Drug-induced syndrome of inappropriateantidiuretic hormone
a low plasma osmolality, elevated urine osmolality (>100
mmol/L, is the most common electrolyte disturbance among
mOsm/kg, usually >300 mOsm/kg), a urine sodium concentra-
hospitalized patients.1,2 A complication of a variety of diseases,
tion above 40 mEq/L, and low blood urea nitrogen and serum
surgical treatments, or drugs, it may be hypertonic, hypotonic,
uric acid concentration. Plasma creatinine, acid-base, and potas-
sium balance, as well as adrenal and thyroid function, are all typ-
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is also known as arginine vaso-
pressin (AVP). Produced in the posterior pituitary gland in
In most cases of drug-induced SIADH, patients have mild,
response to an increased plasma sodium concentration, it
asymptomatic hyponatremia that remains undetected. Others
induces water retention. It increases cellular permeability to
will fully recover once diagnosed. However, at least 6 deaths
water in the distal tubule and collecting duct of the nephron,
related to hyponatremia induced by ecstasy (methylene-
leading to increased water resorption by the kidney.3,4
dioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA) have been reported. Mor-
The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secre-
tality has also been associated with cyclophosphamide- and car-
tion (SIADH) is characterized by either the sustained release of
ADH in the absence of stimuli, or by the enhanced action ofADH on the kidneys.5 Increased ADH activity impairs the kid-
Drugs that can cause SIADH
ney’s ability to dilute urine, resulting in decreased excretion of
While a large number of drugs may be associated with SIADH,
ingested water and a highly concentrated and decreased volume
most suspected cases are not drug-related. The selective serotonin
of urine.3,4 If fluid intake is not sufficiently reduced in the setting
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), various chemotherapeutic agents
of increased ADH activity, serum hypotonicity and hypona-
(e.g., cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, vincristine, vinblastine),
tremia will occur. Patients with SIADH will present with normal
chlorpropamide, carbamazepine, MDMA, tricyclic antidepres-
volume status (euvolemic) because the excess water distributes
sants, and antipsychotics appear to be most strongly associated
evenly throughout the body’s fluid compartments.4 Causes of
with SIADH.3,4,6 The incidence of drug-induced SIADH with car-
SIADH include malignant diseases (e.g., carcinoma, lymphomas,
sarcomas), pulmonary disorders (e.g., pneumonia, asthma), cen-
Drug-induced SIADH can occur due to either an increased
tral nervous system disorders (e.g., meningitis, stroke, head
sensitivity to ADH in the nephron (e.g., cyclophosphamide,
chlorpropamide, carbamazepine), or an increase in ADH pro-duction centrally (e.g., vinca alkaloids, cyclophosphamide, car-
Signs and symptoms
bamazepine, antipsychotics, antidepressants).4 A list of drugs that
Clinical manifestations of SIADH relate to the degree of hypo-
may cause SIADH is provided in Table 1. Many of these associa-
tonicity. Signs and symptoms of moderate hyponatremia (serum
tions are based on as little as one case report.4,6-9
sodium concentration 115–120 mEq/L) include anorexia, nau-
A review of spontaneous reports of hyponatremia associated
sea, vomiting, muscle weakness, and cramps. Severe hypona-
with SSRI use found that the median time to onset was 13 days
tremia (<110 mEq/L) may be characterized by gait disturbances,
after initiation of therapy, with a range of 3 to 120 days.4,10 While
falls, stupor, tremors, seizures, and, in rare cases, death.4
the occurrence of hyponatremia with antidepressants appears to
Headache, lethargy, disorientation, restlessness, and obtundation
be highest during the first few weeks of treatment, the time to
are other possible manifestations.2 Patients typically present with
onset with antipsychotics seems to be considerably longer.5 Risk
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TABLE 1 Drugs that may cause SIADH4,6-9 ADH analogues Antineoplastics Cardiovascular agents Psychotropics Analgesics Anticonvulsants Anti-infectives Hypoglycemic agents Antiparkinson agents
factors for SSRI-induced SIADH include advanced age, female
however, the risk of nephrotoxicity and variable efficacy may
gender, concomitant diuretics, hyperkalemia, baseline hypona-
limit its use.1 Urea (30 g po daily) increases urine production by
acting as an osmotic diuretic, but it is generally not well toler-ated.1,7 The crystals may be mixed with 10 mL of Maalox and dis-
solved in 100 mL of water to reduce gastrointestinal upset.7,11 The
The only definitive treatment for drug-induced SIADH is
unpleasant taste can be masked by using juices or carbonated
removal of the offending agent. Most cases resolve promptly
beverages, or by mixing the crystals with jelly or jam.11 Lithium
upon drug discontinuation. Management should be guided by
has also been used with some success, but it is currently not rec-
the severity and duration of hyponatremia and its symptoms.1
ommended due to the potential for adverse events and a lack of
Typically in drug-induced SIADH, the hyponatremia will be
chronic and asymptomatic. In these instances, water should be
With respect to SSRI-induced SIADH, cross-sensitivity
restricted (500–1000 mL/day), and this measure alone may be
among agents has been reported, but published data are scarce.4,12
adequate. It may be necessary to add furosemide to increase the
Caution should be used if any SSRI is to be re-initiated.12 Moni-
excretion of free water and if needed, replace salt and volume by
toring of serum sodium concentrations at baseline and 1 to 2
administering 0.9% sodium chloride intravenously.4 For severely
weeks after initiation of SSRIs may be warranted in individuals
hyponatremic and symptomatic patients, administration of
at risk of SIADH.13 For elderly patients taking an SSRI and pre-
hypertonic saline (3%) may be appropriate. Serum sodium
senting with sudden or unexplained mental status changes (e.g.,
should not increase by more than 1 to 2 mmol/L per hour or 8
delirium, lethargy, confusion) or nausea, measurement of serum
to 10 mmol/L in the first 24 hours, as there is a risk of osmotic
In cases in which removal of the offending agent is not possi-
ble, treatment options include demeclocycline (a tetracycline
Many medications have been associated with SIADH; however,
derivative), oral urea, and lithium. Demeclocycline, currently
the actual incidence of drug-induced SIADH is estimated to be
available through Health Canada’s Special Access Program,
very low.4 Symptoms of SIADH are linked to the degree of
reduces urine osmolality and increases serum sodium levels;
hyponatremia, and most drug-induced cases are mild in nature.1,4
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Removal of the offending agent is the most effective treatment. This article was written by Erika Jones, a phar-
In the case of SSRIs, extreme caution should be used when
O V R D I S macist at The Ottawa Hospital, and reviewed
switching to another agent of that class. Other treatment alter-
by Norma Lynn Pearson and Mirella Giudice
natives include demeclocycline, urea, and lithium. While it is
S R I P O with the Ottawa Valley Regional Drug Infor-
important to be aware of this possible adverse effect, it is proba-
mation Service at The Ottawa Hospital.
bly not necessary to counsel all patients on the risk of SIADH.4
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Virus Encephalitis as a Sequela of the Pneumonias Dr. Fred Klenner suggests that viral encephalitis can follow head and chest colds. Large doses of ascorbic acid administered by means of the needle can play a vital role in restoring the patient’s health. Injected vitamin C, he says, not only destroys the responsible virus but also helps to maintain the integrity of the blood vessels in the brai