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Sodium Cromoglycate in the Management of Chronic or Recurrent Enterocolitis in Patients With Hirschsprung’s Disease Background/Purpose: Chronic or recurring enterocolitis is a Results: The follow-up of the patients ranges from 8 months
rare but perplexing complication of Hirschsprung’s disease
to 26 months. Three of the 5 patients with chronic enteroco-
affecting especially patients with altered immune defense
litis responded favorably. In these 3 patients the median
such as those with Down’s syndrome. Sodium cromoglycate
number of daily bowel movements decreased from 6 to 3,
(SCG) is a nonabsorbable mast cell stabilizing agent that has
and none experienced bouts of abdominal distension. Diar-
been documented to be effective in the treatment of inflam-
rhea-related soiling decreased also significantly. Two of the 3
matory bowel disease. The authors studied the effect of SCG
patients with recurrent enterocolitis have remained asymp-
in Hirschsprung patients with refractory chronic or recurrent
tomatic, and none has required antibiotics after the onset of
SCG treatment; one patient had an episode of enterocolitisafter 12 months treatment. Two patients with chronic entero-
Methods: Eight patients (4 with Down’s syndrome, 2 with
colitis did not respond to SCG. No side effects of SCG were
other chromosomal aberrations, 2 otherwise healthy; age
range from 4 to 22 years) with chronic (5 patients) or recur-rent (Ͼ6 episodes/year, 3 patients) enterocolitis received 100
Conclusions: This preliminary and nonrandomized study
to 200 mg of SCG 4 times a day depending on the age of the
suggests that SCG is an effective treatment modality for
patient. The chronic diarrhea or recurrent bouts of enteroco-
chronic or recurrent enterocolitis in patients with Hirsch-
litis in the patients were refractory to dietary management
sprung’s disease. Because SCG is not absorbed from the
and enteral antibiotics. Before the treatment all patients had
intestinal tract there are no systemic side effects.
ileocolonoscopy, the results of which showed macroscopic
J Pediatr Surg 36:1032-1035. Copyright 2001 by W.B.
and histological chronic inflammation in all cases. No neu-
ronal abnormalities were detected in biopsy results. None ofthe patients had colonic dilatation or increased anorectal
INDEX WORDS: Hirschsprung’s disease, enterocolitis, so-
resting pressures suggesting outlet obstruction. POSTOPERATIVE ENTEROCOLITIS is the main immune defence associated with abnormal T-lympho-
complication in patients who have undergone sur-
gical repair for Hirschsprung’s disease. The reported
Sodium cromoglycate (SCG) is a nonabsorbable mast
incidences range from 10% to 33%.1-3 Many patients
cell stabilizing agent that has been documented to be
have more than one attack of enterocolitis.4 The fre-
effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel dis-
quency of bouts of enterocolitis tends to decrease with
ease.9 It also has been used in food allergies.10 We aimed
time.5 A small proportion of patients continue to have
to perform an open, nonrandomized study to explore the
persisting symptoms, such as diarrhea and abdominal
possible benefit of SCG in Hirschsprung patients with
distension, or frequently recurring attacks of enterocoli-
refractory chronic or recurrent enterocolitis.
tis. The exact nature of chronic or recurring enterocolitisis poorly understood; outlet obstruction or abnormal
mucosal defence mechanism have been suggested to play
During 1997 and 1998, 8 consecutive patients, with symptoms of
a role in the pathogenesis.6,7 Chronic symptoms are
chronic or frequently relapsing enterocolitis, were enrolled to the
especially common in children with Down’s syndrome,
sodium cromoglycate trial. The age range of the patients was from 4 to22 years. All patients had undergone repair of Hirschsprung’s disease
who, in addition to other malformations, have altered
during the first year of life. The original reconstruction was Duhameloperation in 2 patients and transanal endorectal coloanal anastomosis11in 6 patients.
