Sexual Risk Taking, STI and HIV Prevalence Among MenWho Have Sex with Men in Six Indonesian Cities
Guy Morineau Æ Naning Nugrahini ÆPandu Riono Æ Nurhayati Æ Philippe Girault ÆDyah Erti Mustikawati Æ Robert Magnani
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Using surveillance data on men who have sex
condom and lubricant use, prevention efforts must also
with men (MSM) from six Indonesian cities, this article
reports prevalence of sexual risk taking, HIV and othersexually transmitted infections. Factors associated with
HIV, other STIs and consistent condom use were assessed.
Behavioral data were collected from 1,450 MSM, amongwhom 749 were tested for HIV and syphilis and 738 forgonorrhea and Chlamydia. Associations were assessed
using multivariate logistic regression. Over 80% of MSMknew HIV transmission routes, 65% of MSM had multiple
With the exception of Papua and West Papua Provinces on
male sexual partners, 27% unprotected anal sex with
the island of New Guinea, where a low-prevalence gen-
multiple male partners, and 27% sex with a female in the
eralized HIV/AIDS epidemic has emerged (population
prior month. Consistent condom use ranged from 30 to
prevalence = 2.4%), HIV/AIDS in Indonesia remains
40% with male partners and 20 to 30% with female part-
concentrated in certain ‘‘most-at-risk-groups’’ While
ners, depending upon partner type. HIV prevalence aver-
the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Indonesia has been driven
aged 5.2%, but was 8.0% in Jakarta. Prevalence of rectal
primarily by the sharing of contaminated drug injecting
gonorrhea or Chlamydia was 32%. Multivariate analyses
equipment since the late 1990s, it is currently believed that
revealed recent methamphetamine use and current rectal
the role of injecting drug use in driving HIV/AIDS may be
gonorrheal or chlamydial infection to be associated with
peaking or have already peaked []. Indeed, the Indo-
HIV infection. The data confirm diverse sexual networks
nesian National AIDS Commission projects that between
and substantial sexual risk-taking, despite relatively high
2007 and 2027 men who are infected via unprotected sex
levels of education and HIV-related knowledge. In addition
with female sex workers and with other men will account
to promoting partner reduction and more consistent
for the majority of new HIV infections These projec-tions are consistent with those of the Commission on AIDSin Asia for the region as a whole
Responding to an expanding HIV/AIDS epidemic
G. Morineau (&) Á P. GiraultFamily Health International, Asia/Pacific Regional Office,
among men who have sex with men (MSM) presents a
19th Floor, Sindhorn Building, Tower 3, 130 -132 Wireless Rd,
formidable challenge in Indonesia for several reasons. First
and foremost is that the epidemic is occurring in a context
of stigma and discrimination, resulting in many MSM
remaining ‘‘hidden’’ and thus difficult to reach with
Sub-Directorate for HIV/AIDS & STIs, Ministry of Health,
information and services in a systematic way. This is
Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
compounded by a limited evidence base concerning num-bers of MSM, their risk-taking and health-seeking behav-
P. Riono Á Nurhayati Á R. MagnaniFamily Health International, Jakarta, Indonesia
iors, and infection rates. Aside from limited behavioral
questions for small samples of MSM included in behavioral
groups and local health authorities. Survey subjects were
surveillance surveys conducted in 2002–2003 [] and
selected via two-stage, time-location sampling (TLS). At
2004–2005 ], the only other available behavioral data
the first stage, locations were randomly selected with
come from qualitative studies with uncertain generaliz-
probability proportional to the estimated number of men at
ability [, Biological data (i.e., HIV and STI prevalence
each location. A sample of MSM of size proportional to
rates) are yet scarcer. Transgenders (i.e., ‘‘Waria’’) in
venue size was then selected via systematic-random sam-
Jakarta were included in Ministry of Health sentinel sur-
pling. All selected MSM were asked to voluntarily par-
veillance through 2005, and the MOH undertook a small
ticipate in a behavioral survey using a structured
study of MSM in which HIV and syphilis prevalence was
questionnaire, and in Jakarta and Surabaya provide bio-
measured for a sample of 750 MSM in Jakarta [, but
surveillance otherwise has not covered MSM. The Ministry
In Batam, Bandung, and Malang, MSM were recruited
of Health estimated that there were about 767,000 MSM in
through respondent driven sampling (RDS). Eight MSM
the country as of 2006 (range 385,000–1,150,000) [
‘‘seeds’’ were recruited purposively in each city, ensuring
This paper takes advantage of biological and behavioral
that they (1) lived in the city, (2) were aged 15–49, and (3)
surveillance data gathered from MSM in six Indonesian
were part of an extended network of MSM. All seeds and
cities in the 2007 Integrated Biological-Behavioral Sur-
subsequent recruits were each given three (3) coupons to
veillance (IBBS) surveys to assess the current epidemiologic
recruit other MSM they knew. Recruiters received US$ 4 for
situation among MSM and determine factors associated with
each successful recruit. The survey was terminated when the
HIV and other STI infection. The IBBS represent the first
target sample size was reached in each city. Recruits in
large-scale, systematic data collection in Indonesia for this
Bandung were asked to provide biological samples.
