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Breakthrough testing for patients on aspirin therapy for preventing heart

Breakthrough Testing for Patients on Aspirin Therapy for Preventing Heart
A new test has been developed to measure the effectiveness of Aspirin Therapy, based onresearch showing that up to 25% of patients are not experiencing the benefits of taking aspirin ona daily basis. The Aspirin Response Test gives the physician an opportunity to alter treatmentmethods for the patient, resulting in further prevention of heart attacks. Los Angeles (and strokes. But what is not generally known is that up to 25% of patients on aspirin therapy receive little or nobenefit from it. And because aspirin can cause stomach upset, ulcers, and even gastrointestinal bleeding, thisquestion has become a significant medical concern. Now, breakthrough research may have an answer, accordingto Dr. Joseph Sciabbarrasi, an integrative medical doctor practicing in West Los Angeles. "We now have a simpleurine test to determine if aspirin is actually helping prevent blood clots from forming." (ART) measures a substance, thromboxane B2 which is associated with theformation of blood clots. Aspirin is supposed to reduce the formation of this substance in the body. "We knowthat aspirin is working when thromboxane B2 levels are very low," says Dr. Sciabbarrasi. "If they are not, aphysician can look for ways to reduce risk factors such as high cholesterol or blood sugar. It may be necessary tochange the dose of aspirin or consider another medication as well." The test performed by Spectracell Laboratories in Houston, was prompted by research which showed that peoplewho do not respond to aspirin are three times more likely to have a fatal heart attack or stroke.
"It's a new, cutting edge clinical tool to help guide physicians and patients to what is working and what is not,"Sciabbarrasi says. "It individualizes therapy and helps us better treat our patients who take aspirin." "I had a heart attack last April," says Robert, a 52-year-old manager of a car dealership in Los Angeles andplaced on by his cardiologist. He had the ART done in July. Both he and his cardiologist weregrateful. "The aspirin was not protecting me from another clot," he explained. "My cardiologist was surprised andincreased my dose. Thank goodness - the next test was in a good range." For additional information on the Aspirin Response Test, contact Joy Ichikawa or visit About Dr. Sciabbarrasi: Dr. Sciabbarrasi offers cutting edge holistic and integrative medical care in a caring and supportive environment. His practice integrates conventional and complementary therapies including analysis. His goal is to help individuals attain optimal health, often while undergoing conventional care. Dr.
Sciabbarrasi's office is located at 2001 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 208, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
Contact: Joy Ichikawa, Patient Relations Director Integrative Medicine, Joseph Sciabbarrasi, MD 310-268-8466 ### If you have any questions regarding information in these press releases please contact the company listed in the press release. Our complete disclaimer. Contact Information
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