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Bupropion SR 150 Fact Sheet

Start taking this medication 7 days prior to your quit date.

Before Using Bupropion SR 150
Tel your doctor about medical conditions including if you: • Currently use a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. • Currently use bupropion in any other form. How to Use Bupropion SR 150
• For the first 3 days, take one pil each morning. • Starting on day 4, take one pil in the morning; after at least 8 hours go by, take a second pil in the late afternoon. Do this each day from day 4 to day 63. Important Information
• If you forget to take a pil , do not take 2 pil s to “make up” for missing a dose. • Do not take more than two pil s in less than 8 hours. Be sure to wait at least 8 hours after your first pil (your morning pil ) before taking your second pil . • Do not use alcohol or other sedatives excessively. Medication Storage
• Store away from heat, direct light and moisture
Possible Side Effects While Using this Medication
Cal your doctor right away if you notice this side effect:
• If you are experiencing an al ergic reaction with symptoms of skin rash, hives, chest pain, swel ing, or If you notice these less serious side effects, talk with your doctor:
• Trouble sleeping (avoid taking your medicine too close to bedtime) If you notice other side effects that you think are caused by this medicine, tell your doctor.
The FDA on July 1, 2009 added a warning to use caution prescribing bupropion for patients with pre-existing psychiatric conditions. If you experience any new or different psychological symptoms, please stop the medication and contact your doctor. YOU ARE URGED TO NOTIFY YOUR PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN REGARDING STARTING THIS NEW

The information presented is intended for general information and educational purposes. It is not intended to replace
the advice of your health care provider. Contact your health care provider if you believe you have a health problem.


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