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Storia Linguistica del Mediterraneo Antico Greco-Latini, Italiani, Scenico-Musicali Colloque International
Un millénaire d’histoire et d’archéologie
chypriotes (1600-600 av. J.-C.)
18 -19 octobre 2012 - Milano
Patronage du Président de la République 18 octobre 2012
Aula 401, IULM, via Carlo Bo 1
19 octobre 2012
Aula 401, IULM, via Carlo Bo 1
Dott.ssa Erika Notti
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM Tel: + 39 02 89 141 2238; Fax: + 39 02 89 141 2641 Web:> News/eventi> Programme
Colloque International
Un millénaire d’histoire et d’archéologie
chypriotes (1600-600 av. J.-C.)
Sous le Haut Patronage du Président de la République Italienne
18-19 octobre 2012 – Milano
Jeudi 18 octobre 2012
(Aula 401,IULM, via Carlo Bo 1, Milano)
Accueil et inscription des participants
Discours d’ouverture

Giovanni Puglisi, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università IULM, Milano
Leopoldo Gamberale, Direttore del Dipartimento di Studi greco-latini, italiani, scenico-musicali di
Sapienza Università di Roma
Leonidas Markides, Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Cipro presso lo Stato Italiano
Michalis Cambanis, Ambasciatore della Repubblica Ellenica presso lo Stato Italiano
Alfredo Bastianelli, Ambasciatore d’Italia presso la Repubblica di Cipro
Giovanna Rocca, Università IULM, Milano Anna Sacconi, Sapienza Università di Roma Session I
12h00-12h20 Vassos Karageorghis (University of Cyprus) Cyprus at the Close of the Late Bronze Age 12h20-12h40 Jacqueline Karageorghis (University of Cyprus) The Development of the Cult of Aphrodite in Cyprus 12h40-13h00 Anna Sacconi (Sapienza Università di Roma) Session II
15h00-15h20 Lindy Crewe (University of Manchester) Regional and Islandwide Connections with the Eastern Mediterranean During Late Cypriot I 15h20-15h40 Nicolle Hirschfeld (Trinity University - San Antonio, Texas) Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Overseas Trade 15h40-16h00 Marguerite Yon (Maison de l’Orient - Université de Lyon) Cyprus and North Levant: the Written Evidence and the Archaeological Record Session III
16h20-16h40 Lina Kassianidou (University of Cyprus) The Role of Cyprus in the Trade of Metals in the Mediterranean During the Late Bronze Age 16h40-17h00 Fulvia Lo Schiavo (Soprintendenza Archeologica della Sardegna) - Franco Campus Metals and Beyond: Cyprus and Sardinia in the Bronze Age Mediterranean Network 17h00-17h20 Antoine Hermary (Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille) Religion et cultes à Amathonte dans l’Antiquité 17h20-17h40 George Papasavvas (University of Cyprus) Metalworking in Late Bronze Age Cyprus 17h40-18h00 Giampaolo Graziadio (Università degli Studi di Pisa) - Elisabetta Pezzi (Università degli Studi di Pisa) Some Considerations on the Function of the Mycenaean Pottery Found in the vendredi 19 octobre 2012
(Aula 401, IULM, via Carlo Bo 1, Milano)
Session IV
Hartmut Matthäus (Universität Erlangen) Social and Ethnic Change in Cyprus During the 11th Century B.C. - New Evidence from Kourion, Kaloriziki,Tomb 40. Christian Vonhoff (Universität Erlangen) Tombs and Burial Gifts as Indicators for Autochthonous Traditions and External Cultural Influences 9h40-10h00 Georgios Bourogiannis (The British Museum, London) The Sanctuary of Ajia Irini in Cyprus: Looking Beyond the Figurines 10h00-10h20 Christina Ioannou (University of Cyprus) Le rôle des Phéniciens à Chypre selon les inscriptions phéniciennes trouvées dans l’île durant l’époque archaïque. 10h20-10h40 Alessandro Greco (Sapienza Università di Roma) Cyprus and the « Anatolian » Mycenaeans 10h40-11h00 Giulio Facchetti (Università dell’Insubria, Varese) - Mario Negri (Università IULM, Milano) - Erika Notti (Università IULM, Milano) Epigraphy and Linguistic History of Cyprus: Status and Perspectives Session V
11h20-12h30 Discussion générale 12h30-13h00 Louis Godart (Segretariato Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica) APRÈS-MIDI LIBRE

À 16h00 est prévue une visite du Cénacle de Léonard de Vinci pour les orateurs qui le désirent.
Comité Scientifique
Louis Godart Vassos Karageorghis Mario Negri Anna Sacconi
Comité Organisateur
Mario Negri (Università IULM Milano;
Anna Sacconi (Sapienza Università di Roma; e-mail:

Erika Notti
Università IULM Milano
Tel. +39 02 89141 2238; Fax: +39 02 89 141 2641
Parallèlement au Colloque est organisée au Palais du Quirinal à l’occasion de la Présidence chypriote de l’Union
Européenne une exposition intitulée “Chypre île d’Aphrodite” qui sera ouverte du 17 octobre 2012 au 7 janvier 2013.



Copyright © Gerd de Ley & David Potter 1999No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nortranslated into a machine language, without the writtenDefinitions belonged to the definer - not the defined. Everything has to be defined. Yet how can you define anything- the art of getting credit for all the home runs- a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the- the t

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology© 2010 American Psychological AssociationFalse Fame Prevented: Avoiding Fluency Effects Without Judgmental CorrectionThree studies show a way to prevent fluency effects independently of judgmental correction strategies byidentifying and procedurally blocking the sources of fluency variations, which are assumed to beembodied in nature. For verbal stim

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