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4.14.10 labrie curriculum (all subjects)work.xls

Learner Target (TLW)
Identify and describe cultural holidays and events in their communities, Nebraska, and Social Studies/History United States.
Identify changes in daily life past and present e.g., roles, jobs, communication, Social Studies/History technology, schools, and cultural traditions.
Social Studies/History Identify regional characteristics, e.g. Navaho, Amish, and Polynesian.
Social Studies/History Identify important men and women from different cultural and ethnic groups.
Identify contributions of special groups, e.g. labor unions, buffalo soldiers, and farmers' Social Studies/History Identify the accomplishments of 20th century Nebraskans.
Explain the impact of advance in transportation, communication, immigration, and Social Studies/History economic development.
Social Studies/History Explain how Native Americans used the resources for daily living.
Social Studies/History Identify different types of shelters used by Native Americans.
Social Studies/History Describe the daily life of a Native American.
Explain how historic and geographic factors affected the expansion and development of Locate on a map, forts, missions, settlements, trails, cities, transportation routes, and Social Studies/History migration patterns.
Social Studies/History Describe the exploration of the Great Plains.
Social Studies/History Describe the impact of westward expansion on tribal nations.
Social Studies/History Describe Spanish, French, and English settlements.
Identify and describe the past and present contributions of Native Americans, Hispanic Social Studies/History Americans, African Americans, European Americans, and Asian Americans.
Social Studies/History Identify members of Nebraska's Hal of Fame.
Identify accomplishments of prominent Nebraskans e.g., Black Elk, Malcolm X, and Social Studies/History Evelyn Sharp.
Identify groups that have impacted Nebraska's history, e.g., buffalo soldiers, cowboys, Social Studies/History sodbusters, and immigrant settlers.
Social Studies/History Identify those associated with Nebraska, e.g., the flag tree and bird.
Identify, analyze, and make generalizations using primary sources, e.g., artifacts, diaries, Social Studies/History letters, photographs, art, and newspapers.
Compare documentary sources on historical figures, events, with fictionalized characters Social Studies/History and events to distinguish fact from fiction.
Describe the concepts of scarcity, choice, and the use of limited natural, capital, and Social Studies/History human resources in an economic system.
Explain the specialization and interdependence of producers and consumers involved in Social Studies/History producing goods and services.
Demonstrate how markets and prices help consumers buy and produce supply products Social Studies/History and services in an economic system.
Identify how changing modes of transportation and communication by entrepreneurs Social Studies/History have changed the economic system of the United States and Nebraska.
Social Studies/History Explain the purpose of taxes and their use and col ection in an economic system.
Identify the concepts of earning, saving, spending, and checking accounts and credit Social Studies/History used by financial institutions and consumers.
Social Studies/History Describe the functions of money in an economic system.
Social Studies/History Distinguish between longitude and latitude.
Social Studies/History Use the equator and prime meridian to identify the hemisphere.
Social Studies/History Use the grid system to find locations.
Social Studies/History Use cardinal directions.
Social Studies/History Understand map keys, e.g., scale, symbols, and compass rose.
Locate and identify on maps and globes his/her local city or county, Nebraska, the Social Studies/History United States, the seven continents, and four oceans.
Explain how physical characteristics, transportation routes, climate, and specialization influenced the variety of crops, products, industries, and the general patterns of Social Studies/History economic growth in Nebraska.
Il ustrate how Nebraska communities differ in physical features, e.g., land use, Social Studies/History population density, architecture, services, and transportation.
Social Studies/History Explain the directional flow of rivers.
Social Studies/History Name the major geographic regions of the United States.
Social Studies/History Identify the states within each region.
Social Studies/History Identify capital cities and major cities.
Social Studies/History Identify mountains, lakes, and rivers in each region.
Social Studies/History Name the countries and bodies of water, which border the United States.
Social Studies/History Identify geographic and historic features unique to each region.
Social Studies/History Describe the constitutional rights and responsibilities of being a citizen.
Social Studies/History Explain the role of citizenship in the promotion of laws.
Social Studies/History Describe the election process.
Social Studies/History identify the consequences of violation the law.
Social Studies/History Identify local, county, and state representatives.
Social Studies/History Describe the difference between bicameral and unicameral legislatures.
Name of your mayor, governor, and the President of the United States and list several Social Studies/History responsibilities of each.
Learn that maps have a special language, and wil be able to read al kinds of maps and Social Studies/History learn a great deal about the world around them.
Social Studies/History Learn about the earth and its people through graphs, and diagrams.
Learn that Alaska is a land of variety with high mountains, large forests, wide plains, plus Social Studies/History it's a land ful of natural resources and a variety of climates.
Learn that Hawai and Puerto Rico are both beautiful island regions in the tropics that Social Studies/History depend on farming and tourism for the economic wel being.
Learn that two of the worlds largest forest regions are in Russia and the Amazon Basin and these forests are almost untouched exhibit unusual wildlife, and a variety of natural Learn abut the four deserts in the U.S. and how they share many physical caricaturists, Social Studies/History but also they have unique features and sites that identify them.
Learn about the distinctive features of the Mojave Desert, and how the advances in Social Studies/History faring and mining are changing the Mojave Desert to make it a popular place to live.
Learn that the world's largest desert is the Sahara, the world's driest desert is the Social Studies/History Atacama and how the discovery of oil and copper has changed life in the desert lands.


Microsoft word - curriculum vi03.doc

DR. ALVARO LISTA VARELA DATOS PERSONALES PROFESION: EDUCACION Doctor en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la Psiquiatra, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República EXPERIENCIA LABORAL Cargos desempeñados 1976 - 1977 Ayudante de Investigación (h), División Neurofisiología, Instituto de Investig


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