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Clinically Relevant Toxicology and Patient
n Valerie Q. Wren, O.D. Manycommonsystemicmedi- Oneofthemostimportantaspectsof
the patient intake is obtaining a thorough
sues and visual function. Adverse effects
Abstract Many systemic drugs have reported ocu-
tions. The optometrist is in the ideal posi-
treatment. Some drugs have a greater pro-
lar and visual side effects that impact pa-tient management. It is important to be
occurrences. In order to appropriately ed-
drug is used. Others tend to affect the eyes
familiar with the associated side effects
ucate patients, prevent and minimize seri-
more if used in higher dosages. In general,
which can be mild and transient or may
it is a good idea to identify the condition
deals briefly with the mechanisms and
temic drugs. While this is true for all op-
tiple approved and off-label uses. For in-
reasons that account for the effects that
tometrists, it is particularly important for
systemic drugs can exert on the visual sys-
those with special interest and expertise in
hypertension, arrhythmia, angina, and mi-
the diagnosis and treatment of functional
cover major drug classes and serve as aguide to familiarize clinicians with impor-
practitioners are most apt to treat patients
tant ocular and visual implications.
side effects, advising patients, plus collab-
Key Words Melanin binding, photosensitizer, sys-temic drugs, ocular toxicity, ocular and
prescribed for patients. Another is being
able to correlate a particular side effect
ministration). It can be a formidable task
with a suspected drug. It is the vision care
practitioner’s responsibility for eye care
well as those already on the market. There
practitioners to maintain current pharma-
cologic knowledge. This article will deal
in terms of their ability to affect the eye.
can affect the eyes. The remainder of the
serve as a guide to familiarize clinicians
prescribed drugs in each class, while Ap-
pendix B can serve as a clinically relevant
summary of the ocular and visual side ef-
molecules has been postulated as a precur-
(IgA).5 This causes a reduction in tear se-
sor to ocular toxicity.2 It is possible that
cretion, and patients complain of ocular ir-
The total area of the globe is relatively
from the free-radical nature of melanin in
small compared to the rest of the body.
structures such as the uveal tract and the
clude artificial tear supplementation and
treat another part of the body, the eyes fre-
refitting the patient with lower water con-
cule enters the systemic circulation, it can
a high affinity to melanin and tend to af-
reach ocular tissues through uveal or reti-
intraocular pressure (IOP) by blocking the
fect ocular tissues. Drugs binding to mel-
nal circulations.2 The choroid, sclera and
ciliary body have thin, fenestrated walls
adjacent, non-pigmented ocular tissues by
the ciliary body. Topical B2 blockers pro-
duce little additional IOP reduction with
sues. The melanin theory is still being de-
into avascular structures such as the lens,
c o n c o m i t a n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f a
bated, and is not completely explained.
At the ocular level, the ability of a drug
to penetrate the major barriers determines
its likelihood to affect ocular tissues and
drug directly correlates with toxicity. In
visual function. The first barricade is the
duced, appearing within normal limits.
blood-brain barrier where tight junctions
Patients should continue taking their med-
ication, and the clinician should contact
cells in the retinal blood vessels prevent
late to toxic levels.3 Also, toxic metabo-
includes changing the dosage or the medi-
lites formed elsewhere like the liver, can
reach the eye through systemic circulation
whose fenestrations sort by molecular size
or can be produced locally in ocular tis-
and lipid solubility. The blood-retinal bar-
(ACE) inhibitors and alpha adrenergic an-
tagonists. These rarely cause ocular side
the zonular occludens of the retinal pig-
ters most ultra-violet ( UV) radiation, so
there is minimal risk of UV affecting the
treat congestive heart failure. Hydrochlo-
the uveal circulation exit the eye from the
tially bind.1 UV radiation does affect an-
tures. Drugs from the retinal circulation
can reenter the systemic circulation, dif-
structures, or get actively transported out. Antiarrhythmics
the eye, contact various ocular tissues, and
potentially affect the retina in aphakic and
eventually accumulate in ocular tissues or
exit the eye. There are three major accu-
mulation sites including the cornea, lens
lens barrier. Well-known photosensitizers
and vitreous. The duration of drug in the
eye is prolonged if deposited, increasing
tendency towards lipid storage in the cor-
tion is used when standard digitalis ther-
can also bind to lens protein, and photo-
“heart problem,” it is important to deter-
sensitize the lens to ultraviolet (UV) radi-
corneal deposits in as early as six days of
mine the particular condition(s) for which
they are being treated, e.g, hypertension,
accumulate in the vitreous due to the slow
congestive heart failure, angina, arrhyth-
appear whorl-like because epithelial cells
migrate centripetally from the limbus. Antihyperlipidemics
ten treated with antihyperlipidemic drugs.
they experience TIAs due to the increased
son-Stahle lines should be ruled out.
posterior subcapsular lens changes since it
frequently start estrogen replacement.
