
News and information for Wales from:
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square,
Cardiff Bay, CF10 5FH
Helpdesk 0800 2888 329
Government makes ‘crucial’ commitment
to advocacy

Following a call for the Welsh Government to
provision was inconsistent and ‘too many remain commit further to independent advocacy, the unaware of their entitlement to an advocate’. Deputy Minister for Social Services has issued a written statement announcing her intention to Age Cymru has welcomed the announcement. bring forward government amendments to the Commenting on the inclusion of the Statutory Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill. Framework for Advocacy in the Bill, Age Cymru’s Policy Advisor Amy Clifton says: ‘Advocacy is a ‘As a listening Government, we have heard the priority for Age Cymru and we are pleased the representations and considered the evidence Welsh Government has listened and said it has submitted by many about the important role of been persuaded to take action on advocacy in advocacy and the need for it to be available in wider circumstances than is currently the case,’ said Gwenda Thomas AM, in her statement of 12 ‘We’re very encouraged to see that the Deputy Minister has recognised that for some individuals there are times when having access to an WCVA called for an amendment for independent independent advocate who can represent them advocacy in its written response and in oral and be their voice to communicate their views evidence to the scrutiny committee. WCVA was pleased to join an open letter to the Deputy Minister, fronted by Age Cymru, and signed by ‘There is much work still to be done but this over 70 organisations, expressing concern that statement is an important step forward and it is advocacy was ‘a significant omission’ in the Bill. vital that these positive intentions are translated into reality through the legislation to ensure that Research from Age Cymru has found only one the Bill delivers real voice and control for people paid advocate per 17,000 older people in Wales, and they also cited a review into younger people’s advocacy services from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, which found that Commission on Devolution in Wales –
engagement events
The Commission on Devolution in Wales will
possible in a review of the current devolution Further information and other ways to share views They're keen to hear as broad a range of views News and information for Wales from Wales Council for Voluntary Action
Engage! Collaborative Working Conference
Liberty Stadium, Swansea, 9 July, 2013

The third sector is being encouraged more than
Speakers include Rhian Bowen-Davies, Chief Executive of Calan DVS, and winner of the Leading Wales Award in the Voluntary and Not for That’s why we’re bringing you Engage! - the Profit category. She will be sharing her story of collaborative working conference. Taking place at establishing Calan Domestic Violence Services: a Swansea’s Liberty Stadium on Tuesday, 9 July, it merger between Lliw Valley Women’s Aid and will provide an opportunity to tackle new and different ways of working and explore how the third sector can work together and with others to Also, Ian Bottrill of CaST Cymru and Derith Powell of Community Development Cymru will share their experience of forming a partnership of six organisations that successfully tendered for a Joseph Rowntree Foundation research project on collaborative working, discuss the benefits and obstacles of joint working and help you make You can read the full programme and book your informed decisions about whether and how to Charity Commission invites comments on
proposals to change the Annual Return 2014

The Charity Commission recently launched a nature of information it should collect from consultation on ten proposals that have been charities to inform its wider information strategy. made to introduce changes to the Annual Return and the content of the Register of Charities for report of his review of the Charities Act 2006. In developing these proposals to change the Annual Return and the content of the Register of All registered charities with an income of £10,000 Charities, the Commission has taken into account and above are required to submit an Annual recommendations in Lord Hodgson's report. Commission's regulatory work and keeps the charity's record on the register up to date for the Details of how you can participate in the members of the public and others who use it. consultation can be found on the Charity Last summer the Commission consulted on the Data Protection Act 1998 Contact details of all recipients of the National Supplement are held and processed by WCVA on computer. The information is used by WCVA for the monitoring and promotion of the voluntary sector in Wales. Contact details are disclosed to third parties for the purposes of assisting this promotion. Wales Council for Voluntary Action, Head Office - Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff CF10 5FH, registered charity number 218093, company limited by guarantee 425299, registered in Wales. News and information for Wales from Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Source: http://flvc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/June-2013-2.pdf

Microsoft word - catalogo 2013.doc

S EDE LEGALE E OPERATIVA LISTINO 2013 aggiornato NOVEMBRE 2013 PUBBLICAZIONI IN LINGUA ITALIANA AA.VV. Il rispetto della sofferenza e della morte nelle principali confessioni, 2002 - Esaurito AA.VV. La salute è… indicazioni pratiche per un miglior stile di vita, 2003 ALBERTON-MONTALBANO Le lesioni d’arma da fuoco nella pratica medico-legale balistica, 1985 - Esa


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