important sub-population with both behavioral and biologi-
The use of different sampling methods was part of the
cal data. These data are timely in that if, as has been sug-
process of developing a surveillance system for MSM. In
gested by the projections cited above, HIV/AIDS in
the 2007 IBBS, RDS was tried as an alternative to TLS in
Indonesia is evolving such that sexual transmission among
the smaller cities to assess its advantages in reaching more
MSM will play a more significant role in future transmission,
‘‘hidden’’ MSM. The results will be used to assess and
it is crucial that national health authorities understand the
guide choice of sampling methods for MSM in future
current realities so that appropriate action can be taken.
Survey field teams were drawn from staff of provincial
offices of the Central Statistics Bureau, provincial healthdepartments, and CBOs and NGOs serving MSM in the
Behavioral survey data were collected from independent
survey area. Survey staff received specialized training on
samples of 1,450 MSM in six Indonesian cities between
survey field procedures. In as private a location as could be
August and November 2007. The cities included Bandung
found, interviewers explained the study procedures, sought
(West Java), Jakarta, Malang (East Java), Medan (North
informed consent and gathered behavioral survey data
Sumatra), Semarang (Central Java) and Surabaya (East
using structured, pre-coded questionnaires. A nurse col-
Java). MSM interviewed in Bandung, Jakarta and Surabaya
lected blood through finger prick, and participants provided
were asked to provide biological samples, and 749 men
self-collected rectal swabs and first-void urine. Behavioral
were successfully tested for HIV, syphilis, and urethral
and biological data were gathered anonymously and were
Chlamydia and gonorrhea, and 738 for rectal Chlamydia
linked via special ID numbers. Participants received a
and gonorrhea. MSM were defined as men who have sex
coupon for free HIV counseling and testing at a nearby
with other men either for commercial gain or as a matter of
Community Health Center and were given their participant
sexual preference. Data were also obtained from indepen-
number in order to access their STI test results and receive
dent samples of transgenders, but as the underlying
treatment free of charge if needed. Laboratory methods.
