CLIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET Updated: June 2011 Keep this leaflet safe, as you may need to refer to it again. Please ask your vet or veterinary nurse if you have any further questions. This medicine has been prescribed for your pet ONLY. Do not take it yourself or give it to another person or any other animal; it may harm them even if their symptoms appear to be the same.
The medicine you have been given for your dog or cat is called sucralfate. It may have a trade name such as
Antepsin® or Carafate®, but often will just be called sucralfate. What is sucralfate? What should I do if I run out of
of antibiotics) or digoxin (used to treat
medicines that are called mucosal What are the possible side protectants. These drugs form a barrier
effects of sucralfate for my
erosion and to help stimulate ulcer healing.
restart the course as soon as possible. Why has my pet been What should I do if I miss a prescribed sucralfate?
your pet shows any unusual symptoms
dose at the normal time. DO NOT give What should I do if my pet is unwell while taking What should I do if my pet is sucralfate? accidentally given too many
to hurt your pet because very little of it
What should I do if a person How should I store sucralfate?
most of it will pass out of the body in the
accidentally takes this drug?
If a person accidentally takes your pet’s
storage conditions. For safety, all medicines should be kept out of the
to the local hospital immediately. Take reach and sight of children.
this leaflet and any remaining tablets or
How do I give sucralfate to my Can my pet take sucralfate if I
suspension plus their container (even if it
am already giving them other
Sucralfate is best given on its own, at Whom do I contact if I want to least 1 hour before any food, or 2 hours
Tell your vet if you are giving your pet
know more? before other medications. It can be
know your pet’s medical history and will
How long will my pet need to take sucralfate?
Your vet will advise you on the length of
tetracycline (a type of antibiotic). Do not
time for which you will need to give this
medicine. This may vary between patients.
already taking fluoroquinolones (a group
The Prescribing Cascade
This medicine is authorized for use in human patients and is used by vets under the ‘prescribing cascade’. The medicine is not authorized by the Veterinary Medicines
Directorate (VMD), an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), for use in dogs/cats/pets. Your vet can explain the ‘prescribing
cascade’ in further detail to you and also explain why they are prescribing this drug for your pet. You will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you understand the
reasons that the drug is being prescribed and its possible complications, before the treatment is issued. British Small Animal Veterinary Association 2011. While the editors and the BSAVA have made every effort in preparing this information leaflet, the contents and any
statements are made in good faith purely for general guidance and cannot be regarded as substitute for professional advice. The publishers, contributors and the
BSAVA do not take responsibility for the information provided on this leaflet and hence do not accept any liability for loss or expense incurred (by you or persons that you
disseminate the materials to) as a result of relying on content in this leaflet. To this end, you are advised to consult your vet and seek their professional advice before taking
any steps set out in this leaflet. If you are a vet, you must not rely on the contents in this leaflet without independently verifying the correctness and veracity of the contents.
Manuel Justiniano de Freitas Quintão Em 16 de dezembro de 1955, em sua residência, à Rua Martin Lage, no Méier,desencarnou Manuel Justiniano de Freitas Quintão. Foi sócio da Federação EspíritaBrasileira durante 44 anos e ocupou-lhe a presidência em 1915, 1918, 1919 e 1929. Publicou vários trabalhos, entre os quais "O Cristo de Deus". Em 1939 escreveu a sua própria biograf
Av. General Vidal 300 - VMT Telf: 7178236 Tablada, 25 de Mayo del 2012 COMUNICADO 11/ 12 IEP/CS “AMOR” Estimado Padre de Familia: Por medio de la presente reciba Ud. nuestro más cordial saludo, a continuación pasamos a informarle lo siguiente: ACADÉMICO: Se les informa que a partir del lunes 28 de mayo estaremos dando inicio a las Prácticas Calificadas del 2ºBimest