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Cost: $175: Payment is due in full by Wednesday, May 23. This covers all meals (except meals traveling there, and back), transportation, lodging, and events while they are in Dayton. DEPARTURE/RETURN: Leaving on (Junior High - July 7 or Senior High - July 14) Saturday at 5pm from CVMC. Returning Thursday at 8:30 p.m (Junior High - July 12 or Senior High - July 19). We will be attending church Sunday morning. Please wear clothes appropriate for church Sunday morning. HOUSING: We will be staying at the Harrison Township Firehouse on Michigan Avenue in the Fort McKinley neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio. CONTACTS: Emergency contact phone number: 937-667-1069 – Ginghamsburg church office Pastor Adam Sharp – 574-370-2094 Carter Ammerman – 574-354-7425 Esther Sharp – 574-370-8942
• Safety is our #1 goal • To deepen our love and understanding of Jesus Christ • To develop a life long passion of using our gifts to do God’s work • To bond as brothers and sisters of Christ • To see the world through the eyes of Jesus
NO SUITCASES PLEASE! Gear must be packed in a duffle bag or soft bag. Sleeping bags can be bagged or tied separately. A name tag or duct tape should be very visible on each bag.
• Spending money, minimal • Bible and a couple pens (you will lose them) • Bottled water and refillable water bottle • Towel, wash cloth and toiletries • Sunglasses and sunscreen, hat if desired • Clothes for evening adventures (see clothing expectations below) • Work clothes and shoes that can get dirty or painted (see clothing expectations below) • Comfortable shoes • Shorts and t-shirts for sleeping (no pajamas) • Pillow and sleeping bag
• Optional: Cot or a single air mattress (no double or queen size please) • Flashlight • Medications in their original labeled containers • Optional items: disposable camera, wet wipes, Tylenol, Imodium, sinus medication • Note: We do not carry or dispense any Tylenol or OTC drugs
• Watches and jewelry other than wedding rings for adults • Electronic devices (NO CD players, Ipods, video games, headphones, cell phones) • Curling irons and hair dryers • Perfume or cologne • Magazines
• Teens can never leave a designated area or travel without an adult • An adult/teen ratio of one to seven will be honored for all traveling and work sights • No complaining or whining • No smoking, adults or teens • No dating or PDA, even hand holding • No phone calls to home or friends • No clothes with alcohol, drug, sexual or questionable logos • No provocative clothing (short shorts, mini skirts, spaghetti strap tops, bare midriffs or open cut sleeveless
• Showers are limited to three minutes whether they are hot or cold • Discipline shall include a conference call home to parents. If not resolved the student will be picked up or
• Infractions that include a student to be sent home include, but are not limited too; inappropriate sexual
behavior, abusive language or attitude, missing in action, smoking or the possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol.
Testing the West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry • The West Virginia Alzheimer’s Disease Registry was tested by a small number of physician specialists to see if data could be collected easily in an office setting and if the data we collected were useful. • Data collection in a physician’s office setting took less than ten minutes per patient and was reported to be relativel
CMPA Good Practices Guide – TEXT CASE AND TRIGGER QUESTIONS TITLE: Loss of situational awareness DOMAIN AND TOPIC: Human factors > Situational awareness KEYWORDS situational awareness, emergency medicine, seizure, medication, infusion pump, CanMEDS Medical Expert, CanMEDS-FM Medical Expert ACTIVITY SUMMARY This text case describes an adverse event ( accident in Québec)