dynamics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic among transgenders
Blood specimens were collected in EDTA tubes, stored
differ markedly from MSM as defined above, they are not
at 4–6°C and transported to a government provincial lab-
oratories within five hours to be tested for HIV and syph-
In Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan, sampling frames were
ilis. HIV was tested using two rapid tests conducted in
developed from mappings of locations where MSM could
parallel: SD Bioline HIV 1/2 3.0Ò (Standard Diagnostic,
be found. These were produced jointly by non-govern-
Korea, South Korea) and DetermineÒ HIV-1 (Abbott,
mental organizations (NGOs) providing services to such
Abbott Park, IL). Discrepant results were re-tested at the
National Reference Laboratory using two ELISA: MurexÒ
held salaried position at the time of the survey, with
HIV 1.2.0 (Murex Biotech, Dartford, UK) and Vironosti-
another 26% being independent workers/performing odd
kaÒ HIV-1 Plus O (Biomerieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France)
jobs. Nine percent worked in a salon/beauty parlor, which
and results that remained discordant were classified as
often serve as men to men sex trade locations. Only 11% of
indeterminate. Syphilis was tested using a treponemal test:
MSM had resided in the city in which they were inter-
Determine Syphilis TPÒ (Inverness Medical, Bedford,
viewed for 1 year or less, whereas 58% had lived in their
UK). Rectal swabs and urine specimens were tested for
current city of residence for 10 years or more and 41%
Chlamydia and gonorrhea via PCR using Cobas AmplicorÒ
As shown in Table , differences in background char-
acteristics of MSM sampled via TLS were significantly
different (P \ .05) from those sampled via RDS on five ofthe six characteristics considered. However, although sta-
Behavioral data were double entered using CSPro 2.6.007
tistically significant, the differences are not pronounced
(US Census Bureau). Laboratory data were entered using
enough to preclude combining the two samples. Further-
Microsoft Excel. Analysis was performed using Stata 9.0
more, the only background characteristic on which there
(Stata Corporation, College Station, TX). The implications
was not a significant difference depending upon sampling
of use of two different sampling methods were assessed by
method, level of education, was the only characteristic
comparing background characteristics of respondents by
found to be significantly associated with any of the out-
type of sampling methodology. Subsequent analysis was
come variables in multivariable analyses. Consequently, all
performed on multisite pooled data, assuming a stratified
analyses were undertaken with the full sample of MSM.
simple random sampling design. Simple logistic regressionwas used to assess associations of background character-
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS-related Risk and Protective
istics and risk behaviors with three separate outcomes:
HIV, rectal infection with Chlamydia or gonorrhea, andconsistent condom use in anal sex with male partners in the
MSM included in the IBBS were knowledgeable about
past month. Differences were assessed using the Wald test,
HIV/AIDS (data not shown). Knowledge questions that
and P values of \ 0.05 were considered significant. Mul-
were correctly answered by over 80% of MSM included:
tivariate logistic regression was used to determine the net
protection offered by condoms from transmission of HIV
contributions of factors that were significant at the P B .20
during vaginal and anal sex; HIV transmissibility via
level or better in bivariate analyses. Factors were elimi-
sharing of contaminated drug injecting equipment, during
nated in a backward stepwise elimination process based
the course of child birth, and through breastfeeding infants;
upon their contribution to variance explained until only
and that it was not possible to recognize HIV-infected
factors significant at the P \ .05 level remained in the final
persons by their appearance. However, 41% thought HIV
transmission could be prevented by taking antibioticsbefore having sex and 27% believed that HIV could betransmitted through sharing food utensils.
Sexual Activity and Other Risk-taking Behaviors
The initial sex partner of most MSM (66%) was another
Respondent background data are displayed in Table
male, although 32% reported first sex with a female and
separately for MSM sampled via time-location sampling
2% with a transgender (not shown). Mean age at first sex
(TLS) versus respondent-driven sampling (RDS). In the
was 18.2 years (Table Nearly 63% of MSM had ever
aggregate, respondents averaged just over 28 years of age.
bought or sold sex, with a mean duration of almost 7 years
Although most MSM were never married (to a female),
since first commercial sex. Ten percent reported ever
15% were currently and another 5% were formerly mar-
having been forced into sex. Fifty-seven percent of men
ried. The most common living arrangement was with
reported having a regular sex partner at the time of the
family (i.e., parents and/or siblings; 44%), with another
survey interview, two-thirds of whom were male.