Five of the patients had symptoms of chronic enterocolitis. Three of
From Children’s Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland.
them had Down’s syndrome and 2 other chromosomal aberrations. All
Address reprint requests to R.J. Rintala, MD, PhD, Professor of
these patients had chronic diarrhea or loose stools (median 6 bowel
Paediatric Surgery, Children’s Hospital, University, P.O. Box 281,
movements per day; range from 4 to 12). Exacerbations of the condi-
tion were common (several times per year) and were characterized by
Copyright 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company
abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting, and poor appetite. The
continuous loose stools caused mild to moderate soiling in 3 of the 5
patients. The dietary management of the patients consisted of a low
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Vol 36, No 7 (July), 2001: pp 1032-1035
residue, lactose-free diet. Enteral antibiotics were used at the time of
undergoing manometry were within the normal range of
exacerbation of symptoms. During the preceding year, 2 of the patients
healthy children and did not differ from the resting
had required hospitalization for exacerbation of symptoms. Three
pressures of patients with Hirschsprung’s disease but
patients (1 with Down’s syndrome and 2 with normal chromosomes)had frequent attacks of enterocolitis (Ͼ6 episodes per year). During
without postoperative enterocolitis.
these bouts the patients had diarrhea, abdominal distension, nausea or
Three of the 5 patients with chronic enterocolitis
vomiting, and poor appetite. Between the episodes of enterocolitis the
responded favorably. The median follow-up period of
patients were continent and had 1 to 3 bowel movements a day. The
these patients is 14 months (range from 8 to 26 months).
enterocolitis episodes were managed with enteral antibiotics and bowel
In these 3 patients the median number of daily bowel
decompression by saline enemas if necessary. All patients requiredhospitalization with intravenous fluid therapy at least once a year
movements decreased from 6 to 3 (range from 1 to 5).
before the onset of SCG treatment. The dietary management of these
The consistency of the stools became more solid, and
patients was similar to those with chronic enterocolitis.
soiling related to loose or diarrheic stools diminished.
All patients had repeated stool cultures, the results of which did not
The effect of SCG became apparent in a few weeks after
show specific infective agents in any case; particularly, Clostridium
the onset of the therapy. During the follow-up, none of
difficile— growth was not isolated in any case. The most commonlyused antibiotics were metronidazole and norfloxacine. Long-term
these 3 patients have required antibiotics for exacerba-
symptom control with this treatment modality was poor in 5 cases and
tion of symptoms. These 3 patients have continued the
SCG therapy throughout the follow-up period. In one of
All patients underwent ileocolonoscopy before the onset of SCG
them the daily dose of SCG was tapered to 200 mg from
therapy. Standard biopsies for H&E staining were taken from the
the original dose of 400 mg per day and in one to 400 mg
terminal ileum, cecum or ascending colon, hepatic flexure, splenicflexure, descending colon, and neorectum. Before SCG treatment, 5
patients had anorectal manometry; the manometric techniques have
Two of the patients with chronic enterocolitis did not
respond to the therapy after a trial of 4 months, and SCG
The SCG treatment was initiated with 100 mg of the drug 4 times a
treatment was discontinued. One of these 2 patients
day enterally. The regimen was continued for 6 weeks, when the
gained benefit from a predominantly intraluminally act-
patients were reassessed. In 2 older patients (ages 10 years and 22years) who did not respond initially, the dose was increased to 200 mg
ing glucocorticoid, budesonide. All the 3 patients with
4 times a day. The following clinical reassessment was performed 4
recurrent enterocolitis responded favorably to SCG treat-
months after the onset of the therapy. In patients who did not benefit
ment. Two patients (follow-up period 8 months and 14
from the therapy, the medication was discontinued. In the responders,
months) have remained completely asymptomatic and
a trial to taper the dose to the minimal effective level was made.
