William Campbell College Policy Title: Student Accident Procedures & Medication/Sick Bay Policy
Accidents wil happen on occasion within the Col ege community and most teachers wil be cal ed upon at some stage to provide aid to injured students.
General assistance should be sought from the nearest appropriate source eg teachers on duty.
If the injury is of a minor nature, teachers should try to deal with the matter themselves. Staff should access and use one of the First Aid Kits provided at the Col ege. The Head Teacher wil administer first aid at any time a teacher wishes to send for assistance. Ice packs are kept in the freezers, where possible. If an ice pack is used in treating a child, the staff member concerned is to ensure that when it is finished with, it is washed in soapy water and returned to the freezer. If a child has a head injury, no matter how minor, or suspected break or fracture, the child concerned should not be moved, and an ambulance should be cal ed for.
The Head Teacher should be cal ed to any accident not considered minor.
For al injuries the Register of Student Injuries Form 1 is to be completed and signed as soon as possible after an accident, by the teacher initial y involved in the matter. For matters that result in skin breakage, head injury, or may result in more than transitory harm, the Register of Student Injuries Form 2 is to be completed and filed with the Col ege Register of Student Injuries
Any incident or accident involving a staff member must also be documented on a Staff Register of Injuries Form.
A Critical Incident Report may need to be completed, depending on the severity of the injury for either the child or a staff member. This report is to be submitted to the Agency as soon as practical after the event.
N.B. A ful y stocked First Aid kit is to be kept on school premises and inspected at least every three months.
William Campbell College Policy & Procedure UD1011
William Campbell College Policy Title: Student Accident Procedures & Medication/Sick Bay Policy Medication
Medication wil be administered to students by the Head Teacher. Written authority must be provided by the student’s carer and Agency clearly specifying the dosage and time at which the medication is to be taken and the packaging of the medication itself must be clearly marked with the student’s name and the dosage details.
Students requiring regular daily medication are required to bring in a week’s supply of their medication in a clearly label ed, secure plastic container. After administration of the final dose, the container wil be given back to the child.
The Col ege does not administer paracetamol (Panadol, Panamax etc) unless it is provided by carers along with the appropriate written permission.
Asthma reliever inhalers, such as Ventolin, may be carried on the student’s person and self-administered. In the event of an emergency, the Col ege has a spare Ventolin inhaler in the first aid kit.
A record of al medication administered, including the child’s name, date, time, drug name and dosage and signature of staff member administering same, must be made on each occasion. These details are to be entered into the Medication Register which is kept in Administration.
A separate room is to be al ocated for the purposes of being a Sick Bay, where possible. Students should only be sent to sick bay with genuine il ness and written permission from a teacher (unless circumstances prevent this). If a child is il during a break, the teacher on duty must be informed and a note issued.
A log of al children entering and leaving sick bay must be kept, including the child’s name, class, ailment, treatment given and time of arrival and departure. These details are to be entered into the Sick Bay Register, which is kept on-site.
Wil iam Campbel – OAM, JP Principal Wil iam
William Campbell College Policy & Procedure UD1011
William Campbell College Policy Title: Student Accident Procedures & Medication/Sick Bay Policy Approved – Novemb
• WCC Critical Incident Report • WCC Register of Injuries • WCC Medication Chart • WCC Non-Prescription Chart • WCC Sick Bay Register
William Campbell College Policy & Procedure UD1011
This Policy is issued to the Policyholder by National Guardian Life Insurance Company on the Effective Date at 12:01 a.m. standard time at Policyholder’s address. The Policyholder and Effective Date are shown on the Schedule. This Policy is governed by the laws of the State where it is issued and is a legal contract between the Company and Policyholder. The Company hereby insures E
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