currently available in Australia. It is important
Epilepsy: Top of Mind
that vigorous clinical trials be conducted to compare the effectiveness of the newer AEDs against the older medications. These newer
Advances medications have only been studied in trials
as add-on medication and it is thought that some newer agents may be more effective than some of the older, first line (first treatment choice) agents. Many clinical trials only last three months which is too short a
period to measure important aspects such as longer-term seizure control and tolerability, nor are they structured to measure other
issues important to the patient, such as health economic or quality of life outcomes.
Study comparing new and old AEDs Currently there is no Dr Philippe Ryvlin, a senior
Antiepileptic Drugs (SANAD) study – the
miraculous drug to cure
largest of it’s kind – examined seizure
Neurology and Epileptology of the Hospices
control, tolerability, quality of life and health
epilepsy. However, the Civils de Lyon in France, spoke at Epilepsy increasing number of Action’s Epilepsy: Top of Mind symposium
in November last year about advances in the
treatment’ AEDs, such as Carbamazepine
anti-epileptic medications field of epilepsy medication and the many
(Tegretol) and Valporate (Epilim) over a
now available is giving drugs (AED).
This is an important study as many patients
doctors more options to
are treated with one medication and remain
University Claude Bernard, Ryvlin explained
on it for several years, while there may be a
individualised treatment that many of the newer agents behave
more effective or more tolerable alternative
for their patients. differently than the older drugs as they have
available as a first line treatment; however the
an original or different mechanism of action
effectiveness of these newer AEDs had not
targeting specific channels, receptor sites or
previously been measured for specific patient
groups such as people with partial seizures or
leads us “to imagine they might be more
efficacious (effective) where others may
with partial seizures and 716 patients with
generalised seizures and found that newer
AEDs are generally better tolerated, but not
since the 1960s however this accelerated over the past ten to 15 years with the release of
Drug Name Original Available
newer AEDs such as Gabapentin, Topiramate,
Oxcarbazepine, Levetiracetam and Pregabalin. Rufinamide and Lacosamide, recently released
on the European market and Retigabine soon
to be released on the European market are not
Benzodiazepine Valium, yes Carbamazepine Tegretol yesValporate Epilim
Oxcarbazepine Trileptal yesLevetiracetam Keppra yesPregabalin Lyrica
You play a significant role in the potential
effectiveness of any drug treatment. Knowing
medications is a start. It is also important
and any potential unwanted effects of each
medication, e.g. interference with Vitamin D metabolism, interaction with contraceptives or depletion of folate.
are unaware of the importance of telling their doctor about all their medications, including over-the-counter and natural or
necessarily more effective than older AEDs.
epilepsy that would also treat the migraine
Efficacy is not the only factor to be considered;
disorder rather than exacerbate it. Some AEDs
taking. These can either increase or decrease
the drug is of little benefit if it can control the
are known to influence weight gain or severely
the effectiveness of anti-epileptic medications
seizures but the patient cannot tolerate the side
depress the appetite while others are very
and impact on seizure control or the potential
effects. Tolerability is important as it strongly
effective in treating major depression, bipolar
influences a patient’s compliance with their
people misunderstand the instructions for
medication regime which, in turn, influences
“Many clinicians take advantage of all of
taking their medications while others have
their chance of attaining seizure freedom and
the drugs available to them to better tailor
difficulty remembering to take them at the
treatment choice in patients,” Professor
Ryvlin said. “The situation is different for
If you find that you, or the person you care
important aspect for clinicians prescribing
patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. They
for, is experiencing difficulties with unwanted
AEDs is the diversity of medications to choose
may have tried all of the drugs available and
effects, remembering to take medications,
from. Basing their treatment decision not only
their seizures are still not controlled. The ideal
on the type of epilepsy but the type of actions
for this patient with resistance to all previous
removing tablets from the packaging, you
of the drug, the patient’s age, gender, previous
drugs is to get a new drug to finally make them
may benefit from a Home Medicines Review.
response to other AEDs and co-morbidities
seizure free. That is what many patients are
This free government service is available
(other disorders). “Clinicians can now tailor
in all states and territories and provided by
the treatment to their patient’s characteristics
Professor Ryvlin continued to say that a
your GP and an Accredited Pharmacist. Any
and the treatment can become more and more
small percentage of patients who are refractory
member of the health team, a carer or even
to all previous drugs try a new one and become
yourself can suggest a ‘Home Medicines
seizure free. The medications are only studied
Review’. The first step would be to speak
for elderly patients, the clinician takes into
for three months which is not enough time to
with your pharmacist or GP. The pharmacist
account any potential drug-to-drug interactions
know if drug-resistant patients will become
will answer your questions and refer you to
between medications used for other conditions
seizure free nor know how long that seizure
your GP who will assess the need for a review
and AEDs and monitors for any renal (kidney)
against the set criteria.The pharmacist will
or hepatic (liver) dysfunction. In children, the
clinician’s preference would be to avoid any
“There is no miraculous drug that has come
where together with you and your carer if
medication that impacts cognition while aiming
onto the market in the last 15 years and there
required, will conduct a thorough review of
for maximum seizure control. When treating
is not one expected to come onto the market
all the medicines and treatments both past and
women taking oral contraceptives, the clinician
in the next five years,” he said. “Significant
present you have taken, as well as assessing
would aim to avoid or make adjustments for
numbers of patients remain resistant to all
any enzyme-inducing AED as they can reduce
existing drugs which is why it is important to
the effectiveness of the contraceptive and
keep exploring new avenues. There have been
increase the risk of an unwanted or unexpected
advances in epilepsy medications; however, I
would like to qualify those advances as limited.
‘anticipated resistance’ to particular AEDs and
There has not been a miraculous drug that can
may instead require a pre-surgical evaluation.
control every seizure in every patient without
practical strategies for better managing your
side effects, which is the ideal goal. The
medications and recommend the use of aides
Drug treatment tailored to
progress has been sustained over the years and
and devices if required. During a follow-
individual patients
is on exactly the same track for the next five
up consultation your GP will discuss the
to 10 years. We might be surprised, however,
plan with you and give both you and your
beneficial affect or aggravate other conditions
this cannot be anticipated. Today, I believe
the patient may be living with. For example,
For more information or to download a
the patient with epilepsy may also experience
optimal education of healthcare professionals
brochure in one of more than 20 languages,
migraines. The clinician would often opt for
using available treatments than through the
an appropriate AED for the particular type of
VERSIÓN CONSOLIDADA DEL TRATADO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA UNIÓN EUROPEA ACTOS JURÍDICOS DE LA UNIÓN, PROCEDIMIENTOS DE ADOPCIÓN Y Artículo 288 (antiguo artículo 249 TCE) Para ejercer las competencias de la Unión, las instituciones adoptarán reglamentos, directivas, decisiones, recomendaciones y dictámenes. El reglamento tendrá un alcance general. Será obligatorio en todos sus e