1. Eat and take regular medication before you arrive. 2. Always bring a driver. Notify us when you come in for your procedure if you do not 3. Shower or bathe especial y the general area of the body where you wil be receiving 4. Always take a pain pil either prescribed by physician or over the counter before 5. STOP taking any blood thinners 5 days before your visit, unless advised otherwise by your physician. (Plavix, Coumadin, Aspirin, etc.) 6. If needed PLEASE cal and cancel or reschedule your appointment. 7. If any changes occur in your insurance, phone number, or address please advise the 8. Cancel if you are il or are recovering from any il ness. If you are taking ANTIBIOTICS please inform our office because you may have to be rescheduled. 10. After injection you must wait 15 - 20 minutes in the recovery room, then you will be given your discharge instructions and your pain log. 11. Due to some circumstances your waiting time will vary. We are doing our best! 12. After your injection you may be sore when the numbing wears off. Apply ice every 2 hours for 10 minutes for the next 24 hours. On the second day you can use heat. You can take your regular pain pil or Tylenol. 13. Rest or do light duties for the rest of the day if possible, then you may resume 14. Sometimes you may feel dizzy after the injection, ride home with car seat in reclined position, this wil help minimize your dizziness. Official y known as anti-coagulants, blood thinners are medications used to prevent blood clots. They are usual y prescribed for patients that have had a heart attack or stroke to prevent more clots from forming. Using blood thinners can also treat blood clots that are already present. They are also Some examples of medications used to thin the blood are Coumadin, Other medications may be prescribed for a different purpose, but they might have the side effect of thinning the blood. Some examples of this would be Remember, some herbal medications may also have this effect. If you’re unsure if any of your medications may thin the blood, ask the doctor or check with you pharmacist. Why do you need to stop your blood thinners five days before you have a If you do not stop your blood thinners before you get the procedure done it could cause bleeding complications during the procedure. Examples of medications used for pain that are okay to take include: Tylenol, Vicodin, Loritab, Tiamadol, Kadian, and Valium. **If you forget to stop your blood thinners five days before your procedure date you must notify someone MEDICATIONS THAT MAY CAUSE INCREASED BLEEDING
Aleve (Naprosyn, Naproxen Sodium)
Arthrotec Voltaren (Diclofenac)
Aspirin- Ecotrin
Coumadin (Warfarin)
Indocin (Indomethacin)
Mobic ( Meloxicam)
Motrin, Advil (Ibuprofen)
Pletal (Cilostazol)
Relafen (Etodolac, Habumetone)
Vitamin A, E, B12, Gingko, Biloba, Ginseng, Feverfew, large doses of garlic, garlic and cayenne pepper.
Duragesic patch (fentanyl)
Lidoderm patches
Lortab, Lorcet

Oxymorphone (Opana)
Percocet, Darvocet, Darvon


Blood pressure medications, inhalers, stomach medications, & sleep medications are OK!
Antibiotics: please call our office if you are taking



Psychological Medicine , 2001, 31 , 1331–1345. DOI : 10.1017\S0033291701004664 Printed in the United KingdomThe neuroendocrinology of chronic fatigue syndrome andA. J. R. P A R K E R , S. W E S S E L Y  A. J. CLEARE" From the Department of Psychological Medicine , Guy ’ s , King ’ s and St Thomas ’ School of Medicine and the Institute of Psychiatry , London ABSTR

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