Junior Doctor Led
Clinical Audit

T H U R S D A Y 1 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0
M A N C H E S T E R C O N F E R E N C E C E N T R E , M A N C H E S T E R
Chair and speakers include
Topics include
organisation to deliver effective Clinical Audit Yasmin Ahmed Little
■ Case study sessions: 20 minute perspectives ■ Improving Junior Doctor Clinical Audit and good practice examples of Junior Doctor ■ How can we support Junior Doctors to deliver effective Clinical Audit projects that lead to Kate Godfrey
■ A Junior Doctor audit for patient safety National Lead for Local Quality Improvement ■ Is your Junior Doctor Clinical Audit programme The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership delivering quality improvements – assessing Shree Datta
your Clinical Audit programme against key ■ Junior Doctor Clinical Audit – moving forward: ■ Overcoming the problem of Junior Doctor turnaround: developing linking schemes to PLUS Workshop
■ Training and educating Junior Doctors in ■ Developing Effective Clinical
■ The role of the consultant in supporting Audit for Junior Doctors
■ Ensuring Junior Doctors are supported by the REDUCED DELEGATE FEE FOR JUNIOR DOCTORS
CPD Accredited
by the Royal College
of Physicians London
Junior Doctor Led Clinical Audit
T H U R S D A Y 1 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 0
M A N C H E S T E R C O N F E R E N C E C E N T R E , M A N C H E S T E R
This one day conference focuses on improving the quality of Junior Doctor led Clinical Audit Workshop
and the role that Clinical Audit Teams and Consultants play in supporting the delivery take an active interest in Clinical Audit and of Junior Doctor led Clinical Audit.
coordinating Junior Doctor Clinical Audit Developing effective Clinical
Audit for Junior Doctors
“All junior doctors, at the present time,
have to complete a clinical audit. This has

“There is imaginative work going on in
to be done over a very short period of time
some NHS trusts. In some organisations,
Stephen Ashmore
and has to be their own work. Much audit
good management by senior clinicians and
produced by junior doctors does not help
clinical audit departments has led to
them to develop good audit skills as they
systems and processes, including clinical
do not complete the clinical cycle. The
supervision, that enables junior doctor’s
impact it has on patients care or the
clinical audits to deliver useful results, lead
strategic purposes of the departments
to real changes in patient care, improve the
they are working within often negligible.
skills and confidence of junior doctors in
Re-audit seldom occurs due to doctors
clinical audit and ensure that the
moving on to the next placement.”
individuals concerned understands the
value of both clinical audit and meeting the
strategic objectives of the organisation.”
Chairman, Yasmin Ahmed Little Specialty
Registrar Public Health NHS Northwest opens The afternoon incorporates an interactive improving Junior Doctor Clinical Audit with a workshop facilitated by the Stephen
focus on the Junior Doctor perspective and Ashmore Director The Clinical Audit Support
Interactive discussion with Junior
overcoming the problem of delivering full Centre. The workshop allows Junior Doctors to Doctors and tips for success in
audit projects within Junior Doctor turnaround gain advice and guidance on the basics of delivering effective Junior Doctor
Clinical Audit and what a good Clinical Audit led Clinical Audit
presentations on supporting junior Doctors to deliver effective Clinical Audit projects that Clinical Audit makes a difference to patient sessions of 20 minute perspectives and good Dr Makani Purva Consultant Anaesthetist
practice examples of Junior Doctor led Clinical Clinical Audit Lead and Deputy Director of Audit and a presentation from Shree Datta
Medical Education Hull and East Yorkshire Chair The Junior Doctors Committee The Hospitals NHS Trust will deliver a session on British Medical Association, who will discuss Junior Doctor Clinical Audit moving forward.
Chairman: Yasmin Ahmed Little Specialty Registrar Public Health NHS Northwest
Chairman’s opening address: Improving Junior Doctor Clinical Audit
Yasmin Ahmed Little
■ the Junior Doctors perspective: does Junior Doctor Clinical Audit lead to improvement? ■ improving the quality of Junior Doctor Clinical Audit How can we support Junior Doctors to deliver effective Clinical Audit projects that lead to change and improvement
Kate Godfrey
■ ensuring Junior Doctors have the Clinical Audit skills they need at an early stage National Lead for Local Quality Improvement The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership ■ prioritising the elements of Clinical Audit that have the most impact ■ how to ensure continuity and re audit ■ ensuring Junior Doctor Clinical Audit is not just a tick box exercise for career progression Questions and answers, followed by coffee and exhibition at 11.20 Is your Junior Doctor Clinical Audit programme delivering quality improvement?
assessing your Clinical Audit programme against key performance indicators
Mr Stuart Metcalfe
■ self assessing and assuring your Junior Doctor Clinical Audit programme ■ how do you coordinate Junior Doctor Clinical Audit activity University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust ■ developing key performance indicators for Clinical Audit activity ■ how do you ensure the chosen topics lead to quality improvement? ■ our approach and developments in Bristol Overcoming the problem of Junior Doctor turnaround: collaborative working to ensure completed projects
Sue Cross
■ developing shared clinical audit that enable re-audit opportunities junior doctors Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust ■ ensuring these schemes benefit the directorate, organization and the Junior Doctor Questions and answers, followed by lunch and exhibition 13.00 F O C U S : S U P P O R T I N G A N D S U P E R V I S I N G J U N I O R D O C T O R L E D C L I N I C A L A U D I T
Training and educating Junior Doctors in Clinical Audit practice
Dr Makani Purva
■ developing a Clinical Audit training programme for Junior Doctors Consultant Anaesthetist Clinical Audit Lead and Deputy ■ empowering Junior Doctors to take an active interest in Clinical Audit ■ coordinating Junior Doctor Clinical Audit activity across the organisation Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Ensuring Junior Doctors are supported by the organisation to deliver effective Clinical Audit
Speaker to be announced
■ delivering a quality improvement approach to junior doctor clinical audit ■ ensuring the projects chosen are in line with the objectives of the organisation ■ working with Junior Doctors to gain feedback for improvement Questions and answers, followed by tea and exhibition 15.10 Case Study Sessions: 20 minute perspectives and good practice examples of Junior Doctor led Clinical Audit
A Junior Doctor audit for patient safety: The NPSA Junior Doctor Clinical Audit Programme
Dr Alan Fayaz
■ Junior Doctor Clinical Audit for patient safety Specialist Trainee in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Clinical Advisor ■ case study: the Nasogastric tube Junior Doctor Clinical Audit to the Medical Director of the National Patient Safety Involving Junior Doctors in leading Royal College of Physicians Clinical Audit programmes
Dr Mike Cheshire
Medical Director Public Health and Engagement Directorate NHS North West Junior Doctor Clinical Audit: Moving forward: the Junior Doctor perspective
Shree Datta
ChairThe Junior Doctors CommitteeThe British Medical Association Questions and answers, followed by close 17.05 Conference Registration
Junior Doctor Led Clinical Audit
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M A N C H E S T E R C O N F E R E N C E C E N T R E , M A N C H E S T E R
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