26% living alone and 19% living with friends. Six percent
The data on sexual partners in the year prior to the
lived with a regular female partner and 5% a regular male
survey indicate both volume and diversity. Most MSM had
partner. Education levels were relatively high, with 58% of
sex with a casual male partner in the prior year and over
respondents having attended senior high school and another
one-half with a regular male partner; that is, a partner in a
24% college/university. A large proportion of MSM (45%)
long-term relationship as defined by the respondent. Selling
characteristics of MSM in sixIndonesian cities
sex to other MSM was more common than buying sex from
Nearly 35% of MSM had received an STI check-up at a
MSM. A sizeable proportion of respondents also had sex
clinic in the 3 months prior to the survey, reflecting recent
with females during the reference year—most often with
efforts in Indonesia to promote routine check-ups among
casual female partners, but 14% also sold sex to and 10%
sexually active MSM. Approximately 25% of respondents
bought sex from females during the previous year.
reported having had STI symptoms in the prior year. Of
Sexual partners in the month prior to the survey were
those, less than half received professional medical treat-
also diverse, but were dominated by casual male partners,
ment, more often from private—than public-sector service
male clients and casual female partners. Seventy-five per-
providers. A plurality of MSM (36%) either self-treated or
cent of MSM had sex with a casual male partner in the
sought traditional treatment, while 20% of cases went
prior month, with a mean of 2.8 partners. Thirty-five per-
untreated. About 40% of men had ever been tested for HIV,
cent of MSM sold sex to a male client in the previous
the large majority in the previous year, again likely
month with a mean of 6.6 clients (median = 3.0), while
reflecting recent expansion of HIV/AIDS program cover-
13% reported buying sex from another male. Twenty-six
percent of MSM had sex with a casual female partner in thepast month.
Approximately 15% of MSM reported using metham-
phetamine before having sex, in the 3 months prior to the
Condom use at last anal sex with male partner exceeded 60%,
survey. However, methamphetamine use was much higher
but was substantially lower at last vaginal sex with female
in two cities—Jakarta (31%) and Medan, North Sumatra
partners (Table ). With female partners, condom use was
more common with commercial than with casual partners,
Table 2 Risk-taking and health-seeking behaviors among MSM
Heath seeking behaviors at last symptomatic episode of STI (%)
with whom condoms were used in only one-third of last
sexual episodes. Consistent condom use in the last month
was substantially lower, ranging between 32 and 36% with
male partners and between 12 and 20% with female partners.
Water-based lubricants were used less consistently than
condoms—between 26 and 34% with male commercial and
casual male partners, and only 12% with transgender part-
ners. Thirty percent or less of MSM, depending upon partner
type, consistently used both condoms and water-based
lubricants during anal sex in the prior month.
Condom use during anal sex appears not to vary
depending upon type of male partner, with roughly equal
proportions of MSM reporting condom use at last anal sex
and consistently in the last month with casual as with
commercial partners. Nor does it appear to vary dependingupon whether anal sex was insertive or receptive, as the
proportion of MSM who had unprotected insertive anal sex
with a male partner in the prior month was identical to the
proportion having unprotected receptive anal sex—66%
Data on HIV and other STI prevalence for MSM in three
cities are displayed in Table HIV prevalence for the full
Mean number of partners past month (among those who had this type
sample of men was 5.2%, with a high of 8.0% in Jakarta
and a low of 2.0% in Bandung. Overall syphilis prevalence
was 4.3%, and was the highest in Bandung and lowest in
Jakarta. Prevalence of urethral STIs was relatively high,
with an average of 6.3% testing positive for either Chla-
mydia or gonorrhea. Prevalence of rectal STIs was con-
siderably higher—Chlamydia 21%, gonorrhea 19%, and
Had routine STI check-up in past 3 months (%)
The results of multiple logistic regression analyses under-
taken to identify factors associated with HIV-positive
Table 3 Use of condom and lubricant by type of sexual partners
Always used both condom and lubricant (214) 23.8
NA not available (information not collected)
Table 4 Prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) among MSM
status, presence of other STI infections, and consistent
