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Customs Tariff 12/06/2013 THE SCHEDULE [see section 2(10)]
In the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), in the First Schedule, for the
corresponding entries against “PCT Code”, "Description" and "CD%" specified in
columns (1), (2), (3) and (4) appearing in chapter 1 to 99, the following corresponding
entries relating to “PCT Code”, "Description" and "CD%" specified below shall be
- Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts
- - - Mosquito coils, mats, aerosol sprays
Polymers of styrene, in primary forms.
- Styrene- acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers
- Acrylonitrile- butadiene- styrene (ABS)
- - Of a density exceeding 0.5 g/cm2 but not exceeding 0.8 g/cm2 :
- - - Not mechanically worked or surface
- - Of a density not exceeding 0.5 g/cm2
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
- - - Milk chillers above 3000 litre capacity
- - - Refrigerating machines with engine
fitted on a common base for refrigerator
- - Telephones for cellular networks or for
- - - Satellite mobile phone, whether or not
- - - Of machines of heading 8543.1000 &
Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars.
- Vehicles specially designed for traveling
on snow, golf cars and similar vehicles.
internal combustion reciprocating piston
- - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding
- - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form
manufacture of mini van type vehicles, in
manufacture of auto rickshaws, in any kit
- - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 800cc
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form
excluding those of heading 8703.2193 and
manufacture of 4x4 vehicles, in any kit form
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form
- - - Of a capacity exceeding 1,500cc but
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
- - - Other, of a capacity exceeding 1,800cc
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form
manufacture of sport utility vehicles 4X4, in
- - - - Sport utility vehicles (SUVs 4x4)
- Other vehicles, with compression- ignition
internal combustion piston engine (diesel or
- - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding
1,500cc:- - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding
- - - Of a capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but
- - - Other, of a capacity exceeding 1,800
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form
manufacture of sport utility vehicles, in
- - - - Sport utility vehicles (SUVs 4x4)
manufacture of all terrain vehicles (4x4), in
- - - -Specially designed twin cabin type taxi
in CBU, build on girder chassis with the
(1) Attack resistance central division along
assembly/ manufacture of vehicles, in any
manufacture of electric vehicles, in any kit
manufacture of mini cargo van, in any kit
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
manufacture of 3-wheeler cargo loader, in
manufacture of vehicles, in any kit form,
manufacture of electric bikes, in any kit
Machinery, equipment, apparatus, appliances,
components, sub-components and parts, not
produced or manufactured in Pakistan, which
are re- imported by industrial concerns after
having been exported and have not undergone
any process outside Pakistan since their
components, sub- components and parts have
addition or repairs prior to their re-import into
Pakistan, the cost incurred on such alterations,
renovations, addition or repairs ( excluding the
element of freight and other incidentals) shal
be liable to duty as leviable under its respective
PCT heading determined at the time of original
import provided the same was or were, as the
case may be, exported, under a contract of
alteration, renovation, addition or repairs, to the
original supplier or his authorized service
centre; provided further that the make, model,
weight and other specifications, as well as the
receiver, shal remain the same as were at the
Endosurgery, Endoscopy, Oncology, Urology,
equipment:- A. ANGIOPLASTY PRODUCTS: 1. Coronary Artery Stents.
2. Drugs Eluting Coronary Artery Stents. Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
6. Inflation Devices/Priority Packs. B. ANGIOGRAPHY PRODUCTS:
6. Mannifolds C. CONTRAST MEDIA FOR ANGIOGRAPHY/ ANGIOLPASTY: 1. Angiography Accessories.
10. PDA Delivery Systems D. TEMPROARY PACEMAKERS (with Leads, Connectors & accessories). E. PERMANENT PACEMAKERS (with Leads, Connectors & accessories) F. HEART FAILURE DEVICES (with Leads, Connectors & accessories) G. IMPLANTABLE CARDIOVERTER DEFIBRILATORS (with Leads, Connectors & accessories) H. CARDIACE ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY PRODUCTS. 1. Electrophysiology catheters
3. Electrophysiology Connectors I. LEAR CARDIOLOGY PRODUCTS 1. Radioactive isotopes
2. Cold Kits (Cardioloite MAA, DTPA, etc)
J CARDICE SURGERY PRODUCTS. 1. Oxygenators Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226 Customs Tariff 12/06/2013
5. Artificial Limbs and Appliances. K. EQUIPMENT 1. Cardiac Angiography Machine
Studies. L. PERIPHERAL INTERVENTIONS EQUIPMENT Disposables and other equipment for peripheral
Stents (including carotid , wall stents and Bio
Re-absorbable Vascular Scaffold), Balloons,
sheaths, catheters, Guide wires, Filter wires,
Coils, Needles, Valves (including rotating
homeostatic valves, connecting cables, inflation
Pak Law Publication Office # 05, Ground Floor, Arshad Mansion, Near Chowk A.G Office, Nabha Road Lahore.Ph. 042-37350473 Cell # 0300-8848226
CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR DRUG DISTRIBUTOR / MANUFACTURER; MEDICAL DEVICE; COSMETIC ESTABLISHMENTS General Requirements: (ALL FORMS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED IN TRIPLICATE) _________ Information as to activity of the establishment _________ Notarized Accomplished Petition Form / Joint Affidavit of Undertaking _________ Photocopy of Business Name Registration with DTI (if single proprietor); with SEC
Government of Samoa MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE IMPORT HEALTH STANDARD FOR Oranges ( Citrus sinensis ) FROM the People’s Republic of China Quarantine Division Ministry of Agriculture IHS for oranges from the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents PART A. INTRODUCTION ENDORSEMENT This Import Health Standard for oranges ( Citrus sinensis )]