).
of Cameroon. Understanding the significance of
To understand the recent history of Prunus conser-
this plant within a broader species mosaic is vital to
vation, it is necessary to put it into the historical
making the case that this plant does matter and
context of political economy. In this respect, the
assessing the relative worth of regulating its exploi-
standard procedures for the incorporation of social
tation. Third, understanding the ecological argument
science into environmental decisionmaking, namely
for the broader significance of Mount Cameroon as
log-frames and stakeholder analysis, tends to be
a ‘hotspot’ of biodiversity is also central to any scaled
inadequate, because it is insufficiently attentive to
understanding of, say, normative arguments about
history and context beyond the local or project
the disbursement or withholding of international
support to Cameroon development or conservation
In addition, it is unfortunate and unstrategic for
projects. Is it justified to hold Cameroonian social
those who wish to defend Prunus that they are
development projects hostage until the protection of
the Prunus on Mount Cameroon is guaranteed? A
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