education were associated with increasingly higher likeli-
condom use in male-to-male anal sex in the prior month,
hood of consistent condom use. MSM who attended senior
respectively, are presented in Tables , and With
high school were more likely to have used condoms con-
regard to the results with HIV status as the outcome vari-
sistently than those with junior high level or below levels
able, although a number of factors were associated with
of education (OR = 1.67; 95% CI = 1.08–2.58), and
HIV-positive status at the bivariate level, only two vari-
MSM who attended college/university being more than
ables retained significant associations in the multivariate
twice as likely (OR = 2.16; 95% CI = 1.33–3.52). Other
analyses—(1) use of methamphetamines or similar drugs in
factors associated with higher likelihood of consistent
the prior 3 months (OR = 2.69; 95% CI = 1.33–5.43) and
condom use included having sufficient knowledge of HIV
(2) Chlamydia or gonorrhea infection at the time of the
survey (OR = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.06–3.92; Table
(OR = 1.41; 95% CI = 1.04–1.88) and having been tested
After accounting for the effects of other factors, four
for HIV in the past year (OR = 2.25; 95% CI = 1.66–
factors were associated with Chlamydia or gonorrhea
infection at the time of the survey—(1) forced into sex in
Several factors were associated with reduced likelihood
the prior year (OR = 2.21; 95% CI = 1.39–3.50), (2)
of consistent condom use. The data indicate that consistent
number of casual male partners in the prior month
condom use during anal sex declines with increased dura-
tion of selling sex, with MSM who had been selling sex
tion(OR = 2.41; 95% CI = 1.20–4.84), and (4) having had
2–4 years being 43% less likely to use condoms than men
sex with a female partner in the past year (OR = 0.54; 95%
who never sold sex, while those who sold sex for 5 years or
more were 45% less likely to have used condoms consis-
Seven factors were found to be associated with consis-
tently. MSM who had sold sex for 1 year or less did not,
tent condom use in anal sex in the prior month in the
however, differ significantly with regard to consistent
multivariable analyses (Table Increasing levels of
condom from men who had never sold sex. Use of
Number of male casual partners past month
Number of commercial male partners past month
Number of female casual partners past month
Number of commercial female partners past month
Always used condom use with male non-regular partners past month
Condom use with female partners past month
Use of lubricants in anal sex in last month
Currently infected with urethral CT or NG
with rectal infection withchlamydia or gonorrhea
Number of male casual partners past month
Number of commercial male partners past month
Number of female casual partners past month
Number of commercial female partners past month
Condom use with casual male partner past month
Always used lubricant with casual male past month
Always used of lubricant in anal sex past month
Condom use casual female partner past month
methamphetamines, ecstasy or similar psychostimulants in
The final factor associated with reduced odds of con-
the prior 3 months was associated with significantly lower
sistent condom use was condom use with female partners.
likelihood of consistent condom use (OR = 0.59; 95%
MSM who did not used condoms consistently with casual
female partners were also less likely to have used condoms
with consistent condom use inanal sex past month
Know that HIV can be avoided by ABC (abstinence, partner reduction, condom use)
Number of male casual partners past month
Number of commercial male partners past month
Number of transgender past partners month
Number of casual female partners past month
Condom with casual female partner past month
consistently in male-to-male anal sex in the previous month
always used condoms with casual female partners were
in comparison with MSM who never had sex with a female
more likely to have used condoms consistently with male
(OR = 0.39; 95% CI = 0.25–0.61, while MSM who
partners as well (OR = 4.72; 95% CI = 2.26–9.84).
prevalence was measured for both groups [and asizeable multiple of that for the general population in
Recent data and analyses indicate that MSM are at elevated
risk for HIV infection in many low and middle income
In the multivariate analyses, two factors had strong net
countries ]. The 2007 IBBS data and the analyses
associations with HIV-positive status: use of metham-
undertaken in the present study confirm that that MSM in
phetamines or similar drugs in the prior 3 months and
Indonesia are indeed at elevated risk for HIV infection. A
Chlamydia or gonorrhea infection at the time of the survey.