have had no attacks of abdominal distension or diarrheaafter the onset of the therapy. One patient had an episode
of enterocolitis requiring antibiotics after a rotavirus
At endoscopy the macroscopic findings were consis-
gastroenteritis 1 year after the onset of SCG therapy. All
tent with mild to moderate colitis predominantly in the
these patients have continued the SCG therapy through-
left colon. None of the patients had megacolon. The
out the follow-up period. The daily dose of SCG has
histology results findings showed chronic inflammation
remained in 400 mg in 1 and was tapered to 300 mg in
in all cases, especially in the distal biopsies. In histology
2. The clinical features of the patients are summarized in
there were no specific findings suggesting other forms of
chronic colonic inflammatory disease such as ulcerativecolitis or Crohn’s disease. Biopsy results from distal
ileum were normal in all patients. Biopsy specimens for
The prevalence of chronic or frequently recurring
acetylcholinesterase staining were taken from the distal
enterocolitis among patients with surgically repaired
colon in 5 patients. No neuronal abnormalities were
Hirschsprung’s disease is unknown. It is clear that this
detected either in standard histology or in the acetylcho-
problem affects more commonly patients with defective
immune systems such as those with Down’s syndrome.
On rectal examination, all patients had normal sphinc-
In the current series 4 of the 8 patients had Down’s
ter tone. The anorectal resting pressures in the 5 patients
syndrome and 2 more had other chromosomal aberra-
Table 1. Clinical Features of Patients With Chronic Enterocolitis
Patient No., Age, Associated Abnormalities
4, 7 yr, syndromic chromosomal aberration
5, 6 yr, syndromic chromosomal aberration
Table 2. Clinical Features of Patients With Recurrent Enterocolitis
tions. Postoperative enterocolitis also has been attributed
colitis. As therapeutic modalities for ulcerative colitis are
to bowel outlet obstruction.6 In the current series none of
relatively nonspecific and mainly aim at suppression of
the patients had a stricture or stenosis of the bowel outlet.
the inflammatory activity in the large bowel mucosa, it
Moreover, the anal resting pressures of the patients did
may be speculated that similar therapy may be effective
not differ from those of Hirschsprung’s patients with no
also for chronic enterocolitis after repair of Hirsch-
enterocolitis or from those of healthy children.
sprung’s disease. SCG was selected for the current open
The clinical diagnosis of chronic or recurring entero-
trial because it is well tolerated and lacks systemic side
colitis is not always straightforward. Many patients with
effects. To our knowledge, the use of SCG or any other
Hirschsprung’s disease have abnormal colonic motili-
anti-inflammatory therapy for IBD has not been reported
ty,13 which may cause bacterial overgrowth and paradox-
before in conjunction of postoperative enterocolitis after
ical diarrhea. In the current series the diagnosis of
chronic enterocolitis was confirmed in all patients by
Significant clinical improvement was detected in 6 of
ileocolonoscopy and segmental biopsies.
our 8 patients. In the 3 responders with diarrhea or fre-
The treatment of acute enterocolitis traditionally has
quent loose stools related to chronic enterocolitis the qual-
been comprised of decompression of the colon, bowel
ity of life improved significantly as the solidification of
rest, and antibiotics. However, there are no generally
the stools and decreased stool frequency diminished soil-
accepted treatment guidelines for chronic or recurring
ing. All these patients were mentally retarded and did not
enterocolitis. In our institution the standard treatment has
cope well with the frequent soiling episodes before SCG
been low residue, lactose-free diet to diminish substrates
therapy. One of the 2 nonresponders received more potent
for bacterial overgrowth, and enteral antibiotics at times
antiinflammatory agent, local glucocorticoid therapy with
of symptom exacerbation. In the current series the symp-toms of the patients were poorly controlled by this
budesonide, which resulted in significant improvement.
The patients with recurrent bouts of enterocolitis have re-
The likely mode of action of SCG is stabilization of
mained free of symptoms except for one patient who had
mast cells by decreasing the release of histamine from
a single attack following viral gastroenteritis.
these inflammatory cells.14 SCG has been used widely
The current study suggests that chronic and recurring
for allergic conditions of the respiratory tract. More
enterocolitis is associated with chronic inflammatory
recently, SCG has proven to be effective in the treatment
changes in the large bowel mucosa. The study also gives
of food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease.9,10
strong preliminary evidence that anti-inflammatory med-
SCG is not absorbed significantly from the alimentary
ication that has been shown to be effective in patients
tract and, therefore, has no systemic side effects. Clini-
with IBD appears to alleviate the symptoms in the
cally, chronic and recurring enterocolitis resembles in-
majority of patients suffering from chronic or recurrent
flammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially ulcerative
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