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Protection of Lithium Ion Battery (three cells in series) MM1309 Protection of Lithium Ion Batteries (three cells in series) Monolithic IC MM1309
This is a 3-cell series protection IC is for protecting a lithium ion battery from overcharging and excess
discharging. If abnormalities occur during charging and excess voltage is applied, it has a function that turns
off the external FET switch (overcharging detection). It also has a function that turns off the external FET
switch when the voltage for each battery falls below a set voltage, to prevent excess discharge when
discharging the battery (discharging detection). At that time, the IC is switched to low current consumption
These functions comprise a protection circuit, with few external parts, for lithium ion batteries. Features
8. Charge prohibit voltage (Ta=-20°C~+70°C)
10.Charge prohibit detection function operation voltage
13.Excess discharge detection hysteresis voltage
*The box represents the rank resulting from the combination of protection functions. Applications Protection of Lithium Ion Battery (three cells in series) MM1309 Pin Assignment Pin Description Function
Output FET drive pin for excess discharge control
Output FET drive pin for overcharge control
Negative connection pin for the low side battery. Also, IC GND pin.
Positive connection pin for the low side battery, and negative connection pin for the
Positive connection pin for the middle side battery, and negative connection pin for
Positive connection pin for the high side battery. Timing Chart Protection of Lithium Ion Battery (three cells in series) MM1309 Block Diagram Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Storage temperature Operating temperature Charging voltage Power supply voltage OV2 pin applied voltage Allowable power dissipation Protection of Lithium Ion Battery (three cells in series) MM1309 Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified Ta=25°C, VIN=15V, VCELL=VBATH=VBATM=VBATL) Measurement Conditions Typ. Max. Units Current consumption (VCC pin) 1 Current consumption (VCC pin) 2 Current consumption (VCC pin) 3 Current consumption (VCC pin) 4 Current consumption (BATH pin) 1 Current consumption (BATH pin) 2 Current consumption (BATH pin) 3 MM1309BF Charge prohibit voltage MM1309CF Charge prohibit release voltage Charge prohibit detection MM1309BF function operation voltage MM1309CF Charge prohibition sensing operation voltage Hysteresis voltage Excess discharging MM1309BF detection voltage MM1309CF Discharge resumption MM1309BF MM1309CF Excess discharge detection hysteresis voltage BATL pin input voltage 1 BATL pin input voltage 2 BATM pin input voltage 1 BATM pin input voltage 2 DCHG pin source voltage DCHG sink voltage DCHG output voltage L DCHG output voltage M OV pin sink current Application
Datasheets for electronic components.
CONTENTS High-Sensitivity Reagent PRINCIPLE 3. Plasma Storage Plasma samples may be stored at 18 to 26oC for up to 2 hours; at 2 The capacity of blood to form a fibrin clot by means of the to 8oC for up to 4 hours; frozen at –20oC for up to 2 months or at – extrinsic hemostatic pathway requires thromboplastin, calcium, 70oC for up to 6 months. Plasma may be re-cent
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