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Cost: $175: Payment is due in full by Wednesday, May 23. This covers all meals (except meals
traveling there, and back), transportation, lodging, and events while they are in Dayton.
Leaving on (Junior High - July 7 or Senior High - July 14) Saturday at 5pm from CVMC. Returning Thursday at
8:30 p.m (Junior High - July 12 or Senior High - July 19). We will be attending church Sunday morning. Please
wear clothes appropriate for church Sunday morning.
We will be staying at the Harrison Township Firehouse on Michigan Avenue in the Fort McKinley
neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio.
Emergency contact phone number: 937-667-1069 – Ginghamsburg church office
Pastor Adam Sharp – 574-370-2094
Carter Ammerman – 574-354-7425
Esther Sharp – 574-370-8942
• Safety is our #1 goal • To deepen our love and understanding of Jesus Christ • To develop a life long passion of using our gifts to do God’s work • To bond as brothers and sisters of Christ • To see the world through the eyes of Jesus PACKING LIST:
NO SUITCASES PLEASE! Gear must be packed in a duffle bag or soft bag. Sleeping bags can be bagged or tied separately. A name tag or duct tape should be very visible on each bag. • Spending money, minimal • Bible and a couple pens (you will lose them) • Bottled water and refillable water bottle • Towel, wash cloth and toiletries • Sunglasses and sunscreen, hat if desired • Clothes for evening adventures (see clothing expectations below) • Work clothes and shoes that can get dirty or painted (see clothing expectations below) • Comfortable shoes • Shorts and t-shirts for sleeping (no pajamas) • Pillow and sleeping bag • Optional: Cot or a single air mattress (no double or queen size please) • Flashlight • Medications in their original labeled containers • Optional items: disposable camera, wet wipes, Tylenol, Imodium, sinus medication • Note: We do not carry or dispense any Tylenol or OTC drugs
• Watches and jewelry other than wedding rings for adults
• Electronic devices (NO CD players, Ipods, video games, headphones, cell phones)
• Curling irons and hair dryers
• Perfume or cologne
• Magazines

• Teens can never leave a designated area or travel without an adult • An adult/teen ratio of one to seven will be honored for all traveling and work sights • No complaining or whining • No smoking, adults or teens • No dating or PDA, even hand holding • No phone calls to home or friends • No clothes with alcohol, drug, sexual or questionable logos • No provocative clothing (short shorts, mini skirts, spaghetti strap tops, bare midriffs or open cut sleeveless • Showers are limited to three minutes whether they are hot or cold • Discipline shall include a conference call home to parents. If not resolved the student will be picked up or • Infractions that include a student to be sent home include, but are not limited too; inappropriate sexual behavior, abusive language or attitude, missing in action, smoking or the possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol.


It is estimated that 42,000 people in west virginia have ad in 2005 (wv alzheimer’s association) and that by 2025 there will b

Testing the West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry • The West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry was tested by a small number of physician specialists to see if data could be collected easily in an office setting and if the data we collected were useful. • Data collection in a physician’s office setting took less than ten minutes per patient and was reported to be relativel

Loss of situational awareness

CMPA Good Practices Guide – TEXT CASE AND TRIGGER QUESTIONS TITLE: Loss of situational awareness DOMAIN AND TOPIC: Human factors > Situational awareness KEYWORDS situational awareness, emergency medicine, seizure, medication, infusion pump, CanMEDS Medical Expert, CanMEDS-FM Medical Expert ACTIVITY SUMMARY This text case describes an adverse event ( accident in Québec)

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