sizeable proportion (27%) of MSM reported having
HIV-positive status was also associated with current rectal
unprotected anal sex with multiple male partners, both
Chlamydia or gonorrhea infection when the latter factor
casual and commercial, in the month prior to the IBBS. The
was the outcome variable. The observed reciprocal asso-
levels of sexual risk-taking that may be deduced from the
ciation between HIV and rectal STIs derives from their
self-reported behavioral data are confirmed by quite high
being transmitted through similar sexual behaviors. How-
levels of rectal STIs. Roughly 32% tested positive for
ever, rectal Chlamydia and gonorrhea also increases both
either rectal Chlamydia or gonorrhea, while 6.3% tested
the risk of HIV transmission by increasing HIV shedding
positive for either urethral Chlamydia or gonorrhea. The
and susceptibility to HIV infection by disrupting mucosal
latter figure is comparable to the prevalence observed
among a sample of 3,000 men in ‘‘high-risk’’ occupational
Recent literature points to the use of methamphetamines
groups in the 2007 IBBS, who presumably became infected
and similar psychostimulants as a risk factor for HIV
via unprotected sex with female sex workers ]. The
infection among MSM –The use of methampheta-
observed prevalence of syphilis, 3.2%, was slightly higher
mines and similar psycho-stimulants was associated with a
than that measured for a sample of Jakarta MSM in 2002
44% reduction in the odds of having used condoms con-
sistently during anal sex with male partners in the month
The data also confirm that the sexual networks of
prior to the survey, a relationship that has also been
Indonesian MSM are diverse, as they are in much of Asia
observed in other studies. Methamphetamine use is also
[, In addition to many MSM having multiple male
known to be associated with prolonged and rough anal sex
partners, 41% of MSM had had sex with a female partner in
], which when combined with reduced condom use,
the year prior to the survey, and 27% in the prior month
would appear to be a fairly dangerous combination. While
alone. The bisexuality of many MSM in Indonesia holds
only about 15% of MSM in the cities studied reported use
the potential for HIV spread through risky male-male sex
of such drugs in the prior 3 months, use was much higher
to be further spread into heterosexual networks (and vice
in Batam, Riau Islands (30.7%) and Jakarta (25.0%), and
versa), particularly given the observed lower level of
there is anecdotal evidence that the use of methampheta-
condom use with female partners, thus potentially con-
mines is growing in Indonesia among both MSM and
tributing to a wider HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country.
injecting drug users. The explanation for higher use in
However, bisexuals had lower odds of having a rectal STI
Batam, which is only a one-hour ferry ride from Singapore,
than exclusive homosexual MSM, which likely reflects the
and Jakarta likely involves some combination of higher
absence of risk of rectal STIs associated with vaginal sex
disposable incomes, greater access to drugs, and greater
with women; that is, men whose sexual encounters in the
contact with international visitors.
prior month were spread among males and females reduced
Increasing consistent condom use is pivotal for HIV
their number of exposures to rectal STIs via reduced fre-
prevention for MSM in Indonesia. Here, the study findings
quency of anal sex. Moreover, bisexual men were less
are instructive. On the positive side, the findings suggest
likely to practice exclusively receptive anal sex with other
that further increasing HIV/AIDS-related awareness and
knowledge among MSM should lead to increases in con-
With regard to HIV prevalence, the 8.0% prevalence
sistent condom use. The positive association between
observed among MSM in Jakarta in 2007 is substantially
having recently been tested for HIV and increased likeli-
higher than that observed in 2002—3.6% among male sex
hood of consistent condom use is also promising insofar as
workers and 2.5% among other MSM Prevalence
both HIV counseling and testing service availability and
levels in the two other cities in which HIV prevalence was
service use by MSM have been increasing rapidly in
measured in the 2007 IBBS, Bandung (West Java) and
Indonesia in recent years. However, while the observed
Surabaya (East Java) appear, however, to be somewhat
association might indicate that having recently learned
lower (2.0 and 5.6%, respectively). To put this in per-
one’s HIV status is associated with the adoption of pro-
spective, these data indicate that MSM have HIV preva-
tective behaviors, it is also possible that men who were
lence rates that are comparable to those of ‘‘indirect’’
sufficiently well informed and motivated to get tested for
female sex workers both in the three cities for which HIV
HIV are also more likely to use condoms. In the event that
the relationship is causal as opposed to spurious, the small
transmission and prevention measures. Future HIV/AIDS
number of men tested for HIV more than a year prior to the
prevention efforts must focus on motivating MSM to use
survey is unfortunately insufficient to support inferences as
condoms more consistently in all sexual relationships.
to whether the effect of HIV testing on safer sex behavior is
Addressing drug use among MSM should also be assigned
short-term in nature or is likely to be sustained over a
a high priority in future prevention efforts.
