Microsoft word - 080230_doxycycline patient info3-08_som_final.doc

You are being given this medicine because you may have been exposed to Anthrax. You will need to take this medicine for 60 days. You will be told how to get more medicine if it is needed. Dosing Information • Take the medicine every 12 hours or as directed. • For 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking this medicine, do not take antacids or milk products or juices with added calcium. Antacids such as Tums, Rolaids or milk of magnesia, and milk products like milk, cheese or yogurt, and calcium can lessen how well the medicine works. • Take the medicine with a full glass of water and eat some food so the medicine will not irritate your stomach. • If you miss a dose, take the missed dose right away. If it is almost time to take your next dose, wait until then to take your medicine and skip the missed dose. Do not take two doses at the same time. • You must keep taking your medicine for the full 60 days. You may become ill if you do not finish all your medicine. Side Effects • This medicine can cause upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea, but you need to keep taking this medicine if any of these occur. This medicine can make it easier to get a sunburn on your skin. Wear sunscreen. • Call your doctor right away if you have: swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat Interactions • Birth control medicine may not work as well when you take Doxycycline. Use condoms for birth control when taking Doxycycline. • If you take warfarin (Coumadin), digoxin, Accutane, lithium, insulin, methotrexate, barbiturates, phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), or rifampin, call 211 or call your doctor to tell them that you are taking Doxycycline. These medicines can cause problems if taken while taking Doxycycline. • Do not use any herbs, especially St. John’s Wort and Dong Quai while Patient Information for Anthrax Prevention using Doxycycline Adapted by the Communicable Disease Prevention Team of Columbus Public Health from protocols developed by Ohio Dept. of Health 3/08 Waxa lagu siinayaa dawadan, sababta oo ah waxa ku soo gaadhay Kud. Waxa aad u baahan tahay inaad qaadatid dawadan 60 maalmood. Waxa laguu sheegi doonaa sida aad ku heli kartid dawo dheeraad ah haddii loo baahdo. • Qaado dawada 12 saacadood kasta, ama u qaado sida lagu faro. • 2 saacadood ka hor iyo 2 saacadood ka dib qaadashada dawadan, ha qaadan dawooyinka lidka asiidhka ama aashitada, caanaha iyo waxyaabaha ka sameysan, ama miirka khudaarta ee lagu daray kaalshiyam. Dawooyinka lidka asiidhka sida Tums, Rolaids ama milk (caano) of magnesia, iyo caanaha iyo waxyaabaha ka sameysan sida jiis ama caano-fadhi (yoogar), iyo kaalshiyamku waxay yareyn karaan shaqeynta dawadan. • Dawada ku qaado koob buuxa oo ah biyo oo cun xoogaa ah cunto si aan • Haddii aad gaftid hal qaadasho, isla markiiba qaado qadarka qaadashado ee aad gaftay. Haddii uu soo dhow yahay wakhtigii qaadashada kale, sug ka dibna qaado dawadaada oo ka bood qadarka aad gaftay. Isku wakhti ha isku qaadan laba qadar qaadasho. • Waa inaad sii wadid qaadashada dawadaada mudada buuxda ee ah 60 maalmood. Waad xanuunsan kartaa haddii aadan qaadan dhamaan dawadaada. • Dawadani waxay sababi kartaa qas calool, matag, ama shuban, hase yeeshee waxa la rabaa inaad sii wadid qaadashada dawadan haddii mid ka mid ah kuwaas uu dhaco. Marka aad qaadanaysid dawadan waxa si fudud maqaarkaaga ugu dhici kara gubasho ay keento qorraxdu. Xiro wax kaa celinaya iftiinka qorraxda. • Isla markiiba wac dhakhtarkaaga haddii aad yeelatid: barar ah wajiga, dibnaha, carrabka ama cunaha • Waxa laga yaabaa inaan dawada ka-hortagga uurku si fiican u shaqeynin marka la qaato Doxycycline. Cinjirka galmada u isticmaal ka-hortagga uurka inta la qaadanayo Doxycycline. • Haddii aad qaadatid warfarin (Coumadin), digoxin, Accutane, lithium, insulin, methotrexate, barbiturates, phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), ama rifampin, wac 211 ama wac dhakhtarkaaga oo u sheeg inaad qaadatid Doxycycline. Dawooyinkani waxay sababi karaan dhibaatooyin haddii lala qaato Doxycycline. • Ha isticmaalin wax ah geedo ama dhir, gaar ahaan St. John’s Wort iyo Dong Quai mudada aad qaadanaysid dawadan. Patient Information for Anthrax Prevention using Doxycycline. Somali Adapted by the Communicable Disease Prevention Team of Columbus Public Health from protocols developed by Ohio Dept. of Health 3/08



Abstract This thesis examines a stochastic model for the electrical behaviour of the cerebral cortex underthe influence of a general anaesthetic agent. The modelling element is the macrocolumn, anorganized assembly of ∼ 105 cooperating neurons (85%excitatory, 15%inhibitory) within a smallcylindrical volume ( ∼ 1 mm3) of the cortex. The state variables are he and hi , the mean-fielda

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