is a photosensitizing agent. As a preven-
Similar to oral contraception, steepening
of corneal curvature and contact lens in-
cebo groups.8 Niacin (B3) is another drug
is not usually affected, but can be mildly
that lowers triglycerides and low-density
include glare, halos, and foggy vision.
rience dry eye and several cases of cystoid
drug, where toxicity increases with higher
dition, symptoms of lid edema and blurred
doses and longer therapy. Fortunately, the
side effects usually regress as amiodarone
scribed class of medication in the world.
cases of optic neuropathy with vision loss
In general, visual acuity may be inexplica-
as well as reports of pseudotumor cerebri,
glyburides are used to treat diabetes.3 For
some patients, subcutaneous insulin treat-
ment is necessary. Side effects from these
drugs are rare and it may be difficult to dif-
test should be performed, and consultation
is recommended with the patient’s inter-
a g e s c h i z o p h r e n i a . T h i o r i d a z i n e
nist or cardiologist to consider alternative
(Mellaril) has almost completely replaced
previous chlorpromazine (Thorazine) use. HORMONES
diac arrhythmia is digitalis (Digoxin).
ties causing blurred vision, decreased ac-
11-25% of patients using this drug experi-
prescribed for replacement therapy. In pa-
in color vision, visual sensation, or flick-
retrobulbar optic neuritis toxicity.5 Later,
found in the retina and choroid. Thus, the
tions with the use of this drug.10 Other side
retina instead of the optic nerve is thought
e ff e c t s a r e e y e l i d h y p e r e m i a a n d
to be the site of digitalis toxicity. In partic-
longed periods have a higher incidence of
ular, cone dysfunction is caused by inhibi-
irreversible corneal and lenticular depos-
The patient’s internist or endocrinologist
its.8 Pigment deposits can occur on areas
ATPase, which plays a vital role in main-
of the bulbar conjunctiva that are exposed
balancing adequate T-level control and re-
and these patients should simply be moni-
effect is reduction of IOP in glaucomatous
tored on a yearly basis. More importantly,
lens intolerance from reduced tear secre-
g l y c o s i d e s l i k e D i g o x i n i n h i b i t
tion. The exact cause has not been proven,
ported in higher doses.6 This can lead to
the corneal curvature, corneal edema from
sponsible for the active transport of so-
some of these changes may be reversible if
dium, necessary for aqueous secretion.
Thus, its inhibition leads to reduced aque-
ous secretion and IOP. Along with the oc-
tions like artery and venous occlusions re-
bipolar affective disorders, e.g., manic de-
ported in the past. These may be related to
systemic side effects associated with this
drug precluding its use in glaucoma treat-
the drug is stopped.2 Blurred vision some-
s i d e e ff e c t s i n c l u d e m i g r a i n e s ,
times occurs due to cortical involvement.
diplopia, keratitis sicca and contact lens
scribed for gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
Aside from irritation of the gastric lining,
should not be used in patients with trau-
extreme tension. Ocular side effects like
are sometimes used to treat migraines.
of rebleed. In contrast to blood thinners, it
rare and reversible.10 Mydriasis can result
(Imitrex) is a serotonin receptor antago-
panretinal hemes in diabetics.4 It should
conjunctivitis may onset after 30 minutes
nist. Not many side effects have been re-
due to antigenic factors in this drug class. Antidepressant ANTIINFLAMMATORIES
porting of side effects may not be current
“dirty” drugs in that they produce many
or accessible. Thus, it is best to take a
anticholinergic side effects. Symptoms of
careful history and monitor any changes.
blurred vision, cycloplegia and dry eye are
are very effective for acute disease states
tors. It is important to correlate the pa-
from steroid use are well known and occur
tient’s medication with the time frame of
peptic ulcer and gastritis.3,10 Cimetidine
with topical, systemic, and nasal adminis-
of crystalline lens fibers causing protein
blurred vision, photophobia, conjunctivi-
subcapsular lens opacity is the most fre-
systemic side effects are the selective se-
tis and color change.4 However, these side
quent and critical side effect, especially in
r o t o n i n r e - u p t a k e i n h i b i t o r s l i k e
effects are usually rare and reversible.
children since it is irreversible and ambly-
fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft),
each patient, regardless of duration or dos-
(Celexa).11 These do not have any signifi-
should be informed to weigh the risk ver-
sus benefit of steroid treatment. Another
significant side effect from steroid use is
their blood thinning effect.4 This is a par-
keted heavily and can be easily purchased.
ticular concern in patients with diabetic
retinopathy or age-related macular degen-
eration. It is important to closely follow
diabetic patients for proliferative retinal
t r e a t m e n t . E x c e s s i v e a m o u n t s o f
for chronic epilepsy but for pain as well.
ous outflow by hydrating the trabeculum.
(Tegretol) are very commonly prescribed.
