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Rx for success - benign prostatic hypertrohpy (bph) and prostatitis(095)
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) Rx FOR SUCCESS and Prostatitis
The prostate is a solid gland that surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder in males. BPH is a benign overgrowth of the prostate. The cause is unknown but may involve alterations in hormonal balance associated with aging. BPH is commonly seen in men over 50 years old.
When the prostate enlarges, it can constrict the neck of the bladder and cause variable degrees of bladder outlet obstruction. Symptoms include progressive urinary frequency, urgency (the need to urinate immediately), and nocturia (excessive urination during the night) due to incomplete emptying of the bladder. On rectal examination, the prostate is felt as enlarged with a rubbery consistency. BPH with bladder outlet obstruction is generally suspected on the basis of the symptoms and signs.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is moderately elevated in 30 to 50% of patients with BPH, depending on the prostate size and degree of obstruction. PSA is also elevated with prostate cancer, which must be ruled out before the diagnosis of BPH can be made. (See Rx048 on PSA and Rx015 on Prostate Cancer.)
Treatment of BPH includes catheter drainage of the bladder, medication to reduce the size of the prostate (Proscar, for example), or a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), for which prognosis is excellent. Other medications used to treat the symptoms of BPH include Hytrin, Cardura, Flomax, and saw palmetto. Several other limited surgical treatments, besides TURP, are being studied and offered to men today.
Acute prostatitis is short-term inflammation of the prostate. It is common and usually caused by non-specific organisms. It is treated with antibiotics. Chronic prostatitis is of longer duration and may be infectious. However, the cause is usually unknown. UNDERWRITING CONSIDERATIONS
BPH, either present or a history of treatment with surgery and without any other significant
urinary impairment and cancer ruled out, will not be rated.
Prostatitis, acute or chronic, without any other significant urinary impairment and cancer ruled
To get an idea of how a client with a history of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostatitis would be viewed in the underwriting process, use the Ask “Rx”pert Underwriter on the next page for an informal quote.
This material is designed to provide general information about the subject matter covered. It should be used with the understanding that we are not rendering legal, accounting, or tax advice. Such services should be provided by the client’s
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Not a Deposit of or Guaranteed by Any Bank or Bank Affiliate.
This material is intended for insurance informational purposes only and is not personal medical advice for clients. Rates and availability will vary based on the satisfaction of our underwriting criteria. Underwriting rules are subject to change at our discretion. This marketing material is subject to an expiration date, and use of this material must be discontinued as of the expiration date.
Insurance issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America and its affiliates, Newark, NJ. NOT FOR CONSUMER USE. 2012 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities. 0192110-00002-00 Ed. 12/2012 Exp. 12/07/2014 Rx 095 Rx FOR SUCCESS BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (BPH) AND PROSTATITIS Ask “Rx”pert Underwriter (Ask Our Expert)
After reading the Rx for Success on Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostatitis, use this form to Ask “Rx”pert Underwriter for an informal quote.
Producer _________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Fax ___________________________
Client _________________________________________ Age/DOB ______________________________ Sex __________________________
If your client is known to have a history of BPH, please answer the following:
1. If any of the following have been done, please give details and result(s).
Bladder catheterization _________________________________________________________________________________________
Prostate biopsy _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Prostate ultrasound _____________________________________________________________________________________________
TURP (Transurethral prostatectomy) _______________________________________________________________________________
2. When was the diagnosis made?
3. Please give result and date of most recent PSA Test.
4. Is your client on any medications?
Yes. Please give details. __________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Has your client smoked cigarettes in the last 12 months? 6. Has an angiogram, echocardiogram, stress test, or heart scan been done?
Yes. Please provide a copy. ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. Does your client have any other major health problems (e.g., stroke, etc.)?
Yes. Please give details. ________________________________________________________________________________________
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