The findings that (a) consistency of condom use by
Primary financial support for this research was
provided by the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
MSM does not vary across male partner types and (b)
and the Indonesian Partnership Fund.
condom use with female partners was associated withhigher condom use in anal sex with male partners suggestthat Indonesian MSM tend to use condoms, or not, without
regard to partner type (although the correlation is notperfect as condom use with female partners was less fre-
1. Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health and Statistics Indone-
quent than with male partners). Condom promotion efforts
sia. Risk behavior and HIV prevalence in Tanah Papua 2006:results of the IBBS 2006 in Tanah Papua. Jakarta: Statistics
should thus focus on increasing condom use with all
partners as attempting to differentiate between more and
2. Commission on AIDS in Asia. Redefining AIDS in Asia. New
less risky partners might unnecessarily complicate behav-
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3. Republic of Indonesia National AIDS Commission. National
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target MSM have been developed for ‘‘gay’’ self-identified
4. Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health and Statistics Indone-
MSM whose sex partners are predominantly other men.
sia. Behavioral surveillance survey (BSS) results in Indonesia
However, MSM who have both male and female partners, in
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not be reached by or respond to such interventions. In
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fairly well established, and it may be feasible to use different
7. Boellstorff T. The gay archipelago: sexuality and nation in
strategies and messages. In other settings, it may be neces-
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sary to just target ‘‘men’’ with a full range of risk reduction
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Finally, the observed association of having experienced
et al. HIV, syphilis infection, and sexual practices among trans-
forced sex with higher likelihood of current gonorrhea or
genders, male sex workers, and other men who have sex with men
chlamydial infection merits attention. While to some extent
in Jakarta, Indonesia. Sex Transm Infect. 2004;80(6):536–40.
this association might be the result of infection acquired
10. Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health. Population size esti-
mates for groups at risk for HIV/AIDS. Jakarta: Ministry of
during recent episodes of forced sex, it also raises the issue
of the psychological consequences of rape as a risk factor
11. Baral S, Sifakis F, Cleghorn F, Beyrer C. Elevated risk for HIV
for subsequent behavior. Indeed, recent literature points to
infection among men who have sex with men in low- and middle-
associations between history of rape and higher prevalence
income countries, 2006–2006. PLoS Med. 2007;4(12):e339.
12. Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health. Integrated biological-
of drug use, selling sex and unprotected sex , This
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would suggest that counseling and support services to
Indonesia: surveillance highlights: high risk men. Jakarta: Min-
address forced sex among MSM might be needed as part of
13. Dowsett G, Grierson J, McNally S. A review of knowledge about
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At present, HIV prevalence rates are not as high among
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MSM in Indonesia as in other Asian countries [
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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 2, ISSUE 10, OCTOBER 2013 The Effect Of Combination Of Octadecanoic Acid, Methyl Ester And Ribavirin Against Measles Virus Reagan Entigu Ak Linton @ Jerah, Samuel Lihan, Ismail bin Ahmad Abstract : Ribavirin is a broad spectrum antiviral drug and has been used to treat various diseases. It has been used as a treatment for sub
TABLE XII-1 SIGNIFICANT INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY AND PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS: CONTRAINDICATED COMBINATIONS AND AGENTS TO BE USED WITH CAUTION Medication Contraindicated Use With Caution Comments levels may be significantly increased with • Monitor tricyclic antidepressant therapy closely for toxicity. concentrations due to induction of the CYP45