This results in resistance to aqueous out-
before ocular surgery in diabetic and hy-
lowering drugs, as well as changing or ta-
CNS Stimulant
pertensive patients. This may not be nec-
pering the steroid medication. Other side
effects include iris microcysts, exacerba-
cortical stimulant with CNS actions simi-
tion of herpetic keratitis, papilledema, and
agonists. In adults, this drug stimulates
therapeutic uses. Not only is it effective
for pain and fever reduction, but aspirin
has a paradoxical effect on children, and is
also works well as a platelet inhibitor.
sociated with nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
frequently used to calm children with At-
This anticoagulant property is helpful in
sion, refractive changes, diplopia, color
use, permanent vision and visual field loss
such as sedatives, sleep aids, cold prepara-
have been reported.4 The patient’s inter-
tions, antidiarrheals and nasal deconges-
bacteriostatic drug against gram-positive
nist should be notified, and a neurological
secretions in a dose-dependent manner.
s u a l f i e l d c h a n g e s . I n d o m e t h a c i n
Ocular effects include dry eye, mydriasis
(Indocin) is a prescription medication that
occur in the palpebral conjunctiva. Tetra-
plain of light sensitivity, and RPE or reti-
patches contain an antiemetic used to pre-
improve with discontinuation of the drug.
tween 12 hours and four days after begin-
dispensed on cruise lines. Passengers may
directly contaminate their eyes after ap-
ported side effects include transient myo-
to anisocoria or mydriasis. Practitioners
can easily rule out any neurological asso-
there is no extraocular palsy and the di-
cornea and lens by circulation through the
aqueous in the anterior chamber. This can
lead to numerous, minute colored deposits
6 . 0 - 6 . 5 m g / k g / d a y f o r h y d r o x y -
vary from yellow-brown to violet or red.
medication is a Vitamin A analog and fre-
These deposits are benign, so there is no
chloroquine. The risk of irreversible reti-
need to discontinue or reduce the dosage.
nal damage is dose-dependent. The likeli-
If the patient stops taking this medication,
the deposits usually disappear in three to
This bull’s-eye maculopathy starts as fine
ciency of the normal lipid layer in the tear
tors, Celebrex and Vioxx, to treat rheuma-
area, with or without the loss of the foveal
film. Along with artificial tears, treatment
reflex. The end result can range from re-
includes decreasing the dosage or discon-
duced vision to possible blindness. Differ-
chronic users as compared to NSAIDs.
Ocular side effects are rare. Only blurred
hold the drug for a prolonged period after
to the melanin binding theory. This leads
alleviates allergic conditions of rhinitis,
dermopathies, urticaria, and systemic al-
isms. Conjunctivitis and optic neuritis are
rare, but myopic shifts commonly occur.
of dose reduction or cessation. The mech-
corneal epithelium can occur from revers-
causes contact lens intolerance.11 Antihis-
ible binding of the drug to intracellular
anticholinergic effects where the ciliary
tamines have weak atropine action, acting
nucleoproteins in the corneal epithelium.7
as cholinergic antagonists. This can cause
tic nerve pallor, cycloplegia and ptosis can
lens. A major hypersensitivity reaction to
formed before the patient starts treatment. Amsler grid to detect paracentral
scotomas, color vision, contrast sensitiv-
they are particularly important for those
ity and central red-white visual field can
who are increasingly called upon to diag-
be used to follow the patient for changes.7
nose and treat the functional visual prob-
1. Jaanus SD, Bartlett JD, Hiett, JA. Ocular effects
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history. The ocular and visual side effects
from a patient’s systemic medication can
range from mild to severe. These side ef-
fects may or may not be serious enough to
nition of ocular and visual side effects is
vent and minimize serious complications.
routinely paying attention to concomitantmedications. While these considerationsshould be in the minds of all optometrists,
Appendix A. Common Systemic Medications and Uses ANTI-HYPERTENSIVES THYROID HORMONE ANTI-COAGULANTS Ace inhibitor Coumadin derived ESTROGEN HORMONE Alpha agonist Platelet inhibitor ANTI-PSYCHOTICS Phenothiazines ANALGESICS Bblockers Manic Depressives CORTICOSTEROIDS Systemic Inhalers Thiazides/Diuretics ANTI-ANXIETY ANTI-ANGINAL Antiarrhythmia Ca++Channel Blocker ARTHRITIS ANTI-DEPRESSANTS Vasodilators Heterocyclics Nitroglycerin Tricyclics CHF / ARRHYTHMIA Cardiac Glycosides ANTI-CHOLINERGIC CHOLESTEROL Serotonin inhibitor DERMATOLOGICS BARBITURATES ANTI-TUBERCULAR DIABETES Sulfonylureas ANTI-CONVULSANTS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CNS STIMULANT ANTI-MIGRAINE Serotonin agonist ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES ANTI-ULCER
Appendix B. Summary of the Ocular and Visual Side Effects of Drugs
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