Auszug vom 4th world congress for neurorehabilitation in hong kong, vom 12-16

Auszug vom 4th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation in Hong
Kong vom 12-16. February 2006 zum Tourette Syndrom

P1-024 The Use of Levetiracetam to Treat Tics in Children and
Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome
Y. M. Awaad
Oakwood Healthcare System, USA
Some drugs currently used to treat tics have drawbacks,
including the risk of side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. Therapeutic
options with better safety profiles are needed. Levetiracetam is an
antiepileptic drug with atypical GABAergic effects that might be beneficial for
this indication. To evaluate the effects of levetiracetam on motor and vocal
tics, behavior, and school performance in children and adolescents with tics
and Tourette syndrome.
Methods: 60 patients, age ≤18 years, with tics and Tourette syndrome were
enrolled in this prospective, open-label study. The initial starting dose of
levetiracetam was 250 mg/d. The dosage was titrated over 3 weeks to 1000
to 2000 mg/d. Clinical outcomes were assessed with the Clinical Global
Impression Scale, Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, and Revised Conners’
Parent Rating Scale. Behavior and school performance were also recorded.
Results: All 60 patients showed improvements based on all of the scales
used and 43 patients improved with regard to behavior and school
performance. Levetiracetam was generally well tolerated. Three patients
discontinued because of exaggeration of preexisting behavioral problems.
Conclusion: Levetiracetam may be useful in treating tics in children and
adolescents. Given its established safety profile, levetiracetam is a candidate
for additional evaluation.
P1-025 Long-term Follow-up use of Levetiracetam
to Treat Tics in Children
Y. M. Awaad
Oakwood Healthcare System, USA
Some drugs currently used to treat tics have drawbacks,
including the risk of side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. Therapeutic
options with better safety profiles are needed. Levetiracetam is an
antiepileptic drug with atypical GABAergic effects that has been beneficial for
this indication.
Methods: 70 patients, age ≤18 years, with tics and Tourette syndrome were
enrolled in this prospective, open-label study. The initial starting dose of
levetiracetam was 250 mg/d. The dosage was titrated over 3 weeks to 1000
to 2000 mg/d. Clinical outcomes were assessed with the Clinical Global
Impression Scale, Yale Global Tic Severity Scale, and Revised Conners’
Parent Rating Scale. Behavior and school performance were also recorded.
Patients have been observed every 3 months over 4 years.

All 70 patients showed improvements based on all of the scales
used and 49 patients improved with regard to behavior and school
performance, and still using levetiracetam as the only medication for their
condition. Levetiracetam was generally well tolerated. Three patients
discontinued because of exaggeration of preexisting behavioral problems.
Two patients dropped their follow-up because they moved out of the state.
Conclusion: Levetiracetam may be useful in treating tics in children and
adolescents. Given its established safety profile, levetiracetam is a candidate
for additional evaluation.
Ergänzung durch das NTS (Netzwerk Tourette Syndrom) Quelle:
Levetiracetam (Handelsname Keppra) ist ein UCB
in Deutschland auf den Markt gekommen ist.
Es wird nicht in der und kaum an Plasma-Eiweiß gebunden. Die Zulassung ist zunächst noch auf fokale Anfälle mit und ohne Generalisierung für Patienten ab 4 Jahren zur Zusatzbehandlung beschränkt gewesen. Durch Hinweise, dass es auch bei primär generalisierten Anfällen wirksam ist, wurde im Jahr 2006 eine großangelegte Studie von UCB Pharma gestartet. Durch die Erge seit dem dritten Quartal 2006 unter Beschränkungen in Deutschland zulässig. Durch den fehlenden Lebermetabolismus kann die Substanz mit allen anderen Antiepileptika kombiniert werden, ohne dass diese sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Die Substanz kann schnell eindosiert werden. Empfohlene Dosis 1000 - 3000 mg/d auf zwei Dosen verteilt. Die niedrigste Startdosis ist 1000 mg. Nebenwirkungen ]
Der Wirkstoff Levetiracetam zeichnet sich durch hohe Verträglichkeit und kaum bekannte Nebenwirkungen aus. Während andere Antiepileptika als einschläfernd und bewusstseinseinschränkend gelten, wirkt Levetiracetam sogar noch bewusstseinssteigernd. , die sehr häufig (>10%) beobachtet wurden sind: • (Schläfrigkeit) und • (Schwächegefühl).


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